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Alien Separation

Page 53

by Gini Koch

  “I’m all for that,” 2.0 said. “So, now what?”

  “Now we all go home.” Of course, I knew it wasn’t as simple as that. No one leaves a war, even one that’s over, all that quickly. Especially when there were innocents who still needed protecting.

  “By home, do you mean Earth or Beta Eight?” 2.0 asked. “For me, I mean.”

  “Honestly, Ronnie, I’m not sure. I think discussion needs to happen. About a variety of things.”

  “I have no home,” Usha said. “Though I assume a prison will be where I reside for the foreseeable future.”

  “Perhaps,” Fancy said. “You have committed grievous crimes against my people. But you have also done much to save them.”

  “Like I said, we have a lot of discussion topics.”

  “As long as we’re discussing when we go back to Earth,” Reader said, “I’m good with that.”

  “Let’s regroup on Beta Eight,” Bettini suggested. “I would like to have Rohini involved in discussions.”

  This plan was agreed to by all. So, all the Earthers and Beta Eight natives, along with the leadership from the other planets, went on down to the spiral world.

  The first order of business was advising Earth of our whereabouts and the situation that had just happened. Who to tell was the question.

  “I’d let Vince know, and Kitty would tell her mother,” Jeff said, accurately.

  “But I’d tell Cliff.” Chuckie wasn’t on the angry side of his latest mood swing—he was on the depressed side.

  “So tell him,” Tim said. “Just do it in a way where you don’t sound like you want to kill him.”

  “What if they’ve already caught him? What if he’s on the run?” Chuckie sounded ready to cry. This was so unlike him that I could honestly say I was more worried about him than Jamie, who was in Jeff’s arms and asleep, her head on his shoulder.

  Time to solve this dilemma. “We’ll send the communication to Hacker International. Chernobog can decipher anything, and Stryker will disseminate as needed.”

  Everyone stared at me. “Good one,” Reader said finally. “I don’t know why the rest of us didn’t think of that.”

  “Um, just finished a gigantic civil war? Anyway, that’s the easy decision. The rest are going to take a little more thought.”

  “I agree,” Rohini said. “And I believe everyone should rest, relax, and eat before those discussions begin.”

  No one argued because we were all coming down from the adrenaline rush of the last day.

  Where everyone was going to bed down and such was decided quickly. While the strautruch and the Lecanora offered to let us all stay with them, everyone other than a select few actually ended up in a Shantanu Emergency City, which was something they carried with them. It wasn’t really a city, though it was big. But it provided shelter and set up quickly. It was put on the site of the now-demolished castle.

  The Matriarchs insisted that several of us needed to stay in the Purple Land. So Jeff, Jamie, Gower, and Chuckie were required. Jeff had been near death, Jamie and Gower were still showing signs of sluggishness, and no one needed convincing that Chuckie wasn’t himself. There was no way I wasn’t staying with them, and Reader and Christopher said the same. Tito insisted on coming along, too, since we were all his patients.

  The Medical Family Group was taken to Boz’s nesting city, which happened to be the one closest to the All Seeing Mountain, meaning those of us in the Purple Land were relatively close to those sleeping above the former castle, especially with hyperspeed, and vice versa.

  We were given our own large family nest. Saffron, Turkey, and Pinky weren’t katyhoppers from Boz’s clan, but they’d requested to stay with us and Boz and their Matriarch had agreed. Surprising no one, Wilbur and Ginger had insisted on being with us, too, and of course we had Bruno as well.

  So we were one big cuddled-up family. Proving how worried Jeff was about Chuckie, he’d suggested I sleep between the two of them. However, Jamie had insisted on sleeping between me and her Uncle Charles, and no one had argued, especially when the two of them curled up together, with Gower’s back up against Chuckie’s with Reader next to him. Wilbur and Ginger settled themselves between me and Jamie, too, Ginger at our heads, Wilbur snuggled from the waist down. Bruno went to Chuckie’s head and nested down. And a variety of Poofs, both our attached ones and some unattached, snuggled around them, too.

  “I feel special,” Jeff said dryly.

  “I could put you into isolation, if you’d like,” Tito said. “The Matriarchs can make something that would work similarly.”

  “I’ll shut up and go to sleep,” Jeff said with a laugh, as I snuggled into his chest.

  Christopher was next to Jeff and Tito was sleeping at everyone’s heads, with Saffron next to Christopher, Pinky at our feet, Turkey next to Reader, and more Poofs scattered in between everyone.

  As everyone fell asleep, I spoke in my mind. ACE, are you there?

  Yes, Kitty, ACE is here.

  Is it really over? Silence. Sorry. Is our battle with the Z’porrah really over? At least for now?

  Yes, Kitty. Kitty has done well.

  Will Jamie, Paul, and Chuckie recover?

  Yes. Jamie and Paul will recover faster than Chuckie, but Kitty saved Chuckie in time.

  Jamie saved him. Or was that you?

  ACE helped. Jamie would have made ACE help if ACE was unwilling.

  Is that a bad thing?

  He didn’t reply for a few moments. No. Not in this case.

  Decided now wasn’t the time to ask about other cases. How long should we stay on Beta Eight? Or, to put it another way, where will Jamie, Paul, and Chuckie recover fastest?

  On Beta Eight, though Kitty should only stay a few more days. Once things are settled Kitty and the others can go home. Jamie and Paul will be well by then.

  What about Chuckie? When will he be well?

  ACE . . . does not know.


  MY STOMACH FELL. Will he ever be himself again?

  Chuckie has been harmed. The Matriarchs are doing good things for Chuckie, and the Matriarchs will repair Chuckie’s mind.

  It’s his emotions and psyche that are really hurt, aren’t they?

  Yes. To discover that one you felt was your close friend is actually your betrayer? That is a terrible thing. And then to suffer as Chuckie did, right after? That makes all the rest worse. Chuckie will need Kitty, but Chuckie will need Jeff, and Christopher, and Paul, and all the others just as much.

  He needs to know, really know, that they’re his friends, right?

  Yes, but Chuckie needs to know more that the others will not betray Chuckie. Chuckie will know this in time, but Kitty must be patient with Chuckie. Kitty must also not let Chuckie do what Chuckie wants to do.

  Murder Cliff Goodman.

  Yes. If Chuckie does this, no matter what the reason, unless it is in self-defense or the true defense of others, Chuckie will never recover.

  But he’s killed people before. We all have. Not that I’m condoning it, but we’ve all done what we had to do at one point or another.

  Yes, but all those times Kitty and the others were killing in self-defense or in the true defense of others. Killing in cold blood, no matter the motivation, alters the killer in ways that Kitty cannot see. But ACE can see those changes, and ACE does not want those changes for Chuckie, or Kitty, or anyone else ACE watches over. Anyone else ACE loves.

  I can understand that. Thank you, again, for your part in helping us survive all of this.

  ACE felt evasive in my mind and he didn’t say anything.

  When Sandy or, more likely, the Superconsciousness Seven, or whoever else might come, tries to make anyone involved pay for it, I will fight for you. For all of you. I promise.

  Kitty keeps her promises. ACE is not afraid for ACE.
br />   I know. I know who you fear for. But we’ll cross that bridge when it falls down on us.

  Kitty will prevail. Kitty thinks right.

  Then I felt the warm, loved feeling that was ACE hugging me in my mind. Heaved a sigh, snuggled closer to Jeff, and went to sleep. Mercifully dreamless.

  The next days were busy, and though Chuckie was involved in all the discussions, he went nowhere without a katyhopper escort. Usually it was Turkey, Saffron, and Pinky, but sometimes it was Boz or another Matriarch.

  Jamie went everywhere with us, too, simply because Jeff and I weren’t going to leave her alone anywhere. Within a day she and Gower were looking normal, and Boz assured me that the drug was out of their systems with no side effects. The Power of the Purple Land apparently. Though Tito, of course, was planning many tests for the moment we got home.

  We did get to have a proper reunion with our old friends from this system. It was fun to show off Jamie, take them around the planet, and have the Beta Eight natives get to meet their solar system neighbors.

  Haven and the All Seeing Mountain were the biggest hits, but the Blue Land’s floating buildings were a draw, too. Everyone only got a cursory look at the Purple Land, but the strautruch rides through the Yellow Land were a highlight for everyone, other than those afraid of heights.

  I had to focus on diplomacy in a big way, however, because setting up the political system on Beta Eight was of high importance, and Beta Eight wanted the Gods speaking for them. And my first suggestion raised a lot of controversy.

  “I can’t believe you want to leave a clone of Ronaldo Al Dejahl in power,” Tim said for, by my count, the tenth time.

  “I want him as part of the government, not all of it. But there are at least three highly sentient races here in the katyhoppers, the strautruch, and the Lecanora, plus the ocellars, the bosthoon, the chochos, and all the other life-forms, including the snakipedes. Ronnie can actually control those, and no one else can.”

  “Why not get rid of them completely?” Reader asked. “Why leave that dangerous a predator on the world?”

  “They’re our best protection,” 2.0 said. “I can train them to protect, not kill, the other people on this planet. It’ll take some time, but not as much as it could. And they were here before we came. They’re native to this planet.”

  “We’ve been told that Zenoca created the Horrors,” Fancy said.

  “I’m sure she took credit for them. And she did make them bigger. I believe they started out as small pest control. Most of the giants are dead now anyway—they died protecting us during the Rapacian attack. As far as I can tell, there are only babies alive right now, and I can train them and their offspring. But they were here first.”

  He had a point, and we’d spent some time determining that I’d destroyed the only cloning facility on the planet. And maybe 2.0 really could make a monster into a useful part of the ecosystem. Precedent had certainly been set, with him as Example A. 2.0 and The Clarence Clone both gave me hope that if we could possibly find Earth clones before they were completely twisted, maybe we could redeem them as well.

  “Then they belong here,” Rohini said. Rohini was definitely the deciding voice for all of the system, though he was careful to let it appear that Alexander’s word was law. “If Ronaldo will train them and control them, we agree that they should not be exterminated. And before anyone complains, please remember that the Cleophese are frightening beings capable of much mass destruction, too. But they evolved on our world before we did. It is their world, too.”

  Alexander nodded. “We agree.” He was working well with Rohini, probably because he’d spent a lot of years working with Councilor Leonidas.

  “Great, then we move on. I think we keep Ronnie as part of the government because, frankly, while he wasn’t the greatest king, the Lecanora know who he is, and calm transition would be nice. Add on a katyhopper representative, a Strautruch representative, and a Lecanora from the white, green, black, and blue sections of the world, and you have seven representatives with equal voice, meaning there can never be a tie in terms of voting.”

  “Who chooses them?” Jeff asked.

  Everyone looked at me. “Fine. I was going to push my agenda anyway.” This earned a laugh from the humans and 2.0 and polite looks of confusion from everyone else. Forged on. “In addition to Ronnie, Fancy Corzine should represent Iceland, Zanell will represent the Black Land, and King Benny will represent the Blue and Bronze Lands.”

  King Benny raised his paw. “Shealla, I feel that my appointment will be argued. Plus, why are you giving me two parts of the world to represent?”

  “Don’t care about the arguments or arguers. You’ve proved your leadership ability constantly since we’ve met. They haven’t. You’re representing your land of birth and the land you led your people through. You’re the Lecanora who will think of the disenfranchised first, and therefore you are vital to the world government.”

  “I agree,” Fancy said strongly. “I will not accept my position if Musgraff does not accept his. I will only lead if he leads also.”

  This earned a shocked and very pleased look from King Benny, some applause from the group, and King Benny a really dirty, jealous look from Zanell. Noted 2.0 noting it, and he nodded at me and winked. Okay, he’d keep an eye on that potential love triangle.

  “The strautruch can and should elect their own representative. The Matriarchs should as well, or, if they prefer to have a rotation in and out of the position, that’s up to them.”

  Antennae waves indicated the katyhoppers were good with this and would be doing the rotation plan. The strautruch were also pleased and shared that they’d choose their representative shortly.

  “And the last Lecanora slot should be chosen via random lottery out of those who live in Greenland.” This earned me a variety of raised eyebrows and shocked looks. “Random means the winner may or may not want the position. We come from a world where political power is far too coveted. I’d suggest making all the Lecanora slots random within the sections of the world, as leaders pass on or wish to retire.”

  “What Shealla says we will do,” King Benny said. The others nodded and, after a little more discussion, my plan was agreed to. Go me.

  Rohini and his people were going to leave the Emergency City in place. The populace could build a new seat of government wherever they chose, but this way they had a building to house refugees and the government at the same time. I really liked that juxtaposition.

  “What of the Rapacians?” Lakin asked. “What will become of my people?”

  “You’ll be sent home, and Alpha Four will install some of the Royal Guard on your planet,” Alexander said. “As we will do with Alpha Five and Alpha Six.”

  “As you wish,” Misorek said.

  I’d finally learned their names. Misorek was the dude from Alpha Six and Haliya the chick from Alpha Five. They were both ordinary looking to me, which, so far as my limited experience showed, was typical for both planets. They accepted Alexander’s decision without question or argument. I’d already told Rohini that I didn’t trust them, and I’d passed along the same to 2.0 and the Matriarchs.

  “What will happen with me?” Usha asked.

  “You will come back to Beta Twelve with me and my daughters,” Renata said. “We are best equipped to deal with you if you try to go to the bad. You will be imprisoned, but not as harshly as we might want—the Lecanora have pleaded on your behalf and mercy will be granted.”

  Usha looked shocked. “Thank you,” she said to the Lecanora with us. “I realize this will feel hollow to you, but I actually enjoyed living amongst you. Perhaps, one day, I can return and live here again.”

  “Perhaps,” Fancy said. “Time will tell.”

  Rahmi and Rhee, however looked unhappy. And also like they weren’t going to argue even though they wanted to. Rahmi, in particular, looked ready to cry. She
was also looking at Tito. A lot. And he was doing his best not to look at her, but he looked more than a little down.

  Put two and two together. Hero worship and mutual respect had apparently worked their romantic magic. “Ah, Renata? Not to create familial disharmony or make you think your daughters haven’t missed you, because they have, but I’d like to see if they want to remain on Earth.”

  Renata looked confused, then she took a good look at the princesses. “Ah,” she said sadly. “And this is the true loss the war has given me. My daughters love another planet more than their own.”

  Cleared my throat. “Maybe not the planet, so much as, ah, people on the planet.”

  Tito heaved a sigh, stood up, and squared his shoulders. “I’d really wanted to do this more privately, but Queen Renata, while I’m not royalty, I do love one of your daughters with all my heart. I would like to ask your permission to see if Princess Rahmi would have me as her husband. Which I also realize is somewhat shocking for your culture.”

  Renata might have been surprised, but she hid it well. She looked sharply at Rahmi, who was trying not to look pleadingly at her mother and failing utterly.

  “I view marriage as a partnership,” Tito went on. “Not with one subservient to the other. And I believe Rahmi feels the same, even if it is marriage to a man, not a woman.”

  “Since when?” Christopher whispered to me.

  “For a while,” Abigail, who was next to him, whispered back. “He’s been working with me, Rahmi, and Rhee on fighting and fighting styles since Sis died. Those two hide it well, but they’ve been a thing for quite a while. And I totally approve.”

  Renata nodded. “I have never demanded that my children blindly follow. I raised them to think for themselves. If Rahmi wishes it, you have my permission.”

  “I do!” Rahmi jumped up and ran to Tito at hyperspeed. They hugged, then did a family hug with Renata, and Rhee joined in.

  “She’s taller than him by a lot,” Jeff pointed out.

  “And he’s definitely someone who’s secure enough in his manhood to handle it. Wow, that’s your objection?”


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