Harley's Surrender: Wild Kings MC: Dander Falls

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Harley's Surrender: Wild Kings MC: Dander Falls Page 11

by Erin Osborne

  Harley told me that she’s been breast feeding her and pumping, so Kim would have it when she went back to work. When Alan beat the shit out of her, she couldn’t do that, so Kim made the decision to give her formula. There wasn’t really anything else she could do about it and we’re not mad at her. While we were up last night, my girl made sure to fill me in on little details about our daughter so that I’d feel like I didn’t miss so much of her life the last few months. I know that she didn’t have a difficult pregnancy and that there’s a picture or two in her purse that’s somewhere in the back of the SUV. The unknown guy that saw her lying in the parking lot picked it up and took it with them. When Quinn was born, Harley was alone with the doctor and a few nurses. Kim didn’t even know she had gone into labor because it was the middle of the night and my girl didn’t want to wake her friend up. The last few months have been easier than she thought they’d be. Quinn is a good baby that doesn’t really cry or fuss unless she’s hungry or needs a diaper.

  Now, we’ve finally started the last part of our journey with Maddie riding with us. She wanted to help us in case Quinn was having a rough time riding back after last night. I don’t want to stop for anything, but I know the girls are going to have to eat. The guys and I decided that we’d just hit a drive-thru in a few hours so we’re not losing any more time on the road. It’s not the best idea, but it’s the one we decided on. I’ll stop when the girls have to use the bathroom, but that’s about it.

  “Harley, what are you going to do when you get back to Dander Falls?” Maddie asks, putting her phone back in her lap and trying to make conversation.

  “I don’t know. Addison already said I had my job back when we got home, but I don’t think I want to strip anymore. I want Quinn to respect me when she gets old enough to understand what mommy does for work. There’s still the question of where we’re going to live and how I’m going to get everything that she needs. That’s my main concern right now. Even though Steel and the guys bought out the store last night,” she responds, looking at me and letting me see the laughter and happiness in her eyes. Harley lets out a little giggle at the look on my face.

  “What about answering phones at Darcy’s salon? The last time I talked to her she was going crazy with how busy they were and having little to no help,” Maddie suggests, catching my eye in the rearview mirror to let me know she’s already talked to Darcy about this.

  “I don’t know. I’ve never really interacted with her or anything,” Harley says hesitantly while looking down in her lap.

  “That doesn’t matter. This is your fresh start in life. You can do what you want and be who you want. Don’t let the past dictate your future,” Maddie tells my girl, reaching her hand between the seats to rest on Harley’s shoulder.

  I turn to see Harley looking at Maddie’s hand as if it’s a foreign concept that someone is being nice to her and trying to help her figure things out. In a way, I can see where she’s coming from. But, I’ve always had her back when she would let me. It’s going to take some time for her to get used to other people opening up around her and letting her in so that she can see that it’s safe for her to open up in return. Maybe this job with Darcy will be a good thing for Harley. Riley and Darcy are excellent at getting through to people when they see someone that needs to be brought into the fold.

  “I’ll call her when I get back into town and see what she says,” Harley finally responds, looking at Maddie and showing her first real smile to someone other than me. “Thank you, Maddie.”

  Before I can jump into the conversation, my phone rings. It’s Gage and I know that it’s important if he’s calling me. Knowing that I shouldn’t answer while I’m driving, I make a decision to say fuck it and hold it to my ear. The conversation is one sided as I listen to what he’s telling me. Darcy and Riley decided that they wanted to throw a party for Harley and Quinn to welcome them home and to the family. They must have decided that they knew how much the girls mean to me and wanted to be the first ones to bring them into our family. Hell, she’ll be inducted into the old ladies before we even make it official. It’s going there at some point, she just has to be ready for that step to be taken first.

  Maddie is smiling in the backseat so I’m sure that she already know what’s going on. It’s up to us to make it there in a good amount of time without getting pulled over or stopping too much for bathroom breaks. I put my attention back into the conversation and let Gage know that we’ll be there in about six or seven hours from now. Hopefully this isn’t too much for Harley to handle after what she’s been through the last few days with her brother and being in the hospital.

  For the rest of the drive, we make small talk and I watch Harley as she seems to enjoy talking and laughing at my expense with Maddie. It’s like I’m watching her make her first real friend in life since the loss of her parents and it’s an awesome sight to watch unfold. It’s like watching a young child start to grow and form relationships that will last a lifetime. My girl might be in her twenties, but in some aspects, she’s learning things all over again. Alan has done that much damage to her emotionally, physically, and mentally. Harley has to learn so much since he stole those years from her.

  “Steel, we need a bathroom break soon,” Harley says, breaking me out of my thoughts as she shifts in her seat telling me that she didn’t want to say anything until she’s holding it in and doesn’t know how much longer she can.

  “Got it babe. I’ll stop at the next exit and see what we can find. Not sure how long it’s goin’ to be though,” I answer, placing my hand back on her thigh and letting it rest there.

  I can hear Quinn playing in the back seat with Maddie. She’s laughing her little baby laugh and its music to my ears. Even though I’ve always been around kids, I’ve taken for granted the little things about them. The way they smell so sweet and the looks on their little faces when they discover each new thing, how they sound when laughs come from them without a care in the world, and everything in between. With my daughter, I want to memorize every single thing about her. I want to share in her firsts and make sure she knows that she can come to me when she needs to cry on my shoulder and have her protector at her back.

  Pulling off the highway, I park right at the front door of a small store while the girls go inside followed by Shadow and Tank. Getting out of the SUV, I open the back door so that Quinn knows someone is here with her. She’s got the teddy bear that I just bought her and its ear is shoved in her mouth. When she looks at me, her eyes get wide and a smile takes over her little face. Yeah, she knows who her dad is already. I look in the bag sitting next to her and make sure that she has water for her bottles and a few diapers ready to go when she needs to be changed. As soon as Harley makes her way back out to me, she gets Quinn from her car seat and lays her on a blanket on the back seat.

  “What are you doin’? I ask, watching what she’s doing intently.

  “I’m changing her. I’d rather use the back seat of the car then take her in that nasty ass bathroom. It’s so dirty in there,” she responds, going about her business and ignoring me. Harley changes her so fast that she’s dressed and back in her seat before everyone else comes out of the store.

  “Ready to go?” Tank asks, putting his phone back in his pocket. “Darcy called and wanted to know how far out we were.”

  I shake my head at her impatience. It wasn’t that long ago that Gage called and I told him how far away we were. She must be finished getting things set up for the party and doesn’t want to wait. Hell, I know how she feels, I’m ready to be back home already too. But, I’m not going to push Harley more than I have been already. If we have to stop again so she can rest, that’s what we’re going to do. I know that Tank and Maddie are going to want to get back to see their kids, but we have to all think about the trauma that Harley just went through at the hands of Alan.

  “Gonna message Gage and make sure someone’s there to check Harley out before anythin’ else,” I say, watching her for a reaction. I’m
not disappointed with what I see.

  “I know someone I can call,” Shadow speaks up, shocking everyone as his southern drawl hits our ears. “It’s one of the nurses that took care of Darcy and Riley when they were in the hospital.”

  “You know I’m standing right here and can hear what you’re saying, right?” she asks, putting her hands on her hips in a defiant stance while turning to face me again. “I feel fine and am resting in the car while you drive. The most strenuous thing I’ve done since getting out of the hospital is pick Quinn up and she barely weighs anything. I’ll let you know if I need to see someone Steel, I promise.”

  “Humor me and let me have someone check you out. I’ll even see if they can get a female in there to make you more comfortable. Shadow text her and let her know how far out we are,” I tell her and Shadow, shutting the door after Maddie climbs back in the back seat.

  “Don’t lie that it’s for my comfort level,” Harley says, shutting the door and going to open hers. “It’s really because you don’t want any other man near me. If you could ensure that they wouldn’t come within a hundred feet of me you would. Don’t you think you’re better off pissing on me to mark your territory?”

  “Don’t tempt me,” I tell her, staring in her eyes to let her know how serious I am right now.

  She looks back at Maddie and I see her roll her eyes. If we weren’t in the situation we were right now, I’d be spanking her ass red when we get home. But, that will lead to other things and I know that can’t happen right now. So, I guess it’s my hand for now. Or having the worst case of blue balls known to mankind. Now that Harley is back, there’s no other women at all. I’ll take care of myself until we’re ready to take it to the next level again.


  I found out that Steel and a few guys went to get Harley and I know that he’s bringing her home. Crash has been texting me and called a few times to let us know what was going on. So, what better way to welcome her to the family than a party? I’ve only interacted with her the one time when Keegan and the girls came down to talk to her, but I know it’s only a matter of time before Steel officially claims her. I’m sure she had her reasons for leaving and we’ll get to that later but for now, I’m going to make sure that she knows we’re here for her and we want her to be in our circle, and in our lives.

  When Riley and I started working together planning the party, we wanted to keep it small. We were just going to have the Dander Falls club here so that Harley wasn’t overwhelmed by everyone. It’s only a matter of time before we’re all together anyway. But once the girls from Clifton Falls found out, everything got a whole lot bigger. Now, we’re planning a party for them and all three clubs will be here to welcome Harley home and bring the baby into the family. She’s done pushing us all away, not matter what her reasoning is.

  Bailey and Skylar were the first ones to get here so that they could help get the food going. Everyone else from their club is on their way so that we’re all together when Steel and Harley get here. I’ve spent the morning shopping for food, alcohol, and anything else that we’ll need. Steel gave me a list of things to make sure were delivered to their new house and Mike, one of the prospects, is going to be getting that all set up while we’re doing everything else. Riley stayed behind to make sure that the club girls got the clubhouse cleaned up so that everything shined and gleamed. She’s really got a handle on making sure that they follow her rules, or they’re banished. No one has been through that since Red and Karla got taken out a while ago. Honestly, everyone seems happier now that there’s rules in place and there’s almost a friendship between the old ladies and club girls. Hopefully we don’t have any unexpected things happen tonight involving the girls.

  Skylar’s been baking up a storm while Bailey and I prepare all the side dishes and marinate the meat for the grill later on. We have salads, potatoes, rolls, chips and dip, vegetables, fruit, and so much more. Skylar has fudge, brownies, cookies, pies, and a cake that she’s making for the girls. We’re going to need at least two tables for just the food alone. I know that there’s going to be presents too. Quinn is making her entrance into the family and I don’t know if Harley had anyone there to help her get anything for the baby when she had her. Crash did say something about not having a lot to bring back with them. I’m not sure what that’s all about, but we’ll hear about it at some point I’m sure.

  Honestly, we just want her to know that we’re here for her and we want to be her friends. Well, we’re all more like a sisterhood if I’m honest. There isn’t anything we wouldn’t do for any one of the old ladies or our men. Some of us have heard bits and pieces of Harley’s story and we want to be there for her, so she has someone to talk to about things. No matter what it is she’s going through, we’ll be there to help her through it. She just has to open that door and let us in.

  “They’re a little way out now,” Gage announces, turning down the stereo and commanding everyone’s attention from by the bar. “There’s goin’ to be a nurse showin’ up here to check on her. Steel is flippin’ out with the travellin’ they’ve done and wants to make sure she’s okay. It’s one of the nurses that took care of you girls while we were in the hospital.”

  “Are you talking about Renee?” I ask, going to stand next to Trojan with Kelleigh in his arms while Axel sits in his walker by our feet. “She’s discreet and won’t let anyone know she was here.”

  “I’m pretty sure that’s the one Shadow’s callin’,” Gage says, sitting down but keeping his back to the bar so he can look at me while we talk.

  “I didn’t realize he had the number already,” I answer, letting Trojan know I’m playing matchmaker again without meaning to. When Riley was in the hospital, I saw the way he followed her movements with his eyes, so no one would know. They’d make a good couple with how sweet she is and how quiet he is.

  “We’ll deal with that later. When Crash is back and can help with your punishment,” Trojan says, smacking my ass as I walk away to check on everything again.


  I don’t remember much of the drive the rest of the way home. It felt like as soon as we got back from the last stop to use the bathroom and stretch, I passed out and Steel’s waking me up now that we’re back at the clubhouse for the Dander Falls Wild Kings. The parking lot is filled to capacity and I don’t know that there’s another spot to park for anyone else to show up. If there’s a party going on, then I don’t want to be here. I want to rest, spend some time with Quinn, and figure out what I’m going to do about Steel. Oh, I’ve already decided that we’re going to give this thing a real shot, but I don’t have the first clue how to do that. It’s going to take time and patience on Steel’s part.

  “Steel, I’m ready to rest. I don’t want to be here for some party. Remember, I know how these parties end up,” I say, letting him help me out of the SUV as my entire body is stiff and still sore.

  “A nurse, Renee I think her name is, showed up to make sure you’re okay. Humor me?” he asks, wrapping his arm around my waist as Maddie grabs our daughter out of the back seat and makes her way inside.

  Nodding my head slightly, I know that Steel needs this reassurance after the long journey home. He pushed me to make the time that we did, and I can only guess at the regret he’s feeling right now. So, I’ll give him this so that he can guarantee that I’m okay and the soreness I feel isn’t something that’s going to send me back to the hospital. It’s my body continuing to heal and not liking the long ride that we just took to come home. Plus, I may have done a little bit more of holding Quinn last night than I should have. It’s part of being a mother and I don’t regret it at all.

  Steel opens the door and the sight that greets me is one I won’t ever forget. Men and women from all three clubs fill the main room of the clubhouse. There’s banners, food, drinks, gifts, and a happy feel to the air as I look around the room. Tears shine in my eyes as I try to hold them at bay, unsuccessfully. They all did this for my daughter and me. I can see that th
ey’re trying to make sure that we feel at home here, that my daughter and I are a part of this club no matter what thoughts I got in my head.

  “Welcome home!” everyone yells, clapping and cheering while the two of us stand in the doorway with Steel holding me up against him.

  There are no words that leave my mouth as the girls begin to surge forward to give me hugs and tell me how happy they are that we’re back. Steel is trying to hold them back, so they don’t unintentionally hurt Quinn or me, and I know they wouldn’t purposely do anything to us. But, he may end up getting trampled if he continues to hold them back. I can see the look in their eyes and a brief look of fear crosses his face as Steel realizes that one way or another these girls are getting to me. So, he does the only thing he can and takes our daughter out of the madness so that the old ladies and Addison can get close to me.

  “You need to hold back your crazy,” he tells them, giving them a look that might scare a mouse but not these women. “She just got out of the hospital and needs to be looked at before she sits down to eat.”

  “We’re going to be careful,” Bailey says, stepping up first and gently pulling me into her arms. “Welcome back Harley.”

  “Thank you,” I murmur as the rest of the girls follow suit and embrace me before I see Shadow standing with a girl just outside the door.

  “Okay. Let Shadow bring the nurse in so that she can look Harley over. If she gets the clear and wants to, we’ll be back out in a few minutes,” Steel says, placing his arm around my waist so he can lead me through the crowd and toward his room, or one of the rooms in the back. I’ve never really paid attention the few times I’ve been here in the past.


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