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The Voices of Serial Killers

Page 28

by Christopher Berry-Dee

7 A fugue state, formally Dissociative Fugue (previously called Psychogenic Fugue) (DSM-IV Dissociative Disorders 300.13) is a rare psychiatric disorder characterized by reversible amnesia for personal identity, including the memories, personality, and other identifying characteristics of individuality. The state is usually short-lived (hours to days), but can last months or longer. Dissociative fugue usually involves unplanned travel or wandering, and is sometimes accompanied by the establishment of a new identity. After recovery from fugue, previous memories usually return intact; however, there is complete amnesia for the fugue episode. Importantly, an episode is not characterized as a fugue if it can be related to the ingestion of psychotropic substances, to physical trauma, to a general medical condition, or to psychiatric conditions such as delirium or dementia, bipolar disorder, or depression. Fugues are usually precipitated by a stressful episode, and upon recovery there may be amnesia for the original stressor (Dissociative Amnesia).

  8 Extreme asphyxiaphilia: a paraphilia in which sexual arousal and orgasm are dependent on, or facilitated by, the lack of oxygen produced by self-strangulation or from being strangulated or asphyxiated by a sexual partner, up to death. Asphyxiaphilia is a paraphilia of the sacrificial/expiatory type.

  9 Henry Lee Lucas died of heart failure on March 13, 2001.

  10 Name changed to protect her identity.

  11 John Bennett went missing off the coast of Korea in 2004. His body has never been found.

  12 As a footnote to the 1981 saga, Bobby Joe eventually earned a retrial. In 1984 he was acquitted of the assault charge against Ms. Richards, despite the testimony of a number of witnesses against him, the majority of whom were her immediate, somewhat inbred and equally drink-dependant family.

  13 More on Ellis Rubin can be found at:

  14 Bobby Joe Long’s current prison sentence history can be found at

  15 This chapter has been compiled from hundreds of court documents and letters sent exclusively by Frederick Waterfield to the author.

  16 The reports made by Captain Joe Sardella and Detective Bill Brumley, which completely exonerated Waterfield and proved that Detective Redstone had conspired with DA Robert Stone to have Waterfield convicted of the rape of Anjelica Hommell, finally came to light in 1992.

  17 The content and grammar is exactly as Gore has penned in his quite neat hand. Copies of Gore’s letters have been forwarded to Fred Waterfield and his legal advisors, as a matter of course.

  18 At the time of this offence, Gore was a deputy police officer, and he did use a rental car circa this period.

  19 Gore also used this hoist to butcher the wild game he hunted down.

  20 The body was that of a young married mother of two, Mrs. Emily Patterson, who was murdered and raped in her home at 100 Riverton Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, on Friday, June 10, 1927. Her body was found by her husband. The notorious serial killer Earle Nelson was found guilty of this murder and hanged on January 13, 1928.

  21 An all-points bulletin (APB) is a broadcast issued from one law enforcement agency to another. It typically contains information about a wanted suspect who is to be arrested or a person of interest whom law enforcement officers are to look for. There are usually dangerous or missing persons. As used by the police, the term dates to at least 1960. An all-points bulletin can also be known as a BOLO or BOL, which stands for “Be on the lookout.” Such an alert may also be called a “Lookout” or ATL (Attempt to Locate).

  22 A Scout with the highest rank attainable in the program of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA).

  23 This author has not had so much as a sniff from any attorney allegedly representing John Robinson. What this author has had are a number of letters and e-mails from a bunch of brain-dead morons who think that J.R. is the Second Coming.

  Text copyright © 2011 Christopher Berry-Dee and Victoria Redstall. Design copyright © 2011 Ulysses Press and its licensors. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent publisher.

  Published in the United States by


  P.O. Box 3440

  Berkeley, CA 94703

  eISBN : 978-1-612-43005-8

  Library of Congress Catalog Number: 2011926035

  Distributed by Publishers Group West




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