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Montana's Way

Page 8

by Shelia M. Goss

  “As good as your apple pie is, I can think of another dessert I want,” Sean stated.

  Montana licked her lips. “Oh, really?”

  Sean eased the chair back. He held his hand out. Montana reached for his hand and got up. It was as if Sean had her under some type of spell. He wrapped one arm around her waist and used the other hand and tilted Montana’s head. He bent down and whispered in her ear, “Tonight, I want to make you mine.”

  Montana didn’t protest. “Follow me,” she said.

  Sean’s arm dropped to the side. Montana held on to one hand as she led him up the stairs to her bedroom.

  Before they got into the room good they were devouring each other’s mouths as their tongues did a dance of their own darting in and out of each one of their mouths. Moans were heard coming from both of them.

  Montana pulled the dress over her head and revealed her curvaceous body. Desire filled Sean’s eyes as he stood and admired her beauty. She then removed the clip from her hair and her beautiful spiral curls fell to her shoulders

  She used her index finger and motioned for him to come closer. He did as he was told. When he reached her, Montana stared Sean in the eyes as she used her hands to unbuckle his belt. She undid the button.

  She sat on the bed as Sean pulled off his slacks. He leaned down and Montana fell back on the bed. Their lips reconnected. Sean planted kisses on her neck, and when he reached her chest, he gently caressed each one of her breasts with his fingers and lips. Montana’s body trembled with desire.


  Sean couldn’t get enough of kissing Montana in some of her most intimate places. The moans coming from her only excited him more. He was feening to taste her sweet nectar. His lips found the nectar he’d been craving. Montana’s legs gripped around Sean’s neck as he drove her to ecstasy.

  “Seannnnn,” she moaned as he brought her to a climax.

  Not able to withstand being inside her much longer, Sean eased up from in between her legs. He reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a condom from his wallet. He watched the desire seep from Montana’s eyes as he slid the condom on. He used his hand and gently opened up her legs. He “ahhed” the moment he entered her.

  Their bodies rocked back and forth as he closed his eyes and got lost in her sweetness. “I love you,” he moaned as Montana wrapped her legs around him.

  “I love you too,” Montana responded in between moans.

  That was all he needed to hear. The sound of her confessed love pushed him over the edge and he let out a howl as he climaxed.

  He held on to Montana real tight. He never wanted to let her go. Montana laid her head on his bare chest as he ran his fingers through her disheveled hair.

  “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” Sean said.

  Montana looked up into his eyes. “That’s sweet of you to say.”

  “I’m only telling you the truth. Sweetheart, I know we’ve only really gotten to know each other in a record two days, but you’re everything I’ve always wanted.” Sean kissed Montana on her forehead.

  “Savannah is the one who reads those mushy romance novels so I don’t normally believe in love at first sight, but with you, you’ve made it possible for me to love again. That’s why I don’t want to see you endanger your life with that Norman guy.” After realizing Dion, her ex-boyfriend, was insane, Montana had vowed off men.

  “Montana, shh. Tonight is our night.” Sean’s body had rejuvenated itself.

  This time, Montana took the lead and control. She raised herself on top of his body and planted kisses all over his chest. “Love me like you’ve never loved before,” Montana said in a seductive voice. She rode him bareback. Sean didn’t even think about not having a condom when he released his seeds inside of Montana. Montana collapsed on top of his chest. They slept in that position until the next morning.

  Sean didn’t want to wake Montana up, but a quick glance at the clock showed that it was almost eight o’clock in the morning. He wanted to be showered and dressed when he got the call from Norman. He gently slid Montana’s body off him and onto the bed. She yawned, but didn’t wake up fully.

  He was lathering up the soap on his body when the shower curtain opened. Montana stepped in. She took the washcloth away from him and washed his body. This selfless act touched Sean’s heart. He returned the favor and washed her all over. When his hand reached in between her legs, he couldn’t resist pleasuring her.

  Before long, he had Montana penned up against the shower wall and entered her in a quick jolt. They made love again as if their entire lives depended on it as the water from the shower ran down their bodies.

  They dried off in silence and got dressed. Montana wore a pair of slacks and nice satin blouse. While she was dressing, he retrieved a duffle bag from his car and came back in and changed into a pair of jeans and a button-down shirt.

  Montana met him at the bottom of the stairs. “While we’re waiting on the call, I think I’ll cook you a hearty breakfast.”

  It didn’t take Montana long to whip up a breakfast fit for a king. While they were eating, her doorbell rang.

  “I’ll be right back,” she said.

  Just in case it was an uninvited guest, Sean placed his hand on his waistband where his weapon was holstered. He was prepared to pull it out just in case.

  He heard familiar voices so he eased up and removed his hand from his waist. The whole gang was now there: her sisters, Mike, and Troy, and Jason had also followed them in.

  “Any more grub, sis?” Troy asked.

  “Somehow, I knew I would need more, so eat up,” Montana said, as she reentered the dining room with trays of food.

  They sat around the table and served themselves.

  Sean grabbed Montana’s hand and pulled her to the side. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.” Montana asked, “Do you think they can tell that we, well, you know.”

  “It’s written all over your face.”

  Montana’s hand flew to her face. “Are you serious?”

  Sean couldn’t help but laugh as he pulled her closer to him. “I’m kidding. We’re grown, they’re grown, I’m sure they know we probably did what grown folks do.”

  “But still. I’m a private person. I don’t like everybody up in my business,” Montana said.

  “You’ll live,” Sean responded.

  “But . . . I normally don’t jump head first into a relationship. I usually know the guy for some time.” Montana frowned.

  “Technically, we met three years ago.” Sean attempted to rationalize with Montana. The last thing he wanted was for her to feel guilty about him and the lovemaking they shared earlier and the night before. The love he had for her was deep and the sex only intensified the level of his feelings.

  He felt the phone in his pants vibrate before it started ringing out loud. Montana eased out of his arms. He took the phone out of his pocket. It was Norman.

  “Everybody, this is Norman,” Sean said as he and Montana went back into the dining room.

  Montana handed him a notepad as he clicked the on button and speaker button on his phone.

  “It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood,” Norman sang from the other end of the phone. “Sean, are you there?”

  “I’m right here,” Sean said in a nonchalant voice.

  “Do you have my money ready?” Norman asked.


  “Good. I want you to meet my man in the West End at eleven hundred. Come alone because I have eyes everywhere. He’ll give you your next set of instructions then.”

  “Before I do that, where will the vials be?”

  “My man will give you that information when you meet him there. I suggest you say your good-byes. Sean, I’m proud of you. You’re saving plenty of lives.” Norman laughed and hung up the phone.

  Troy said, “Man, I have a bad feeling about this.”

  Sean tried not to show fear. “He’ll have his men watching me, but we’ll get our men in

  Mike was already on his phone. “That’s less than two hours but we’ll be ready.”

  Sean said, “Fellows, I’ll meet you outside. Just want to talk to Montana by myself.”

  Sean’s heart tore in pieces when he saw the tears stream down Montana’s beautiful oval face.


  Montana felt like she was being punished for a past sin. She had waited all of her life to find a love like Sean’s. Now that she was open to dating again, fate would have it that he would be taken away from her.

  Sean wiped her face. “Baby, please don’t cry.”

  Montana rubbed his face. “I’ll be all right. You do what you must and know that no matter what happens I love you.”

  “I love you too,” Sean said as he pulled her into his arms.

  Their hug was interrupted by Jason’s voice. “Sean, it’s time.”

  Sean pulled away. “I got to go. I’ll call you from the car, okay?”

  Montana kissed Sean for what could be the last time. She followed him to the front door. Her sisters stood by her side as she waved good-bye as the two cars that were in the driveway eased away.

  As soon as she closed the door, Savannah said, “So what do we do next?”

  Montana looked perplexed. “Sitting and waiting is not an option. “

  They went to the living room. Montana took a seat on the couch and crossed her legs.

  Asia, holding her iPad, said, “Well, I have a few apps here that will help us see what’s going on in the West End.”

  Savannah added, “However, I think we can move this party to one of the restaurants.”

  Asia batted her eyes. “It’s a nice day to sit out on the patio, don’t you think?”

  “Savannah, you can’t go out looking like that. He said his people will be there, so of course they know how you look.”

  Savannah got up and reached for Montana’s hand. “Well, that means you need to get busy, because we don’t have much time.”

  Montana transformed Savannah’s long hair into a crop, where she and Asia almost looked identical. With shades on and the darker makeup, no one would be able to tell Savannah. Montana decided to give herself a quick makeover too just in case they had been watching Sean and knew how she looked. Montana added several tracks into her hair increasing its fullness. She used makeup to lighten up her complexion.

  Asia retrieved a black duffle bag filled with surveillance devices provided by Mike during some of their previous tactical training. “Let’s go,” Asia said as she gripped the handles of the bag.

  Savannah said, “We can go in my car. It has speed just in case we need it.”

  Montana agreed. “Well, let’s go.”

  Savannah lucked out and found a parking place not far from the restaurant they were going to use for their own personal stakeout. They were all dressed like businesswomen who were there for lunch.

  Asia requested a seat out on the patio. Her sunglasses were specially made with cameras. With the small control she had at her fingertips, she zoomed in and out as she needed to.

  Although none of the ladies were hungry they ordered to keep up their pretense. They each played over their food as they played the waiting game.

  Savannah said, “I think they are here. Look at six o’clock.”

  Without being obvious, Montana glanced in the direction. Montana’s heart skipped a beat. “Oh, my God. There he is.”

  Neither Asia nor Savannah had to ask who because they knew it was Sean.

  Asia had scanned the area and taken snapshots of faces of different people, and ran them through a security program. Unfortunately, although some did come back with some criminal backgrounds, none were part of the fascist organization Norman was a part of until Montana heard Asia say, “Bingo.”

  “What?” Montana asked, although never taking her eyes off Sean. She hoped he didn’t look in her direction. He kept walking. He paused for a moment and turned, and Montana held her menu up so he couldn’t see her.

  “That was close,” Montana whispered.

  Sean kept walking to his destination.

  “We have our guy,” Asia said.

  Sean sat down at a reserved seat nearby. No one was at the table. His back was toward them. Montana was relieved. Her cell phone vibrated. It was a text message from Sean.

  It read: I luv U.

  She sent him a quick text message back: I luv U more.

  He responded with a smiley face.

  Montana slipped her phone back in her pocket. “At first I thought he was on to us,” she confessed to her sisters.

  The guy who Asia pinpointed as being with Norman got up from his seat. He held a newspaper close to his body. He greeted Sean.

  Asia used the device located on the tip of the ear of her glasses to amplify the sound so she could listen in. She repeated what she heard to Montana and Savannah. “He wants Sean to go to some place in Fort Worth. I’m Googling it now.”

  “When?” Montana asked.

  “He’s giving him one hour to get there. The newspaper he’s handing him has instructions on where the poisonous vials will be.”

  “Can you see that?”

  “No. The way Sean is sitting, it’s blocking my view,” Asia responded.

  “I think we need to get going, ladies,” Savannah said.

  The waiter hadn’t returned with their food yet but Montana reached in her purse and left two twenty dollar bills. He could trash it, or give the food to someone else.

  “Hey, your meals,” she heard the waiter yell as they rushed away.

  She hoped that Sean hadn’t noticed their quick departure.

  Once they were securely in Savannah’s car and on the road, Montana’s phone rang. Sean’s number showed in the display. “I want you to know I knew that was you in that short hair disguise.”

  Montana had been outed. “We didn’t get in the way. I just had to see you one more time,” she assured him.

  “Anything could have happened. Montana, go home. I got this.”


  “But nothing. I don’t want to be worried about you. Promise me.”

  Montana crossed her fingers. “Scout’s honor,” she responded.

  “I will call you as soon as I can. Troy needs my line open. Love you.”

  “I love you too,” Montana said.

  She hated lying to Sean, but there was no way she was going home. With her two sisters by her side, she was going to do whatever she had to do to help protect her man.


  Sean didn’t know what Montana was thinking showing up at the West End. All of their lives could have been in jeopardy. Thankfully, the only thing that happened was the handler passed him the information on his next stop.

  Troy’s number flashed across Sean’s cell phone display. “I got the location and we’re headed to that direction now.”

  “Good. Your girl and her sisters were at the West End.”

  “Where are they now?” Troy asked.

  “Montana promised me they were going to stay out of this.”

  “For their sake, I hope they do,” Troy responded.

  Sean and Troy went back and forth on the strategy they would use. “Man, if I don’t come out of this alive, I want my ashes spread.”

  Troy interrupted him. “We’re not even having this conversation. We’re going to do as planned. Get those vials and you’ll be romancing your girl before morning.”

  Sean eased the negative thoughts out of his mind as he continued on Interstate 20 toward Fort Worth. Once he was alerted that all of the men were in place, Sean felt a little more at ease. He hit the volume on his stereo and T.I.’s song “Motivation” blasted.

  Sean eased his car in the empty parking spot behind the warehouse. He checked out his environment. “Guys, where you at? Use a flash to let me know.”

  He saw a quick flash. He confidently unbuckled his seatbelt and opened his door. The walk from his car to the warehouse doorway seemed like an eternity. He knocked and th
e door eased open.

  A big, burly man patted him down. “The boss is in the back.”

  The wire and hidden camera were sewn into Sean’s clothes and were able to go undetected. His team should have been able to see and hear whatever he saw. He headed to the room where he would come face to face with Norman.

  Two of Norman’s soldiers were at the door. They moved and allowed him to enter. The warehouse looked more like a chop shop for cars, Sean noticed as he walked through into one huge room. He saw the back of a big white cowboy hat. The chair swiveled around. Norman was older than Sean had imagined. This was the first time he had ever seen him. All other pictures they had of him were fuzzy. He looked like a younger version of Colonel Sanders, but plumper.

  Sean stood in a strong stance. “So we finally meet.”

  “I see you really do have a heart. I was beginning to wonder for a minute there,” Norman said as he stood up, holding his pearl-handled walking cane.

  “I’m here. Now what’s next?” Sean asked, without blinking.

  “Where’s the money?”

  “It’s safe and secure. As soon as we get the vials, you’ll get the ten million.”

  “You know I can have my men take you out right now, but what’s the point? Then you wouldn’t be able to keep me company.”

  “Norm . . . I can call you Norm, can’t I?” Sean asked.

  “It’s Norman and you have one more time to disrespect me.” The smile on Norman’s face disappeared.

  “I’m not here to make friends with you. Do what you plan on doing so we can get this over with.”

  Norman slammed the head of the cane on the table. “You’re not the boss of me. I’m the one in control here.”

  Sean smirked and threw his hands up in the air. “Okay. Understood. This is your show. I’m just here for the ride.”

  “You got that right. And that’s exactly what we’re about to do. We’re going for a ride. As soon as you give me my money.”

  “Vials for the money. It’s your choice.”

  Norman pressed a button on the phone on the table. “Leave all of the vials.”

  “Once my men contact me that they have the vials, I will tell you where the money is.”


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