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Page 16

by Gretchen de La O

  “May I come in?” He asked.

  I stared up at him as I tried to figure out how he knew who I was. It had to be Alejandro, he must have told him about me. That’s it. He told Terence about me—But why? Why would he come to see me? Marshall? It could’ve been him too. Sam? My head spun as I tried to figure out how he knew me. He automatically ducked his head and turned his colossal body sideways to enter my hotel room. I pressed up against the wall as he walked by me and lumbered to the plain reading chair in the corner of the room. I let the door close and with the snap of the latch I knew I wasn’t going to make my flight.

  “Sorry to barge in on you, but this couldn’t wait,” he said standing, waiting to sit in the chair that I thought was huge until he stood there.

  “How did you find me? Who told you I was here?” I asked as I pushed my hands up and down my jeans trying to get the blood to flow through them again.

  “Alejandro told me where to find you, after I convinced him not to kill me,” he said as his body consumed the good-sized chair. My body ripped with a fever burning a hole through my heart when he said his name.

  “Kill you?” I grabbed the back of a chair keeping some distance and the table between us.

  “He won’t kill me if I convince you about the truth.” He looked at me curiously. “Do I frighten you? Don’t be afraid of me,” he stated in a calm tone.

  “Afraid of you? No. What do you want from me? Why did he send you?” I shuffled my body around and sat down. I figured that I would look more confident if I was sitting.

  “Alejandro told me ‘bout Marshall’s plan to take the file from SI and destroy its mainframe, making it look like an accident. Then sell the prototype and its technology the country that’s willing to pay the millions he’s asking for.” His earth brown eyes narrowed struggling with what he said. He shifted his body giving the chair a moment of relief.

  “I knew about selling it to the highest bidder and I thought I was brought here to convince him to buy it. What’s on the file?” I felt pressure squeeze at the back of my neck.

  “Marshall and Alejandro entered a business contract several years ago that gave Alejandro exclusive rights to any product that came from Grayson Technologies. Didn’t you ever wonder where Marshall got his money?” He looked at me and smiled.

  “The file’s proof that Marshall is Alejandro’s bitch.” The words rolled off my tongue. He seemed more comfortable with me. Or maybe I let go of the preconceived ideas of a huge black man with me alone in my room and the fear it invoked in me. My back loosened and the tightness in my neck released to a flush of chills down my shoulders.

  “I didn’t know about the contract. How long have they had it in place?” Time tables rumbled through my mind. “Six months? One year? What are we talking about here?” I hammered him with questions.

  “The contract was signed three years ago and it’s expiring at the end of this week.” He had pulled out his phone and checked his messages as he spoke. When he looked up at me, my mind flashed back to the conversation he had with Marshall. The same one I experienced in my head. Why was he warning me now or telling me this information? What was I going to be able to do with this?

  “I’m a little thrown by what you’re saying. Why did Marshall ask you to take Sam and disconnect her prototype then?” His eyes became huge and his body swelled. The muscles in his shoulders and arms became rigid.

  “Who told you that?” He clutched the arms of the unadorned chair thrusting his chest forward. His knotty knuckles bleached a slight muddy brown.

  Every cell in my body shrunk and shivered in fear. This was exactly what I was afraid of. I didn’t want this, not now. I pulled the core of my body tight and brought my head straight so I could look him in the eyes. I was scared, but I wasn’t going to give in.

  “Nobody told me, I saw—experienced your conversation with Marshall in my prototype. Roger recorded your meeting. I was in Marshall’s head. What he tasted, I tasted, touched, I touched, heard, I heard.” I scratched my eyebrow, rubbed my forehead and pushed my loose hair away from my eyes. Nerves took over my hands as I talked to him.

  “Wait, that thing in your head can do all that? You can be in someone’s head and experience what they are doing? Naw, what else can it do?” His eyes twinkled. I could see that he had some ideas of his own for this thing in my head.

  “I don’t know. Roger didn’t get a chance to show me.” I lied the best I could. I felt the swell of disenchantment fill my body. Whatever else this could do I didn’t care, it was already sitting too long in my head. I changed the subject just as quick.

  “Terence? Why did you let Marshall bully you?”

  “He didn’t bully me; nobody bullies me.” He pulled the stereotypical masculine persona from his arsenal.

  “Do you think your brother is really going to be taken care of? Really?” I stood up looking at him and walked into the kitchenette, he followed. I continued my questioning as I grabbed a bottle of water. “Sam was someone you really trusted and liked.”

  “What was I suppose to do? My brother needed me—had to help him.”

  “I watched you sacrifice your integrity to do it.” I tossed him a bottle of water. His gigantic hand moved quick to catch it. His voice became loud and I watched his stance shift to defensive.

  “You know nothin’ about my family. He’s my little brother; don’t tell me you wouldn’t have done the same thing.”

  “I wouldn’t. I’m an only child.” I took a huge swig of the water and went to sit at the table again. I didn’t want to make him mad, but I wanted him to see that he didn’t need to sacrifice his morals for anyone.

  “I didn’t disconnect the prototype like he told me to. I just took her to the airport and put her on the plane. What she does in D.C. is her business.” He was smug as he looked for approval in my eyes. I wondered if he thought he was being noble volunteering the information.

  “Why didn’t you go to Alejandro for help? You’re his employee after all.” I grabbed at my knees under the table and started to bounce my right leg unconsciously.

  “I couldn’t. It isn’t like that.”

  “What is it like?” “I don’t know, but not like that. He’s got enough to think about. He doesn’t need me coming up and buggin’ him about my family problems. Besides, Marshall knows the judge and he owes him a favor.” He cracked the lid of the water and took a swig that drained half the bottle.

  “Was Roger aware of the contract between SI and Marshall?” Every bone in my body was hoping that Roger wasn’t involved with these negotiations.

  “I don’t know. You should ask him. I gotta go. Thanks for the water.” He seemed nervous as he abruptly ended our conversation handing me the empty bottle telling me to recycle it and headed to the door.

  He looked back, tossed his hand in the air above his head and waved as he shut the door. Abandonment flooded my soul as pictures of Alejandro, and now Terence, walking out the door owned my mind. I looked at the clock on the dresser and saw that I had one hour to get to the airport. I wasn’t going to make it. I sat back down at the table, grabbed the fork that was perfectly set next to the cheese cake, pushed it through the pointed end and brought it to my mouth.

  I was staring at an empty plate littered with a slight layer of graham cracker crumbs and the pitch-forked weapon that obliterated it fit comfortably in my hand. I couldn’t believe I ate the whole piece of cheesecake. I wasn’t hungry, but when you need something to do while your mind is elsewhere that will suffice.

  A gradual knock at the door turning into an impatient bang startled me out of my sugar-induced daze. I heard deep fast breathing when I pressed my ear to the door. Whoever was out there was trying real hard to catch their breath. A low deep growl filled the hall before I felt the last attempt vibrate across the door and heard the rub of damp skin skid across the outside. I pressed my eye to the peep hole trying to see as my toes held my weight the best they could. I felt my knees decision to give up, my ankles weary as my e
ye sent my body the message of what it saw. He had given up at hammering and retired to walking away when my mind registered who it was.

  I pulled open the door that seemed heavier than before. He didn’t hear the door open, he just kept walking. I rummaged through my mind trying to find the perfect word that would turn him around and bring him back. I was afraid he was going to reach the elevators and I would lose my chance to catch him forever. This was not the way I wanted to end it.

  “Hey!” I blurted out.

  He stopped and slowly turned to face me his dark green eyes constrict with sin. The lines in my face grew tight, my heart pounded harder and my eyes betrayed me as tears crammed the small ledges of my eyelids. I pushed the tears away enough to see Alejandro standing there. His black hair twisted and disheveled, his nose flaring with every breath, his lips ripe agony. He was mouthwateringly gorgeous.

  I grabbed the door jamb trying to hold on for life. My legs trembled as the door began to weigh even heavier against my choice. All I wanted to do was run to him. Feel him around me again. Hear him say my name, touch my face, exist in his smile.

  He took a strong decisive breath and came toward me. His breathing slowed, his mouth relaxed, his eyes softened with concern and I felt warmth wash over me. He came at me with determination reaching for me as he got closer. His hands brushed at my shoulders, pushing the door open and releasing the pressure that lay against me, I stumble, pulling him with me. I felt his weight shift as he tucked me against his chest, trying to protect me as we fell. He landed on his elbows trying to protect my head from crashing into the floor. His body pressed heavy against mine; I could feel his breath hot against my face and his legs bestriding mine. We laid there on the floor as I heard the door slam shut by our feet.

  “Are you okay?” he asked as my head lay cradled in the palms of his hands.

  “I think so,” I answered still stunned by the fall.

  We stared at each other, not saying anything else. Studying what we might have missed the last time we were together. He lowered his face closer to mine and brushed the edge of his nose against mine. His moist lips tickled below my cheek as he cleared away the evidence of my pain. My mouth pined to taste him and feel his lips persuasively devour all the doubt I had let consume me. I dragged my hands around his back and slid them up past his shoulders before I anchored them in his thick black hair. He caught my lower lip between his teeth and tugged, causing a carnal need to mount low in my core. I opened my mouth, inviting him to extinguish any doubt between us. He thrust his tongue deep into my mouth and our kiss tangled into the invitation we both desperately needed.

  Alejandro’s body pressed so heavy against mine, I couldn’t breathe. His mouth devoured mine before he lifted his lips, pulling away. Hungrily, I followed trying to capture what little moment of heaven he created. I craved the burn he sparked low in my belly.

  He dragged his body from mine and lay next to me for a moment before he rolled up off the floor and offered me his hand. Undoubtedly, he was collecting his wits and testing his self control. I took a shallow breath and let him pull me to my feet. He continued to hold my hand as he led me to the ordinary table near the foot of my bed.

  He sat me down and then I watched as he slowly sat in the chair across the table from me. At that single moment, nothing else mattered to me. I wanted him, like nothing I’ve wanted before. His gaze stoic, I sensed that he needed to tell me something. He pushed his hands across the table, holding my hands delicately into his. Electricity bolted from my fingertips to the back of my neck as he caught his lower lip between his teeth and rolled it loose to talk.

  “You need to know, I tried to keep you safe.” He tightened his grasp on my hands.

  I narrowed my eyes as I looked at him, hoping my expression would get him to explain. I was lost. What did I need to be safe from?

  “You were mad—you left!” I exclaimed before dragging my hands from his hold.

  “I was mad and extremely … disappointed.” His eyes bore into me.

  I was uncomfortable … the way he looked at me made me feel uneasy. I got up and went to the sink area next to the bathroom. I couldn’t look at him knowing that he felt that way about me.

  “Are you still?” I asked as I picked up the towel on the sink and busied my hands.

  “Mad? Yes—but I understand why you did what you did.” He rose from his chair and walked toward me.

  “What do you understand? That I was jealous of Sam? Or that I didn’t tell you about Roger because I didn’t want to lose you. I had a job to do, I didn’t expect—” My voice cracked as I continued, “you hurt me, too.” I turned away from him. I couldn’t look at him; his eyes were my kryptonite. They were my weakness that consumed all the strength it took me to walk away.

  His body pressed against my back and his breath warmed the edge of my ear.

  “I don’t want to hurt you—ever.” His arms tightened around me as he pressed his lips against the space behind my ear. I pulled my head to the side, needing him to continue to explore the back of my neck.

  “Why’d you come back?” I whispered.

  “I came back to warn you.” His words registered breathy across my flesh.

  “About what?” I turned toward him, still wrapped in his embrace.


  He dragged his fingertips lazily across my body as his focus stalled on my eyes.

  “Lauren, Marshall’s going to try and disconnect every active prototype. I came back to protect you,” he said solemnly before he dragged his lips across the bridge of my nose and planted them on my forehead.

  Immeasurable chills twisted and thrashed at my insides. It was a matter of time before the evil that lay just below Marshall’s skin would surface. In a moment of his blatant greed and unhinged power, all of our humanity ceases to exist.

  Marshall wasn’t into this deal for lifting and enlightening the human race, he worked this deal so he could keep this technology for himself and ruin anyone who got in the way. This prototype of Roger’s wasn’t worth dying for … not even the advancement of the human race would justify handing my life over to him.

  “Alejandro, how do you plan on protecting me?”

  “I don’t know yet, but until I figure it out …”

  I looked over at the clock on the nightstand, eleven fifty-nine. I wouldn’t be making my flight to D.C. I’d be spending another night in San Francisco. I wondered if I was going to be sleeping alone or with him. He drew me closer. I let my chin fall as my head rest in the curve of his chest and shoulder. I knew he wasn’t telling me everything, but I didn’t care. Not tonight.

  Alejandro began to pull away and desperation flooded my body. I ached to feel him kiss me, touch me, love me the way he did before. I wrapped my arms up around his neck pulling him down against my lips, kissing him until he knew I wasn’t ready for him to leave. His sweet clean aroma rushed my senses, creating sparks that bust free across my skin. I needed him to possess me. He pulled me to the bed and thrust me down like his prey. His carnal desire radiated from his skin; his deep-seated need to consume my body flared wickedly in his eyes. Trepidation drifted through my head only long enough to be thieved by my body’s reaction to his strength. I didn’t care; I wanted him, and I was willing to let him have me … whatever way he saw fit.

  He snatched the edge of my shirt and wrapped his fists in the fabric. I heard the seams stress and break under the pressure of his strength as he yanked it up and over my head. He balled it up between his hands and buried his nose, inhaling my scent before he tossed it across the room. His attention refocused on my body, his eyes ravaging every inch of my exposed flesh. I forced my hands down to the waistband of my pants, trying desperately to unsnap them before he changed his mind. I thrust my hips in the air, struggling to remove my pants as he grabbed my wrist and flipped me onto my stomach. There was nothing delicate or lenient in his actions. He let out a deep breathy sigh against my skin before his scorching lips pressed firm in the small of my
back. His hands skimmed down the sides of my pants, gripping where they could as he feverishly ripped them from my body. His hands unsnapped the clasps on my bra, while his mouth skated across the curve of my waist.

  “I need to see you,” I huffed trying to turn over onto my back.

  “No,” he answered pressing down against my body.

  “Why not?” I whispered.

  I needed to turn over I craved to watch him, but his determination was overpowering.

  “Because. I need to discover every inch of what I must protect. I have to know that you’ll trust me.”

  He raked his fingertips down my spine. I felt my panties pull from my rear and drag down the front of my thighs. I wanted to trust him. My gut argued with my head, hoping to convince the fear pulsing through my veins that Alejandro wouldn’t hurt me. Fear clutched my heart, thundering in rhythm with the pull between my legs.

  He pressed his mouth against the curve of my bottom, his hands squeezing my flesh as his teeth caught part of my skin. I let out an unexpected whimper. His hands massaged down my thighs, catching the chill his touch created. Still lying on my stomach, I thrust my hands forward and clutched onto the headboard.

  “I want to trust you,” I breathed.

  He pulled back, my flesh tortured by his vanishing touch. What was he doing to me? I rose up onto my knees, ready to use my strength to flip over and tug him down onto my body. Instead, Alejandro snatched my ankles, yanked and spread my legs wide open. My stomach pressed into the bed, the tops of my toes dug into the comforter, and the swollen folds between my legs begged for his touch. I knew what he wanted and it invoked a twisted fear in my soul. All of my life I was the one who made the calls. I was always the one in control; I was the one that chose career over lust, responsibility over recklessness … it was my way of making sure I wasn’t going to end up with a broken heart. Now, Alejandro sparked a dark force in my belly that I didn’t expect to feel. His demanding touch shattered every burden I clung to, owning my loneliness. Suddenly, I ached to glide on the thin edge between autonomy and compulsion.


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