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Naked Ambition

Page 4

by Ashley Ladd

  Turning her face to his, Ali captured his lips. She opened her mouth wide and pulled him close. When his cock swelled against her she squirmed with excitement. “Love me tonight.”

  He crushed her against him and pushed her back into the couch. They writhed together as if they’d both been starved for years.

  She slid her hand under his shirt and pushed it up, splaying her hands against his chest, delighting when his nipples puckered.

  “Are you sure?” he asked breathily against her lips.

  She’d been starved of true affection far too long and hadn’t realised how much she’d been craving it. She was realising that attention was a totally different thing. “Yes.”

  To let him know that without a doubt she meant it, she pushed his t-shirt off and unbuttoned his pants. Delving inside his underwear, Ali wound her fingers around his cock. She was thrilled with its hardness and how hot it was, as if aflame.

  After she’d watched a couple of her co-workers give lap dances, she fantasised that her perfect man would saunter into the bar and ask her for a lap dance. So far, no one remotely close to perfect had shown up.

  Now her panties were soaked and her pussy clenched, aching to be filled by him and only him. The world quaked beneath her and stars spun above. “Fuck me. Now.”

  His hungry gaze never left her as he stood and peeled off his pants as she stripped out of her clothing. She felt vulnerable but right. Like she was in the right place for the first time in a long time.

  Before she could stretch out on the couch and call him to her, he swept her into his arms and carried her to the bedroom. He drank deeply of her lips as he kicked the door wide.

  When he reverently lowered her to the mattress, she quickly crawled onto her knees and wiggled her ass in his face, her breasts swinging freely. She shot a coy look over her shoulder. “Sit on the edge. I want to give you a lap dance.”

  Confusion lit his eyes, but then he cracked a crooked grin. “I see you’re still trying to keep me off balance.”

  He perched on the side of the bed, nonetheless, his cock standing straight up and demanding her attention. “Come here, babe. Ride me hard.”

  “Are you as wild as you used to be?”

  He remained quiet for several moments and she wondered if he’d heard her. So, she stood before him and slid her finger under his chin, forcing him to gaze into her eyes.

  “I don’t know,” he finally said in a husky voice. “I haven’t been with anyone since you.”

  Floored, she swayed towards him and held onto his shoulders to regain her balance. She didn’t know whether to be flattered or to cry.

  He leant forward and swirled his tongue around her nipple. Then he drew it into his mouth and suckled it. In heaven, she closed her eyes and pushed her breast deeper into his mouth. Her pussy screamed for attention and she spread her legs.

  He inserted a finger, then two, and moved them in and out. His thumb caressed her clit and ecstasy filled her.

  He pulled back leaving her cold and bereft. Just as she opened her mouth to protest, his hands spanned her waist and he lifted her onto his lap.

  Losing her mind, she squirmed and rubbed against him. She needed him more than ever, so she parted her lips and begged for his kiss. He thrust his tongue deep inside her mouth and it duelled against hers. She could no longer think straight. Ali ran her palms over Cliff’s hot flesh, delighting in rediscovering his broad shoulders and tapered waist. He filled her thoughts and everything else fled her mind.

  By the time he fit her onto his cock she was lost. The years of their separation melted away. She worked her way down the long length of his cock, loving its thickness, loving his mastery. If possible he felt as if he was stronger and hotter than she remembered. It was hard to believe he’d had as long a dry spell as she had.

  Wildfire shot through her veins. Her blood boiled. Her flesh tingled. Her pussy convulsed. She flung back her head and crushed her pelvis into his, taking every inch of him as deeply as she could.

  They were one and she wanted it no other way. She wanted to stay in this position, wound in his arms, held in his heart and his arms, forever.

  Feverishly, she gyrated on his cock and rubbed her breasts against him. As she came, long and hard, she plundered his mouth.

  As she began to wind down, he released her lips, tossed back his head and howled. He spread his hands over her ass, imprisoning her against him as he made one final excruciating thrust.

  It was so deep, so powerful she screamed in rapture and clung to him.

  Spent, they fell back onto the bed. He grinned ear-to-ear as his slick cock flopped against his leg. She giggled as she enjoyed the strain between her legs that attested to the fact she’d been made love to.

  She rolled to her side and propped herself on her elbow. Playing with his cock, she was fascinated how her cream covered it—another testimonial to what they’d just done. “I can’t believe neither one of us have done this in so long. It’s incredible.”

  Cliff rolled onto his side and put his hand between her legs. He caressed her pussy and massaged her clit. “It’s incredible when we’re together.”

  She moaned again and moved her pussy in rhythm to his hand. She wondered how his stamina was, if he was ready to get on top.

  “Marry me. Quit the club.”

  Her heart stopped, and then raced into overdrive. Her lungs almost burst. “Yes!”

  “And school. Let’s start a family.” Before she could react, he rubbed her belly. “Maybe we just did.”

  She gasped and looked down at his hand sitting proprietarily on her belly. In her tipsy state she’d forgotten to use protection. She wasn’t on the pill, as she’d been celibate so long.

  Damn him! Damn her!

  As if he’d stabbed her in the heart, she yanked back and leapt off the bed. She towered over him and stood at parade rest. “I’m not quitting school.”

  “At least slow down. I didn’t mean to quit forever, but you’ve exhausted yourself. You need a break.”

  Did she look that terrible? Or was he assuming because of her failure with Amy? If Ali quit now, she was afraid she’d never go back. “I can’t just quit. And I can’t ’slow down.’ It’s too late in the semester. I’d get F’s. I only have two years left. I’m on a roll.”

  He sat up and looked at her as if she had morphed into an alien. “What’s so wrong with taking a break? You know, for a honeymoon? To have a baby? To spend time with your new husband? To focus on raising your sister? In two years, she’ll be grown and you’ll be free.”

  She seethed and wanted to slap herself for putting herself in this position. She wouldn’t be free if she had a baby dependent on her. “So you do think I’m a bad parent!”

  She stormed to the door, intent on escape. But she had to say one more thing: “Why would you want me, worst mother of the year, to be the mother of your precious children? Well, I’ll save you the trouble. No, I won’t marry you. Not now. Not ever.”

  Chapter Five

  Cliff cursed himself. He wanted to shake some sense into Ali. Couldn’t she see what her obsession was doing to her? To her sister? How it had torn them apart?

  Couldn’t she see that he wasn’t against her becoming a doctor, but that waiting two more years was an eternity for him? He wanted his grandfather to meet his grandchildren. He didn’t know how long the old man had left.

  “Let me take you home. It’s dark.”

  She waffled on the threshold of his doorway as if she was going to walk home, just to spite him. Then she said, “Okay.” But the silence was thick in the car all the way to her house.

  Back at his grandfather’s house, he went to check on the old man. Thinking Ray would be asleep, Cliff was surprised when the older man was sitting up in bed, bright-eyed and wide awake. “Come in and tell me what you’ve been up to.”

  Cliff watched Ray carefully, cheered that he was looking so chipper and remarkably strong. This must be one of his good days. Hopefully he’d have many more

  A shit-eating grin spread across Ray’s face and devilment flickered across his eyes. “Was that Alyssa I saw you go into the apartment with earlier?”

  Cliff froze to the spot and his tongue grew thick. Finally, he nodded. “She needed to talk in private.”

  “Was that Alyssa I heard screaming in ecstasy?” Ray asked, his smile getting bigger.

  Heat flowed into Cliff’s cheeks. He wanted to crawl under the bed and dig his way to China.

  “Does this mean I’m finally going to see you married and be sure you won’t be alone after I’m gone?” Ray sat up straighter in bed and his covers pooled in his lap.

  Cliff gulped and sank into the chair beside the bed. He thought fast. “You heard a movie. Sorry, we must have the volume up too loud.”

  “Is she your sweetheart again? About time. Valentine’s Day is around the bend and you gotta have a sweetheart on Valentine’s Day.”

  Annoyed, Cliff snorted and shot back, “Since when were you a matchmaker? If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were a sappy romantic.”

  “What’s wrong with a man wanting to see his grandson happy? If you don’t do it soon, her eggs are going to get too old for you to have kids and I’ll be buried six feet under.”

  Cliff couldn’t believe his ears and wanted to sink into the floor. “You’re not checking out yet. And Ali’s not even thirty. She still has a lot of time to have babies.”

  “Ah hah! So you are thinking about making babies with Ali. I knew it!”

  Cliff wanted to throttle the old man. “I didn’t say that. Stop putting words in my mouth.”

  “Someone has to put the thought in your head. You haven’t dated since you broke up with Alyssa. That means she’s the one. That wasn’t any movie I heard, was it?”

  “That’s classified as none of your business.” Cliff shook his finger at Ray. “Don’t you go saying anything to her that would embarrass us.”

  Ray looked pointedly around the room. “Me? To whom would I say it? I’m bedridden in this godforsaken room.”

  Cliff tilted his head at the computer and cell phone on the nightstand. “Uh huh.” He wasn’t fooled.

  Ray tilted his head at the spare closet across the room. “Your grandmother’s wedding dress is back in vogue and would probably fit Ali if she wants to wear it …”

  Cliff couldn’t take any more. Had he said anything about a wedding? “Can I get anything for you? Did you get your pills?”

  Ray scrunched his nose. “I’m sick of pills. I’m sick of this bed.”

  Cliff’s heart went out to him. He wondered if it would be okay to take him out of the house on a field trip, brighten his spirits. “I’m going to talk to your doctor and see what we can do.”

  “No!” Ray bolted out of bed and stood tall. He poked his finger at Cliff’s chest. “You don’t have to do that. You’re too busy.”

  Cliff eyed his granddad up and down. For a bedridden old guy, he’d bounded out of that bed pretty good and stood pretty straight and steady. His body looked defined and fit. Suspicion began to form in the back of Cliff’s mind and he didn’t like his thoughts. Smoothing his hair, he said, “Well, yeah, I am mighty busy. Are you sure I don’t need to talk to him?”

  “I talk to him all the time. My body may be frail but my mind’s like a steel trap. I can deal with him.”

  “Yeah. Okay.” Cliff made a mental note to call Ray’s doctor first thing in the morning and make an appointment to talk about the older man’s condition. He should have done that his first day in town. One way or the other, he needed to know what he was dealing with.

  Cliff stood and faked a yawn. “Well, I’m tuckered out, so I’m going to hit the sack. Are you sure I can’t get you anything?”

  “Daisy’s here if I need anything. She takes good care of me.” Ray crawled back into bed and lay prone. He pointed the remote at the TV and it flickered into one of his favourite cop shows. Gunfire rang out and people started yelling. Ray sighed in ecstasy.

  Cliff couldn’t help but grin at his granddad. The guy was a born law enforcer.

  * * * *

  Ali renewed her pact with herself to finish school and become a doctor. She also told herself she’d keep working at the club, if only to piss off Cliff. Where did he come off, telling her what to do? He wasn’t her husband, not even her fiancé. Hell, they weren’t even friends.

  But she was worried about Amy. She hadn’t paid enough attention to her sister. She had fallen down on her role.

  “Tell you what. You can go with what’s-his-name to the Valentine’s dance. I’ll even buy you the prettiest dress you can find,” she told her sister the next afternoon, when Amy came home from school.

  Amy’s jaw dropped, then suspicion clouded her eyes. “For real? Any dress?”

  “Within reason.” Ali wondered how far her sister would push her. “It can’t go over $200 and it has to be modest.”

  “Modest? You mean I have to wear a collar up to my neck and the skirt below my ankles. No thanks.”

  Ali rolled her eyes. “I’m not that old-fashioned. But I’m not going to let you show your cleavage or your ass.”

  Amy narrowed her eyes. “Why not? You do.”

  Ali’s breath caught in her throat. Did Amy know her secret? Had someone recognised her and blabbed? Did the whole town know? She sucked in a deep breath and crossed her fingers that her secret was still safe. She told herself not to get paranoid. “No, I don’t. And even if I did, I’m twenty-nine. You’re sixteen.”

  “So? You make sixteen sound like a little kid. I’m grown up. Connor’s seen me naked. He says I have the most beautiful breasts in the world.”

  Ali couldn’t exhale for several moments. Finally, she found her voice. “Over-sharing. If you want me to lock you up in a chastity belt, keep it up. Or maybe I’ll just ship you off to a convent.”

  “You couldn’t. We’re not Catholic.”

  “Try me.” When Amy glared at her, Ali reminded herself she had to be tough for her sister’s sake. If she got pregnant now, it’d ruin her life.

  She had to be vigilant about that herself now, even though she had no intention of letting Cliff or his cock within viewing distance of her. She was through with him. Love or not, she couldn’t lose sight of her goal. If he couldn’t understand that, he wasn’t the man for her.

  Her heart sank. But she buoyed herself up for Amy’s sake. “Come on. I’m not that bad. We’ll find something you like that I can live with. It can’t be that hard.”

  “Up to $200? Is that with shoes or just the dress?”

  Ali tried not to blink as she tried to remember the balance in her checking account. “We’ll see. Let’s get going. Valentine’s Day is almost here.”

  “Do you have a date for Valentine’s Day?” Amy asked. “Is Cliff taking you out again?”


  “I saw you get in his car the other night and go somewhere with him. I see the way you look at each other with big gooey eyes.”

  “We’re just friends.” Not even friends, but Amy didn’t need to know the gory details. Still, Ali gulped, wondering if she did look at Cliff like that for the whole world to see.

  “Uh huh.”

  But after she treated Amy to her favourite Chinese buffet, and bought her an aqua satin gown with matching shoes and jewellery, her sister mellowed. When they got home, they played a video game and the tension began to fade.

  Ali vowed to spend more quality time with Amy, not just tell her what and what not to do and feed her. Their mother had been her best friend. They’d done everything together until she’d come down with cancer. She felt bad that Amy had missed out on doing fun things with their mom. She could at least give her an older sister back, even if it meant she got a little less sleep.

  “Well? What are you doing Valentine’s Day?” Amy asked.

  Ali sighed, “Working.” Usually the men got drunker and meaner on nights like this. Only the lonely ones would be there and they tended to drink themselve
s into oblivion. The drunker they got, the more they wanted sex and the more careful she had to be. But the tips would be high.

  “Call in sick. Have fun for a change.”

  Wouldn’t she love to! But Frankie would fire her for sure if she skipped out on him for a holiday. “I can’t. I have to pay for that dress I just got you.”

  “I’ll take back the dress and borrow one of yours if it means you don’t have to work on Valentine’s Day.” Amy hugged her. “I mean it.”

  Tears choked her up. Ali squeezed her sister and held onto her for a long time. She thanked God that things seemed to be getting better between them. “Thanks. But I was joking. I can afford the dress. My boss, however, would have a cow if I didn’t show up.”

  “Your boss is a first-class jerk.” Amy took her dress and trotted up the stairs. “Connor’s going to love me in this. Thank you, thank you! You’re the best.”

  If only she was. Ali slumped against the wall. She dreaded working on Valentine’s Day. She dreaded going back to the club at all. But the chiming clock told her she had to leave in a half an hour to get there on time. She had just enough time for a shower before she left.

  Ali felt funny when she undressed in the club’s backstage. She didn’t feel sexy like she did when she first started this job. She also didn’t feel numb, as she’d been until Cliff reappeared. She felt like a whore, showing her body for money.

  Frankie had turned up the air conditioner like usual and she felt chilled. He said it was because there were so many people it would be too hot for their customers. She bet it was to make the women’s nipples pucker.

  She tried to hide her shivers and keep the glasses steady. She knew from experience that if she spilled the drinks, their replacements were coming out of her pocket. That also kept her from accidentally-on-purpose dumping a drink here or there on a particularly lewd patron. She couldn’t wait for the day she could tell Frankie where to shove his lousy job. That fateful day, she would bring a camera to capture his expression on film.


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