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Caught in the Middle

Page 19

by Kira Barker

  It was still early in the season and the water would have been cool otherwise, but the brief hike had let me work up a bit of a sweat, and if the guys went in, I couldn’t very well not follow. Kara would have stayed outside, staging herself into the best sunbathing position that still let her look fashionable and sexy, but that wasn’t my style. I was actually surprised that Simon had beaten me to the cool water because normally he was the one who avoided such things, while Jack and I raced each other, trying to outdo one another with creating the hugest splash. Simon did look rather cold and uncomfortable while he swam out into the deeper water, while Jack only let me catch up to him so he could try to dunk me under while I was throwing my entire weight into my grip on his shoulders, attempting the same.

  Then there was cold water caressing me everywhere while his body was incredibly warm and strong as it pressed against my own, and familiarity fled to let something else take over. Jack seemed just as aware of it as I was, only twisting on my grip so he was facing me, rather than pulling me under, and we stared at each other from way too close—or not close enough.

  I blinked, and the moment passed, at least for me. Jack was a little too slow to shake it off, thus giving me the perfect opportunity to dunk him under and flee before his flailing arms could catch me underwater. By the time he resurfaced, sputtering, I was halfway to Simon, and Jack didn’t catch up until I’d managed to put Simon as a somewhat insufficient buffer between us. He stopped his assault but his eyes remained narrowed as he stared at me, waiting for me to either make a move first or come out of hiding.

  “Sometimes I wonder why I bother associating with that infantile lot of you,” Simon remarked dryly, looking from one of us to the other.

  “No one’s forcing you to get in between us,” Jack pointed out.

  “Unless, of course, that’s exactly where you want to be,” I agreed, letting my smile add to my suggestive tone.

  Simon pursed his lips, then looked back to Jack.

  “I catch her, you dunk her. Deal?”

  “What, no!” I screeched, then kicked away, not waiting for the affirmative response I knew was about to come.

  I almost made it into shallow waters where my feet could have touched the bottom and helped propel me forward before strong fingers closed around my thigh and pulled me to a sudden halt. I made the mistake of not kicking hard enough to make Simon let go, and then Jack was on me, throwing himself physically onto me so that he pushed me under easily. He was about to let go when I felt more weight coming down on us, and when I made it back around him and to the surface, Simon was grinning at me while Jack was still under water.

  “Oh, you got this coming!” I shouted and threw myself at him, but unlike me he already had gained sure footing underneath, and all I accomplished by heaving myself up and trying to push him down with my hands on his shoulders was push my boobs into his face.

  Gravity pulled me back down and Simon closed his arms around my torso, both to pull me close and keep me from trying again. And then Jack was behind me, molding himself to my body, his arms circling me just above Simon’s. The water was cold enough by then to make physical contact a comfortable excuse, but the way Jack briefly kissed the soft skin below my ear was a different kind of intimate. Relaxing against his chest, I let them both hold me up so I could comfortably wrap my legs around Simon’s hips and pull him closer, smirking up at him. His hold on my sides tightened, but Jack slid his hands up, cupping my half-submerged breasts. I sighed contently when his fingers stroked over my hard nipples, and ground my hips against Simon, even though the cold water kept that maneuver from being really effective.

  “I think it’s about time we take this out of the water, before I freeze off something more vital than my toes,” Jack murmured into my ear, his hands telling a very different tale entirely.

  “You think? I’m rather comfortable here, wedged between the two of you.”

  “Yes, I really do think so,” Jack said, then abruptly moved away from me—only to push my head and shoulders under again.

  By the time I came up sputtering and snorting water, he and Simon were already halfway to the shore, and it was way too cold to linger and sulk. The upside of being last out of the water was that Jack already held my towel open for me, happy to enfold me with it and give me a weird back rub to warm me up faster. Tired from our splashing in the lake, I sat down on the remaining free spot on the spread-out remaining towels on top of the blanket, conveniently placed between the other two.

  I closed my eyes, and for a few minutes I was very happy to let the towel dry the rest of me while the sun quickly warmed my cold skin. I couldn’t even remember when I’d last spent a day lazing outdoors with not a care in the world. But with warmth and comfort obtained, other needs returned, and before long I opened my eyes and found both guys propped up on their sides, watching me. I still had my towel and arms folded around me, but the desire to just throw them to the side was very appealing.

  “How are we going to do this now?” I wanted to know, trying hard not to rub my thighs together to create the kind of friction I needed so badly all over.

  “How starved for attention are you?” Simon said, his voice in itself a caress.

  I pursed my lips and considered, and might just have let the towel slip away accidentally as I stretched. Feeling their eyes on my naked body between them felt all kinds of good.

  “You always have such a fancy way of phrasing questions like that,” I teased him.

  “Then let me rephrase that,” he offered and leaned close enough that a droplet of water fell from his hair onto my shoulder, his eyes intent on mine. “How badly do you need to be fucked?”

  Breath caught in my throat, but I forced it out with a bright smile.

  “Badly. But considering the options on the table, I wouldn’t mind waiting just a little longer. I’m feeling generous today.”

  Simon’s eyes flitted toward Jack for a moment, then returned to me.

  “As long as you get to watch and touch yourself, eh?”

  “Does that thought turn you on?” I shot back. “Watching me make myself come while he fucks you, hard and fast?”

  “I could think of worse ways to start the day,” he offered, then leaned so close and whispered so softly that I could barely make out his words. “I’m convinced that he’s sure that he wants to give this a try, but I think it would be a tremendous relief to him if you just happened to jump in should something not work out exactly to his expectations. What he avoided admitting to you in the car is the part where he still thinks there’s a chance he’s not at least curious. With the other girls, he always had the excuse of saying he doesn’t want to frighten them away or lose faith, but since you so eloquently stripped him of that option, he might feel a little intimidated flying blind now.”

  I nodded, getting what he meant, then turned away so I could grin at Jack, who seemed to wonder if he should be suspicious about our whispering, or concerned.

  “I certainly don’t mind lazing around here while you two do all the work. Do me a favor and put on a nice show for me, will you?”

  Simon snorted, and Jack looked ready to throw something at me—or lacking that, maybe pick me up and throw me into the lake—but he shrugged it off after a second.

  “Your wish is my command. At least then you can’t complain that you feel neglected.”

  “Don’t give me a reason to be bored, and I won’t complain at all.”

  It took us another ten minutes to shuffle around and get everything ready. Unlike in porn where people just happened to roll over and fuck, reality was a long shot from that. Porn actors also never got nervous, and Jack was definitely not as cool as I was used to seeing from him. Simon picked up on that, too, and while I’d half expected him to rub it in Jack’s face, instead he caught his upper arm with a strong hand and made him still from where Jack had been fidgeting with the blanket to kick away random pieces of wood from underneath. They looked at each other for a moment, Simon smiling, Jack a l
ittle wide-eyed.

  “You set the pace, and we do what you want to do. I already told you that. And if all I get to do is touch and kiss you, I’m okay with that, too. I’m not going to push you into doing anything you don’t want to.”

  I wondered if I should have felt miffed at how different Simon treated Jack and me—he got all the consideration while for me it was “do this” and “take that,” but if I was honest, I wouldn’t have wanted to start a scene in Simon’s playroom with him not taking charge and letting me second-guess anything. Besides, he’d proved that once we were done, he could be caring and gentle, provided I even wanted that. Our shared shower after our first scene seemed like something he needed just as much as I did, maybe even more. If he suddenly came on to me like that, I would have laughed in his face, not rolled over, ready to be fucked.

  But the same wasn’t true for Jack, judging from how he relaxed, then gave a somewhat shaky laugh.

  “Honestly, I think I could use a little nudge right now.”

  Simon’s smile widened as he moved closer, then reached up with his other hand to touch the side of Jack’s face.

  “Like this?”

  Instead of giving him time to reply, he closed the distance and kissed him, first just lightly pressing his lips against Jack’s, then deepening the kiss as Jack responded.

  As supportive as I’d been about the two of them getting it on, I’d still expected to feel left out, but while I definitely felt something low in my stomach knot up, it was with arousal, not envy. Watching Jack relax further, then reach up to touch Simon’s shoulders before he pulled him closer was kind of sweet, and in no way something I felt like I had to get in between.

  They started slow, but things quickly heated up when Simon stroked a hand down Jack’s ripped stomach until he drew a sharp breath from him, then wrapped a sure hand around his hardening cock. Jack didn’t hesitate to grind his hips forward, then let go of Simon’s arm in favor of reciprocating. Their kisses got more needy fast, and before long Simon broke away, directing a veritable leer at Jack.

  “I really want to suck your cock,” he said, his hand speeding up in turn where he was stroking him. “I want to wrap my lips around it and suck, then take you in as far as I can. Do you want that? Do you want to fuck my face?”

  Jack let out a low moan and nodded, then Simon gave him a gentle yet insistent push so that he sprawled back on the blanket. Grinning, Simon hunched over him and stole a last kiss, then working his way down his body in a trail of kisses and light nips. Jack shuddered as Simon reached his goal and licked slowly over the head of his cock, then took him in, one inch deeper with every time he bobbed up and down. The look on Jack’s face was pure bliss as he relaxed, then tensed when Simon must have done something that felt even better. His previously closed eyes shot open and he propped himself up on his elbows so he could watch, absent-mindedly licking his lips while one of his hands ran up and down Simon’s upper arm where he could reach it.

  I was well aware of the fact that giving head was not my strong suit, but watching Simon, I wondered if I should take notes. Without a doubt he was very effective about it and massively enjoyed himself, while he continued to idly stroke his own cock. When I looked from him to Jack, I found Jack watching me, slightly flushed but more alert than I’d expected.

  “You do look a little bored,” he ground out, his voice heavy with need.

  “Nope, that’s my slacked-jawed ‘fascinated by porn’ face, not my ‘oh would you finally get it on?’ face.”

  “You could still lend a hand—or two,” he offered, then his eyes rolled back when Simon sucked a little harder. “Shit, I don’t know how long I can do this, and I’d rather come in your ass than your mouth.”

  Neither of us seemed to have issues sorting out what was meant for whom, and Jack gave a loud hiss when Simon went even lower.

  Considering for a moment, I finally rolled onto my side, then crawled over until I was hunkered behind Simon. Not exactly the best position to get the right view, but a chance to touch still beat just remaining on the sidelines. And when I leaned close enough to stage whisper into Simon’s ear, I got a wonderful look of his lips wrapped around Jack’s cock.

  “I think he wants me to lend you a hand there,” I said, and reached from behind between Simon’s legs. At my insistence, he withdrew his hand so I could wrap mine around his cock. He thrust appreciatively into my fist, then used his now free hand to start playing with Jack’s balls.

  “Fuck!” came Jack’s exclamation, which turned into a whine when Simon switched to pumping him with his hand, and licked and sucked on his scrotum instead. Jack tensed further, which did wonderful things to the already prominent muscles in his abdomen and chest, but before long his hand clawed for Simon’s head, then nudged him back toward his cock.

  “Want something else?” Simon teased and caught one of his fingers between his lips, only to suck on it greedily.

  “I want you to… fuck!” Jack groaned, then tried again. “To suck me off!”

  Simon responded immediately, letting that finger trail from between his lips before he bent his head again, and after a teasing kiss took Jack’s cock back into his mouth, while keeping up the stroking motion with his hand. Jack shivered, then sagged down onto the blanket, his hand remaining on Simon’s head to guide him. Simon definitely liked that, judging from how his own dick jumped in my hand, but he was much less emphatic with reacting to my stimulation.

  Looking around, I found the bottle of lube I was looking for right next to Simon’s hip, but then something else occurred to me. Glancing back up at Jack, I grinned, then cleared my throat loudly until his head lolled to the side and he looked at me.

  “Do you want to prep his ass for fucking, or should I do the honors? I know you’re quite proficient with the job from my own experience, but you seem a little preoccupied right now.”

  Jack’s eyes glazed over a moment, then snapped back to focus on my face.

  “If you don’t mind?”

  “Certainly not. I’m glad to help,” I said, and withdrew from Simon to get the gloves from my first aid kit.

  When he heard me snap them on, maybe a little theatrically, Simon stopped, then let Jack’s painfully hard cock slip from between his lips to smirk at me.

  “What?” I asked. “It’s much quicker to take them off so I can finger fuck myself rather than get soap and wash them clean. Besides, some habits are hard to break.”

  “Did you hear me complain?”

  “No, but you were clearly judging me,” I accused, then reached for the lube. “And maybe you should think twice about talking back to the woman who is about to ram her fingers up your ass.”

  Instead of a verbal answer, he had the audacity of wriggling the posterior in question at me and went back to driving Jack insane with his lips and tongue.

  I was rather liberal with drizzling lube onto Simon’s anus, then added some more to my hands to make any kind of manual stimulation more enjoyable for him. Moving in closer, I gently rubbed two fingers over his anus, then started penetration with one slowly, while I reached for his cock with the other hand.

  Let it be noted that it was a lot easier to open him up than the better part of the patients I’d had the joy of subjecting to rectal exams as part of my clinic hours, and he was a lot more responsive. He also had a healthy prostate, which I couldn’t help notice as I worked a second finger in and remained there, stroking gently while drawing the most delicious sounds from him.

  Jack suddenly sat up and pushed Simon away, and for a second we both went still, confused and a little wary, but instead of bolting, Jack knelt down and moved closer until he could nudge Simon into a more upright crouching position himself. I quickly pulled away when I felt Jack’s fingers brush against mine, and he briefly flashed me a sweaty grin over Simon’s shoulder before leaning in to catch Simon’s lips with his own. Now his former reservation was only a ghost of itself, and it was deliberate teasing that made his motions slow, not hesitation.<
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  “Told you I want to come deep in your ass,” he murmured into Simon’s mouth, then started stroking him harder.

  Simon gave a low groan as he rocked back onto my fingers, then thrust forward into Jack’s hand. My, but wasn’t he a happy puppy, about to get happier soon, too.

  I could probably have kept this up longer, but being so close, watching, touching, made my own need unbearable, and with a somewhat jerky motion I moved back, then pulled the gloves off. I couldn’t quite resist slapping Simon’s ass.

  “You’re as ready as you get. Continuing now would just be greedy.”

  Instead of withdrawing completely, I simply sagged down onto the blanket and spread my legs, then started rubbing my clit without further ado. My pussy was still as smooth as the evening before, my labia already puffy with arousal and quite wet with need, and it felt incredible to finally be able to explore, appreciate, and alleviate what dearly needed doing.

  In a brief tousle, Jack grabbed Simon and flung him onto his back, making him end up right beside me. I grinned at his flushed face, his lips a deeper red from first sucking Jack off, then kissing him until they both were breathless. On impulse I rolled partly onto my side so I could crane my neck, and flicked my tongue over his bottom lip. Simon responded immediately, moving close enough to thrust his tongue into my mouth, while his hand touched down on my thigh and swept upward in a hot trail. I moaned into his mouth, then laughed when he had to pull back because Jack was gripping his legs and pushed them toward his chest. Simon rolled his eyes, then closed them with a satisfied sigh as he felt the head of Jack’s condom-covered cock push into him.

  Fascination overcame my own need, making me push myself into a half-sitting position so I could look down Simon’s body. Jack went slow, then a little faster when he realized that he wasn’t met with as much resistance as with me before. Simon gave a satisfied little grunt when Jack was fully inside him, making Jack laugh as he shifted so that he could lean forward and capture Simon’s lips in a hungry, sloppy kiss. He withdrew, then thrust forward, making them both moan low in their throats.


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