Satan's Gambit
Page 24
The class was silent for a moment, watching Jude and looking back at Pete.
“Yes, Tom.” I said, recognizing his raised hand.
“What was the name of Dr. Patterson’s book that he responded back to Sunderland about?”
The class broke into intermittent chuckles.
“Before we move on, here’s a little obtuse tidbit I think you’ll like. You are all probably familiar with T. rex and the fast-moving velociraptors, and of course the low-slung, tank-like stegosaurus, if you’ve ever seen any of the Jurassic Park movies.”
Matt commented, “I just love those movies, especially the blood thirsty raptors.”
“Here Matt, come up to the lab table and pick up this velociraptor skull and pass it around.”
As he walked back to his seat with the skull, he questioned, “This thing turned into a bird? Weirdest looking bird skull I’ve ever seen.”
In the meantime I brought up pictures of a stegosaurus, a T. rex, velociraptor, and a turkey on the screen.
Illustration of steg and T-rex together fighting Credit: Joseph Laudati
Illustration of velociraptor Shutterstock
Photo of a turkey. Google Photo credit: Mike Baird
“Now I want you all to picture this turkey clearly in your mind. The evolutionists claim that dinosaurs evolved into birds. The T. rex and velociraptor have a type of pelvis called saurischian, or lizard-hipped pelvis in English. The stegosaurus has an ornithischian or bird-hipped type.” Using my laser pen I pointed to the hips of each, illustrating the comparisons. “Which one evolved—?”
“—into the birds,” Matt excitedly broke in. “That’s easy the orni … the bird-hipped one. The raptor types became birds,” he said as he turned around nodding to his classmates with his big cheesy smile plastered all over his face.
“Hey, Matt,” called Nate. “Better look at Doc.”
Matt turned to the front, only to see me slightly shaking my head - no.
“What! Give me a break.” And he pleaded, “No way, no way!
“Yes way, Matt. You weren’t listening carefully. Because the tank-type stegosaurus has the bird-hipped pelvis; that type evolved into the birds—evolutionists claim, not the raptors.”
“What a bunch of messed up retards.”
I saw Santi wanting to add something.
“I think Dios—God—is just screwing with their cabezas again.”
T had’s hand went up. “Doc, I still can’t put together why one scientist will find some scrap of bone and claim it’s a missing link, usually evolving to humans. It’s splashed across the headlines and on TV for a while; then six months later, as I have discovered, it’s quietly denounced by some other reputable scientists. Yet they all continue to claim evolution and millions of years are real and the truth.”
Jim, who had been turned in his seat facing Thad while making his pronouncement, swiveled back around and bemoaned, “Thad’s right, like that ‘Ardi’ and ‘Sediba’ apes; and ‘Ida’, that looks to me like some lemur monkey-like creature; and others since. There’s initially all that ballyhoo and now I hear very little about each of those creatures.”
“Excellent, you two are really using your heads and questioning the Matrix that wants to control you. That’s potentially very dangerous thinking that you possess.”
Maggie was eager to respond to Thad and Jim. She was very street savvy. I believed she would have the answer for them.
“Look guys,” Maggie said, turning to address them. “What’s it about … all of the time?”
Jim answered her. “The money!”
Thad responded right after him. “Power and control!”
Jim smacked himself on the forehead.
Thad rebounded, “Government research grants! Of course! The money! The socialists in power are not going to give money to someone doing creation research. It’s been staring me right in the face all these years, and I failed to see it. Of course, they would use the argument that they only give money for science research and don’t want to give money for religious purposes. Evolution being the science and creation being the religion.”
Thad slowly closed his eyelids, and his forehead wrinkled in deep anguish.
Jim’s temper flared as he pounded his desk. “The old separation-of-church-and-state excuse. However, in this case it’s really philosophy versus philosophy or religion versus religion. Why don’t they see it?”
“Some in power do, Jim,” I answered. “And others go along and support this because … well they want to; those are Lenin’s—”
“—useful Idiots.” Maria finished my statement.
“Look, I wanted to discuss Noah’s Flood to demolish the millions of years,” I said, “but this is just as important, as part of the overall process of destroying this concept; the ultimate goal of which is to control you.”
“C’mon guys,” I encouraged the class, “Marx and Lenin’s rationale and raison d’être is right in your faces. Just back up a bit and see the forest for the trees.”
Maggie was on it. “In order to control the masses in their country, Russia—which originally was a Christian nation like ours was—Marx and Lenin needed scientific support for their ‘share the wealth’ philosophy. And whose scientific writings did they use for this?”
Jim still agitated, almost screamed out, “Darwin, The Origin of the Species! And by then, Darwin’s buddy Lyell with his ‘millions of years’ lie had already been accepted by the church—the religious fools had planted the seeds for their own destruction.”
Maria stood up and turned to face her classmates. “In order to control people completely, you must destroy God. Our Constitution tells us our rights come from God and—”
“—our Constitution is a secular godless constitution!” Jude bellowed out.
“Good point, Jude. That is another lie that will be addressed by me in a future session of this class. For now, assuming that your assertion is true, if our Constitution has no biblical basis, we are back to fallible man deciding what is right and wrong.”
Both Thad and Nate tag-teamed Jude.
“Do you want another Robespierre with the French Reign of Terror?” Thad shot out.
“Or another Hitler or Stalin or Mao Zedong?” added Nate.
“All those societies killed millions of their own people, using their own man-made laws, having eliminated God and replaced Him with Darwin,” reinforced Thad.
“Jude, c’mon, do you want that happening to us here in the U.S.?” challenged Nate.
Jude did not respond. He sat silent with his arms crossed, facing forward, and his dark eyes appearing blank and dead.
T had’s hand went up. “Doc, I’m tying it together now. Nate brought to our attention the disciplinary action taken against Dr. Richard Sternberg and others—the old publish or perish thing. Everyone in the sciences knows the game and how it’s to be played. They will all turn on a researcher who does not play by their rules, and like rabid dogs devour and destroy even a hard-core evolutionist’s discovery of some evolutionary fossil, knowing its Barbra Streisand anyway.” Thad looked at Nate and gave a little chuckle.
The class joined him, laughing at the double entendre.
“Right, Thad. There are a limited amount of grant monies; the economy being very tight. Most of these scientists know that evolution is a farce; its heyday is over, but it’s the only game in town. They will destroy anyone, even one of their own, for a piece of that grant money.”
“Got it, Doc. The powers that be, the government Matrix, which dispenses those monies in many cases, will do so for only those scientists supportive of an atheistic agenda,” Thad explained. “Providing evidence that the Judeo-Christian God exists doesn’t bode well for the Matrix and their Mother Gaia one-world government.”
The class buzzed with discussion at a fever pitch. They wer
e starting to understand. Jude was still sitting in the back corner, arms crossed, and his face turning purple.
Jim jumped right out of his seat. Sometimes I really thought he was a re-incarnation of Patrick Henry. “How do we fight this, Doc? We’ve got to do something to save our country.” He stood there flummoxed.
Maggie came to the rescue as she turned to address Jim. “Truth and real knowledge, not the claptrap junk the governmental Matrix force-feeds us through its Common Core. Why do you think they are trying to brainwash us? Remember what Doc said about Hitler and controlling the youth. Now our government takes education out of the hands of the people and the local communities for their own evil designs of dumbing us down.”
Maria turned around, and giving Maggie a smile, added, “Yeah, show me in the Constitution,” she glanced at Jude, “where it says that our government, the Matrix, is suppose to be in charge of education. Show me!”
“Excellent ladies. Way to go,” I encouraged. “Okay, Jim, Maggie said it—truth and knowledge.”
“So what are we waiting for, Doc?” Jim asked still standing beside his seat like some senator giving a proclamation. “Let’s rip that solitary support of the millions of years out from under Mother Gaia’s evolutionism and all the other ‘isms which it supports— communism, socialism, Nazism, and fascism.”
“I agree,” Claudia spoke at the same time she raised her hand. “Dr. Lucci, you must give us the mental tools, that young earth evidence; otherwise the libs on campus, and our friends, will be calling us flat-earthers and worse.”
Wow! And this coming from one of the big libs herself, I thought.
“Claudia is right,” Juan added, “let’s learn more about evidence for Noah’s Flood.”
“Claro,” Santi remarked. Heads were bobbing around the room as everyone was ready to take this on.
“Okay gang, let’s rock and roll. Or should I say rocks that roll.” The class heckled and jeered. “Hey, I’m allowed one bad joke per class session; it’s in the by-laws.”
“How many of you like pancakes?”
Many hands went up. “Think of those pancaked layers at the Grand Canyon and around the world. We’ll be seeing many of those strata, on a much smaller scale, during our trip next week.”
“Really?!” Matt excitedly responded. “Way cool!”
“Keep in mind that Noah’s Flood laid down those pancaked layers. It wasn’t until after the flood subsided and the waters receded that the Grand Canyon was formed and left the Colorado River. A lot of water over a short period of time.”
“Now the long-age geologists like Hutton and Lyell,” I continued, “believed each tiny layer formed slowly over eons, perhaps ten to one hundred thousand years for each small layer, with the Colorado River afterwards grinding out the canyon one sand grain at a time.”
Pete’s hand was up. “Some of my geology Profs say that possibly many small local floods may have laid each layer down over millions of years around the world.”
“Sounds like they are slowly coming around to the concept of catastrophism. So if I understand your professors correctly, they believe in multiple small floods around the world, multiple upon multiple times, laying down a sedimentary stratum here and another there, slowly, over millions of years. Am I correct?”
“Ah yeah, Doc,” Pete answered.
“Wouldn’t it be easier to believe in the one all-encompassing global cataclysmic event called Noah’s Flood, rather than innumerable small regional floods around the world?” I asked. “Oh, I’m sorry— one big hydraulic catastrophe would mean the Bible is correct and that there is a God who destroyed the world and punishes sin. Can’t have that, can we!?”
“Wow! Never looked at it that way, Doc.”
“Pete, what is the lowermost sedimentary layer of the Grand Canyon?”
“Uh, it’s the Tapeats sandstone, which is part of the Sauk mega sequence.”
“Are you aware that there are six mega sequences? Some of these strata extend across the United States into Canada and Greenland. Does that sound local to you?”
Heads were shaking around the room.
“Anyone familiar with the White Cliffs of Dover?”
“My great-grandfather was British,” Nate proudly remarked. “He was a pilot in the RAF during WWII. He flew his Spitfire out of RAF Hawkinge to fight the Nazis during the Battle of Britain. He told my dad that he downed many a Messerschmitt into the sea by the White Cliffs of Dover.”
“Thanks, Nate. Is anyone aware that the White Cliffs of Dover is also a sedimentary mega sequence which can be traced across Europe into the Middle East and extends into Australia? Another little local flood, I’m sure.”
“Thad,” I recognized his waving hand.
“Doc, where did all the water for the flood come from? There’s not enough water in all the clouds over the earth for it to rain deep enough to cover all the mountains.”
“I’ll answer your question. But first let’s modify it a bit. Pete, where do your professors say all the water came from, for all these multiple, multiple local floods, repeatedly over millions of years?”
“The oceans came over the land.”
“Multiple, multiple times? What triggered them each and every time?”
“There are multiple, no pun intended, theories on this.”
The class booed and hissed at that one.
“Hey,” Pete said, “Don’t shoot the messenger; they’re not my theories.”
“Okay Thad, now I’ll answer your question as to where all the water from the flood came from.”
“Bring up on your tablets Genesis 7, verse 11. And Thad, please read to the class where it begins ‘in the second month…’”
“Okay. ‘…in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were open.’”
“So Thad, where did most of the water originate?”
“The ‘fountains of the great deep’, but what are they? Where are they?”
“First, you need to understand that the Deluge was the single largest historic geotectonic, hydraulic, and volcanic cataclysmic event the earth has ever experienced. Have you ever heard of the mid-Atlantic ridge and the Pacific Ring of Fire?”
Some of the class nodded their heads and some were obviously unsure of what I was saying. On the Insta-Screen, I projected the mid-Atlantic Ridge and its volcanoes from my tablet.
“Notice with the water removed from this diagram, how the mid-Atlantic ridge goes down the middle of the Atlantic Ocean like the seam of a baseball. The one in the Pacific seems to ring the entire ocean skirting up past Japan to Alaska, and then circles down alongside California to South America. The Indian Ocean has similar ridges, also.”
Illustration of map of world ocean floor showing mid-Atlantic ridges Credit: USGS
Separation of the North American Plate and the Eurasian Plate
Matt realized what he was seeing. “Yeah, the Pacific Ring of Fire. Tremendous amount of tectonic activity: earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions. I’m going to buy property in the Nevada desert.”
“How’s that, Matt?” I ask.
“Well, when the big one hits California and drops it into the sea, I’ll have oceanfront property worth a fortune. It’s just a matter of time. Do you know that 80 percent of the volcanoes on earth are in the oceans? With all those tectonic plates shifting around, well, go figure the Vegas odds yourself.”
Juan put his hand up. “Is Matt right about this Pacific Ring of Fire and the volcanoes? I’ve got relatives in Ecuador and some in Chile. There are volcanoes there.”
“As a matter of fact, Juan, Ecuador owns the Galapagos Islands, which are volcanic. Does anyone remember who made those islands famous?”
Jim, still fuming, answered through gritted teeth, “Darwin with his thirteen species of evolving finches. I’m still mad at myself for being so gullible. What h
ave these finches evolved into, or from, for that matter? They’re still finches! I’d like to see them try to evolve into that woodpecker that Fred talked to us about. What a dumb, stupid theory, I mean model.”
“Okay, Jim. Are you going to need a chill pill?”
“I’m fine. I’m fine,” he said in a gruff voice.
“Now that we’ve had our public service announcement from Jim, let’s continue.” I got a few laughs from the group.
“Today’s activity in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Pacific Rim, and Indian Ocean are leftover remnants from the rupturing of the fountains of the great deep. The current activity is only micro aftershocks of what took place forty-five hundred years ago.”
“Madre de Dios!” Santi remarked. “Only micro aftershocks! Including the 2004 Indonesian and the 2011 Japanese earthquakes and tsunamis?”
I brought up on the Insta-Screen a YouTube video called “Flood Initiation.”
“This two-minute CGI representation shows how the oceanic ridges developed as a result of the rupturing of the ‘fountains of the great deep’. It shows how the Flood started as a small tear in the mantle and raced around the earth in a matter of hours.”
Pointing to the video on the screen, I said, “See how the pressure of the hot water, I repeat hot water, from the ruptured chambers, which were approximately ten to fifteen miles deep in the mantle, spews supersonically upward into the atmosphere before coming down on the earth as torrential hurricane-like rains. Watch and notice how the water pressure quickly erodes massive quantities of earth, as it exits the mantle, turning it into massive mudflows. It’s reminiscent of the event at Mount St. Helen’s. Now today, the scarred remains of that tear we call the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the Pacific Ring.”
Illustration of Hydroplate Theory. Credit: Walter Brown, PhD.