Book Read Free

Naked Ambition

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by Ashley Ladd

  A Total-E-Bound Publication

  Naked Ambition

  ISBN #978-0-85715-029-5

  ©Copyright Ashley Ladd 2010

  Cover Art by April Martinez ©Copyright January 2010

  Edited by Kate Mercier

  Total-E-Bound Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Total-E-Bound Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2010 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank, Ruston Way, Lincoln, LN6 7FL, United Kingdom..

  Warning: This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has been rated Total-e-sizzling.



  Ashley Ladd


  To all my sweethearts, past and present, but especially present.

  Chapter One

  Police detective Cliff Griffin stewed in the back of the worst dive he’d ever seen. If he wasn’t on duty he wouldn’t be caught dead in the joint.

  A waitress winked broadly and pointedly looked at his crotch. “Can I get you anything, sugar? Anything at all?”

  He plastered a smile on his face as he choked out, “No thanks.”

  The platinum blonde with bright blue eye shadow that would do a 1960s go-go dancer proud, pouted prettily and stooped lower so that her breasts threatened to spill out of her skimpy costume. “Are you sure? You’re the cutest thing to wander into this place in a year of Sundays.”

  Cliff didn’t consider himself cute, but he wasn’t grizzled or dirty like most of the other patrons, either. He wondered what the woman would do if he flashed his police badge or told her he was a cop. But he wasn’t ready to reveal himself, so he looked away while trying not to get his face stuck in her cleavage. “I’m sure.”

  He had to keep a clear head and a watchful eye. Some monster was threatening the woman and her co-workers. To date, they didn’t know if the threat came from a religious nut, a thwarted lover or maybe the jealous wife of one of the patrons. As the new guy in the department, he’d gotten stuck on the case.

  He had nothing against naked women or drinking, but he wasn’t allowed to partake of either on duty so this was torture. He also preferred to be alone with a naked woman.

  That brought a grimace to his lips. He couldn’t remember how long it had been since he’d been with a woman. And it had been even longer since he’d been in love with one.

  That he could remember. Who wouldn’t remember a big break-up on Valentine’s Day? Or having a huge heart-shaped box of chocolates bonk him on the head?

  If the cheesy decorations on the walls were anything to go by, it was almost Valentine’s Day again—the worst day in the world. When he got off duty, it was his turn to have a stiff drink!

  * * * *

  When the door opened and a cool breeze wafted in, Ali James’ nipples beaded into hard points. Chills racked her almost-nude body and she shivered. The iced drinks on the tray she carried sloshed dangerously so she clutched the serving dish tight. It wouldn’t do to drop it and have the drinks docked from her pay. She needed every penny to pay for medical school, the mortgage and her sister’s keep.

  If she pretended she was someone else, like Julia Roberts or Cameron Diaz, this job wasn’t so bad. She earned a lot more money part-time than she would at most full-time jobs, which gave her time to study and attend class.

  Her customers only knew her as “Star.” In keeping with her role, she wore spindly high heels, an obscenely short skirt and low cut, diaphanous blouse, tons of makeup and a raven-haired wig. In real life, she usually pulled back her dirty blonde hair into a ponytail, wore big-rimmed glasses instead of her contacts and preferred baggy t-shirts when not in her medical garb. So far, no one she knew in her real life had ventured into this seedy pub, so her secret identity remained intact. As she hoped to get a job as a surgeon far away once her sister went off to college, no one would ever put two and two together about her time here. Even her sister, Amy, thought she worked in a truck stop.

  Except for other waitresses like herself and the exotic dancers, the room was filled with men, most of them drunk out of their gourds. Smoke, heavy cologne and alcohol filled the air. A low-hung fog made the place even dimmer than the low lights would, normally.

  She moved deeper into the room, not sure if she preferred the stuffiness to the cold but clear air by the door, and delivered her drinks. The men stuck their tips into her waistband and ogled her breasts. One stood and dipped his head to quickly suckle her nipple. Another snaked his hand under her skirt and tried to grope her pussy.

  “Hey! No touching.” She tried to move away but a third man blocked her. She looked around for Timmy and Hank the bouncers and opened her mouth to call out to them.

  The third man had long, greasy grey hair and a cheesy moustache. He slithered closer and covered her mouth with his hand then drawled in her ear, “We just gave you a very generous tip, chicky, so it’s time to pay up.”

  Fear joined the bile in her throat. She struggled and tried to jab the guy in his ribs but he twisted her arm behind her back. Where in the hell were her protectors?

  “Prancing around naked in a place like this tells us otherwise. Nice women don’t show off their tits to a roomful of men.”

  Her heart twisted and her fury exploded. She was a nice woman in desperate need of money. It wasn’t like she slept with any of the customers, not that some hadn’t offered insanely gross amounts of money for her favours. With a burst of energy born of fear she jerked away from the brute. “And you’re nice men trying to rape an unwilling woman? Timmy! Help!”

  The man’s partner sneered. “Whoever said we’re nice? You took off your own top and been flaunting your pussy all night just inviting us to have a nice little gangbang.”

  Her eyes widened and she looked around for help but everyone was too drunk, or else, just plain ignored them. This wasn’t like Timmy or Hank. They always came right away when any of the women needed them. Usually they were there the moment someone tried to lay a hand on them, without having to be summoned. She tried again, “Timmy! Somebody! Help!”

  Her heart pounded so loudly she didn’t know if it drowned out her scream or if the music blared so loudly no one could hear.

  The ancient hippy put his hand over her mouth and murmured in her ear, “Ain’t nobody going to come to your rescue in this dive. When I’m done with you, my two buddies want to take a turn.”

  Sickened by his hot breath, by his grimy hands defiling her, she kicked and struggled. Her costume tore and her breasts spilled out. Scared and humiliated, she bit his hand hard and spiked his foot with her heel. “I said no!”

  The man snarled as he clutched his foot. Hate darkened his rheumy eyes. “You’re going to pay for that.”

  His companions caught her and held her against a soft beer belly.

  Then she was wrenched away and she fell to the floor. The sudden impact knocked the breath from her lungs. She was dazed and her vision
blurry, but she could make out two men roiling on the floor and a third getting the shit beaten out of him. She rolled out of the way of their feet and dragged herself up with the aid of a chair. Mesmerised, she tried to cover her nakedness as she watched in horror.

  Timmy sped out of the back and tore apart the brawlers. He held one by the scruff of his neck and roared, “Break it up! The cops are on the way.”

  Timmy turned and gave her a gentle smile that was at odds with his burly body. “Are you okay?”

  Unable to find her voice she gulped and nodded. As long as her protector was here, she’d be fine. If not for Timmy, she wouldn’t feel safe in this place. After tonight, she wasn’t sure she would again even if Timmy stayed glued to her side.

  “I am the cops,” a familiar voice said.

  Her heart raced as the owner of the voice stepped into her line of vision and glared at her with accusation and was it hurt? Maybe disillusionment? Although he held out a badge, he wore plain clothes—tight-fitting jeans and a white muscle shirt.

  Cliff, her ex-fiancé.

  Mortified, she held the shredded material tighter over her breasts. Never in a million years had she expected to see him here. He’d moved out of state after their break-up and they hadn’t spoken since.

  She didn’t know if she’d voiced her thoughts aloud or mumbled under her breath. “What are you doing here?”

  Cliff removed his shirt and tossed it to her. “Put this on.”

  The shirt smacked her in the face but she caught it. It smelled of him, clean and masculine, and made her recoil again. Not wanting him to see her naked again, she pivoted on her heel before sliding it on.

  When she turned around again, Cliff was at her side in two long strides. He pointed at her attackers. “Were these men trying to take you against your will?”

  “No, man!” the hippy screamed. “She begged us to fuck her. She wanted us bad.”

  Chills shook her and she had to look away. Sick to her stomach, she was afraid she was going to throw up. “Yes. I serve drinks and nothing more. I told them to leave me alone but they wouldn’t listen.”

  Sirens whirred from outside. When the front door opened, lights strobed through the room and two uniformed policeman strode in. Within minutes her attackers were handcuffed and hauled away.

  Shaky, she leaned against Timmy. She didn’t think she could finish her shift tonight but also knew their boss, Frankie, would be pissed if she didn’t. “I didn’t encourage them. Really.”

  Timmy looked chagrined and hung his head. “I should’ve been here to stop this. Frankie had me moving stuff around in the back.”

  She didn’t blame Timmy. Frankie, their boss, however, was a piece of work. “Don’t worry about it. I’m okay.”

  “You’re okay by the grace of God. If I hadn’t been here, you could be dead.” Cliff faced off against her and narrowed his eyes.

  They were dark and inscrutable but the set of his lips and his flared nostrils told her he was pissed. Not that he had any right—he’d given that up when he’d dumped her on Valentine’s Day four years ago.

  “Hello to you, too,” she drawled and squared her shoulders. “I never expected you to darken my door again. What brings you back to town?”

  His glance slid around the room then dwelled on Timmy who stood by her as if he was her personal bodyguard. “This isn’t the place and I’ll be the one asking the questions. I need you to go to the station.”

  Frankie appeared out of nowhere. His face was red and blustery and he seethed. “You can’t take her. She did nothing wrong. I’ll be short a waitress if she leaves.”

  Cliff looked Frankie up and down with disdain. “I need to get her official statement.”

  He turned his back on Frankie and looked at her again. “Did you bring decent clothes with you? Change and come with me.”

  She bristled. Did he think so little of her that she’d drive across town in this scandalous costume? “Of course.”

  Even though she wasn’t eager to spend time with the holier-than-thou cop, she wanted out of this place more. She didn’t feel safe and was too shaky to continue her shift.

  When she rejoined her ex, she returned his shirt. For a moment she was sorry he had to cover his awesome chest. Then she chastised herself for such a random, out-of-place thought. She had no intention of seeing this man naked again, much less any intention of seeing him after he finished with her statement. “Can we hurry this up?”

  When she went to get into her car, he grabbed her elbow. “You’re coming with me. We’ll send someone back for your car.”

  Aghast, her jaw dropped. “Am I under arrest? Or do you just not trust me?”

  “You’re not under arrest. You’re more like summoned. As far as trusting you, I don’t know. I never expected you to do something so boneheaded. Why are you here?” He opened the passenger door to his unmarked vehicle and waited until she slid in. Then he locked and closed the door.

  She quirked a brow and twisted in her seat to glare at him. “If I refuse to go with you, nothing will happen to me?”

  “I’ll have to take you into official custody.”

  She rolled her eyes and leaned against the seat. “Why were you there? Business?”


  She was frustrated when he didn’t elaborate. It was one of the things that had driven her crazy when they’d been together. He’d had so many secrets. He’d been away so many nights without being able to tell her where. “Is this the type of place you were at all those nights you couldn’t or wouldn’t tell me where you were?”

  He guffawed and turned into traffic. “Who are you to ask me that? After the way I caught you tonight?”

  “Caught me?” The hair on the back of her neck bristled and she gave him the glare of death. “How can you catch me if we’re not together?”


  Fuming, she turned her back on him and stared unseeingly at the passing palm trees and skyscrapers that made up Ft. Lauderdale.

  “Why are you doing this? Do you have a death wish?”

  She thought about not saying a word until the official statement but felt compelled. “I have to pay for medical school. And in case no one told you, Mom died and I’m Amy’s guardian. Someone has to pay the bills to keep a roof over her head.” Amy was her sixteen-year-old half-sister who had no one else in the world except Ali.

  “And this is being a good role model for Amy?” He turned the wheel sharply into the police station parking lot.

  She’d been asking herself this for ages, but was angered that he voiced it aloud. “Amy thinks I waitress at a truck stop. She doesn’t know where I really work. No one does.”

  “I do.”

  Exhausted, she pulled off her wig and finger combed her hair. Then she dug around in her purse and found a rubber band. Within moments, she scraped her hair away from her neck. “You don’t count.”

  Chapter Two

  He didn’t count? That stung.

  Unable to make eye contact, he rushed through her statement.

  When he’d seen how all those men had been ogling her, he’d wanted to pummel their faces. When he saw how they were trying to hurt her, he’d wanted to kill them.

  He didn’t like himself right now. Cops were supposed to be in control. Exes weren’t supposed to feel jealous and protective. So why did he?

  He got one of his co-workers to take her back to her car and escort her home. If he was with her another moment he was going to give her several pieces of his mind or kiss her senseless. Neither made him happy.

  Plus, he wanted to make it clear to the assholes who had messed with Ali that they’d have to deal with him if they touched her again. She might not be his woman anymore but he wasn’t going to let anyone mistreat her, either.

  When he got off work at 7 a.m. he drove by Ali’s house to make sure her car was safely tucked in her driveway. He knew from the statement she lived in her mother’s house. After some checking up on her, he’d found out she’d taken
over her mother’s mortgage when she’d become too ill to work. So Ali was carrying a hefty mortgage plus paying for med school. Still, he didn’t want her anywhere near that terrible men’s club.

  He longed to order her not to go back and it itched that he didn’t have the right. He swore and smacked the steering wheel. When had the woman ever listened? Medical school and becoming a doctor meant more to her than him, than starting a family, than anything. She was obsessed.

  Ali’s house was decorated for Valentine’s Day with paper hearts taped all over her garage door. A Valentine’s Day flag waved proudly from her mailbox.

  He wanted to puke.

  It had been Valentine’s Day when he’d broken their engagement. She’d made it plain their marriage and family would be on hold until she was a doctor. He’d refused to wait and gave her an ultimatum. She’d chosen medical school over him.

  So he’d left town and found another job far away. He would have stayed away, too, if his grandfather, the man who’d raised him, wasn’t ill and needed him.

  That reminded him the night nurse needed to get home and he’d have to pay extra if he didn’t get to his house fast. He didn’t want anyone to catch him driving past Ali’s house anyway.

  Fifteen minutes later he checked on his grandfather, the first generation of policeman in his family. His own father had been a policeman, too, but had died in the line of duty when Cliff was still a kid. But Grandpa Ray had been strong and cunning and no one could bring him down. Not until this illness got hold of him last year. Now he was bedridden and Cliff was mad at himself for deserting this man for so long. He thought they’d have a lot more years and could wait until Ali left town.

  “You look all out, son.” Ray coughed, then smiled as his night nurse bustled around straightening the room and set out his medications for the day.


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