Harley's Surrender: Wild Kings MC: Dander Falls

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Harley's Surrender: Wild Kings MC: Dander Falls Page 12

by Erin Osborne

  “Harley, this is Renee. She’s a nurse at the hospital and has taken care of Darcy and Riley,” Shadow says, following us into the room and shutting the door behind him.

  I watch as Steel gives him a death glare, silently telling him to leave the room. His eyes never leave Renee and I can see the attraction he’s feeling toward the young, pretty nurse. She’s either ignoring him or doesn’t realize that Shadow will be making a play for her soon. Hell, I don’t even know if that’s what his intentions are. I’m just going by the look I see covering his face. It’s a look that I wish someone would look at me with. Addison and a few of the girls say that Steel looks at me that way, but I’ve never noticed it. I’ll have to pay more attention from now on.

  “Shadow, she’s not goin’ to disappear. You can leave the room until Harley’s done and then escort Renee back out of the room,” Steel says, crossing his arms over his chest and trying to intimidate the prospect.

  With a last look I watch as Shadow’s shoulders slump and he makes his way out of the room. As soon as the door clicks shut behind him, Renee visibly relaxes, and I can tell that she is out of her element here. I’m surprised she agreed to come and help me out. But, I’ll take it and see what she has to say before I make any decisions about going out to the party or resting. I know I’d rather rest, but I’m not going to let all the hard work that was done to put this party together go to waste and disappoint the people that are trying so hard to accept me into their family when I’ve been nothing but a bitch to most of them up until now.

  “Hi Harley,” Renee says, coming over to stand next to me. “Have you been feeling any dizziness, nausea, or anything else?”

  While she’s asking questions and listening to my answers, Renee is giving me a quick exam. I’m just thankful that I don’t have to go back to a damn hospital at this point. Other than being tired, I feel good. The pain slowly fades away a little bit more every day and the bruises are beginning to turn a shade that I can cover up with make-up. The only reminder is the pain in my ribs and the headaches that I get. The doctor knew this before I left the hospital and told me they should go away as I heal the rest of the way. My ribs are going to take time to heal and it’s not going to be easy as I try to take care of Quinn.

  “Well, I don’t think there’s anything going on that the doctor hasn’t warned you about. You’re healing nicely, and I know it’s just going to take time. Rest as much as you can and let other people around you help with the baby,” Renee tells me, putting her things in the bag she set next to her feet.

  Steel looks at me and I know that it’s just a matter of time before he tries to tell me what to do when it comes to caring for our daughter and watching what I’m doing. I’m not going to go out of my way to hurt myself any more than I already hurt, but I’m not going to leave the care of Quinn to everyone else around me. At the same time, I’m going to allow people to help me when I feel I need it. That way I’m not pushing anyone away from me, but at the same time, I’m going to make sure that I still care for my daughter as best as I can. If that means accepting help, then I’ll do it. Plus, this will give me a chance to get to know the girls that are involved with the club. To me, there’s no difference between the old ladies and the club girls. Eventually, I’m sure that they’ll tell me there’s a difference, but I won’t ever accept that fact. I’ve been where the club girls are, and I know that I won’t be able to view them any differently than how I see myself.

  As Renee makes her way back out of Steel’s room, I look over and see him sitting on the chair in the corner with our daughter in his arms. I can tell that he wants to ask me something, or more likely say something to me. I’m going to stop him in his tracks and make sure that he understands that I know my limits and I’m not going to do anything to set my recovery back or put Quinn in jeopardy. He’ll have to learn to trust me to make judgement calls when it comes to our daughter and trust that I do know what I’m doing.

  “First of all, I don’t want to hear anything until I’m done talking,” I begin, turning on the bed so that I can face Steel. “I’m going to accept the help with our daughter. It’s going to be hard for me to do this, but I know it’s what I need so that I can heal without making my progress slower. This will also give me a chance to get to know some of the girls associated with your club. Now, I’m going to go out to the party that they put together for us so that I can show my appreciation. I will take it easy and come back to rest when I’m tired. Other than being sore, I’m feeling pretty good right now. I’ve had my hard, bitchy persona on for so long that the little bit of time spent with Maddie has been like a breath of fresh air. It’s going to be hard to shed that protective layer, but I’m going to do my best. Plus, I’m also going to find someone to talk to so that I can start to learn how to grow and move past the trauma and pain. Are you going to stay by my side through all of this?”

  Steel looks at me and I can see the emotions flashing over his face. There’s admiration, lust, shock, and a little bit of astonishment. I’m not sure what he’s going to say, but I’ll wait until he processes everything that I’ve laid on him. Finally, he stands up and makes his way over to me on the bed. “Angel, I’m so fuckin’ proud of you right now. I know the road is goin’ to be long and hard but I’m not goin’ anywhere. I’ve been by your side from the day I met you, but you haven’t wanted to accept that until now. I’ll do anythin’ that you need me to do so that we can both grow and learn how to move forward together. There’s things that you don’t know about me and we’ll get to that. Right now, I want you to focus on you. When you’re ready, I’ll lay my past on you.”

  I nod my head to show that I am listening to him. There’s always a layer of pain hidden in the depths of his eyes and to hear that he’s finally going to let me in opens my heart a little bit more. I know that people surrounding him, his brothers, probably know what his past is. When he lets me in, it’s not going to change the way I feel about him or what I think about the man that he is. It’s going to make me love him more because he’s taking the step to let me in and give me the piece of him that’s always been held back. I’ve held back a lot from him and I don’t know what he’s going to think, or feel, when I finally open myself up and let him all the way in. Steel is the kind of man that will wrap his arms around me and surround me with his presence so that I know I’m not alone. He’ll take the burden that’s been resting on my shoulders for so long and take it on his own shoulders to bare the weight of so that I don’t have to. Once we can both open up and let one another in, we’ll be unstoppable, and nothing will touch us.

  “So, are we going out there now?” I ask, slowly standing up so that pain doesn’t go shooting through my ribs.

  “Yeah, we’ll go out there for a little bit. I’m holdin’ you to your word that you’ll let me know when you get tired or just want to come back here and rest. Tomorrow we have a big day ahead of us,” he responds, standing next to me so that he can take my hand as we walk back out the common room of the clubhouse.

  Everyone is sitting around talking and drinking when we make an appearance. I see that Shadow is in the corner, sitting with Renee as they talk. From the looks on their faces, whatever they’re saying is deep and I kind of want to hear what’s going on between the quiet prospect and the cute little nurse. Taking another glance around, I see Darcy and Riley in a group of girls talking. Darcy’s eyes are on Shadow too. I can already see the matchmaking circles running around in her head and I’m nowhere near her. This could be a fun time. Shadow and Renee look like they’d make a good couple, so I’ll help give them a nudge in the right direction if that’s what they need. Look at me planning on helping get two people together!

  “What’s runnin’ through your mind right now?” Steel asks as he leads me over closer to the girls with Quinn in his arm, sleeping soundly.

  “Nothing,” I tell him, not looking at his face as a small smile graces my face and I glance at Darcy and Riley.

  The two girls are looking in my
direction and I can see that they’re trying to figure out what I’m thinking right now. This is all a little too much for me considering I never thought I’d have anyone in my life, but I’m going to have to get used to it If I’m going to be with Steel. So, we make our way over to them and I sit down at a table while Steel and Quinn leave my side. He’s not going to go very far, but I am still nervous about having Quinn out of my sight with Alan knowing that she exists now.

  “You okay?” Darcy asks, sitting down next to me while the rest of the girls pull up more chairs to the table.

  “Yeah. I’m just nervous about Quinn being out of my sight. My brother didn’t know anything about her until he ransacked my apartment and destroyed everything in it. Now, he knows that he has something else to use against me,” I tell her honestly, letting my eyes wander to Steel and our daughter while he talks to other guys.

  “That’s understandable, but there’s no way that anyone is gettin’ in here now. You guys were the last ones to arrive and the gates are closed,” Bailey tells me, grabbing her beer and taking a sip while looking around for her man I’m guessing. “Not a single person in here will let anyone get in here and do any harm to your daughter. Or you.”

  I give Bailey a small smile as I continue to look around at everyone in the room. Tank and Maddie are sitting at another table with a few of the guys from the other club as their triplets play between them on the floor. I’ve heard that her dad was the President of another club and her brother is a member of that club. I’m guessing that those are the guys that they’re talking to right now. Especially since Maddie told me that the boys were with their grandpa and uncle while they were in Savage Bend to get me.

  As I continue to look around, I notice that none of the club girls are here. The only women around are the old ladies or girlfriends of members. With the exception of Renee who looks like she’s getting ready to leave right now. She was uncomfortable when we were in Steel’s room so I’m kind of surprised that she chose to sit in here any longer with Shadow. He doesn’t seem like the type to force himself on someone, so I’m not worried about that. But, I’d still like to know what’s going through her head about the situation she finds herself in. Maybe if I had girlfriends when I was growing up, I’d be better able to read the situation in front of us. But, I didn’t, and I can’t. So, I continue to look around while listening to the girls sitting at the table with me.

  “Harley, what are you going to do now?” Skylar asks me, leaning on the table while stretching her back.

  “I don’t know. I need to find somewhere to live, find a job, and see who I can get to help me with Quinn while I’m still healing. It’s going to be a little while before I get back to normal with the injury to my ribs,” I answer, looking at the woman before me while Maddie’s suggestion of working for Darcy circles around my thoughts.

  “Well, I can always use some help at the salon,” Darcy pipes in, taking the decision about how to broach the topic with her away from me. “It wouldn’t be much, a few hours a week answering phones and helping keep the place clean, but it’s something for now.”

  “I’d like that. Thank you Darcy,” I respond, flashing a smile to let her know I appreciate her offer. “I don’t know what you’ll do the rest of the week, but I’m sure we can help you figure something out. And as far as having help with Quinn, Riley and I’ll help you out when we’re not working. There’s always the club girls if you need them too.”

  “I was thinking about seeing if they’d help me out once in a while. And I was going to talk to Addison too,” I say, accepting the bottle of water placed in front of me by one of the prospects that places drinks in front of the rest of the girls too.

  “Talk to Addison about what?” she asks while walking up to the table and sitting down next to me.

  “Well, Darcy said I could work in the salon a few hours a week. But, I’d still like to help you out too. I don’t want to strip anymore, but I could do other things. Um, no one knows that I did go to school and now have a degree in business management. If there’s ever anything you need help with, I’m willing to help you out. Anything to cover the hours I don’t work with Darcy and Riley,” I say, looking down at the table so I don’t see the rejection from her.

  “Hey, none of that. Don’t think I’m going to turn the idea down before I have a second to think about it,” Addison tells me, bringing my eyes to hers as she leans down so I can see her face clearly. “I’ll accept the help. You can help with the ordering and bar tending when we’re busy. That sound good?”

  I nod my head in response while I look at the smiling faces surrounding me. We sit here, in our own little world, talking until Steel brings me over a plate of food while the rest of the guys bring their women food too. We’re all silent as we stuff our faces with the amazing food that’s been cooked for the party today. I can’t believe how good it all is. I’m so hungry that I demolish the overfilled plate Steel gave me and could eat more. Yeah, I’m not skimpy with my food at all. Dancing and things help keep my weight in control, but I haven’t ever had to worry about it. If someone doesn’t like the way I look, don’t fucking look at me.

  “This is sooo good. I call any leftovers,” I say, shoving the last bite into my mouth as everyone else starts laughing along with me.

  “They’ll be gone before the night is over with,” Whitney tells me, looking around at all the men standing around eating and talking still.

  “Then I think I need to move to Clifton Falls if this is the kind of food you’re all making there,” I say as Steel walks up behind me and places his hand on my shoulder.

  “Don’t even think about it,” he says, letting a sexy smirk cover his face to show me he’s kidding. Kind of anyway. “I’ll find you and drag you back with a plate and silverware in your hands if I have to.”

  “Where’s Quinn?” I ask, not seeing her in his arms or out in the common room at all.

  “She was still sleeping, so I laid her down in our room. There’s a baby monitor in there and I have the other one attached to my hip. I got our girl, so you can relax and have a good time with the girls,” he answers, leaning down to place a kiss on my cheek before heading to the bar for another drink.

  I watch him as he walks away. There’s never a point in time when Steel doesn’t dominate a room, or situation. When he’s in the clubhouse surrounded by all his family, it’s even more intense than normal. Steel is in his element and doesn’t have to tone down his alpha male ego or pretend to be anything other than who he truly is. I’ve only glimpsed him without restraint a few times since we’ve been talking and it’s hot as fuck. Before I have to wipe the drool off my face or go change my panties, I turn my attention back to the girls surrounding me. They’re all watching me, and I wait for the questions or comments to start.

  “So, it’s like that, huh?” Bailey asks, leaning back and pushing her plate away from her. “You can’t keep your eyes off him. I thought Darcy was over-embellishing the attraction between you two, but I can see that she didn’t tell us enough. The way you were watching him, the way he watches you when you don’t notice is hot as hell. It’s like you’re the only two people in the world.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I respond, trying to get the attention off of Steel and me. “How do you guys do this?”

  “What do you mean?” Keegan asks, returning to the table after grabbing another drink.

  “Well, there’s always so many people around. I get that the club is like a huge family and there’s always someone around to help you when you need it. But, what about when you want alone time away from everyone?” I ask, never having been around the old ladies that much, I’m not sure how this is going to work between Steel and me.

  “We all have our own houses. In Clifton Falls, they’re all built on the property behind the clubhouse. Here, I know that everyone has houses away from the club. If they want to be alone, they just go home and let the single men have the clubhouse and the club girls. There’s also m
ore old ladies in Clifton Falls then here, so things are just getting started. I’m not sure what Gage’s intentions are with all the property around the clubhouse, but if houses were built here, their homes could be used for the domestic violence program we all work,” Melody speaks up, telling me about them. I’m not sure what domestic violence program she’s talking about, but I’m intrigued.

  “I can see the wheels spinning girl,” Bailey says, setting her drink down and leaning in close. “Most of us have been abused, or witnessed the abuse of someone we love, so we chose to make sure that women, or small families have a safe place to go. We provide a house for them with around the clock guards. Prospects are there when the brothers can’t be. In fact, that’s how Whitney met Irish. He wanted to be one of the guys watching her house. One thing led to another and now they’re a family. We even have access to a counselor that more than one of us have used. Her name is Karen and she’s amazing.”

  “Do you think that you could get me her number?” I ask, letting them know that I want to get help with the issues that I’ve been hiding below the surface. It’s been an excuse to act like a bitch and treat Steel like shit.

  Skylar pulls out her phone and I see her writing down a number using a pen and napkin she stole from a passing prospect. After taking it from her hand, I fold it up and place it in the pocket of the sweat pants I threw on earlier. We spend the next while talking and laughing until Steel comes up and asks me if I’m ready to go rest. There’s still cake to eat and gifts to open, but I am tired and should probably rest before I get another headache. Darcy tells me she’ll make sure that some of the cake is saved for me and that the gifts will be safe until we can open them up. While I’d like to do it while everyone is here, I know that today has been long and hard. Rest is the only thing that’s going to help me heal.

  Chapter Eight


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