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The Voices of Serial Killers

Page 16

by Christopher Berry-Dee

  I then took my knife, & stuck the blade into her pussy, and sliced her stomach open all the way down to right between her titties. I then reached in with my hands & pulled the intestines out, let them drop to the ground. I then reached back in & cut loose her liver, heart & lungs & pulled them out. I laid her heart & liver over on a table because those are delicious cooked up. I then took a hose & washed out her body cavity of the remaining blood & flesh. Then, I cut all the meat off her thighs and just left her bone. I cut off the meat from BOTH cheeks of her ass. Then there is a strip of meat that runs down each side of her back-bone, & I cut these off.

  I cut both her titties off flush with her chest. I cut both shoulder blades off, as they are good for roasting.

  I then cut the rest of her down & put in bags to burn. I then stood at the table & skinned her skin off the chunks of meat I cut off her.

  Then after the skin was off I sliced the meat up into ½ strips & put in freezer bags.

  I took her head & cut her hair off, put it in a zip lock bag to save. I cut one of her ears off. And I cut her bottom jaw off to save. I buried all the scraps. She had some school books & a purse. I buried those also.

  That night I cooked up a batch of her meat. I salt & peppered it. I floured it and deep fried it with onion, & it was absolutely the most delicious tender meat it would melt in your mouth.

  There was a huge SEARCH for her for weeks. Because her parents were such High Society, they spared no expense. I would sit and watch stories of her disappearance on T.V. while eating her meat☺.

  In another 2000 letter, written by David Gore, he described one of his hunting expeditions for human prey. Again, what follows is published verbatim, and for the obvious reasons the victim’s name has been removed from the text:I have to share with you a women I killed, she was in her 30s and she weighed around 180 lbs. She was the only & last large woman I killed, because she was just so heavy. I mean when you have to drag her, that 180 pounds is like dead weight. She was a lot of WORK. But she had a LOT of meat on her. Normally I never went after one her size, but on this particular day, I was hungry for a Kill.

  I had left my house early that morning, to begin a “hunt”. I spent all day, driving prowling the beaches, the neighborhoods, bus stops and I just couldn’t find a suitable victim.

  Well about 4:00 or 5:00 that afternoon the day was coming to an end. And my adrenalin & things to “DO” one was at its peak.

  So I decided to make a pass through a County neighborhood, before heading home. Well as I was driving down this dirt road, I passed this mobile home trailer, and the woman was getting out of her car, & going up to the trailer. I gave her a look over, & and she wasn’t bad. I saw that she was a little larger than I liked, but I was roving for one to DO, so I thought WHY NOT?, I’d try to get her. I didn’t want to waste time scouting her out, so I made the decision to just attempt to abduct her right then.

  My plan was going to be simple. I was going to knock on her door, and when she opened her door, I was going to just force my way in, & attack her basically. I tucked my gun down the back of my pants, got my handcuffs & rope & tucked them in my pants. And I had this baton like you see Cops carry. It’s basically a nightstick I was going to use it to hit her with to stun her.

  Now I did NOT know if anyone else was in this home with her. I really didn’t care. I decided that if there was ANYONE else in there with her, when I forced my way in, I was going to just shoot anybody I saw. There were no neighbors around so I wasn’t concerned about anyone hearing gunshots. So I pulled up in her driveway, and my adrenalin is pumping. When you get to this stage and you are just minutes away from grabbing one, everything in you is at such a high.

  So I have what I need, and I’m dressed nice, clean cut, and I knock on her door. I am holding my nightstick in my right hand sort of behind me. I sort of expected her to peek out and see who was at her door. But she didn’t. She just opened the door to see who was there and the instant she opened the door I lunged at her, and I swung the nightstick as hard as I could and I hit her right in the center of her forehead. I mean it struck her right above the bridge of her nose. Well, she fell backwards and when she dropped, her ass hit the floor & her head fell back & hit the floor. And when I hit her it made a LOUD pop sound I knew I had hit her good.

  Well almost as soon as her body hit the floor I was on her, I didn’t even hesitate. I reared back & hit her in the head again with the stick & she just let out this “Ugh” & lay still. I immediately pulled my gun & I was looking around, ready for anyone to be in there with her and I was sitting on her as I do this ☺.

  Well fortunately she WAS alone. I had knocked her unconscious ☺. It happened so fast, I didn’t even think she knew what hit her. I mean the second the door opened & I saw her, I was on her.

  Now the large bitch is laying out on her living room floor, and the VERY first thing I notice is how HUGE her breasts are. I have NEVER seen breasts this large on a woman. They were the biggest ones I’d ever seen. I would guess that each breast weighed a least 10 pounds. I was so mesmerized by this size, I just reached & squeezed them. Um☺.

  Well, I sat on top of her for a few minutes, with gun in hand, just listening, making sure NO one else was there. I then got off her, and rolled her over onto her stomach, and I knew right then, this was going to be work ☺. I pulled her arms around behind her back, & handcuffed her wrists together. I noticed she wasn’t wearing a wedding ring, so I was pretty sure she wasn’t married. She had on several other rings. I removed them from her fingers & put them in my pocket.

  I then, took the rope I’d brought in, pulled her ankles together & tied her ankles tight.

  I then rolled her back onto her back, & I went into her bathroom & got a couple wash cloths, brought them & stuffed them into her mouth and pushed them down into her mouth. Then I took a short piece of rope and tied it around her mouth & head to hold the gag in.

  I knew she was just knocked out because she was breathing. Once I had her bound & gagged I walked through her trailer, and I collected her purse, and all of her bras & panties, her perfume, and several articles ofof her clothes. I went into her kitchen & got her best knifes [sic] & put everything into a pillow case, & eased the door open to make sure no one was outside, then took them to to my car.

  When I came back in, I was going to drag her out to my car, and put her in the trunk. Well, I lifted her shoulders up off the floor, under her armpits & WOW, she was dead weight. I went to pull her across the floor out her front door & I had to just take one step, pull, one step, pull. I got her out the door, & there was like three steps you go down to the ground, so I just sort of pulled her down them, & I knew that this was my most vulnerable time. If someone drove by while I was dragging her to my car, I was busted.

  So, I wanted to get her to my car as quickly as possible. My car was like 20 feet away, so I mustered up every ounce of energy I had, grabbed her by her feet & went to pulling and I got her to my trunk & worked like hell getting her up & in, and I was all out. I closed the trunk & went back & wiped my fingerprints from any place I touched & locked the door.

  Then I drove to my trailer where I “DID” all my victims.

  I pulled up, got out, opened the trunk to get her out. And she was now conscious ☺. She was moaning & her eyes were wide open staring at me & you could see her fear in them. She had these really blue eyes, and her hair was almost like a bleach blonde, it was short.

  She was extremely pretty, she was just what I call LARGE frame female. She wasn’t this gross fat, just large bone & and she had a layer of fat over her. Actually for a butchering & eating she was ideal.

  Well, when she saw me, she trying to holler at me through her gag. I reached in, got me a handful of her hair, pulled her head up, and told her “BITCH YOU BELONG TO ME NOW!”

  There this bitch was, all secure ready to be enjoyed. She was wearing a blue blouse, and these Levi type pants. I took out a knife, & cut up each leg of her pants and pulled them off. When I did this, she
was mumbling through the gag & shaking her head. She was wearing these silk panties which I promptly cut off & she had the thickest bush of public hair. I mean it was thick & covered her whole area.

  I ran my fingers through it. I saw tears start rolling down the bitch’s face.

  I then cut off her blouse & she had on this full figure bra so I cut it off & when I did, two watermelons rolled out. I was stunned by the SIZE of her breasts. I went to squeezing on them & mashing them. She just cried & moaned. She kept her eyes closed tight during the time I was violating her body. I noticed when a female does this it’s her way of blocking this out. When I was enjoying the size of her breasts a thought came to my mind. I remember vividly somewhere when a man had cut off a woman’s breast and took the skin of her breasts and made a pouch. I thought this breast would be perfect to try that one.

  I wanted to re-position her legs so I could do a few things to, so I took & re-tied her legs so that each leg was pulled up & back along her sides. And the ankles were tied to the bed post above her head. Like this (diagram). With her legs tied it exposed both her ass hole and pussy for torturing. I could ram a stick up her in this position & it would cause enormous pain you know, I did not have a desire to rape her, I wanted to HURT her. But I couldn’t resist. My male nature just had to poke it in, so I did a quicky on her while she squirmed.

  After I did it, I told her to consider herself RAPED & I laughed. I then got all my tools out, and I told her, she needed to be taught a lesson about kicking.

  I had this wooden pole. It was a 2 feet long & had a diameter of about 3 inches. It was varnished so it was real slick. The end was pointed like a bullet. And I took this & put some Vaseline over the end so it would push in easy, & I proceeded to insert the end into her pussy hole & I had to really wiggle & push to get it inserted, and while I was doing that, she was jerking & screaming, trying to get away from that thing between her legs ☺.

  I managed to get it in about two inches, & I looked at her and said, “KICK THIS BITCH” & gave a hard shove on it & it rammed up inside her about 10 inches, & when it did it ripped her pussy flesh between her hole & asshole & blood squirted.

  Well, she lunged her whole body up & let out this blood curdling scream. I pushed her down and got the 18” dildo I had right there & shoved it up inter her ass hole, while the wooden one was still up her vagina. Here she was with two objects coming out of her pussy & asshole and she went into a seizure like state. This is when they start wheezing & their body quivers. This is from the body enduring so much pain it just acts up.

  So I pulled both out of her & they had blood smeared all over them & when I saw this I wiped my hand over the sticky blood & it felt SO good.

  She was still in that state, I pulled her gag from her mouth and the rags were soaked with her saliva. I liked that. She was sort of gasping, and, like a person does when they are in shock. And she was making this wailing sound. I looked at her and said, “What. You don’t want to kick me bitch”☺.

  I examined her body, mashing her thighs, ass, shoulders. I was checking her meat content ☺.

  When she started groaning and crying, she looked at me and said, “Why? Why are you doing this?” I said because I’m hungry ☺. She didn’t know what it meant.

  I took & squeezed her nipples, & I said, “You have some big ones here.” She kept asking if I was going to let her go. I said, “maybe”. I took a pair of pliers & gripped one of her nipples in the pliers & squeezed & I squeezed the nipple so hard it brought blood, & I leaned down & took her bloody nipple in my mouth & sucked the blood & oh, I liked it. She was screaming & yelling & calling me all kinds of names.

  I said, “You know, you have a lot of good meat on you. You are definitely US DA Choice. And when I said that, she got the death fear look on her face & just said, “Oh, God. No. Oh, God, NO.”

  Then she said, “Oh, God, You’re going to kill me aren’t you?” I said, “Well, yeah cause I am a cannibal & I’m hungry.” She went crazy. She screamed like I never heard someone scream & I took that wooden pole I used to rape her with & I hit her in the head. I didn’t hit her hard enough to knock her out, but hard enough to really hurt. I said, “DAMN. YOU DON’T KILL EASY DO YOU?”

  Oh, she went to screaming at the top of her lungs. She would scream “Oh, God Help, He’s Killing Me.” I was hitting her like this on purpose. It was just another way of torture.

  I’d hit her again, this time on top of her head. And each time she’d go ballistic. I did this several times. I hit her all on the head☺. I then hit each one of her breasts hard, & I just started hitting her body all over, especially her legs. I told her, “This tenderizes the meat before I kill you.”

  She was screaming so hard and jerking she lost her voice ☺. I said, “Damn bitch, I guess you are tender enough, I need to go ahead & finish you off now.”

  She just went numb. It was like she resigned herself to be killed & she braced herself for it ☺.

  I wanted to try something I’d heard about, so I got an ice pick, & I took it, & I right underneath her left arm, and almost even with her breast, there’s like two ribs. Well I heard if you stick someone here, it will pierce their heart. So I wanted her to die slow, & for her to know she was dying. So I took it & out the point against her ribs & pushed it in & when I did, her whole body arched against the rope. I pushed the ice pick in to the hilt & just left it in & she had a look on her face, that the only way I can describe it was a DEATH LOOK.

  When I stuck the ice pick in, & she arched, her whole body just stiffened & her eyes glued WIDE open. And I knew I’d punctured her heart, & she was bleeding internally because I saw a trickle of blood ease out of the corner of her mouth. And it took probably 5 minutes for her to bleed to death internally and as she began dying her body began relaxing VERY slowly, and when she reached her death throes her body shook real violently. I’ve seen them do this at the point of death. It’s like a contraction. Then after her body quivered & her eyes glazed over, she went limp, and just as she died, she pissed out on the bed. They lose their bladder when they die. I then pulled the ice pick out & cut her ropes loose.

  Now I had to get the big whore out to my barn to hoist her up to be butchered. I tied her by her feet & drug her off the bed & across the floor out across the ground to where the hoist was. And I let her lay there a few minutes while I rested. She was heavy dragging.

  Now, I had this frame where I had ropes hung & this was where I hung my victims to butcher.19 I had all the instruments I needed, a water hose to wash the carcasses down with. This way I could tie the feet to these hooks, & winch her up off the ground. It was a good system. So, I had her laying there & I lowered the bar with the hooks on, tied each ankle to these then winched her off the ground to where her head was about 6 inches off the ground. The first thing I do after I have them hung, is cut their throat from ear to ear. This lets them bleed out so when you start butchering, it’s not so bloody. Sometime I will catch some of her blood in a bottle to use to make a gravy sauce out of.

  While her blood is draining, I took a razor & shaved her public hair off. I shaved her clean. Then I took a water hose & washed her down. Then I took my knife & cut her neck all the way around. I cut all the way through to her neck meat down to her neck bone, & then I twisted her head so it snaps her neck bone, & then her head drops off. I sat it on a table.

  I scalped her, removed her blue eyes & lips. She had these really blue eyes & I wanted to see if I could remove one of the eyeballs to save.

  The next thing I did was start right at her pussy hole & slice her open all the way to her sternum. Then I reached in & pull all the guts out & let them fall to the floor . . .

  And so David Gore goes on, and on, and on, describing in vivid detail how he skinned this victim and prepared the meat for cooking. But apparently this woman wasn’t quite to his discerning taste, for he adds: “To be honest, the best ones to get are young 13 & 14 years old, because they are small & easy to carry and you can put them into a relatively smal
l place to transport.”

  Ever anxious to pass on his knowledge for the benefit of other wannabe serial killers, Gore says: “I was always very aware that women in their 30s and 40s are mature and well able to try to escape. When as a 13 or 14 year old they are pretty submissive and they just don’t have the intelligence to figure out an escape. They are more scared & they just ‘handle’ a lot better.”

  Gore says that the more victims he abducted, the more relaxed he became in taking them and killing them, to the point that he would go “hunting” every day. “The sadistic urge to kill kept growing stronger,” he wrote in a letter to the author, “I lived in a very dark world.”

  According to Gore, some weeks he would abduct three or four women, although we have to take this claim with a pinch of salt. He also says: “Then there [were] times I’d go a whole week and not be able to find one victim,” so there may be some truth in his abduction claims after all.

  In one of Gore’s letters he enclosed a photograph of a dead woman lying on a carpet.20 In an attached note he said, “I’d love to find a dead body like this. That would be neat ☺. I could have had a meal without all the work ☺.”

  Gore is also at pains to point out that he “did not hate women, or all girls, only certain types. Plus the fact that my ex-wife really did me dirty. So it was just convenient that my focus was on girls. I’ve had people ask me why didn’t I just kill my ex-wife, why did I kill young girls?”

  When asked why he targeted young females, Gore said:Many people have asked me this question & I’ve never answered it because you will never understood my desire to EAT human meat, and young girls were delicacy. So how do you tell someone the reason being that I killed young women was because I wanted to eat them. Actually, the night before I was caught I was in the planning stage of abducting a BUS load of high school CHEERLEADERS.


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