Book Read Free


Page 5

by Liz Bower

  “Fine. For how long?”

  “Not long. A couple of weeks at the most. I’ll tell him he can bring his stuff round this week. Okay?”

  I nodded, and Gabi squeezed my shoulder as she walked past and headed upstairs.

  I watched her go before I grabbed my handbag. As I walked by, I gave the folded blankets on the sofa a last look. I’d better get used to seeing them since I was going to be seeing a lot more of Marco. I wasn’t sure why but that thought made me nervous.


  By the time 4 p.m. came around on Wednesday, I was in full-on panic mode about the interview dinner that night. Even though Alex had spoken to me about what to expect and I had done my research on Lakeside Holidays.

  I was also worried about Marco. We hadn’t spoken since Gabi had asked me if he could move in, but I imagined the dinner was the last thing he wanted to do with everything else he had going on.

  An email alert distracted me. Even more so when I read that Dan wanted me to go upstairs to see him. As I hurried up the stairs, I told myself to calm down. It was only work related why he wanted to see me, of course.

  Dan stood to drag a chair over to his desk when he saw me at the top of the stairs. My cheeks flushed when I got a great view of his arse as he bent over.

  “Hi. You okay? You look a little … flustered.”

  I sat down next to him hoping he didn’t mean my reaction to seeing him. “Oh, yeah. No, not really. I applied for the job of client analyst and tonight I have to go to dinner with Alex and the client. And it’s at the posh French restaurant on the edge of town too. I’m just so nervous I’m gonna screw it up somehow.” Not to mention it was my first ‘date’ with Marco.

  Dan brushed his fingers across my hand on the desk and I jumped. When I glanced up at him, he gave me that smile that showed off his dimples.

  “I’m sure you’ll be fine. You know the software inside out. I don’t see how they couldn’t be impressed by you.”

  My heart beat double time at the combination of his touch, his words, and the subtle scent of his spicy cologne. A smile spread slowly across my face. I spent the rest of the afternoon distracted by Dan.

  At five to seven, my stomach thought it was back on the rollercoaster Gabi had convinced me to ride at Alton Towers a few years back. But at seven on the dot, there was a knock on the door, and I blew out a sigh of relief. As I swung it open, my shoulders finally dropped at the sight of Marco.

  I wasn’t used to seeing him in anything other than his usual outfit of jeans and a T-shirt, but I had to admit that he was rocking the suit he had on. The white dress shirt stood out against the charcoal-grey suit and his maroon tie. Definitely impressive. I smiled at him and said, “Thanks again for doing this. I know it’s not great timing for you.”

  “Yeah, no problem,” he said before heading for his car parked farther down the street.

  As I followed him, I wondered if he was pissed off at having agreed to do this.

  “So, how long are we supposed to have been dating?”

  I stopped abruptly at his question because it threw me. He was taking this more seriously than me because I hadn’t even thought about anything like that. He opened the passenger door for me, and I climbed into his black Audi. It might’ve been an older model, but it was his pride and joy. It smelled of polish, and unlike my battered old rust bucket of an excuse for a car, it wasn’t littered with rubbish.

  When he settled into the driver’s seat, I turned to him and said, “Erm, I don’t know. The only thing Alex knows is that I’m bringing my boyfriend tonight.”

  “Okay. Let’s make this real easy, then. How we know each other, how we met, all of that we tell the truth about. Let’s say we got together six months ago. I split from my girlfriend”—he raised an eyebrow at me—“and you asked me out.”

  My eyebrows and lips scrunched up at the part about me asking him out. I waited for him to explain but realised he couldn’t see my face since he was driving towards town. “Why did I ask you out?” I had to ask, because I’d never asked a guy out before.

  “It shows initiative on your part. You go after what you want, and your boss will appreciate that.”

  My eyebrows flicked up. He really had put some thought into this. “Okay, thanks.” We lapsed into silence after that, and I was thankful it wasn’t a long drive into town. “Turn left here,” I said, pointing as the driveway to the restaurant came into view.

  Marco let out a whistle as he pulled into the restaurant car park. “Pretty flashy place. Are you sure your boss isn’t trying to impress you?”

  It was a French bistro and was supposed to be the best in the area. And expensive. This evening had me on edge even before we’d reached the restaurant. Surrounded by huge expanses of lawn and towering trees, it was a beautiful—if not slightly intimidating—setting. Large double wooden doors were set behind the stone pillars of a porch. Down one wall there was a row of old wooden windows, their panes glowing brightly against the falling darkness outside. “Pretty sure I’m the one who needs to do the impressing tonight, but I heard it’s the place to eat.”

  “The food is out of this world.”

  My head whipped round to stare at him, and I saw he was smirking. But that was preferable over the angry Marco from earlier.

  “Yeah, I’ve been here before. I do know how to behave in public, contrary to what you or Gabi may believe.”

  I probably deserved that comment. But then I wondered whom he had brought there. Lily maybe? “I just imagined you would prefer somewhere more … relaxed.”

  “You’re right. I came here on a work dinner a while back though.”

  As we entered the restaurant, a waiter in an immaculate black suit greeted us at the door and took my coat. I noticed Marco eyeing my outfit and ran my hands down my hips to smooth out the material. I hadn’t been entirely sure what to wear but didn’t think I could go wrong with a LBD. The dress was classy and fell just above my knee, but was cut low enough to hint at me having cleavage—thanks to my Wonderbra—without actually showing anything. Paired with my five-inch black heels, it made me feel more confident.

  Marco leaned down towards my ear, his breath blowing across my neck as he whispered, “You look beautiful, by the way.”

  I couldn’t help the tingle that raced down my neck at the combination of his words and proximity. But then my breath hitched as I caught sight of Dan at the bar. His gaze met mine and the smile he wore vanished as his lips pursed together. The unexpected sight of him threw me. What is he doing here, and why is he scowling at me?

  I dragged my gaze away from Dan and realised I needed to explain about the evening to Marco. Before I could say anything, he leaned down towards me again.

  “Don’t look now, but we’re being watched by who I assume is your boss. Follow my lead, okay?”

  Marco’s arm slipped around my waist. With a hand on the small of my back, he pulled me flush with his body. He curled his other hand around my nape, holding me still. My eyes widened at our sudden closeness. I could feel the heat radiating through his shirt and the steady beat of his heart. His lips grazed my ear as he whispered, “I’m supposed to be your boyfriend, remember?”

  I nodded in response, unable to form any words, wondering where he was going with this. His nose grazed across my cheekbone, and I held my breath. The smell of almonds mingled with that fresh forest scent of his was making my heart go crazy. I was all too aware of how long it had been since I’d stood this close to a man. The fact that I could feel his hard pecs pressed against my chest had me thinking stupid thoughts. Thoughts like he was going to kiss me.

  Marco pulled back as he smiled down at me. He dropped his hand from my neck but the other remained around my waist. My chest started to burn, and I realised I was still holding my breath. I released it in a long shaky exhale before slowly inhaling.

  I had really thought he was going to kiss me. Had wanted him to. But this was Marco, my best friend’s slightly annoying older brother. And
I was there to impress Alex for a job I really wanted, not fool around with Marco. Especially not with Marco because Gabi wouldn’t be impressed. I knew first-hand how protective she was of him when girls from high school thought they could use her to get to him.

  And this isn’t real.

  I nudged Marco when Alex strode into the restaurant and wondered who Marco had thought my boss was. “That’s my boss, and tonight is kind of an interview for a job I would love.” Marco nodded, and I held out my hand as Alex approached. “Mr Danver, this is my boyfriend, Marco. Marco, this is my boss.”

  “A pleasure to meet you, Marco. Please, call me Alex.” He turned to the woman standing beside him. She had a short bob of immaculately straight blonde hair, bright blue eyes and the plumpest lips I’d ever seen. Together they made a striking couple.

  “This is my wife, Maria,” Alex said as he wrapped an arm around her slender waist.

  Marco and Alex headed for the bar, and I turned to Maria. “I don’t know what Alex said after I lost my temper in that meeting, but I think I should thank you.”

  Maria linked her arm through mine, and I was overwhelmed with a sweet floral scent.

  “I think Alex forgets that women can be ruled by their hearts and passions sometimes. I simply pointed out that your reaction in that meeting sounded like it was more to do with Dan than anything else, and that it was probably out of your system now. Although, I’ll admit I am confused now that I’ve met Marco.”

  What was I supposed to say to that? I was sick of lying, so I opted for a half-truth instead. “It wasn’t so much to do with Dan. More the fact that he was being blamed for something that wasn’t his fault, and without being given a chance to defend himself.”

  “Hmm. Still, I am intrigued to see this Dan. Apparently, he’s caused quite a stir in the office.”

  My lips twitched at her words. I glanced over towards the bar, looking for Dan, and started when I saw Marco, Alex, and Dan standing together. Turning to face Maria, I said, “Dan’s at the bar. Standing next to Alex.”

  Maria looked over my shoulder. “He is very attractive, but …”

  I turned back to the bar to behold the beauty that was Dan. I once again wondered what he was doing there but didn’t think I should ask Alex with Marco around.

  Maria continued, “There’s just something about him I don’t like. Your Marco’s just as attractive but he gives off a certain, hmm, confidence? He knows nobody here but seems completely at ease, whereas Dan seems a bit … on edge?”

  I glanced over at Marco and tried to be objective, but he’d always been Gabi’s brother to me. As I looked at him from across the restaurant, I thought maybe Maria was right. He was lounging against the bar, elbows propped against the top of it, looking totally at ease. His artfully tousled dark brown hair had that ‘just rolled out of bed’ look, his pale green eyes striking against his tanned skin and dark eyebrows. The dark scruff along his jaw and mouth only highlighted his full lips that were curved into his cocky smile.

  The corners of my mouth tugged up into a small smile at the sight of it. His white shirt was pulled tight over his sculpted pecs and was almost see-through. My gaze drifted lower, skipping over his belt to his long legs crossed at the ankles. He looked ready to do a photo shoot for a men’s magazine. How had I not noticed how attractive Marco was? As I lifted my gaze back to his face, I knew he’d caught me looking and my cheeks flushed. Too bad he was Gabi’s brother and had never paid me an ounce of interest.

  I looked away and Maria laughed.

  “There’s no shame in ogling your own boyfriend.”

  I tried to give Maria a smile but ended up scrunching my nose and lips up because he wasn’t mine to ogle. But then neither was Dan. My gaze flicked over to where Dan was standing farther down the bar. Compared to Marco he looked … awkward. His suit didn’t fit well over his more muscular frame. His face was contorted into a scowl that was aimed my way and I quickly looked away, wondering what I’d done to earn that look.

  “Shall we join the boys?” Maria asked.

  As I followed her to the bar, my heart rate picked up.

  This is it.


  The evening went well after a shaky start. At least I thought so; it was hard to tell where Alex was concerned. Nerves had gotten the better of me when I found out Jackie had dropped out, which left only me to impress Alex and the potential new client.

  After my first and only glass of wine, I asked the prospective client, Lakeside Holidays, about their requirements. From then on I had forgotten to be nervous and was in my element. I knew Danver Solutions software inside and out after three years of testing new versions of it. I thought I’d managed to convince them it could meet all of their needs.

  Alex had rarely joined in, but I had been aware of him listening to our conversation. Marco held his own, and even managed to get Alex laughing at some of his own weird work stories.

  By eleven the dinner was finished, and I was exhausted. As I waited for Marco to return with my coat, I noticed Dan walking my way. Behind him was a stunningly beautiful woman who had Amy’s words replaying through my mind: “If you think for one minute you stand any chance with Dan, then you’re seriously mistaken.”

  If there had been any ember of hope left, that woman had well and truly snuffed it out. She was short but curvy, her shoulder-length dark brown hair shimmering under the overhead lights. I smiled at Dan—at least I hoped it looked like a smile—but neither of them looked my way. He’d been so sweet at the office trying to reassure me. My only consolation was that he clearly wasn’t interested in Amy if he had a girlfriend. I wasn’t proud of the fact I took a little satisfaction in that.

  Marco interrupted my smug thoughts when he held out my coat. I slipped it on and he ushered me out of the restaurant with a hand pressed against my back.

  The drive home was quiet until Marco said, “It went well, didn’t it?”

  “I think we managed to convince everyone we were a couple. Thanks again for doing that.”

  He glanced over at me as he pulled up outside my house. “I meant your interview went well. I never realised booking a holiday could be so complicated. They seemed impressed with your suggestions on what the software could do for them.”

  My cheeks flushed at his praise. “Do you think so? I wasn’t sure if I talked too much, but they kept asking questions, so I just kept going. And Alex never said anything so—”

  “Take a breath, Jo,” he said as he laughed.

  “Sorry. It’s just I want this job so much. I know I could be really good at it.”

  “I can tell. And so could Alex. I think you did great.”

  As he climbed out of the car I unclipped my seatbelt. He had already rounded the bonnet and was holding open the door for me by the time I removed it. I stepped out, and he followed me towards the front door.

  “Are you coming in?” I asked.

  He stopped when we reached the steps that led up to the front door.

  “No. Just making sure you get home safe.”

  I smiled because I quite liked sweet Marco. Then he leaned down and pressed his lips against my cheek.

  As he pulled back, he gave me a wink and said, “I make a pretty great fake boyfriend, don’t you think?”

  Before I could reply, he started back towards his car, leaving me standing on the steps watching him drive away. I lifted a hand to press my fingers against my cheek where his lips had been.

  If that was fake, I hated to think what he would be like if he turned on the charm.


  Having Marco crash at our place the last few days wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I had spent more time in my room than usual though, trying to give him some space. But he must’ve been driving Gabi crazy because he was almost as messy as me. Even I wished he’d remember to clear his bedding away off the sofa.

  As I balled up his sheets in my arms, I was hit by his scent. That fresh soap and unique Marco smell I’d recognise a
nywhere, and right then it took me back to that night at the restaurant. His face so close to mine that we were almost touching. His hard body pressed against mine.

  I dropped the bedding back on the sofa and went to hunt out the ice cream. It was definitely an ‘ice cream out of the tub’ kind of day. Wrapping Marco’s blanket around me, I snuggled into the corner of the sofa with the tub and spoon.

  “Sorry, I keep forgetting to move those.”

  Not having heard Marco come in, I jumped at the sound of his voice. I shoved the blanket off me and pushed myself upright on the cushion.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  I couldn’t look at him in case it was written across my face that wrapping myself in his blanket was oddly as comforting as the ice cream. “I didn’t know you were home, that’s all.”

  “I’d ask how your day was but”—he eyed the tub, which was all but empty—“I’m guessing not great.”

  “You could say that.”

  “Anything I can help you with?”

  I eyed him warily. While we had been getting along better, I wasn’t sure we were at the sharing and caring stage. When he didn’t smirk or say anything else, I figured what the hell. “I had my job interview today.”

  “And I take it that demolishing a tub of ice cream before dinner means it didn’t go well?”

  As he moved closer, I pulled my legs up towards my chest. “Believe me, it did not go well.”

  He lifted the other end of the blanket, then sat down and draped it over his legs. I shifted again and looked away as I chewed my bottom lip. We were practically sharing his bed—even if it was only a sofa bed. I leaned the tub of ice cream against my leg and folded my arms across my chest, waiting for annoying Marco to show up with some teasing comment.


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