Montana's Way

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Montana's Way Page 9

by Shelia M. Goss

  Norman pulled out a deck of cards from his pocket. “Are you feeling lucky today?”

  “I don’t believe in luck,” Sean said.

  “Have a seat. I feel a little lucky.”

  Sean entertained Norman by agreeing to play poker.

  Sean was a good poker player however he gave up some plays to give Norman some confidence.

  Norman smiled as he won more and more of Sean’s chips. Sean pretended to be disappointed as he studied Norman.

  Norman said, “I guess you were too busy working in the field to learn how to play cards, soldier.”

  Sean said, “I play well enough to give you some competition.”

  “I’m running circles around you. If we were playing for money, you would be broke.”

  “Poker is just a game to me.”

  Norman said, “Poker is a skill. You either have the skills to play or you don’t. Obviously, you don’t.”

  Sean’s phone rang. “Do you mind if I take this call?”

  Norman gestured that it was okay.

  Mike said from the other end of the phone. “We got the suitcase with the vials. Send one of your men to my car. The suitcase with the ten million is in the trunk. The button to pop the trunk is located on the driver’s side near the steering wheel.”

  Norman called one of his men on the phone and repeated the instructions. “Bring it directly to me. Pronto,” Norman stated. “For your sake, it better all be there.”

  Sean said, “Like you, I’m a man of my word.”

  “Well, then we shouldn’t have any problems.”

  “None whatsoever,” Sean agreed as he stared Norman straight in the eyes.

  The guard entered the room with the two black duffle bags. Norman unzipped them and seemed to be foaming at the mouth at the sight of the twenties that filled the bags. “Tell Chip to come here. I need him to count this. But these bags do not leave this room.”

  Sean said, “It’s been counted twice. It’s all there.”

  Norman and Sean continued their poker game while Chip counted the money. Sean glanced at his watch. He wondered why Norman was stalling by having the man count the money several times. Sean didn’t trust Norman not one bit.


  Montana didn’t like the look on Asia’s face. She was on the phone talking to Mike. Savannah had the same worried look. She was on the phone talking to Troy. Montana’s heartbeat was so loud, she was surprised no one else could hear it. The suspense of not knowing what was being said was killing her. The only thing either one of her sisters could be heard saying was, “Okay,” or, “I see.”

  They were seated in Savannah’s car not far from the warehouse where Sean was being held. Thankfully, Asia was able to get the location of Sean’s whereabouts. It had been an hour and there was still no sign of Sean leaving. The waiting game was killing her. She sent Sean a text message, not knowing if he got it. She just wanted him to know that she loved him.

  Savannah ended her call with Troy. “Montana, looks like we’ve been duped. Those vials were nothing but vials of water. Sean’s not answering his phone. Troy’s trying to plan on what he wants to do next.”

  Asia was now off her phone call too. “I see the men at the gate. I say we charm our way in. I got my friend’s son bringing us pizza. I’ll be the pizza delivery girl and while I get the main guard distracted, you two can sneak in.”

  Savannah frowned. “I’m not sure if we should do that. We don’t know who’s in that warehouse.”

  Asia opened up the bag beside her and retrieved several weapons and other paraphernalia from it. “Put this in your ears. One of us needs to be the lookout, so once I finish delivering the pizza that no one really ordered, I’ll go back to my car. I’m going to park it a block away so you’ll know where it is. In order to keep in communication with each other, put these on. The mic you will clip to your collar.”

  “But . . .” Savannah hesitated.

  “Vanna, if this was Troy, what would you do?” Asia said in an authoritative voice.

  Montana didn’t wait for Savannah to reply. “I’m tired of waiting. Sean’s life could be in danger,” Montana responded.

  “Exactly, so as your sisters, we’re going to help you go get your man,” Savannah responded as she clipped on her microphone and put the other chip in her ear.

  Montana hesitantly took the devices and put them in similar places. She took two of the guns Asia handed to her. One she strapped around her ankle and the other she held in her hand.

  “Here are a few more clips just in case you run out,” Asia said.

  “This is enough to kill an army,” Montana commented.

  “Exactly. Believe me, it’s better to have too much ammunition than not enough,” Savannah said as she got ready to implement their plan.

  “There’s the pizza,” Asia said as a blue car pulled up beside them.

  Asia retrieved some money from her purse and handed it to the young college student. They did an even exchange. Besides handing her three boxes of pizza, he gave her a smock with the pizza company’s logo on it, and a hat.

  “Mama told me to tell you hello,” the young eager college boy could be heard saying.

  “Tell her I’ll call her later,” Asia said as she tried to rush him along so they could go on with their plans.

  Once they were sure he was gone, Asia changed into the smock and put on the hat. Savannah moved out of the driver’s seat and she and Montana both got in the back seat.

  “Although your windows are tinted, stay down as we pull up. When I open the back door to get what looks like pizza, that’s when you two need to slip out of the car.”

  Savannah said, “We need a code word to alert us when to make our move.”

  Asia said, “When I say, ‘They are heavy on the pepperoni, ’ you know it’s clear for you to move in.”

  “Got it,” Montana said as she said a silent prayer.

  The next few minutes seemed to move in slow motion as Asia parked in front of the warehouse. She opened the door and Savannah and Montana slipped out as discussed. Asia started humming a Whitney Houston song as she walked up the walkway with the pizza.

  She rang the doorbell and her head turned around so if they were looking out a peephole, they would see the pizza company logo and her holding the three boxes.

  A tall, burly-looking guy opened the door. “We didn’t order a pizza.”

  Asia looked at the ticket. “Somebody from this address ordered a pizza. I’m tired and I’m disgusted so somebody here is going to pay me.”

  “Did anyone ever tell you, you sort of look like Halle Berry?”

  “Sometimes,” Asia smiled, as if she were warming up to him.

  “But you’re prettier than she is.”

  “Well, thanks. Now are you going to pay for these pizzas or not?” Asia batted her eyes.

  “Anything for you, pretty lady.” The man pulled out several twenties and handed them to her. “Do you have a man?” he asked.

  “No. Why, are you in the market?”

  “As a matter of fact, I am. Why don’t you let me call you?”

  “Why don’t you give me your number and I’ll think about it?”

  “Do you have anything to write with?” he asked.

  “No, but my cell phone’s in the car. Why don’t you walk back with me to my car and I’ll program it in my phone.”

  “Let me take those pizzas from you,” he said.

  “Please do, and you’ll like them because they are heavy on the pepperoni.”

  He held on to the pizzas as he walked with Asia back to the car.

  Savannah and Montana peeked around. While Asia had him occupied, they ran up the walkway and into the warehouse.

  Montana whispered, “Now what?”


  Sean was steaming mad when he heard Troy say in his ear that the vials weren’t anything but water. He couldn’t play his hand just yet though until he knew Norman’s other plans. Norman smiled like a big Cheshire cat. He seemed
to get a thrill out of the fact that he got the $10 million. Little did Norman know, however, that the money was marked. Of course, it wasn’t going to be obvious, so the moment the money started being spent he, or whoever used the money, would be identified.

  Norman sat on the other end of the table and stared at Sean. “Did you actually think you would walk out of here?”

  “You got the money. We got the vials, so what’s the purpose of holding me?” Sean asked.

  Norman laughed. “Sean, did you actually think I would give up the real vials?” Norman leaned back in his chair.

  Sean, still trying to mask his anger, said, “I did what you asked, now you need to live up to your end of the bargain.”

  “I had to make sure you guys didn’t renege on your end.”

  “Where are the vials, Norman?”

  “When we move to our next location, your men will get the vials. I didn’t want them to try anything funny so I still have them for safe keeping.”

  Norman pulled out a silver case and opened it. He turned the case around in Sean’s direction. “See, these babies here pack a lot of punch. These twelve vials could take out a whole city.”

  Sean looked at the clear vials filled with what looked like gel.

  “Let me show you what it can do,” Norman said, as he moved the briefcase away and slammed it shut, right before clicking the lock and placing it right back next to him on the floor.

  “Bill, flip the light off and turn the video on,” Norman said.

  One of the guards did as he was directed. Sean looked at the big-screen monitor and watched someone place the vial in a dish. A lab mouse drank from it and within seconds, it was foaming at the mouth and, just like that, it was dead.

  “We then tried it on monkeys,” Norman said. He seemed thrilled to watch the screen as it flashed several monkeys drinking from bottles that looked like they were filled with water, but were filled with the contents of the vial.

  The same thing happened to the monkeys. They all started foaming at the mouth, but instead of just passing out, they seemed to experience seizures before passing out. A masked man dressed in white checked their pulses and confirmed to the cameras that they were dead.

  Norman hit the cordless mouse button. Bill turned the lights back on. “See what could happen if gotten into the water supply?”

  Sean didn’t want to imagine seeing humans being victims of the madman who sat before him. He hoped that Troy could hear their conversation.

  “Let me call my men. If it’s more money you want, we’ll get it to you.”

  Norman hit the head of the cane on the table. “I’m the only one who can make demands.”

  “I’m here. I delivered the money to you. All I want to know is what else you want so we can make this transition as smooth as possible.” Sean looked Norman straight in the eyes. He didn’t have time to be fearful; instead, he stared fear straight in the face.

  “For now, you need to call your team and tell them not to follow us. I’m sure they’re outside watching.”

  “No. I told you I came alone.”

  “Now, see, our relationship would be better if you wouldn’t lie to me, Sean.”

  Sean saw that he had several missed calls on his phone. He quickly looked at the text message from Montana. He couldn’t respond, but seeing her message gave him the will to do whatever he could to survive the predicament he found himself in. He dialed Troy’s number.

  Troy said, “He tricked us. It was water. Water.”

  Sean said, “I know. We’re sitting here now. He promises to deliver the correct vials once we’re secure in another location. He thinks you guys are outside ready to move in on us so once we move, he’ll get the correct vials to you.”

  “That’s enough. Now hang up,” Norman said.

  “Troy, I’ll be fine. Fall back and I’ll be in touch.”

  Norman clapped. “Good. You’re learning fast who’s the master and who isn’t.”

  One of the guards came in with a box of pizza. “Y’all hungry? We got pizza.”

  Norman opened the box and said, “Have some.”

  Sean passed. “I’m good.”

  “You sure? Because it’s hot.” Norman picked up a slice and took a bite. “Hmm, and tasty, too.” He used the back of his hand to wipe the tomato sauce from the side of his mouth. “Hey, you guys want some of this?”

  “Naw, we got our own out there. We’ll be back.”

  “After we eat, we can make our move,” Norman directed before the two guards left him and Sean alone.

  “You’re going to be hungry. I suggest you take at least one slice. No telling when we’ll get a chance to eat . . .”

  Before he could finish saying the word “again,” Norman’s head wobbled and then he was out.

  Sean said, “What in the world?”

  He reached forward and barely touched Norman. Norman’s head fell on the table. The door flew open. Sean saw something he wished he hadn’t. He caught a glimpse of the silhouette of the woman who held his heart standing in front of Savannah. Where was Troy? Why didn’t he stop them from entering this dungeon of death? But enough questions. He had to get the suitcase away from Norman and get those ladies out of there before whatever they used to knock Norman out wore off.


  Seeing Sean fully awake was a sign of relief for Montana, because it would have been a struggle for her and Savannah to drag him out, but they were prepared to do so.

  “Sean, you’re okay,” Montana said as she ran past Savannah and into his arms.

  “Baby, what are you doing here? There are more guards.”

  “They all ate the pizza and are passed out but we’re not sure for how long,” Montana said.

  “Let me get this case and then we need to get out of here.”

  “We took the weapons from them. The ones we saw anyway,” Savannah said as she kept a lookout from the door to make sure they were all still out.

  Sean picked up the silver briefcase and searched Norman’s pockets. He removed a cell phone and ordered, “Come on, ladies, let’s go.”

  Savannah handed Sean one of the guard’s guns. He led them out. Savannah allowed Montana to be in the middle as she covered the rear. The front door swung open. Asia was on the other side. “Come on, the car’s waiting. I heard what was going on and drove back up. That drug will be wearing off soon, so we need to get to moving,” Asia said.

  Sean hopped in the driver seat and Montana hopped in the passenger seat, while Savannah and Asia got in the back seat. Sean hightailed it out of there. “Get Troy on the line now. I’ll deal with y’all later,” he said as he handed her his phone.

  Troy answered on the first ring. “Man, what happened in there? Everything went black and then we didn’t have any audio.”

  “Blake sisters.”

  “What? Savannah!” Troy yelled from the speaker phone.

  “Troy, we’ll talk later,” Savannah said, apologetic.

  Sean said, “We’ll talk about all of this later, but for now I need for you to get the men in there and hold them down. I don’t want to chance them coming to and risking the ladies’ lives.”

  “Already in motion,” Troy said. “I’m minutes from there. Get the ladies in a safe place and I’ll let you know when the mess has been cleaned up.”

  Troy ended the call. Sean continued to drive farther from the warehouse. He spotted some of his men going in the opposite direction. Montana remained quiet. She was relieved to have Sean there with her, but she knew that now she and Savannah had switched places. She hoped Troy came out of it alive, or guilt would haunt her for the rest of her life.

  Montana tried to pretend like she didn’t see the frown on Sean’s face. “Ladies, I appreciate what you did, but you don’t realize the danger you all placed yourselves in. You could have been killed.”

  Montana reached over and touched his right hand. “I couldn’t sit back and not do anything.”

  “How did y’all get in there anyway, and whose b
right idea was it?”

  Montana cleared her throat. “Sort of mine.” Montana went on and told him how they were able to get inside.

  Sean chuckled. “I tell you, ladies, you were born to do this. That was smart. I have to hand it to you all, but things could have backfired.”

  “It’s the risk we were willing to take,” Savannah said.

  “This time it worked in you guys’ favor. Let there not be a next time.”

  Neither Montana nor her sisters could make that type of promise. With life, you never knew what situation would come up. Montana knew in her heart when it came to protecting her sisters and someone she loved, she would do almost anything; even if it meant risking her own life.

  Montana shifted in her seat and looked at Sean as he continued to drive. “Sean, no, it might not have been the best thing for us to do but even you have to admit, from what you told Troy, if we hadn’t there’s no telling where you were headed to next. I’m your woman and you think I’m going to sit idly by and let someone harm you?”

  “Can you repeat the ‘I’m your woman’ part?” Sean smiled for the second time since seeing Montana’s face. He squeezed her hand. “Montana, I was relieved to see your face, but scared that one of the guards, or even Norman would awaken and do you harm.”

  “I’m fine.” Montana looked back at her sisters. “We’re all fine.”

  “I know that. I got to get this to the FBI lab so, you ladies, stay in the car. Promise me,” Sean said.

  This time, Montana didn’t cross any fingers. “Promise.”

  Once Sean was out of the car and inside of the Federal Building, Montana let out a huge sigh. “I didn’t even have a chance to think about how scared I was. I didn’t know you had sprinkled stuff on the pizza,” Montana said.

  Asia responded, “It was something I thought of at the last minute.”

  “Where did you get the stuff?” Savannah asked.

  “Mike left his bag at your house. I was going to give it to him the next time I saw him.”

  “So in other words, you were snooping and came across it,” Montana said.


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