Montana's Way

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Montana's Way Page 10

by Shelia M. Goss

“Not really snooping. Just making sure there wasn’t something in there he was going to need right away.” Asia pulled out the brown bottle and showed it to Montana and Savannah.

  Savannah opened the top of the box and saw what looked like a regular pizza. “So how did you know it would knock them out?”

  “You can find out a lot of stuff on the Internet,” Asia responded.

  Savannah’s phone rang. “No, Troy, he just left to go into the FBI building. Okay. I’ll have Montana tell him. Montana, Norman has a plant in the FBI. You need to get to Sean before he makes the transfer.”

  Montana dialed Sean’s number, but the call went straight to voice mail. Montana said, “I’m going in. Call Troy back and ask him who he would be going to see.”

  Savannah got Troy on the line and put him on speaker. “Troy, thanks. Montana’s going to go in and see if she can get to him because he’s still not answering his phone.”

  “Normally, I would not agree but it’s imperative that they do not get those vials until we can determine which one is the mole,” Troy said from the other end of the phone.

  Montana double-checked her purse to make sure she had her identification just in case she needed it.

  She exited the car to go look for her man.


  Sean tapped his feet as he waited in the long line to go through the security terminal. His phone wasn’t working so he couldn’t call the agents he was there to see. He would ask one of the guards to call when it was his turn.

  He wasn’t too sure the vials would clear the conveyor belt. He didn’t want them to think he was a terrorist so he would be sure to make known his presence and why he was there. “Finally,” he said out loud when his turn came up. “It’s important that I see Agent Sleeves. He’s not expecting me, but can you call him and tell him that Sean Patterson is here with some important information on the case we’ve been working on?” Sean handed the guard his identification that gave him top government clearance.

  Sean walked behind the guard through the security gate.

  “Sean. Sean!” he heard Montana yell.

  He turned in the direction of her voice and saw her running past the other people. Sean was livid. She was bringing too much attention to herself and to him. After this was over, he would have to have a long talk with her. He motioned for the guard to stop. “That’s my girlfriend. It must be urgent. I’ll be right back.”

  Sean, while still carrying the silver suitcase, walked quickly and Montana continued to run toward him. They almost collided. “Montana, what’s wrong with you?” Sean looked back at the guard, who was now watching him closely.

  “Troy called. There’s a mole. He said do not make the transfer. I had to stop you before you did.”

  “Come with me. I need to get this upstairs.”

  “Did you not hear anything I said? You can’t hand this over. One of the agents is a mole and works with that Norman guy.”

  “Are you sure?” Sean asked.

  “I’m not but Troy must be if he sent me in here to get you.”

  “Look. Take this.” Sean handed Montana the silver case. “Go directly back to the car. If I’m not there five minutes after you, then haul tail out of here and we’ll catch up later.”

  “But, Sean—”

  He interrupted her. “Montana, do as I say. I don’t have time to discuss this with you.” Sean watched Montana leave and he headed back to where the guard stood. “Change of plans. I’ll just call him and come back another time.”

  “Are you sure? I radioed and told him you were here, so he’s expecting you,” the guard stated.

  “My girlfriend’s sister got hurt in an accident so I need to rush to the hospital.”

  “Sorry to hear that. I’ll call him and tell him,” the guard said.

  “Thank you. Thank you very much.”

  Sean walked away but not without feeling like he was being watched. He turned around and didn’t see anything or anyone who looked out of the ordinary. He walked briskly out to the car. Sean opened the door, but only saw two sets of eyes staring back at him.

  Savannah said, “Whew. Glad you’re here, but where’s Montana? She went looking for you.”

  “Did she come looking for me after she came back with the silver suitcase?” he asked.

  “No. She went looking for you after Troy said there’s a mole,” Asia responded.

  Sean cursed and hit the steering wheel. Just then a dark blue car whipped by him. He jumped behind the wheel. “Buckle up, ladies. He has Montana.”

  “Nooo,” Savannah screamed as Sean started up the car and swung it in reverse. He didn’t wait for the bar to fly up to let him out. He mashed on the gas and ran right through it as little pieces of the bar flew up in the air.

  Sean didn’t have to tell Savannah what to do. While he chased the car, she called Troy to inform him of what had transpired.

  “I shouldn’t have sent her back by herself,” Sean said.

  Asia said, “Sean, I hope she remembers she still has a gun strapped to her ankle.”

  “I hope so too, because the guy who has her will not hesitate to kill her.”

  Savannah said, “Troy had the plate run. It belongs to an Agent Nelson.”

  Sean shouted, “Tell Troy where we are. I might need some reinforcements.”

  Savannah put Troy’s call on speaker. “I’m going to try. Most of our men have been cleaning up the warehouse situation.”

  “Tell me you got him,” Sean said as the adrenaline continued to run through his body. He dodged in and out of traffic to keep up with Nelson’s car.

  “We did, but he’s not talking.”

  “How did you find out about Nelson?” Sean asked.

  “One of the guards snitched.”

  Sean slammed on his brakes. He came inches away from slamming into the back of an eighteen-wheeler. Sweat dripped from his forehead as the car swerved, landing in the next lane. He glanced in the back seat to make sure Savannah and Asia were okay. He pulled safely back into traffic and zipped in and out of lanes until he was able to locate Nelson’s car.

  Sean revved up the engine and got right on Nelson’s tail. The front of Savannah’s car touched the back of Nelson’s. “I’m about to go around. I need for you to tell me if you can see Montana in the front or back seat,” he yelled out to Montana’s sisters.

  He jumped in the left lane and now his and Nelson’s cars were side by side.

  “I can’t see anything, the windows are too dark,” Asia yelled.

  “Don’t worry. He is not going to get away,” Sean assured them.


  Montana rubbed the back of her head. It felt like someone was hitting it with a hammer. She felt in a daze. All she could see when she opened her eyes was darkness. Once her eyes adjusted, she noticed she was surrounded by brooms and mops and what looked like cleaning supplies. Where am I? she asked herself. She blinked her eyes a few times and everything became clear.

  She recalled stopping Sean and then heading back toward the car where her sisters waited. She looked down now and noticed the silver briefcase she’d had wasn’t with her. She reached for the door and to her surprise it wasn’t locked, but something must have been behind it because it wouldn’t open. She used all of the strength she had and used her shoulders and body to push it open. She almost slipped and fell on the floor of the garage.

  She ran out to where the car had been parked. They were nowhere in sight. She reached in her pocket but didn’t realize she didn’t have her cell phone until then. Someone had attacked her and taken the briefcase.

  Montana had to reach Sean and her sisters. She knew they were probably wondering her whereabouts by now. Instead of going back into the Federal Building, she walked to the building next door. She got attacked there, so she didn’t trust anyone in that building. She would take her chances.

  The front door glided open when she walked up. The security guard asked, “Ma’am, may I help you?”

  “Yes. I was attacked an
d I need to use your phone.”

  “Oh my goodness. Did you see your attacker?”

  “No. They got away with everything,” she responded.

  The guard picked up the phone. “I’ll get the police here.”

  “I just need to speak with my boyfriend. He’s a cop,” she partially lied.

  “Sure. Have a seat,” the guard said. He was very accommodating. “I better lock the front door just in case your attacker saw you come over here.”

  “Good idea,” Montana said as she dialed Savannah’s number because she didn’t know Sean’s number by heart. She kept one eye on the door just in case she saw someone in a suit come that way. She tapped her foot. Savannah didn’t answer. She dialed Asia’s number.

  Asia answered.

  “Asia, it’s me.”

  Asia screamed. “Can he hear you?”

  “Nobody can hear me but the security guard. Where are y’all?”

  “We’re right behind you,” Asia said.

  Montana turned around but didn’t see anyone. “I don’t see y’all.”

  “Well, don’t raise your head. We don’t want him to do anything to you.”

  “Uh, I think there’s been a mix-up. I’m at a building right next to the Federal Building.”

  Asia screamed in her ear again. The next voice she heard was Sean’s. “Baby, we thought you were abducted.”

  Montana’s rubbed the knot on the back of her head. “I got knocked out. Somebody got the vials.”

  “We know. We’re behind them now. We thought you were in the car with him.”

  “Don’t worry about me right now. Get those vials. I’ll catch a taxi home.”

  “Negative. I’m sending Mike to get you. Do not leave with anyone else but Mike.”

  Montana assured Sean she wouldn’t. She faced the security guard. “Thanks for letting me use the phone. Do you mind if I wait here until my ride comes?”

  “No, but are you sure you don’t want me to call the police?” he asked, showing concern.

  “My boyfriend’s going to handle it. He’s sending his friend to pick me up. If I’m lucky, he’ll catch who did this to me.”

  “I hope they do. It’s a shame people can’t go anywhere without the threat of being attacked,” the security guard said.

  Montana pretended to be interested in what the security guard had to say, as the retired ex-military man went on and on about things he had seen in his sixty-some years of living. He said Montana reminded him of one of his estranged daughters. She encouraged him to reach out to her. “Time heals all wounds. Maybe she’ll realize what happened between you and her mother didn’t have anything to do with her.”

  The misty-eyed security guard tried to hide his weeping eyes. “Look, I’m going to make me some coffee. You want a cup?”

  “No. I don’t want anything but my bed right now.” Montana’s hand automatically went back to her aching head.

  “Maybe you should get that checked out.”

  Montana was glad that the security guard left her alone. She needed to get her thoughts together. How could she have not seen the person come for her? She should have been more aware of her surroundings. She was just concerned with getting back to the car with the vials. She played the moments leading up to the attack again in her head. She recalled feeling like she was being followed but when she turned around she didn’t see anyone. Just when she was about to round the corner to where her sisters waited, that’s when the attacker made his move.

  Mike’s face appeared through the glass of the door. She mouthed, “Will open as soon as the guard gets back.”

  Mike shook his head to let her know he understood. The guard returned carrying a hot cup of coffee.

  “That’s my ride. Thanks for all of your help.”

  The guard placed the cup of coffee down on the desk, pulled the keys from his waistband, and went and unlocked the door.

  Mike walked in. Montana walked up to him and hugged him. “I’m so glad to see you.”

  “I’m just glad you’re okay,” Mike responded.

  Montana said, “This guy here helped keep me safe.”

  Mike shook his hand. “Thanks, man.”

  “Get this lady some medical help. Ma’am, I hope your boyfriend catches who did this to you.”

  “Me too,” Montana said, and she followed Mike to his car.


  “He is determined not to stop,” Savannah yelled.

  “Which one of you is a good shot?” Sean asked.

  “Me,” Savannah and Asia said in unison.

  Sean couldn’t do anything but chuckle. “Well, ladies, you’re about to try out your marksman skills. I need you to shoot out his tires.”

  Sean rushed to the side of Nelson’s car. He rolled down the windows.

  Nelson increased his speed.

  Sean increased his. “Now,” he yelled.

  He wasn’t sure which one shot, but the air in Nelson’s car tires deflated and Nelson started losing control of his car. The car almost came into Sean’s lane. Sean sped up and he saw Nelson’s car hit the median. Sparks could be seen. Sean eased the car over and stopped it. “Savannah, get behind the wheel and be prepared to speed off when I get back.”

  Sean jumped from behind the wheel and ran back to where Nelson was. Nelson’s bloody head was on the steering wheel.

  A concerned motorist stopped. “I called nine-one-one. Someone’s on their way,” he said.

  Sean responded, “Good.” He held out his government badge. At a quick glance, it looked like he was law enforcement. “I got this,” Sean insisted. He saw his men come in what appeared to be a real ambulance.

  “Fellows, I think he’s dead, but check to be sure,” Sean said.

  The concerned motorist gasped. “Do y’all need my statement?”

  “No, sir. I witnessed it so I got all the authorities need.”

  He handed Sean a business card. “If you need me, I can be reached at that number.”

  Sean patted him on the shoulder. “Thanks for being a concerned citizen. The state of Texas thanks you.”

  The motorist reluctantly got back in his car.

  Sean made sure the motorist was gone before he barked out orders. “Hand me that briefcase.”

  As soon as Sean had the silver briefcase, he left the team to do what they knew how to do best: clean up. He jumped in the passenger seat of the car and told Savannah, “Drive.”

  “Where to?”

  “Back to your place . . . well, Montana’s.”

  Less than forty-five minutes later they were reunited. The sisters couldn’t stop hugging each other. Sean checked Montana’s head out and saw a knot and assumed it was probably a concussion. He placed an icepack on the spot where she had been hit.

  Savannah handed Montana two ibuprofen pills and a bottle of water. Montana took the pills and handed the bottle to Sean.

  “You ladies can go downstairs if you like. I’ll make sure she’s okay.”

  “I’m fine. I’m not a baby, okay?” Montana protested. She took control and held on to the icepack.

  Savannah and Asia left Sean and Montana alone.

  “You’re so stubborn, but I love you anyway,” Sean said as he bent down and kissed Montana.

  Sean’s and Montana’s bodies leaned backward. “Ouch,” she said.

  Sean got up. “Baby, I’m sorry. I got carried away.”

  “It’s not entirely your fault. All I’ve been thinking about since we reunited is to taste your lips on mine,” Montana confessed.

  “Troy is on his way over, so as soon as he gets here we’ll be leaving to take these vials to a secure place. I won’t be able to rest until we’ve destroyed them.” Sean glanced at the silver briefcase that now sat on the other side of Montana’s bed.

  “It must be something that is worth a federal agent risking his job and life for.”

  “Greed will eat a man alive if he lets it,” Sean said.

  “For sure. All of this excitement has me sleepy,”
Montana said.

  “Lie down. Now don’t get mad because if it’s a concussion, I can’t let you sleep long,” Sean said.

  Montana closed her eyes and it wasn’t long afterward when she fell asleep.

  Asia brought Sean her iPad. He used it to log in to his private server so he could find out more information about Agent Nelson. A light knock was heard on Montana’s door.

  Sean got up and saw Troy on the other side. “Give me a minute and I’ll meet you downstairs,” Sean said.

  He shook Montana. She sleepily acknowledged him. “I’m okay. Can I go back to sleep now?”

  “Sure. I’ll send one of your sisters up to watch you. Troy’s here. I’ll be back as soon as I can. Okay, sweetheart?”

  “You’re my hero,” Montana said.

  Sean kissed her on the forehead. “No, baby, you’re my hero. If you wouldn’t have saved me from Norman, I would probably be dead by now.”

  Sean grabbed the silver briefcase and left to meet Troy downstairs.

  He and Savannah were in a heated discussion. Sean cleared his throat. “Man, I’m ready. Savannah, I told Montana one of y’all would be up to check on her. Make sure you wake her up periodically.”

  Savannah pouted, but said, “We got this. Y’all just do what y’all got to do.”

  Sean didn’t know what had transpired between her and Troy but he didn’t have time to find out. He followed Troy out the front door so they could go dispose of the vials.


  Montana woke up the next day fully alert. She was no longer feeling any pain. After Savannah and Asia took turns waking her up through the night, she was still able to get some much-needed rest. When she woke up around eight Savannah and Asia were both asleep in her room; one on the chaise, and one on the other side of her bed. She let them sleep.

  She showered, dressed, and then headed downstairs to cook breakfast. The doorbell rang just as she neared the bottom of the stairs. She looked through the peephole. She didn’t recognize one of the men, but sighed when she saw the other guy was Jason.

  She opened the door. “Jason, come on in. I was just about to cook breakfast.”

  “Is Sean here?” Jason asked.


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