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Mail Order Surprise

Page 18

by Malone, Misty

  Earl and Leo held guns pointed at the three prisoners, while Jacob, Ben and Max were quickly moving toward the campsite, guns trained on the two men laying on the ground.

  As she was trying to process all this and figure out what had happened, Austin came running toward the woods in her direction. "Georgia? Georgia, are you okay?"

  Knowing it was safe or he wouldn't be calling for her, she stepped out of the woods and ran straight into his arms. She was so relieved to see him safe, her emotions got the best of her and tears started streaming down her cheeks. Austin saw the tears and was instantly alarmed. "What's wrong, honey? Are you hurt? Where?"

  "I'm fine, darling," she assured him, snuggling into his arms, which tightened around her once he heard her assurance. They simply held each other for several moments. When he pulled away, she asked, "So what happened? Are any of our men hurt?"

  "What happened, my dear wife, is that you saved several lives today. When we all heard the shot you fired, we automatically hit the ground. It's a good thing we did, because apparently the second guy at the campsite pulled the trigger about the same time you did. We barely hit the ground before we heard a shot whiz over us. The sheriff and deputy got up quick and returned fire. We thought that took care of it, but luckily, Max was alert and saw the third one aiming and was able to shoot him before he got a shot off."

  Georgia was still a couple moments, then pulled away from him far enough to look into his eyes. The third one? I didn't see him. Where did he come from?"

  "Oh, you saw him," her husband said, "just like the rest of us. But none of us knew he was with them."

  Georgia was perplexed. "Who are you talking about?"

  "Deputy Clark Byner."

  "Wait a minute. I thought you said he and the sheriff returned fire when the guy at the campsite shot at you."

  "He did. I didn't realize it because I was busy with the two men mining, but Max said the sheriff's shot hit the man and he went down. But he said Clark's shot was way off. That got him concerned because he knew Clark was a good shot. So he watched Clark. Max said when he realized the sheriff's shot hit the man, Clark turned his gun toward the sheriff, so Max shot him."

  Georgia was quiet. "He's been riding and camping with us all this time," she said quietly.

  "I know," Austin said, pulling her closer to his chest again when he felt her trembling. "But it's okay now. Max shot the gun right out of his hand. It grazed his hand, but it's just a flesh wound. He's tied, though, so he can't hurt anyone else."

  "What about the two miners? What happened to them?"

  "When you shot, we all hit the ground. The two miners thought they'd catch all of us off guard, and pulled their guns. We were ready for them, though, and between all of us we were able to subdue them, as well."

  "Is one of them Sam Wyler?"

  "It is. He's hurt pretty bad. The other two should be okay, but I really don't know about him."

  "Can we go see if the lady's there? I've been so worried about her."

  "I know you have, honey, but let's see what Jacob and the others find over there."

  Just then Max appeared, looking over toward them. "Austin, could we get Mrs. Barrington over here, please? We found the woman and she's alive, but she's scared. Maybe another woman would be better."

  Before he could answer, Georgia pulled away and was running toward them. Austin was close behind her, hoping they weren't going to find a terrible situation. She got there and found a lady obviously scared half to death. She was huddled in against a tree. The men were standing back a ways, trying to talk to her.

  With no hesitation whatsoever, Georgia went straight to the lady and wrapped her arms around her. "Oh, you poor dear, you must be so scared. I know it's hard for you to trust anyone right now, but please believe me when I say you're okay now. These men are part of a posse. My husband and I are with them, too. Sheriff Grant Montgomery is in charge. He'll be able to talk to you in a few minutes. He's tying up the men who took you. You're safe now. No one else is going to hurt you. All these men, and my husband and I will get you back home safely." She held the lady tightly and gently rocked back and forth, trying to calm her.

  The men all stayed back, not wanting to scare the frightened woman. Max made his way to Austin's side. "Your wife is quite a lady. She saved our lives by shooting one man and warning us of the others, and now look at her. She'll be able to calm her and reassure her much better than any of us."

  "She certainly is quite a lady, and I'm a very fortunate man," Austin said, watching his wife try to help the poor lady. He was so proud of her.

  She held the lady and continued to talk softly until she finally started to relax a little. In time, she agreed to have the sheriff join them, and she was able to tell her horrifying story. Georgia held her tightly through the whole story.

  Meanwhile, Tom Grimes, the man that had been mining with Wyler, told the sheriff where to find the nearest doctor, so Grant sent two men to get a wagon, the doctor, and the local sheriff. They returned just as the victim was finishing her story. Her name was Olivia, and she lived a couple towns northeast of the Barringtons. Grant assured her all the men there would keep her safe and get her back to her husband. Georgia promised to stay with her until they got her home. She thanked them, and went with Georgia while she introduced her to Austin. He tried to reassure her, as well, also telling her she could stay with him and his wife on the trip back home.

  The doctor checked over the wounded men, did what he could for them, and confirmed the other two men near the campsite were dead. They loaded them all into the wagon. Sam Wyler was hurt the worst and was now unconscious. Clark Byner and the other man who wasn't injured as severely complained about having to ride in the same wagon as two dead men, but Grant and the local Sheriff, Tucker Johnson, told them if they'd rather, they could leave them there tied up and come back to get them after delivering the dead men. They stopped complaining and rode back to town.

  Olivia rode with Georgia, with Austin riding alongside them. When they got to town the first stop was at the sheriff's office. They led Tom and Clark in and locked them in cells. They carried Sam Wyler in and laid him on the bed in the other cell. Grant was surprised at that. "Sheriff, this man's hurt pretty bad. Will he be okay in a cell?"

  The doctor answered the question for Grant. "I understand your concern, Sheriff, but he'll be better off here than anywhere else. I live alone and I can be called out at any time, day or night. When Sheriff Johnson has someone in his jail he makes sure he or one of his deputies is here all the time. If there's a prisoner who needs medical care, I stop in as often as I can, so they're better here than anywhere else. If they need me, they come get me, if they can find me."

  Grant nodded. "That makes sense." He turned to Sheriff Johnson next. "They're your prisoners and you're free to ask them whatever questions you want, but do you have any objection to me talking to my deputy before I leave?"

  "Of course not. I'm sure you're anxious to hear the story. Did you have any idea he was involved?"

  "Absolutely none, or I wouldn't have included him in the posse."

  Both sheriffs went to talk to him, anxious to hear what he had to say. Unfortunately, he had nothing to say. Grant shook his head sadly as he left the jail. They all left soon afterward, anxious to head north and get Olivia home to her husband. They sent a telegram to give him the good news, and told her husband they should make it home to him sometime the next afternoon.

  The entire group talked, and it was decided that Max and Jacob, along with Austin, would stay with Grant, Georgia and Olivia as they saw Olivia returned home safely. Grant had to turn over all the evidence he had and write out a detailed statement before he could leave, which would take a little time. The rest of them, including Cord and Elliott, would leave right away and go straight home. They would get back a day or more ahead of the rest, who would have to make a detour to deliver Olivia.

  Austin and Cord talked a bit before they left. Cord would be able to get back to ru
n the ranch again, and could help again with Pete.

  Before they left, Austin thanked him and Elliott for bringing the telegram down to them. Sheriff Montgomery joined in. "Without that telegram we probably wouldn't have found them. We were on the wrong creek. Thank you."

  "We were afraid to go to Joe after reading the J. Silas, but we knew you'd need it," Cord said.

  "I'm glad you brought it to us," the sheriff said.

  "So what about Joe, Grant; do you think he's involved in this at all?"

  "I honestly don't know what to think," Grant said. "I never would have thought Clark was involved, but he obviously is, so I don't know any more. I really didn't think Joe was, but I have to admit now, knowing Clark is, Joe certainly may be, as well. I sent him a telegram saying we got Sam and the kidnap victim and are returning home, taking her home first, but that's all I said. I did that on purpose. If Joe is involved, he may leave while he can. If he's still there when I get back, I'll see what he says."

  Cord and the others had been listening carefully. "So we shouldn't say anything to Joe about Clark being arrested?"

  "No. Just tell him he stayed down here with me. Tell him I asked all of you not to say anything about any of it until I get back to finish up some loose ends. I'll fill him in on everything then."

  Chapter Fifteen

  Ty and Landon discussed everything they'd learned in town on their way back to the ranch. Ty called a meeting before they ate supper that evening to let the men know what they'd heard. After their talk, they had a lot of questions but few answers. They all felt they needed to check on Vera and Ben Wagner and their fellow hands who were staying there.

  They were concerned that the man who called himself Ted Sanders, but Ty felt was the same Ted Braxton they'd heard about, may be watching the ranch. They certainly didn't want to lead them to Pete. They were concerned not just for Pete, but also for Vera and Maria.

  Their solution was for Ty and Landon to take supplies out to make repairs to a line shack close to the Wagner farm. They would make repairs to the outside, including fixing the roof, then work on the inside. They would then take a piece of the flooring up that's rotted and ride to the Wagner farm. Elliott always kept extra boards around for repairs, and they would measure and cut a board that same size and take it back to finish their repairs. They'd talk while they're looking for the board they needed and cut it to the right size, but if anyone was watching them it would look like they were simply going to their closest neighbor, looking for the wood they needed to finish the repair.

  The rest of the hands were careful, watching for this Braxton fellow, or anyone else that might come snooping around the ranch. They also watched for any movement in a woods or anyplace they thought people might be hiding and watching.

  Ty and Landon took the rotted piece of wood to the Wagner farm, where they met Dustin out by the barn. They held up the piece of wood, while quickly explaining their plan to Dustin. He nodded and led them to a wood pile, where they started looking through it for the right length.

  Dustin assured them everyone was fine there and they hadn't had any problems, but promised them they would be on the lookout for any strangers. Ty told them to send Ben over if they needed anything, or to start a fire behind the barn, and they would check frequently for any smoke. He promised to come get them and fill them in on everything if they got any news.

  Ty and Landon went back and finished repairs to the line shack, then headed back to the barn. They'd barely gotten back and their horses unsaddled when Cord and Elliott came riding in. It was about time for supper, so they filled each other in on what all had happened over their evening meal.

  Cord and Elliott were surprised to hear about Ted Braxton/Sanders, and had no idea how he fit into this whole thing. As far as they were concerned, it was a fairly simple scheme. They still weren't sure if J. Silas was Joe Silas, but J. Silas found places containing gold, and sold that information to Sam Wyler. Sam found Pete, who had no job or home at the time, and got him to help mining. When Pete found out Sam didn't have the rights to mine on the land, he left. Sam shot him to keep him from going to the law. He left the area, believing Pete was dead, and went to the Black Creek, to the new spot J. Silas told him about.

  But they hadn't been able to figure out Clark's part in it. And now, who is this Ted guy, and how does he fit into the picture? And more importantly, why is he looking for Pete?

  As for Ty and the rest of them that stayed at the ranch, they were shocked to hear Clark was involved. No one seemed to have any answer, though, for who Ted may be and what he wanted with Pete. After what Ty and Landon heard in town about hiring people to go with him looking for Pete and labeling him the man who raped his wife, it was obvious they needed to keep him away from Pete.

  After supper, Elliott went home. They had all agreed he would fill Trace and Dustin in on what was going on, but they would stay at the Wagner home until the sheriff and the rest of the group got back and they could sort things out. Until they knew Pete was safe, they were all determined to do what they could to ensure his safety.


  Sheriff Montgomery and his group made their way to Olivia's home. It was evening when they got there, and their home was full of family members and neighbors. They had a huge meal there to welcome her home. Georgia was very happy to see all the support Olivia would have. She and her husband insisted the Barringtons and their group join them for their meal, and spend the night. They had a small home, but the group did take them up on their offer to stay in the barn overnight. They had one extra bedroom and insisted Austin and Georgia stay there. She told her husband how the group rescued her, and how protective the Barringtons had been afterward.

  Olivia and Georgia had a hearty breakfast ready for them all the next morning. They ate and spent a little time giving hugs and thanks on both sides. Olivia's husband and Austin spent time talking, and Austin felt sorry for the man. He could imagine how worried and upset he'd be if Georgia came up missing. And now he would have his hands full for some time, reassuring his wife of his love.

  Georgia was trying to help Olivia adjust, and find her confidence. She told her it was obvious her husband loved her deeply and urged her to lean on him and let him help her through this. Olivia hugged her new friend fiercely, and they promised to keep in touch with letters.

  Having had a hearty breakfast before they left, the group headed home, stopping only long enough for them and their horses to drink and rest a few minutes. They ate dried beef and leftover biscuits from breakfast as they rode, determined to make it home before dark.

  Sheriff Montgomery and several of the men were thinking about Clark and his part in this, but no one did much talking. No one had any answers, and the more thinking they did, the more questions they had. When they reached the edge of the Rippling Waters Ranch, he and Georgia broke off from the group and headed home, while the rest of them headed toward town. Grant promised to let Austin know if he learned anything new.

  Austin and Georgia were coming up the lane as the men were heading to the bunkhouse and kitchen for supper. Cord rode out to meet them. He welcomed them home with a grin. "Welcome home, boss, Mrs. Barrington. I think maybe you two better come in and eat supper with us at the bunkhouse. We've got a lot of news for you."

  They'd reached the barn by then, and Austin and Georgia slid down from their horses, glad to be home, but not sure what was going on. Garrett, their newest hand, took the reins of both their horses. "I'll take care of your horses for you. I'll brush them both down really well and give them some extra grain. You go on in and eat."

  "Thank you, Garrett. We appreciate it. I am anxious to hear what's been happening here at home."

  Over the next hour, Cord and Ty filled Austin and Georgia in on everything they knew while they had supper with the hands. When they were finished eating, they went to the main house. They talked a few minutes about what all they'd learned, then sat down on the couch, exhausted. He put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her over
next to him. Her head found his shoulder, and they were soon cuddled in each other's arms.

  "This isn't exactly how I'd planned our first night home to go," he muttered, leaning over to kiss the top of her head.

  She was still leaning against him, so he didn't see the smile on her face. "Oh? How did you plan it would go?"

  "Well, it's kind of hard to explain. Maybe I better just show you, Mrs. Barrington."

  She tried to hide her smile and sound serious as she said, "Maybe you better, Mr. Barrington."

  In a flash he was standing, with her in his arms, heading toward the stairs. Once in their bedroom he took her to the bed and laid her down gently. He pulled her boots off, and than ran his hands down her arms as he kissed her. "This is more what I had in mind, my sweet wife," he said as he gently started to unbutton her shirtwaist.

  She wrapped her hands around his neck to pull him down for another kiss. "It's more what I had in mind, as well, my wonderful husband."

  Once again, Austin was a bit late getting to morning chores the next day, and Cord just smiled.

  Georgia had breakfast ready for Austin and Cord when they came in after morning chores. They were just finishing their meal when Cord saw a rider coming up the lane. "Who's that coming in the lane, Austin?"

  Austin looked out the window, and stood. "That's Grant." He went to the door and waved for Grant to come to the house. Georgia had a cup of coffee and plate of food ready for him when he came in. "Come on in and have some breakfast while you tell us what's going on."

  "Thank you for the breakfast. I haven't even thought of eating yet, to be honest. As far as what's going on, I sure wish I knew."

  "Now that you're back, do you think Joe's involved somehow?"


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