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Zeke's Rule

Page 4

by Jenika Snow

  “What? Gerald has a lot of friends. He’ll kill me. Please, put me to work.”

  “No.” He released her chin and sat back behind his desk. “My word is final; and no matter how many friends Gerald has, I have a lot more.”

  She watched as he typed something on his computer, and the printer off to the far right spilled out a piece of paper. Zeke took the paper, read through it, and folded it up before sliding it inside his jacket.

  “Come on, it’s time for us to go.”

  “Please,” she said, trying one final time to get him to listen. She’d never heard of Zeke before, but she’d felt Gerald’s wrath. He was a mean bastard if he wasn’t obeyed. She’d seen what he did to another woman who’d tried to get away. Alessandria had been forced to watch as he made all of his men use her. The woman had been held down as each man took turns with her. It didn’t matter that she screamed for help. The woman hadn’t lasted the night; after the final man took his pleasure for the third time, Gerald had walked up and slit her throat.

  “Disobey me and I’ll make sure your death is a hundred times worse.”

  Zeke took her arm and led her out of the club. Alessandria stayed quiet as men passed him. The respect each man had for him shocked her. Gerald didn’t have respect but fear. He was known for being unstable.

  But despite knowing that, fearing that, she was going to find a way out, a way to escape.

  The man holding her had respect as well as fear, and it showed. He was powerful. She didn’t want to hope that he’d save her, that her future would be saved because of him. Alessandria had hoped and prayed before, to no avail.

  He led her out of the back of the club and placed her in the back of a car.

  “Aren’t you going to cover my face?” she asked when the car started to move.

  “No, I don’t need to hide you. You’re not going to run from me because deep down, you know I’ll protect you.” Zeke sat staring at her. Alessandria couldn’t help but fidget. She wasn’t used to being under such scrutiny before.

  Biting her lip, she looked out of the window and couldn’t help the loneliness that filled her heart. She was a long way from home, and she doubted she’d ever make it back there. Part of her didn’t want to. It only held bad memories. But she’d leave, escape, and she’d find her own way, her own life.

  Chapter Five

  IN ALL HONESTY, Zeke didn’t know what the fuck he was doing, or why he was doing it. He just remembered picturing Alessandria on that exam table, her tears making tracks down her cheeks; the need to protect her at all costs waging war inside of him.

  So here he was, taking her back to his place, knowing she’d be safer there than anywhere else, but not knowing what it was about this woman that made him need her like this. He’d never felt protective over a female except Daniella. But Dani was his daughter, his life, and this sad, broken woman wasn’t anything to him.

  But a part of you wants her, wants her for yourself, so you can claim her, protect her, and fuck up any and everyone that hurt her.

  Yes, that was all true, and it confused the hell out of him.

  They were close to his place, and he looked over at her, not sure if he liked having this unknown woman on his mind like this, consuming him, making him feel like he was off balance.

  She sat with her hands in her lap, as close to the back door as she could get, and stared out the window. In the glass, he saw her reflection, could see that she had this for lonely look on her face, and a part of him, one he didn’t even know existed¸ just wanted to pull her on his lap and hold her. He wanted to shield her from this shit the world had thrown at her, wanted to help her understand that life didn’t have to knock a person down until they didn’t think they’d ever get back up.

  She’d been sent to gather information on him, sent by some lowlife pimp to infiltrate the running of his businesses, and if he hadn’t felt this intensity for her, this need to protect her, he would have killed her on principal alone. He’d been able to look in her eye and see that what she wanted was not the hand dealt to her. And that’s why he’d taken her out of the club and was going to his place.

  When they pulled up to the gates that barred entrance into his driveway, the driver punched in the code, the wrought iron gates opened, and they ascended the long narrow strip of road. He continued to watch her, saw through the reflection that her eyes widened and her mouth parted slightly. Yes, his home was something he was very proud of, something he’d worked for, killed for, and made sure was like a fortress. He’d feel safe with her here, locked behind the gates, with the cameras making sure no one would come in and try and hurt her.

  He knew that Gerald would find out that his plan to gain information had failed, and when he did, Zeke had no delusions that the motherfucker wouldn’t come after her. Gerald would make Alessandria pay, because he’d want to use her perceived failure to set an example to the other girls he pimped.

  Zeke had known men like Gerald his whole life. Hell, before Zeke got to where he was right now, he been a lowdown and dirty pimp, a small-time criminal. He knew the tricks, knew the fact a man like Gerald would do anything and everything to make it to the top. Whether he was alone in trying to bring Zeke down remained to be seen. But Zeke would find out all the information he needed sooner rather than later. In fact, he had his men working on that right now.

  He could have just sent someone out and killed Gerald, put a bullet right between the eyes, but the sick and twisted part of Zeke wanted to kill the fucker himself, wanted to stalk him, let him know it was coming, and have him in fear right up until the end. And when the end did come, because it would eventfully, Zeke would make Gerald’s death slow and painful. Zeke would get off on the fact he was ending Gerald’s life, making the man see that when he’d hurt Alessandria, he signed his own death warrant.

  Just thinking about taking down the man that hurt Alessandria sent this wave of pleasure through Zeke. Whatever it was that had him so enthralled by this woman made him even more dangerous than ever before. He couldn’t let her go. He had to find out why he wanted her like this, and that’s why he’d get to know everything there was about Alessandria, and show her that despite the devil he housed inside of him, he wouldn’t hurt her.

  ALESSANDRIA KNEW SHE should have been more frightened than she was. There was no doubt she had fear inside her, growing, but then retreating, over and over again. But what she also felt was this warmth, a feeling of heat she hadn’t felt in far too long, and she didn’t know if she liked it.

  Zeke knew what Gerald had planned and why he’d sent her, although everything that happened up until this part had been pure hell. She’d been beaten, touched forcefully by those men that had taken her to Zeke, and had been threatened countless times.

  But she’d thought it would be worse coming to Zeke’s, when she thought that escaping wouldn’t happen. She’d always kept her hopes up, made sure that although her body was broken, her spirit was still intact.

  Maybe some would say she was weak, already broken in body and soul. However, despite her fear of death, she hadn’t tried leaving again—because she had to be smart. She couldn’t be foolish, didn’t want to be beaten again, so she’d had to survive and stay. Stupid as it may be, Alessandria had stayed because leaving when the time wasn’t right would only end up in her premature death.

  But are the rapes and beatings worth it? Wouldn’t death be a blessing? That little voice in her head said again. It was a constant reminder that maybe death would be better. She certainly wouldn’t have to deal with fearing being beaten or raped. No matter how strong she thought she was, the truth was she wasn’t as strong as the men that overpowered her.

  They stepped into the home that Zeke had said was his. The grounds around the house had been pristine, like something she’d see in a movie. She had no clue why she was really here, because even if Zeke said she’d be safe here, she had to wonder what she’d have to give him for that safety.

  They walked into the foyer, and she star
ed at the modern, but very expensive looking décor. Stairs were across from her, ones that even had dark red carpet covering the wood. This house made her feel uncomfortable. It was cold, as if no one lived here and it was just for show.

  Zeke turned and faced her, and she held her breath as she stared at him. He was so much bigger, taller and more muscular, than the men she’d been around. His size wasn’t what scared her the most, but the aura that surrounded him, the fact he was cold, and she knew unforgiving.

  “Welcome to your new home.”

  The way he said it was final, and she knew that although this might be a blessing in disguise, it also might be a new form of hell.

  Chapter Six

  “NONE OF MY men will touch you, and providing you don’t try to leave, you’ll be safe,” Zeke said, walking toward his office. She followed him, and he didn’t doubt for a second that he’d surprised her. This is what made him the top man in their world. He wasn’t predictable. Zeke would be laughing and joking around, and in the next second, be knifing a man to death. It’s who he was and why no one tried to fuck with him…not if they were smart.

  Thinking about his life for a moment, because he couldn’t keep that shit down, he imagined Dani and the life she had now. At first, the only reason Shakes, the former Soldiers of Wrath MC member, and now Dani’s husband, lived was because of Dani and her love for him. If his daughter hadn’t cared about the man, Shakes would be dead, and his daughter would be living with Zeke to ensure her safety.

  Closing his eyes for a second, he wasn’t going to think about the shit going on with his daughter. She was happy with Shakes, he treated her well, and that’s what mattered. He’d also promised Dani that he would try to see Shakes in a different light. It was hard given the past they had and how Shakes had essentially kidnapped Dani from Zeke, but he was trying. Zeke wasn’t a man that forgot about shit, and he did hold a grudge, but Shakes was family now, and he was seeing the other man in a new light, a light that wasn’t about wanting to kill him.

  “Why don’t you just kill me?” Alessandria asked.

  He spun to face her, expecting to see a crying, bleating woman. What he saw was a woman who had accepted her fate. She was ready to die.

  “I’m not going to kill you.”


  “You didn’t come to me willingly. You’re a victim, and you’re not going to give Gerald any information about my club, or my businesses. Not even because he threatened you and your life is at stake.”

  Her lip trembled. It was the only sign he got that his words affected her.

  Zeke reached out, and he watched her tense. All he did was tuck some of her hair behind her ear. He’d done it many times to Dani, but the feelings stirring inside him were not that of a father. He wanted Alessandria. She was a beauty, no doubt about it.

  “I don’t want to be hurt.”

  “You’ve been hurting a long time,” Zeke said in a hard tone.

  “I’ve had sex with men I find repulsive.” She paused, and her gaze landed at her feet. “I’m not a woman anymore. I’m not the woman I ever wanted to be. I’m a whore, a dirty filthy whore.”

  He pushed her against the wall near his office, trying to be gentle, and placed his palm across her mouth, silencing her. Her eyes grew wide, but she didn’t fight him. There was fire in this woman and a brokenness about her. The combination contradicted each other, and yet it made perfect sense to him in a strange kind of way.

  “Don’t call yourself that.” He released her mouth, and she started to speak, but he stopped her by speaking himself. “I’m giving you the chance to be a woman you always wanted to be. Who did you used to be?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Silence passed between them. It was long, tense, but it was real.

  “Let’s go into my office, take a seat, and talk. Once we’ve talked, we’re going to go into the kitchen and eat.”

  “Why are you being nice to me?”

  He tilted his head to the side and stared at her for a second, thinking about her question. “I don’t know,” he answered honestly. “You’re a beautiful woman, Alessandria.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  “You are, but that’s not why I brought you here.”

  “Then why.” Her voice shook harder.

  “Why are you afraid of me? Have I done anything to make you feel that way?”

  She shook her head. “You’re scary, and you’re powerful.” A moment passed before she spoke again. “Why would you want anything to do with me? Beautiful women will gravitate toward you because of what you offer them.”

  “I don’t know if I should be insulted or not.”

  “I’m not insulting you; I’m only speaking the truth.” She shrugged, and he didn’t like it.

  “You can speak the truth here with me. But don’t talk honestly in front of my men.”


  “I don’t like being questioned. If my men believe there’s room for negotiations, they will take advantage. I’m not about to give them the chance to take advantage. They know their place with me.”

  She nodded.

  He entered his office and pointed for Alessandria to take a seat while he moved to his desk. Removing his cell phone from his pocket, he saw there was a message from Dani.

  Are you coming for dinner tomorrow?

  Smiling, he typed back a quick response that he would. Glancing up at Alessandria, he saw her watching him stoically. He placed his cell phone into the inside pocket of his suit jacket.

  Taking out the gun tucked in the waistband at the small of his back, he laid it on the desk. Alessandria tensed up.

  “We will have your test results back in a couple of days,” he said.


  “Do you know if you’re clean or not?”

  She shook her head. “Condoms were not exactly his concern. Making sure the men got off was.” She shrugged.

  Zeke stood and walked over to her, taking a seat in front of her. She wiped away a tear, and he reached out, tilting her head back with a finger under her chin. Every time he touched her, she tensed.

  “I’m not going to hurt you.”

  “I’m sure you’ve got a history of hurting and killing people.”

  “You didn’t even know who I was. Gerald didn’t exactly give you a portfolio of all my misdeeds.”

  “Misdeeds? You’re one of the deadliest men; everyone fears you. I’ve heard enough while I was with your women at your club and from…him.”

  “It’s just talk.”

  “You’re telling me you’ve not killed people besides the two I’ve seen?”

  He liked that she seemed calmer right now, that she was open to asking him questions. Any other person knew not to open their mouths, but she was amusing him with this. “I’ve killed a lot of people.”

  “Did you enjoy it?” she asked in a soft voice.

  Zeke stared at her, and wondered why she was pushing the question. “Do you want me to kill you?”

  ALESSANDRIA HAD NEVER considered herself suicidal before, but staring at the gun laying on his desk, she wondered how easy it would be. She hated her life and didn’t even look forward to tomorrow. And she was asking this man questions that probably put other people in the ground. But for how frightening he was, she actually believed he wouldn’t hurt her, even if he did scare her. How long had it been since she’d last looked forward to waking up in a morning? She couldn’t remember; it had been so long.

  She licked her dry lips and then looked back at Zeke.

  “Do you like it?” she asked again.

  He leaned back in his chair, staring at her. Zeke looked amused by her question while Alessandria was just curious.

  “It’s a necessity to get to the top.”

  “Do you enjoy it?”

  “Yes and no.”


  He sighed but answered her. “Yes, because it gets the job done, and I’m not in the mood for dealing with traitorous assholes. Men and wom
en who fuck with me are given a choice. They can be loyal to me, and get all the benefits of that loyalty, or they can betray me and suffer.”

  “Then why don’t you like it?” she asked.

  “Hearing a woman begging for her life is not exactly pleasant.”

  “You kill women?”

  “I have no choice. The moment I start letting women off easily because they are considered weaker, my enemies will believe I’ve gone soft. There’s no room for softness in this world.”

  She understood that. “Gerald wanted me to find a weakness in you, but why he thought I could do anything but lay on my back is a mystery to me.”

  “You’ll not talk about yourself like that anymore, understand.”

  She swallowed and stared at him, but nodded. “Okay.” For so long, she’d felt like nothing, just a piece of meat. Gerald made her feel like that. “He wants something he can exploit and use to bring you down.”

  “You’re picking sides?”

  “Gerald, he took what he wanted, used me, and now he’s using me as his mole.” She smiled even though it didn’t reach her eyes, and it wasn’t genuine. She didn’t even feel the smile. “He was using me, and sending me off to slaughter. He knew I’d be killed if I was caught, yet I’m here anyway. What’s the point? I’m screwed either way.”

  She was done fighting.

  What was the point? The man she thought she loved had used and abused her. She’d become another statistic in this world where she’d become a slave to a pimp, giving over the control. There had been a time when it first started happening when she believed she’d get out of it. That was the lie, the fantasy. There was no out for women like her.

  Her life had gone from bad to worse in a matter of weeks and months.

  “Do you want to die?”

  “I don’t want to live this life anymore,” she whispered the words, but she knew he heard her.

  “You’ve given up?”


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