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Claiming the Little Vampire

Page 5

by CR Guiliano

  It was quiet tonight, the guy Kelle had thrown out of the club the only excitement to be had. Friday nights weren’t much different than the rest of the week. It was on Saturday nights things got interesting, but Kelle wasn’t working this weekend. After tonight, he had three uninterrupted nights with nothing to do but hang around his empty apartment, and stew in his misery. He wasn’t looking forward to it, even if he hated being here. At least while he was working, he had the tiniest bit of distraction. At home, there would be nothing to divert his mind from Tobih. Nothing to think about except how much he missed the little guy, which only made him angry. Tobih was a vampire, and Kelle wasn’t stupid enough to believe, if the man was around, he wouldn’t want to have a taste of Kelle’s blood. It was shocking, sometimes, to know the thought didn’t really bother Kelle. After all, he had a biting fetish himself, except it wasn’t to drink blood. That he wanted to sink his teeth into Tobih’s flesh was something he tried really, really hard not to entertain.

  Kelle checked his phone for the time…again…to find he only had 15 minutes left to work, then he would be off for the next three nights. He stretched in his corner, still keeping an eye out on things. The crowd had thinned considerably, now that closing time was almost here. Unlike at Bent, Kelle wasn’t required to help clean up. The owners here had a service come in around five am to do that job. When Kelle had first started working here, he’d tried to determine if any of the clientele were vampires, but wasn’t able to tell. He could be surrounded by them, and not know it unless they hissed, or showed fang. Nothing like that had happened so far.

  Two am, and Kelle clocked out before heading out the door. He made his way to his motorcycle, head down, thoughts whirling around Tobih, and what he was supposed to do with himself during his time off. Maybe he’d finally get to the gym. If he wore himself out enough, he could get some sleep. He’d tried over-the-counter sleeping pills, but they’d not done a thing for him.

  Kelle stopped suddenly when he heard a low growl, his head snapping up as he looked around. Just to the side of the club, at the edge of the building, were two large men. Brown shaggy hair, dark eyes, and muscles was most of what Kelle could make out. That, and they were obviously not the friendly type. Kelle tensed as they started stalking towards him.

  “Going somewhere, half-breed mutt?”

  Half-breed mutt? What kind of insult was that? Of course, Kelle didn’t appreciate being compared to a dog, but he wasn’t a half-breed anything. “What do you want?” Kelle didn’t carry cash on him, just for this reason. He didn’t have anything of value, except for his motorcycle, which he hadn’t reached yet. It was a few yards away, past the guys coming towards him.

  “Oh nothing important, except to rid the world of your kind.”

  “My kind? What are you talking about? And rid the world of him? There was no way to misinterpret that statement. They planned on hurting him, killing him, which Kelle had no plans on letting them do. He might hate his life lately, but it was his, and he had no desire to end it right now. He dropped into a defensive stance as they drew closer, only to stumble back in shock when one of them shimmered, and contorted, his shape going blurry, until where once there was a large man, now stood a huge… wolf? What the ever loving FUCK? The menacing chuckle from the other guy had the hair on the back of Kelle’s neck rising, and for some weird reason, his teeth were tingling.

  Before Kelle even had the time to comprehend what was happening, the wolf launched himself at Kelle. Instinct had Kelle dropping down, the wolf sailing over him, but still managing to scrap his claws across Kelle’s back. The pain was intense, but not nearly as bad as Kelle would have thought. He jumped back, away from the wolf, and keeping the other guy in his sight. A slight breeze ruffled the shredded back of his shirt, and he smelled his own blood.

  As the wolf paced, growling loudly, Kelle was suddenly seeing things in black, white, and gray. The contrast was sharp, and Kelle could see better now, even as confused as he was. A burst of pain in his mouth caused a shudder to run through him, and when he felt his lips, it was to find two, large, long…fangs. What the fuck? Was he a vampire too? Except they didn’t feel like the ones he’d seen on Tobih, and Thayne. They were thicker, and further apart, right where his canine teeth were located. Kelle’s thoughts were chaotic, wondering what was happening to him, when the tips of his fingers stung. He glanced briefly down to see claws erupt from his skin. He stumbled back, knocking into a parked car, his chest heaving, and his heart racing.

  Another loud growl had him focusing back on the wolf stalking him. Even as the beast grew closer, movement at the corner of Kelle’s vision caught his attention. When he glanced briefly in the direction of the other shaggy haired guy, it was to see Tobih, of all people, grappling with the man. Something snapped inside Kelle, and he found himself on the ground, snarling, saliva dripping from his jaw. When he moved towards the two fighting, he lost his footing, realizing he was trying to walk on four feet, instead of two. When he looked down, it was to see dark brown paws, with wicked claws coming out of them. Paws? Taking a second to assess himself, it was to find he’d turned into a monster, like the one in front of him. A whine escaped him, and the other wolf huffed, as if laughing at him.

  Kelle focused on the wolf, growling. Okay, if he was a wolf too, that evened the odds, didn’t it? Kelle moved sideways, making his way towards the man struggling with Tobih, working out how to move his body quickly. He could hear Tobih hissing, and growling too, then heard a grunt, before a scream rent the air, quickly followed by a gurgling sound. Before he could turn to see if Tobih had been hurt, the other wolf lunged at him. Backing up, Kelle was cornered between the oncoming wolf, and the car he’d been leaning against. But before he had a chance to defend himself, Tobih was on the strange wolf, biting into his neck. Kelle howled at the danger Tobih was in, and rushed forward to help. He grabbed the other wolf’s leg, biting down until he heard a crack, and shaking for all he was worth. The leg ripped away, and the wolf screamed. Kelle had just enough time to see Tobih remove his bloody fangs, grab the wolf’s head, and twist it until the screaming was silenced, and the wolf slumped to the ground, before he registered the body part in his mouth, and spit it out, the taste of blood overwhelming. Bile crawled up his throat, and he gagged.

  Swallowing reflexively, Kelle was nearly hyperventilating, and moved back, his…four…legs quaking until he could no longer hold himself up. He sank to the asphalt, his whole body beginning to shake violently, until he was suddenly curled up on the ground, back in his own skin, and completely naked, his clothes shredded nearby.


  Tobih’s low voice had Kelle’s balls shifting in their sack, and his dick hardening painfully. He curled up further, wondering how his life had suddenly tipped off its axis, and if he’d gone completely insane. There was no way he’d witnessed a man turn into a wolf, and then done the same thing himself. It just wasn’t possible. But then, vampires weren’t supposed to be real either. So what did that make him, and the other two? Werewolves? A whimper escaped him, and his mind shut down, too overwhelmed with his new reality. Darkness edged into his eyesight, and then everything went black.


  Tobih crouched near Kelle, unwilling to touch him, even if he wanted nothing more than to comfort the larger man. He’d been unable to stay away, not when he knew where Kelle was. He suspected Thayne had known this would happen. Well, known he’d seek Kelle out, not what had just happened. He looked around to see the bloody mess he, and Kelle had made, and wondered what to do. Human authorities would soon be called, and they couldn’t be found here.


  Tobih turned so quickly at the voice, he landed on his ass, looking up at Thayne. The master had, at least, a half dozen warriors with him, and two strangers Tobih didn’t know.

  “Clean this mess up.”

  Mute, Tobih watched as Thayne’s warriors began picking up the mess they’d made. He was in shock, or at least it felt that way. />
  “Thank you, Cirus, for calling me.”

  “Yea, not sure where the wolves come from, but I figured the little vamp was one of yours, since your scent is on him.”

  Tobih wondered how that could be, then remembered one time Thayne had been running his fingers through Tobih’s hair, and he’d felt a small prick at the base of his skull. He hadn’t questioned it at the time, because he’d been feeding. But maybe that was Thayne’s way of marking his coven members. He had noticed all of Thayne’s vampires he’d encountered had the master’s scent on them, some stronger than others. All his feeders as well. A groan had him turning back to Kelle. The wolf’s body was trembling, as if from cold, and Tobih didn’t know what to do. The man’s clothes were shredded, and it’s not like Tobih carried covers around with him.

  Snapping fingers had Tobih looking back over his shoulder at Thayne, to see one of his warriors going to the master’s limo a few feet away. He came back with a thick blanket, but when he went to put it over Kelle, Tobih hissed at him, moving quickly to cover Kelle with his own body. He was shocked at his own behavior, wondering what possessed him to protect Kelle like that. It wasn’t as if the warrior was going to hurt him, but Tobih couldn’t tolerate anyone touching Kelle right now. Not when the man was out cold, and so vulnerable.

  “Hand the blanket to Tobih. He isn’t going to let you touch his mate.”

  There it was again, Thayne referencing Kelle as his mate. Damn it! He didn’t want a mate! But look how he’d acted when he thought the warrior was a threat. And the way he’d come to Kelle’s rescue when the wolves had attacked him. He hadn’t even hesitated, jumping in to defend Kelle, as if the shifter meant something to him. No one had meant a thing to Tobih in years. Irritated, he snatched the blanket out of the warrior’s hand, and moved over enough to tuck it around Kelle’s trembling body. He staunchly ignored the way his body was reacting, and the enticing scent wafting up from Kelle.

  “Do you have a vehicle?”

  Tobih looked up at the master, and shook his head. He’d walked here, had walked here every night for the last week, just to get a glimpse of Kelle. The man—wolf—looked miserable, and unhappy. He’d lost some weight, had dark circles under his eyes, and Tobih could smell alcohol on him. Watching him, it was as if Kelle was just going through the motions of living, but not really living at all.

  Tobih had followed Kelle home the night before last, and knew where he lived. It was in a rundown part of town, and the man never left once he was home, until he had to go to work again. Tobih had almost been caught by the sunrise to figure that out. He’d hovered near Kelle’s ground floor window, watching the man through the glass. He’d simply stripped, and gone to bed.

  Tobih’s reaction to a naked Kelle had been instantaneous, and overpowering. His body had heated, his dick growing so turgid, it hurt, his fangs had lengthened, which he didn’t even know could happen, and his eyes had hazed over, covering everything in a red hue.

  Tobih had fled, his body consumed with the need to…to what? He wasn’t sure, well, he knew he was hornier than he’d ever been, and the sight of Kelle, all that naked skin, and the beautiful cock he had, was enough to have Tobih in overdrive. Once home, he’d jerked off most of the day, orgasm, after orgasm overshadowing everything else, and still he wasn’t satiated. He needed more, he just wasn’t sure what that was.


  Tobih was jolted from his thoughts, and blinked up at Thayne. The master’s eyes were red, and the two strangers were gone. When he looked around, it was to see the parking lot appeared as if nothing had happened, bodies, body parts, and blood all gone.

  “Tobih, Kelle needs to be taken home. I’ve had my warriors bring a car for you, but you’re going to have to let them near to put Kelle in it. You are not large enough, or strong enough to lift him.”

  Tobih hissed, not at all happy with the insult. Thayne hissed back, and Tobih felt the power radiating from the master. He’d never seen Thayne so angry before, even when Tobih would defy him.

  “Your ripe Tobih, and my warriors only have so much patience, before they will lose control, and take you. All of them. And right now, I’m not very inclined to stop them.”

  Tobih glanced around to see the warriors fidgeting, every one of them with red eyes, and full packages straining their pants. Shit! That was the last thing Tobih wanted. He didn’t relish getting gang-banged by a bunch of horny vamps. Forcing himself to move, he stood up, and backed away from Kelle, even if it was one of the most difficult things he’d ever done. Instinct told him to stay near, but he walked over to Thayne, hoping the master’s influence might help him.

  He watched as two warriors moved forward, picking up Kelle’s limp body, and gently placing him in a car Tobih hadn’t noticed before. Thayne’s fingers in his hair startled him, but he didn’t move. The rhythmic caressing calmed him, then Thayne placed a set of keys in his hand.

  “I would suggest taking him to your place, not his. It’s closer, and when he wakes up, he’s not going to wait to claim you. His wolf will be controlling him, and he won’t be able to fight the need to bond.”

  Tobih’s body shuddered at the implications. Could he take Kelle home, and then leave, so the wolf couldn’t claim him?

  “Don’t even think about it, Tobih. Right now, you have nowhere to go where someone, be it vampire, shifter, or even fae, won’t be fighting to have a go at your ass. Kelle is your fated mate. Let him claim you, create the bond. I promise, you won’t regret it.”

  Would he? Regret it? He wasn’t sure he believed Thayne, but what choice did he have? If he fled, he would be caught by someone else, someone who would claim him against his will, some stranger he didn’t know, and he risked being held a prisoner for their pleasure, and his own misery.

  “I’ll have a couple of warriors follow you, so they can take Kelle from the car, to your bed. Then they will leave immediately.”

  Tobih nodded. He was resigned. There was no getting out of this. He only hoped he was doing the right thing, and Kelle wouldn’t try to control him, once they were bonded. Tobih knew he’d not be able to stand Kelle ordering him around, and expecting him to always do what he says.

  Chapter 5

  Tobih stood between his living room, and the kitchen while the warriors settled Kelle in Tobih’s bed. When they came out, one smirked at him.

  “Too bad you have a fated mate. I’d love to get a hold of your little laetus ass, and fill it with my dick, and seed, and watch you swell.”

  “Shut up.”

  The growling of the second warrior stopped Tobih from trying to figure out what the first one meant.

  “Call Thayne when the deed is done.”

  The second warrior looked at him kindly when he said that, and Tobih nodded. He wasn’t sure he’d remember to, considering how nervous he was now. Once the warriors left, he closed, and locked the door, took a deep breath, and made his way to his bedroom. He stopped in the doorway, watching Kelle sleep. The warriors had laid him out on Tobih’s bed, but had failed to cover him, so Kelle was completely exposed to Tobih’s appreciative gaze.

  The shifter was magnificent, there was no doubt about that. But did Tobih want to be tied to the man for life? He supposed he could have done worse for a fated mate. Kelle was just the kind of man Tobih preferred. Large, with smooth, tanned skin, thick, dark hair, light eyes, and a square jaw. He had noticed Kelle’s blue eyes had changed to a bright gold when he’d shifted, very similar to Tobih’s own eye color. When his weren’t red from hunger, strong emotions, or arousal. He could bet his eyes were red now, while standing there observing Kelle’s naked body. His own body had heated up the minute he entered the room, and he was so hard, his zipper was cutting into his length. His fangs ached, and his balls shifted in the tight confines of his jeans.

  As he dealt with his over stimulated body, Kelle’s head turned toward him, and his nostrils flared. Tobih watched Kelle’s cock start to harden, even while the man was asleep. He wondered if, mayb
e, it might be a good idea to strip, since Thayne had said Kelle wouldn’t wait to claim him, and Tobih didn’t have enough clothes to let Kelle rip them from his body. The idea of Kelle ripping his clothes had Tobih’s dick throbbing, but he started taking them off anyway. It was when he loosened his pants, he felt it. A slick, thick liquid coating the inside of his butt cheeks. Huh, that had never happened before, and he wondered what it was, and what it meant.

  He lost time to think about it when Kelle’s eyes suddenly snapped open, the black of his pupils so dilated, they swallowed the blue almost completely. A gush of more liquid ran down the inside of Tobih’s thighs when Kelle’s gaze zeroed in on him, and the shifter let out a snarl. With a grace Tobih wouldn’t think a man as large as Kelle had, he rolled over onto his hands, and knees, facing Tobih, his hard cock bobbing between his thighs, His gaze roamed from Tobih’s head, all the way to his feet, and stopping briefly at Tobih’s hard length. Tobih’s heart was thundering in his chest, and his flight, or fight instinct was threatening to drown him when Kelle pounced. Tobih let out a squeak when Kelle grabbed him, dragging him back, and taking him down to the bed. He covered Tobih from shoulder to knees, rutting against him, and causing an exquisite friction that had Tobih moaning almost immediately.

  “Open your eyes.”

  Kelle’s guttural voice, the words barely discernable, had Tobih’s eyes popping open to stare up at the shifter who was about to claim him. He watched as Kelle’s canines descended, finally stopping at nearly an inch in length. Tobih’s own fangs throbbed at the sight. He could see the feral light in Kelle’s eyes, and knew it was his wolf who was in charge. He suddenly found himself flipped over, hands with claws pulling him up on his own hands, and knees, before a palm forced his shoulders to the mattress. That left his ass high in the air, and he cried out when Kelle nipped his ass cheek, before delving into the crevice between them, and licking at his hole. Fuuuuck, did that feel good. He moaned, trying to push his ass back, but Kelle was holding him tight, his claws pinching into his skin, and adding to the sensations overwhelming him.


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