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Alpha Defenders_Fury

Page 5

by Lyzie Carlisle

  “We can try,” Trav agreed. “Are you ready to be tough with her about this if she won’t agree with us?”

  “Yeah, I am. Her safety and her life are more important to me than whether she agrees with us or not. We may even need to cool things down in our relationship to keep her safe if she doesn’t agree with us on this. Hopefully, C.P.O. can find another job for her to work on that’s not so dangerous. Meanwhile, we’ll take care of this one, which we’ve already started.”

  “It’s going to be really hard to cool things with Jen. We may need to distance ourselves from her to do that, and I know that would be difficult to handle. Here she comes,” Trav said softly.

  Roger turned toward her and gestured to the lounger between him and Trav. “Come and join us.”

  “I’d love to,” she said, smiling at them.

  “We’ve been talking over what’s been going on with this case,” Roger began. “We’re worried that it’s become more dangerous than we’re comfortable with.” Her gaze turned serious and never left his. “Trav and I don’t want you hurt. We’re afraid you could be injured by these nasty gang members in our attempts to find their leader and have him arrested.”

  She frowned at him as if she didn’t understand him. “But we’ve worked together on other cases, even dangerous ones, and I haven’t been hurt.”

  “Not like this one,” Roger said softly. “We’re up against a gang that’s ruthless about going after people that their leader, Wra, wants out of his way.”

  She shook her head as if in disbelief at what he was saying. “I can hold my own now just like I have before.”

  Trav cleared his throat, and she looked at him. “Don’t you believe either that I can handle this job?”

  “I feel the same as Roger, hon. I’m worried that you could be hurt. I couldn’t bear it if you were injured on this job. I’d feel better if you worked on a less dangerous case for C.P.O. while we finish this one. These guys are killers hired to protect Wra. They’ll do whatever they think they have to in order to get rid of us so Wra is happy with them. They’re strong and vicious.”

  “You don’t seem to have any confidence in my ability to do my job.” She looked from Trav to Roger. “I’ve gone through the training camp that C.P.O. required of us. I know how to protect myself. I didn’t take on this job without expecting to see it through.”

  “We do have confidence in your ability. But this case is more dangerous than others we’ve worked on. I think it’s best.” Roger said it as professionally as he could, but he feared his tone sounded cold and distant.

  “I’m an intelligent agent. I can make instant judgements about how to protect and defend not only myself but also you and Trav.” She glanced from Roger to Trav, determination in her eyes. “I can handle this case.”

  “We’re concerned about your safety.” Roger tried to sound reasonable. “We’re worried we won’t be able to protect you. We’ll feel better if we handle this case with just the two of us.”

  Maybe it would be better if he and Trav did distance themselves from Jen while they finished this case. But he wasn’t sure how to do that without hurting her more. “You’d better take the keys to the four-wheel drive vehicle so you’ll have transportation if we’re out on this job somewhere.”

  Without looking at him she took the keys as he handed them to her. “I don’t intend to sit idle while you’re working on this case. I’m going to call C.P.O. and ask them if there’s something else I can do since you don’t want me working with you.”

  “We’re planning to go out and see what more we can discover about the location of this evil maniac,” Roger said.

  “We’ll check in with C.P.O., as well, and tell them what happened yesterday before we head out,” Trav said as she met his serious gaze.

  “I’ll see you later today, then.” She stood and walked back inside the house.

  Roger met Trav’s discouraged gaze. “It’s for the best. Hopefully, when this case is over, we can make it up to her and still be close friends.”

  “I hope so,” Trav said. “She sounded so dejected. I don’t like that.”

  “I’m going to call headquarters right now,” Roger said as he pulled his cell from his pocket. “I’ll let them know what’s happened with Wra’s gang and that we’ve decided to work by ourselves without Jen on this case because of the increased threat of danger.”

  Chapter Five

  Jen hurried inside the house, determined to keep control of her emotions. She planned to call C.P.O. headquarters and let them know she had time to work on something else in this part of Texas while she waited for the job she’d been working on to be finished. Depending on what headquarters wanted her to do next, she planned to continue working on finding and bringing in that bastard who had his gang threaten their lives yesterday. She wasn’t going to tell the head office that, however. The problem was that she couldn’t stand by and let anyone get away with threatening Trav and Roger.

  She hoped what Roger and Trav had said about not wanting her to work with them on this job was the truth and that they weren’t trying to get her out of their lives. She couldn’t help remembering her previous boyfriend in college. She had loved him, and he had coldly rejected her and left her.

  Was it happening again with Roger and Trav? She had come to care about them so much. Now, suddenly, for whatever reason, Roger and Trav wanted to cool their relationship with her and step back. That was all she could figure out. She felt all the emotion of the breakup with her college boyfriend as if it were surrounding and smothering her again.

  After her failure with the college love affair and her boyfriend left her for another woman, she hadn’t accepted or believed she could have a successful forever love and relationship. She didn’t believe her sex play with Roger and Trav had reached the point where they were in love with each other even if they did make her burn with need and hot pleasure. Just thinking about the sex they’d shared recently aroused her.

  Could she have any kind of successful relationship with them whether she worked with them on this case or not? In their line of work, she suspected that a forever love would not ever be something they could have, even though they cared about each other.

  Maybe not, but Trav and Roger were too important to her, if only as friends, for her to let them work this case without her helping as much as possible, even if they didn’t know she was helping. They meant too much to her, and they had become closer.

  It was not going to be easy, living with them in the same house and not able to go with them on the job or help them when she could. She’d have to keep track of what they planned to do every day or night to catch Wra and bring him to justice.

  She picked up the keys to the off-road vehicle and headed to the garage. She’d find a private place in town to call headquarters. Afterward she’d plan her strategy for helping Trav and Roger bring down Wra.

  * * * *

  Trav waited impatiently for Roger to finish his call to C.P.O. about working without Jen on this case. He felt miserable, worried that Jen would never come back. She’d left the house so soon after Roger had told her they were worried about having her on this case. Why hadn’t they thought about exactly that reaction on her part? They didn’t have time to ask her where she was going before she left. Where in hell had she gone? Would she be safe out there by herself? Or would Wra be watching and take her prisoner? Trav didn’t want to think about what could happen to her if that beast caught her alone.

  He agreed with Roger that neither of them wanted Jen to take chances or be involved in the more dangerous aspects of their work. Now he feared not having her work with them wasn’t the answer to keeping her safe, but instead made her more vulnerable. He needed to tell Roger they should keep her on the job with them. At least then they’d know where she was and could hopefully keep her safe.

  Trav paced the living room, waiting for Roger to join him so they could leave the house. Hopefully he could convince Roger that they needed to go find Jen and bring
her back. If he couldn’t convince Roger, he’d go out by himself and bring her home. They needed to find her now.

  “I’ve finished talking with headquarters,” Roger said to him as he entered the room. “Let’s head out. We need to keep on Wra’s tail and find him if we’re going to put him away.”

  “Wait, Roger. I’m having second thoughts about the wisdom of turning Jen away from this job. I’m afraid she’s in more danger on her own. I’m worried she’ll go after Wra by herself after what’s been going on lately with his gang attacking us.”

  Roger stopped and met Trav’s gaze. “I understand how you feel, and I can imagine what Jen could do. But I still think this job is too dangerous for her to be working on it.”

  “I’m worried she’ll take this personally, and she’ll take chances she shouldn’t,” Trav added. “I’ve grown to care for her so much. I don’t want to alienate her or lose her. I’m afraid she’ll leave us. I don’t think I could handle that. What if she won’t have anything else to do with us?”

  “It’s not just the physical danger we’ve been in lately from Wra’s gang that I’m concerned about,” Roger said. “I think we also need to cool things down so it doesn’t look like we’re a serious threesome living together. I’m worried that Wra will discover how important we are to each other and use it against us to protect himself and control us.”

  “I can’t agree.” Trav was not about to chase Jen away from their relationship. “If you think it’s too dangerous for her to work with us in cracking this case, I’ll go along with that. But I won’t agree to discouraging her from living with us. We’ll protect her no matter what happens, but she stays with us, that is if she wants to. But without her, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to keep my mind focused on this job. Without her, there’s not much left in our lives. I don’t think I’d ever find anyone like her again.”

  “I feel the same,” Roger said. He sighed, obviously agitated with the situation. “I agree that we shouldn’t chase her away. We’ll be able to protect her better if she’s living with us. But if we can keep her from going out on the job with us I think it would be best for her safety.”

  “We can give that a try,” Trav said. “But if it doesn’t work, then I think we should have her on the case with us like usual. We need to make it clear to her that we’re looking forward to seeing her at home. I’ll give her a call right now.”

  Trav punched in the number of her cell. She didn’t answer. “She’s not answering.”

  “Shit,” Roger swore. “Try again in a little while. Let’s head out to the red rock area and see if we can pick up any leads to Wra’s hideout.”

  Chapter Six

  Jen drove toward the red rock area. Her call to C.P.O. had been a success. They’d agreed with her that she had a great idea for helping with the case when she’d told them she could be an observer for anything suspicious happening in the area. When she saw any activity that looked questionable, or something that could be helpful to their case, she was to contact Trav or Roger and let them know about it.

  She pulled off the main road and drove toward a grove of trees. She didn’t see anyone else in the area. She slowly drove under the branches that hung down and gave enough shade for her to be hidden from sight. She turned off the motor and settled in to wait and watch.

  It wasn’t long before a truck she didn’t recognize drove into the area. It headed past her hiding place on a road that she thought would take the occupants around the north side of the red rock promontory. The sound of the truck’s motor grew softer as they drove around the end of the rocky hill. After a while, she couldn’t hear it. What were they doing there and what had brought them to this area in the first place? She picked up her cell and called Roger and Trav.

  “What’s up?” Trav asked as he answered.

  “I’m in my vehicle hidden under some low tree limbs near the red rock hill. I just saw an unknown truck drive past here and head around the north end of the hill. Thought you should know.”

  “We’re on our way and almost there,” Trav said. “Stay hidden in your vehicle. We’ll look for you.”

  “Okay.” She waited and watched. Soon another vehicle turned off the highway. She recognized the truck as belonging to Roger and Trav. Roger was driving, and Trav sat in the passenger side. They drove over to the hot springs area and parked. She couldn’t see them clearly with the cottonwoods hiding them. She heard the truck’s doors open and close.

  As much as she would love to join them, she stayed where she was. Her job was to watch and gather information. She waited and listened for any sounds of vehicles or people talking. It was quiet except for some birds and squirrels scurrying around the trees.

  With Roger and Trav close by, she felt safe. If she needed them for any reason, she knew they’d come running.

  After a long while, the truck that had headed around the far side of rocky hill came back and headed for the highway. It slowed when the driver neared the hot springs area, but it didn’t stop and instead drove onto the highway headed west. She lost sight of it where the road was blocked from her sight by the hill.

  It must be lunchtime. She was hungry. She decided to wait a little longer and see if Roger and Trav would contact her. If they didn’t, in a little while she’d call them again. Maybe they could all drive into town for lunch. She should tell them what headquarters had okayed for her to do on this case.

  Alone, sitting and watching and waiting for people to drive into the area was not an easy job. She was hungry and needed some activity.

  At last, her cell rang. It was Trav. “Hi, what’s up?”

  “Nothing much that we could see,” Trav said. “Was the truck that just left on the highway the one you saw?”

  “Yes, that’s the one.”

  “How about we all go to lunch?” Trav asked her.

  “Sounds perfect,” she said. “I’ll follow you.”

  “Okay,” Trav said. “Let’s stop by the house first.”

  Just then she heard their truck’s engine start up. She watched the area of the hot springs and saw Roger drive from there toward the highway, Trav with him. They drove onto the highway and headed in the direction of the house where they were staying.

  She turned on the ignition of their off-road vehicle and headed onto the highway in the same direction they’d taken. She could see their truck ahead of her and drove a little faster so she wouldn’t lose them. They passed through the small town. She continued to follow them. Finally, they turned off the highway toward the house where they’d all been staying. She followed them into the driveway and parked next to them. Hurrying to join them, she locked her vehicle and called out to them as they walked toward her.

  “Hey,” Roger greeted her, smiling at her.

  She smiled at both of them and put her arm around Trav’s waist as he moved close to her side and put his arm around her. “Let’s go inside and cool off,” he suggested. “Glad to see you.” He grinned at her and gave her a quick kiss.

  “What have you been up to?” Roger asked her as he unlocked and opened the door for them to go inside.

  “Well, I called C.P.O. and then I drove out to the red rock area and parked under a tree in the shade to watch what was going on.”

  “See anything interesting?” Roger asked her.

  “Not much,” she said. “There was the truck with a couple of guys that drove around the back part of the hill. And then I saw you guys.”

  “How about we go to lunch at the Heat Springs Bar and Dance Hall,” Trav suggested. “They serve up some great food.”

  “Sounds perfect.” She grinned at him.

  After they freshened up, they headed into Heat Springs, across the town by way of the highway and into the parking area of the Heat Springs Bar and Dance Hall. The owners, Austin Blue and Rex Brandon, were great guys, and their lady, Cheryl McQueen, was terrific.

  She thought of how fast Austin and Rex, members of the Alpha Protectors, had helped with some trouble the other agents of C.P
.O. had run into with Wra and his gang. “Are you going to talk to Austin and Rex about Wra’s possible hideout?” Whatever Roger and Trav had in mind, she wanted to know about it and hopefully they’d buy her lunch.

  “If we can, we’ll mention it to them.” Trav held out his arm to her, and they escorted her inside.

  “Hey!” Cheryl greeted them as she crossed to them from behind the cash register.

  “Hi,” Jen said. “How are you?”

  “Great, how about you?” Cheryl asked, looking to each of them.

  “Fine,” Jen said.

  “We’re looking forward to a delicious lunch,” Roger said and grinned at Cheryl.

  She looked at Jen and Trav and gave them a big smile. “I’m sure we can deliver that. Where would you like to sit?”

  “Over there on the side of the room would be great,” Roger said.

  Jen knew he was hoping for some privacy to talk with Austin and Rex.

  “Follow me,” Cheryl said and led them across the big room to a nice table in the corner near the front. “How’s this?” She looked at Roger for his approval.

  “Perfect,” he said. “Do Austin or Rex have time to talk?”

  “Sure. I’ll go tell them, and I’ll be back to take your orders,” she said.

  “Thanks,” Jen told her. She watched as Cheryl crossed the room and spoke to Austin behind the bar. He waved at them and headed their way after signaling one of the young men delivering drinks to patrons.

  “Hey,” Austin said as he joined them at their table. “What are you all up to these days?

  “We’ve been working on this C.P.O. job, trying to find Wra and take him in,” Roger told him quietly. Austin nodded in understanding, and Roger continued. “We believe he has a new hideout, but we haven’t located it yet. Do you have any ideas about where he might be now?”


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