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Lawful Lust

Page 3

by Sara November

  “What are you going to do about the drugs?” she asked, changing the subject.

  “You’re probably not going to like hearing this, but I’ve already worked it out with Cassandra,” he replied. A pang ran through her heart, but she ignored it. Let Cassandra be the hero for all she cared, it didn’t change the fact that both of them had hidden their past from her.

  “What is she going to do about it?” Amy asked, and he chuckled.

  “She’s totally going to bite the bullet. She already had some charges on her that the law firm got her out of, so she has struck a plea deal. In exchanged for fifteen million dollars and three years in prison, she’s going to testify against Sha’Kee – and who gets the last laugh now?” He laughed through the phone, but Amy wasn’t in the mood. She had an unsettled feeling in her stomach, and she wasn’t sure how she was going to recover from it.

  There were too many weird aspects about this situation that she wasn’t sure she wanted to be around any longer. Not only did she feel used and lied to by Roland, she didn’t like the fact that he was working with his ex-wife every day. It didn’t even help that the woman was going to be going to prison for a few years. In a way, that made it even worse.

  “Are you still there?” Roland’s voice came through the phone and Amy was brought back to the present.

  “Yeah, you know what?” she said with a sudden impulse running through her.

  “What?” he asked, clearly still amused at the situation.

  “I quit,” she replied.

  Chapter 8

  “Please pick up! Please pick up!” Amy muttered under her breath as she heard the phone ringing. Her heart was racing, and she once again had been launched into confusion and panic. In her hand she was holding a test – a positive pregnancy test she had taken that morning.

  Amy was confused. She had heard more than once that it was impossible to get pregnant the first time having sex, and though she had thought it a strange notion, she had never really bothered getting on birth control before, thinking that she would as soon as she started sleeping with someone. But, her period was late and after a few days, she went out to the drugstore and purchased a test.

  First thing the next morning she tested twice, and both times the tests came back positive.

  She was pregnant.

  It had been three weeks since she had quit the firm, and she didn’t know how Roland was going to react to the news. She knew it would be better to tell him in person what happened, but then, she didn’t want to see him. It hadn’t gone well when she told him she was quitting, and the two of them had a fight over the phone. The last thing she wanted was to see him and have another fight break out between the two of them.

  She sighed when the voicemail picked up. Of course, it was unlikely that he would have filled her position so quickly, after all, there was a certain level of skill involved, and if he was dealing with the investigation with the FBI and his ex-wife falling on the sword for him, there was little doubt in Amy’s mind that he was going to be busy with other things.

  Although she did feel reluctant to leave the message on the voicemail, she was too panicked to think of anything else that would work. When the machine told her to leave it at the tone, she took a deep breath and began.

  “So, this may seem a little strange, especially considering we haven’t spoken in a few weeks, but it turns out, you’re going to be a father. Sorry, I really didn’t know how”-

  “Hello? Who’s this?” A female voice was suddenly on the other end, and Amy gasped.

  “Who’s this?” she demanded in return.

  “Roland never mentioned any Amy’s – what do you think you’re doing?” the voice responded.

  “I worked there – I quit a few weeks ago, and it’s none of your business who I am,” Amy shot back. There was a laugh on the other end of the line.

  “Well played. Alright. My name is Cathy Summer, and I started working here I right after you quit. I started in the mail room. I’ve been here nearly three weeks now, but I think it’s fair to give you a warning considering what you were just telling me.” Cathy’s voice was cold and calculating, and Amy was defensive and confused.

  “Warning? For what?” she asked with an incredulous laugh.

  “Listen, Sweetheart. I don’t know what you had going on with Roland while you were here, but it’s not going to work. We’ve been fucking since day one, and it’s only a matter of time before I also play the Daddy Card. I’m sure this is bound to come as a disappointment for you, especially if you were thinking about that nice fat child support check. But, I’m the only one who is going to be doing the collecting around here, got it?” Her voice was challenging, and Amy immediately sensed that there was no room for arguing.

  “I didn’t want”- she started, but the girl interrupted her.

  “Cut the bullshit. There is only one reason you would be calling to tell him that you’re pregnant. Do you think I’m stupid? The ex-wife goes to jail, he’s being charged with drugs, what better time then to step forward and ask for something that will shut you up? I’ll admit that it was a smart move, but someone else has already beat you to the punch, and I’m not going to just give up. That money is mine, and if you come anywhere near this firm or Roland, you are going to wish that you hadn’t, I can promise you that.” She laughed and Amy shook her head in disbelief. She had heard of psychotic girls, but this one was being crazier than she had ever imagined.

  “Are you threatening me?” Amy asked in disbelief, and the girl laughed once again.

  “Consider it more as a heads up than an actual threat. I don’t like to think that I threaten people – there’s no need for that now, is there?” She spoke sweetly, and Amy wanted to back slap her through the phone. She wrapped up the conversation as quickly as she could, knowing that the girl was going to delete her message and Roland wasn’t going to have a clue that she had called – or that she was pregnant.

  Amy threw the phone on the couch and leaned back, staring up at the ceiling. She didn’t want child support from him, she wanted to know what they were going to do now. She was struggling to find a job, and now that she was going to have a child, she was going to have to settle for anything that would bring in a paycheck.

  She tried to ignore the hurt that was welling up in her heart, but she found that to be nearly impossible as well. Amy wondered “How could he replaced me so quickly”? Was he the kind of man that just needed to have rebound after rebound in order to be happy in life? It didn’t make any sense to her at all. Amy thought there was something special between them, but there another girl already.

  A girl who planned to be bloated and barefoot for money.

  How could Roland be so stupid?

  Suddenly, a new thought entered her mind. She couldn’t do this on her own, and she wasn’t going to fight that other girl to have Roland in her life. If he wanted to replace her that quickly, that was his right, but she wasn’t going to sacrifice her life for it.

  She was going to terminate the pregnancy.

  Chapter 9

  “Please make Annie do it! I really don’t want to go back there!” Amy said. She had gotten another position at – Hepburn Law. It wasn’t nearly the size of Lonnie Law firm nor did it have the same reputation, but it was something, and since she still hadn’t gone through with the termination of the pregnancy, she knew she was going to have to make money.

  “I said I wanted you to do it, now get out there and do it!” Mr. Hepburn said. Since he was the boss, she knew that there was no way she would be able to argue with what he said – and a glance around the room showed her that everyone was thrilled to see this bit of excitement in their day.

  “Fine,” she said with a sudden air of defeat. It was clear by the look on her boss’s face that he had hoped she would put up more of a fight, but since she wasn’t he put the others back to work. Amy’s heart was pounding as she gathered her things and headed out the door and down to her car. She didn’t want to see anyone at Lonnie Law
– not after what happened. Of course, no one had said much to her after she quit, and no one had even really wanted to talk to her about why she quit.

  But, that didn’t mean that she wanted to talk to any of them now. Especially Roland. By now, his ex-wife would be in jail and it was likely he would be back at the office – perhaps with Cathy as well. The last thing she wanted was to run into either of them, and she knew as long as she was at the firm there was a chance of that happening.

  Amy decided the best thing to do would be to run up the stairs, drop the paperwork at the first desk inside the door, and leave – getting in and out before there was the chance for anyone to see her. Of course, she would have to pass the desks of those who were working downstairs, but they weren’t the kind of people who would know the drama from upstairs.

  If there was one thing she learned working at the firm, it was that the upstairs and the downstairs were like two separate worlds. Amy dashed through the door as quickly as she could, walking through the bottom level of the firm and up the stairs with as much confidence as she could muster. She had intentionally come at lunch so many of the lawyers and her former colleagues would all be in the break room, and she could get her business done in peace.

  She set the papers on the desk and turned to go when suddenly a voice stopped her.

  “Amy?” She knew without turning that it was Roland’s, and her heart sank.

  “Amy! So good to see you!” He said as he hurried over to her. He held out his arms to her for a hug, but she put her hands up to stop him before he was able to get close enough.

  “Mr. Carr, it is good to see you, too, but I really don’t want to talk to you. I think we have said our pieces, and I don’t think there is anything else to add,” she said. He looked at her in surprise, but she wasn’t going to discuss the situation any further if she could get around it.

  “Amy, I have to admit, I’m not quite sure what’s wrong with you – I know you are still a little upset with what happened with the plane but”- he tried, but she interrupted him. She wasn’t about to talk about that when he was the one who had so quickly replaced her after she had left.

  “And what about Cathy? I am hardly gone for two weeks and I hear you are already with someone else? Did what we have mean so little to you that you had to go right into the arms of someone else?” she asked. She crossed her arms and looked at him with fiery eyes, and she could see that he was surprised at the accusation.

  “I suppose with your new fuck buddy you don’t need to worry about me or the baby, do you? But be warned, it’s only going to be a matter of time before you are the father of her children, took, and then you are going to have some really massive bills to pay!” Amy snapped. He looked at her with wide eyes, and she could see that he was very confused.

  “Amy, I really don’t know what you are talking about – what baby? I don’t even know how you know about Cathy – or what we are doing for that matter – I thought you wanted to leave, so I let you go.” He held up his hands to show that he really didn’t have any idea what she was talking about, but Amy merely laughed as she shook her head.

  “You say that, but it’s pretty easy to say when you have someone else doing your dirty work for you – you didn’t need to hear it from me, because you heard it all from her. But then, it’s easy to say that she didn’t tell you anything when you have no proof.”

  “I would really like to hear what you are talking about, I really would. I know you are hurting Amy, but you aren’t making any sense right now.” Roland gave her a look, and Amy pointed to the office in a wild gesture.

  “Then why don’t you check your voicemail? No doubt she deleted it, but it’s still possible!” She didn’t wait for him to respond, but rather turned and hurried back down the stairs and through the door. She had said her piece, and that was good enough for her.

  Chapter 10

  “I just want the check and to leave!” Amy shot at Roland. He had contacted her, telling her that he had heard the messages and he now knew about the baby – and he didn’t want her to have to have the burden to pay for the termination on her own. Although she didn’t want to see Roland again, she knew that it was going to really help her if he were to pay for it so she agreed to stop by.

  But, the interaction wasn’t as smooth as she thought it was going to be. She had wanted to grab the check and go, but as soon as she was in his office he shut the door wanting to talk to her.

  “You replaced me!” she shouted.

  “You left! What did you want me to do?”

  “Not have sex with her! How about that? What, am I just another Cassandra? I leave so the next thing I know you are having sex with someone else?” She tried to keep her voice down, but it was difficult.

  “You weren’t a rebound! Cassandra was the one who cheated on me! We got divorced and she moved in with someone else – I was free to do as I wanted, and when I met you, I knew I wanted you!” Roland snapped. She could see that he was angry, but he also wasn’t going to fight with her about this. Amy shook her head and looked away.

  “Amy, I have loved you from the moment that I first met you. I want to do everything with you – I love you far more than I have loved anyone else in my life – trust me.” He said with a smile. She shook her head and looked away, ignoring him when he was standing right above her.

  “You are the one who gave me my life back. Before you, things were so empty for me – so barren and pointless. When I met you, I knew that I wanted to start living again. And I did.” He was undoing the front of her shirt as he spoke, and she was beginning to breathe harder.

  “You aren’t a rebound to me. To me, you are everything. Listen to me when I say this, I love you!” At that moment, he turned her to the wall and pushed up her skirt. Amy fought to yank her underwear off, letting them fall to the ground. She was breathing hard and spread her legs, eager to feel him inside her once again.

  When he entered her, Amy gasped in both pain and delight. She had to admit, though she was angry with him, she was glad she stopped by. He thrust himself into her, and she leaned back into him, taking him as deep as she could. The faster he thrust, the more she moaned, each pump bringing her closer to climax. She whimpered at first, and her whimpers grew into a scream as she came hard.

  Though she had been a virgin the first time, she knew what she wanted with sex, and the way he filled her up was beyond anything she could ask for. Roland put his hand over mouth as she screamed, muffling her voice as best as he could with them in his office. When she finally stopped, she put her hands on the wall and pressed her ass against him, encouraging him to come for her.

  “Come on, Baby, come for me. Come deep inside me – fill me up!” She whined. He made a few more hard thrusts before giving one final push and moaning himself, completely emptying himself inside her. She smiled in satisfaction, but before he pulled out of her, he helped her stand up and pressed his lips to hers.

  They kissed, her skirt above her waist and his throbbing member inside her, and once again Amy felt complete. When he finally pulled out, they both gasped and grabbed their clothing, pulling it back on and talking.

  “I mean what I said, Amy. I want to spend my life with you – I love you,” he said. She looked at him with sadness in her eyes.

  “I’m sure you’ve said that to a number of other women in the past,” she said sadly. He walked over to her and put his hands on her shoulders, looking deep into her eyes.

  “No, I have not. I got married to Cassandra because it is what my step-dad wanted. I don’t care about anything like that anymore. Now, all I care about is you – you are the one I want to come home to every night. You are the one that I want to spend my life with. I don’t care how hard it is – you are the one I want. Please, marry me?” Roland looked deep into her eyes as he spoke, and Amy looked uncertain.

  She wanted to say yes, but at the same time, she was scared. “What about the baby?” she asked.

  “I wanted the baby from the moment I heard about it
on the voicemail. I love you, Amy, and I want to have a family with you – no matter what, I want to have our family. Will you please marry me? Say yes!” He smiled down at her, and slowly, a smile spread across Amy’s face. It wasn’t going to be easy, but she knew that she loved him, too. She wanted to spend her life with him – she wanted a family.

  On a sudden impulse, she rose to her toes and kissed him, pressing her lips to his with all the passion she could. When they finally pulled apart, she looked up into his eyes and smiled.

  “Yes, I will marry you,” she said. “I will.”




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