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The Ark of Power

Page 5

by David Barco

  It doesn't even sound normal.

  "Now, I have been working hard to try to find-“

  "Again, I said don't small talk me. You just answer yes or no. Which one is it?" the mysterious robed man interrupts sounding irritated.

  "No, but please, please let me explain-“

  "You said I could rely on you. That you are the most loyal follower amongst them all," the mysterious robed man answers.

  He walks towards Mr. Garner.

  "You can, but I just need a little bit more time to get some. I have learned that there is a cave in the forest by the Academy in Tespan. I just have to go and get some," Mr. Garner replies, shaking.

  "I need to have a black gem in my hand for the next part of the plan. If someone tries to extract the energy from a black gem, unprepared and the wrong way, they will die. So, I a need these couple of months to discover how to do that," the mysterious robed man replies.

  Harrison feels JT bump his hip.

  "What the heck is a black gem?" JT whispers.

  Harrison shrugs.

  "I understand and I know you are busy with your position at the Academy and all, so you need the time to find out. Even with your ability to control your Power Flow and the power you have I can imagine how difficult it must be then," Mr. Garner responds.

  Harrison and JT stare at one another as their eyes enlarge.

  "Well since you are so aware of my time frame then I encourage you to get it done. If not, I will get another follower to do my business. The numbers are growing," the mysterious robed man says.

  The mysterious robed man strolls slowly over to the blueprint hanging on the wall.

  Mr. Garner follows him, standing behind him as he observes it. Harrison lifts his head a little more.

  "The good ole Academy. Putting out strong Destine elite warriors since it was created. I was always fascinated with the legend of this blueprint. I always wondered if it really worked if someone took it to the library at night. A fascinating legend in itself. When I was a student there, I wanted to find it and see for myself."

  He reaches out to touch it.

  "Yeah, I am just thankful you allowed me to have it when you found it. You are too kind," Mr. Garner responds.

  The mysterious robed man inspects it.

  "You shouldn't let people touch it and get their nasty fingerprints on it. It is too valuable to just let anybody touch," the mysterious robed man says, with anger in his voice.

  Harrison views Mr. Garner stepping forward to examine it. He sees him stop, looking down with a confused look.

  "Where did this water come from?" Mr. Garner looks up towards the ceiling. "Must have a leak in the roof."

  The mysterious robed man heads to the front door.

  Mr. Garner wipes the smudge off the blueprint.

  "You know how passionate I am about history. It's one of my favorite things in the world. So, if you ever let anything happen to that blueprint, something bad will happen to you," the mysterious robed man announces, opening the door.

  "Absolutely nothing will ever happen to this blueprint. You can trust me on that."

  "I will be back at the end of the month, and I will also trust, you will have my black gem the next time we meet.”

  He slams the door.

  Harrison and JT stay hidden as Mr. Garner exits. Harrison hears the car immediately drive away.

  His body shaking, Harrison slides down the ladder. JT grabs the blueprint off the wall and heads to the bathroom. Jumping out the window, he lands next to JT. JT smashes the glass and takes the blueprint.

  "Come on let's get going," JT says, shaking.

  Harrison agrees and begins to jog behind JT, glancing up at the stars, trying to clear his mind.

  Chapter 8

  The Ferry to the Destine Academy

  Harrison's back itches as he lays on the carpet without his shirt on. He glares at the wobbly ceiling fan slowly rotating in the bedroom over at JT’s house. The annoying cracking noise gives Harrison a headache, or maybe it is JT snoring on the bed beside him. Mr. Hall raids through the door with a rousing look on his face and more energy than a five-year-old.

  "Get up boys. What are you guys doing? It's 10:00 am and the ferry leaves for the Academy at 11:00. Let's hurry," Mr. Hall says.

  "Okay, dad. We get it. It won't take us long to be ready," JT yawns.

  "You guys are sleeping the morning away like you were up running the streets all night. Now come downstairs and meet me and your mom and be ready to leave," Mr. Hall closes the door.

  Harrison, still laying in the same spot, sees JT stumbling around the mess in his room. JT kicks Harrison in the leg.

  "Dude, get up we got to get going before my dad comes in again.”

  JT lifts his bags, putting them next to the door.

  "What do you think will happen to Mr. Garner? Do you think that guy in the robe will actually come and do something since we took the blueprint? I mean you heard what he said," Harrison watches the fan spin.

  "We can't worry about that. Apparently, he got himself around the wrong people. It would be his fault if something happened to him,” JT answers, putting his shirt on.

  Sitting up, Harrison walks to his bag and looks through it.

  "Yeah but still, nobody would have ever tried to steal that blueprint. The only reason we did was because of what I am trying to do. And the bad thing is we don't even know if it's true or not. Even crazy sounding robe guy didn't know if it was. What if he does do something to him? Then it would be all my fault. I don't want to get people in trouble," Harrison says, lifting an old gray shirt out of his bag.

  "Cool shirt, where did you get that from?"

  "It's my dad's,” Harrison smooths the front of the shirt. "My mom said he was wearing this shirt on the night he left. She found it on the porch. He must have changed into his battle gear before he left. She said it was the last thing she saw him in. So, I figured I would wear this today."

  "I feel you,” JT picks up his bags. “Come on let's get going."

  Harrison sprints down the stairs behind him, and spots Mr. Hall on the phone, pacing in circles.

  "No way…yeah…no…thanks for telling me, I could've never imagined that. If you need anything just let me know…yeah, alright to you later, Cecil," Mr. Hall hangs up the phone wearing a look of surprise.

  "What happened honey?" she asks, sounding concerned.

  Harrison and JT grip their bags tightly and walk towards JT’s parents.

  “You will never believe this. Someone broke into Cecil's shop last night and stole one of his rarest pieces, his original blueprint of the Academy," he responds.

  Harrison’s heart drops and his hands get sweaty.

  "You can't be serious. That's terrible. How'd he sound over the phone?" she says, gasping.

  "He seemed stressed about it. It almost sounded like he was in tears. He must be pretty depressed because when I said talk to you later, he got off the phone with, ‘Yeah let's hope so,’” Mr. Hall answers.

  Mrs. Hall opens the front door.

  "Well, I hate hearing that, but let's hurry and get in the car and get to the dock. Harrison, your mom is supposed to meet us there.”

  "Yes, ma'am," Harrison replies strolling out the door first.

  "Still can't get over that. Who would do something like that? I just don't get it," Mr. Hall says, locking the house.

  "Probably some stupid kids up to no good," JT responds.

  They throw their bags in the trunk and sit down in the back seat.

  "You got that right. They sure aren't like you two boys. I can sleep well at night knowing that you would never do something like that.”

  Mr. Hall glances at them as he pulls out of the driveway.

  "Yeah, you got that right,” JT responds.


  It began to rain and small raindrops land on Harrison's nose as he steps out of the car. His mom smiles as she stands waiting for him. Harrison’s good friend Gavin is there, waving co
ntinuously amongst the crowds of people.

  "Hey, mom,” Harrison strolls towards them. “What's going on Gavin? I didn't expect to see you here."

  Harrison messes with Gavin's hair.

  "You just never know when I might pop up. And one day you may just need me to," Gavin replies, smiling.

  JT moves in getting closer to Gavin.

  "If we need you to ever help us, then just know that we are truly desperate and possibly dreaming,” JT says.

  Harrison giggles, but tries to hide it.

  "You guys leave that boy alone,” Francis interjects… “You never know, you just might need his help one day."

  Suddenly, Francis gasps putting her hand over her mouth.

  “Oh, my, gosh. Adam," she hollers, running to Harrison's uncle Adam.

  Harrison follows his mom.

  Francis hugs Adam tightly. Harrison notices the exhilaration in her voice.

  "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at the Academy right now getting ready to welcome the students?" she asks.

  "You think I would miss the opportunity to see my nephew off? Douglas would have wanted to be here so bad. So, in his honor, I came to see Harrison off. And I get to ride to the Academy with him for his first time. I couldn't pass that up. Plus, I was in the area, so try not to get all sentimental, kid."

  Uncle Adam grasps Harrison's shoulder firmly, pulling him closer.

  The strong grip numbs his whole left side.

  "I like your shirt, man. I think it's pretty cool you are wearing your dad's old alumni shirt. I am sure he would have loved that. It's a little big though," he says, laughing.

  "Yeah, you didn't tell me you packed his shirt,” Francis says “You could've let me know. I didn't want to make a big deal about it, but it almost made me break down in tears."

  Tears begin forming in her eyes.

  "Yeah, well I just kind of thought about it recently. Sorry I forgot to mention it to you," he responds, staring at the ground.

  Harrison feels his uncle's giant palm resting on his head.

  "Your dad was the best ever. We all knew he was going to be the next Destine Elder. And I believe to this day that if that would have ever happened, he would've gone down as the best ever," Adam smiles down at Harrison.

  Abruptly, a loud noise squeals from the colossal ferry. Startling Harrison, he glances over at the boat. Waves beat against the dark burgundy stripes of the boat as it cuts through the turbulent water.

  "Well, that's the first horn. We better get moving,” Adam says. “Your journey is about to begin nephew and it's going to be a wild ride. I will meet you there in a minute."

  "Give me hug. It was so good seeing you," Francis says, pulling his uncle Adam close to her.

  "It was great seeing you too. See you later, sis," his uncle Adam says, walking toward the ferry.

  Harrison looks over and sees JT hugging his parents just like the rest of the crowd.

  Gavin jogs over to them.

  "Well, Harrison, good luck. I am going to miss you," Gavin says, staring at the ground.

  "Thanks, man, I am going to miss you too. But I will keep in touch. You just make sure you keep working on those forms."

  Harrison hugs him. Walking off, Gavin joins JT.

  Harrison looks at his mom, tears pour down her face like a dam breaking.

  "I am proud of you and I know your dad would be too. Go and work hard and try to be the best that you can be. And if you need anything, your uncle is up there," Francis says.

  She pulls him close for a giant hug.

  "Thanks, mom. I will," he replies.

  The second horn blasts from the ferry. "Well, got to go."

  Heading to the ferry, her hand touches his back.

  "I almost forgot. I thought maybe you would want to take this with you. It might be helpful while you are up there. I found this in your pocket the night at the party when you were blasted through the window.," she says pulling out the old golden, aged compass that Mr. Hall gave him.

  Harrison couldn't believe he forgot all about that compass.

  "Wow thanks, I guess I forgot about it. But why didn't you give it to me sooner?" he says putting the compass in his pocket.

  "I didn't know where I put it. But this morning for some odd reason, it was like it wanted me to find it. It was as if it had a mind of its own, calling me to it... weird huh?" she replies as they stand right in front of the dock for the ferry.

  "Huh, yeah kind of. Oh well, I love you mom and see you later," he says hugging her.

  "Bye honey, I love you too," she says.

  Walking up to the ferry, he views the same agent that delivered the letters to the party, talking to his uncle. As soon as he gets on the ferry, JT, Jaylen, and Joseph rush toward him. The excitement is evident in their small talk as they walk towards his uncle.

  Harrison looks over the edge as the boat begins to move.

  The wind tousles his hair as the boat picks up speed.

  "I must ask you, your honor. Why are you here in Eriz when the Ragnar council members are supposed to be at the Academy getting ready for the students to get back?" the agent asks his uncle Adam.

  They all listen trying not to look obvious.

  "I had to be somewhere last night for an important meeting. So, I figured I could just ride back with my nephew since this is his first time at the Academy," his uncle Adam replies with his arms leaning on the shiny silver rails.

  "Oh okay. Where were you if you don't mind me asking?" the agent asks.

  "I was in Dosman,” his uncle Adam replies.

  Harrison meets JT's eyes in shock.

  "But I am not the only one gone from the Academy right now, so I can't get in too much trouble," his uncle Adam says laughing.

  "Oh really. Who else from the Academy isn't there?"

  "Two teachers, Norman Drake, and Buford Lloyd. Both of them had to go to Dosman too for some reason," Adam replies.

  Harrison and JT turn their backs to them.

  "Dude, the mysterious robed guy last night could have been your uncle," JT whispers as the wind picks up, blowing their hair in every direction.

  "Yeah. But the problem is if what he is saying is true, it could be one of the other two teachers too," Harrison replies in disbelief.

  "What are you guys talking about over there?" Jaylen asks.

  "Let's go find a cabin in the ferry inside and we will fill you in on everything," Harrison says, motioning them to follow him.

  The clouds begin to pour rain down, soaking Harrison's whole face, as they make their way down the stairs to the lower deck.


  Harrison and his friends sit in a small room in the lower deck.

  "You got to be kidding me. All that is true? That is wild," Jaylen says.

  "Why couldn't you fill us in sooner? I mean we have all been friends for years. You should have known that we would have kept this secret and would have helped in any way," Joseph says, looking at Harrison and JT.

  "Well I am glad that maybe we didn't go to that antique shop. That would have been kind of scary with weird robe guy. Plus, if I fell in a toilet, I think I would have cried,” Jaylen says.

  "Oh, JT did cry, you just couldn't tell because of the toilet water running down his face," Harrison replies, with a laugh.

  "Funny, laugh it up. I can say I am the best friend you all got.” JT folds his arms. “The crap I go through for you guys."

  "Yeah, crap all right," Joseph responds.

  Bending forward, Harrison signals them to come closer.

  "I appreciate you all doing this for me. But I don't want you guys to feel like you have to,” he whispers.

  "Dude, we all know you would do this for us without hesitating," Joseph responds.

  "Yeah, I mean if we can help you find out whatever happened to your dad then it's all worth it.” Jaylen scoots closer to Harrison. “And it sounds like they are trying to hide something with the letter you got, so I want to find out what it is."

"We just got to be smart. We need to take our time, there is no need to rush. We are going to have a lot on our plate as it is with classes. Adding this is going to make everything harder, so we just got to handle all this carefully," JT says.

  Jaylen leans back in his seat and places his hands behind his head.

  "So as of now, we think maybe that guy who was in the antique shop could have sent the letter to you, Harrison because of that comment from Mr. Garner about him working at the Academy?" Jaylen says.

  "Right now, that is what I am thinking. My uncle mentioned that there were three people from the Academy in Dosman that same night. Him, Norman Drake, and Buford Lloyd, so it could possibly be one of them," Harrison says.

  Joseph stares at the ceiling, looking as if he is thinking hard. "Great, well two of these guys we have for classes. When I looked at my schedule the other day, I saw both of their names. So, two teachers and a Ragnar council member are on the list for possibly being weird robe guy. Absolutely awesome."

  "At least we can maybe get to know the teachers and see which one it is," Harrison says, leaning back in his seat.

  "Dude, what if it’s your uncle? I mean you can't rule him out," JT says, leaning towards Harrison.

  "It can't be him, though. I know him and he wouldn't do anything like that," Harrison replies.

  Suddenly, Samuel and his two chubby bodyguards push the door open.

  "What are you losers talking about?” Samuel says with a smirk. “Must be trying to hide something if you have to close the door."

  Harrison walks toward them.

  "Maybe we just close the door to keep the real losers out," Harrison says getting closer to them.

  JT, Joseph, and Jaylen stand behind him.

  "So, one of my friends talked to Victoria's close friend, and she told him how Victoria told her that she was not talking to you anymore. I feel bad for you, Grady." Samuel continues to mock him. "I mean, all you got are these three losers. It has to be terrible to be you. No girl wants you. I mean you chased one away. You chased your dad away. You must be like the biggest loser of all time."

  Samuel breaks out into a laugh.

  Instantly, Harrison’s nostrils flare and he lunges toward Samuel. JT, Joseph and Jaylen, hold him back from attacking Samuel.


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