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Sex Sessions: Uncut (Camera Tales #1)

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by Charisse Spiers

  Copyright 2016 Charisse Spiers. All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means such as electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the author of this book. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  "Can you believe we did it? We graduated high school! It's finally over and we can start our lives free from parents."

  I sit on Meredith's bed and watch unfocused as she continues to pack her room. "Maybe for you," I say, completely sulking. "My parents are making me go to junior college within driving distance so I can't get into trouble. I can't even go to a university and live in a dorm like normal college kids. I wish my parents were cool like yours. You tell them you want to give acting a shot and they find you an apartment and hire an acting coach. I tell mine I want to move away to college to find out what I want to do and I'm told I'm being ungrateful. I just want out of Coffee Springs. I envy you, Meredith."

  She sits beside me and bumps her bare shoulder against mine. "Come with me then. I've already asked Mom and she said she would rather us do this together. Plus, she agrees you need to spread your wings, and as much as she loves your mom, that won't happen living with them. Could you picture us being on the big screen? People driving to the bigger cities to watch us while they shove popcorn in their mouths would be amazing. We can do this Kambry. We just have to want it bad enough."

  Alabama summers are hot and humid. The fewer clothes you can get away with the better. My choice of wardrobe though is a reserved version of Meredith. My parents are very conservative - churchgoers full-time. My dad has probably paid for our small town church by now. He wants the perfect little cookie-cutter family, daughter included. Everything is about appearance with him. No daughter of his is going to be dressing skimpy and running around being wild or partying, let alone date like normal kids. It's embarrassing. Who goes to prom and has to be home by ten as a senior? The bad thing about small towns - everyone talks. You do one thing and it spreads like wildfire, so I'm always walking around on my tippy toes. I, Kambry Rivers, have never gotten drunk, cursed, or had sex, and none by choice.

  "That all sounds great, Meredith, but how do you propose I do that? If I can't even move into a dorm where you have dorm moms and it's girls only, do you really think my parents are going to jump at the idea of me moving to Los Angeles, California, full of clubs, boys, alcohol, and sin?"

  She slides off the bed and stands on her knees in front of me, grabbing my face in her slender hands. "Do you hear yourself, Kambry? You're eighteen years old. So what if they don't agree. You're an adult. Sometimes kids have to cut the umbilical cords ourselves, even if our parents won't release the scissors. It's time to live our own lives, Darlin'. You and Kyle broke up last week. We all knew that was coming without you giving up the V-card. I'm surprised you guys have made it two years. You don't keep the most wanted baseball player on the team without sex to hold his interest."

  "You don't think it's been hard? Every time we kiss, every time he touches me intimately when we're in his truck? It makes me feel good. You know why I can't have sex with him," I interrupt. "My dad monitors my phone calls and texts, social life, and the business of what is going on around town. He's like psycho dad on steroids. He would find out. I've been threatened with my life if I'm not a virgin when I walk down the aisle. He didn't even say anything when he found out Ben had sex and he was only like seventeen. He couldn't even hold out till graduation and he's like the golden child in my dad's eyes. It's completely unfair."

  "Well your brother is hot. Someone was bound to get in those shorts at some point. Just saying." She pauses as if her mind is going off somewhere else. "If only we were closer in age to him back then..."

  I grab the pillow and smack her with it. "Don't talk about my brother like that, Meredith. Gross!"

  She laughs briefly and then crinkles her face as if a different thought crosses her mind. "Ugh, I'm not trying to sound slutty, but you should always test drive the car before you buy it. All purchases are final. I'm not saying you have to sleep around, but damn girl, you need to sow some wild oats before you do that. We are only eighteen. I'm forbidding you from marriage until you're at least twenty-five. Wait for Mr. Right. Don't you dare marry some prick just to get away from your parents. None of that matters right now. All I'm saying is that all of our friends are leaving this hellhole behind by the end of the summer. I'm just leaving now so I can have a perfect summer on the west coast. There is no schedule for acting auditions. The sooner I get started the better. We've been best friends since we discovered we were neighbors at five and then ended up in the same class in kindergarten. I would never steer you wrong. Come with me."

  My mouth is salivating at the idea. Laying on the beach, getting a taste of city life, and doing something we've joked about since we both joined drama club freshman year. "How?"

  "I'm leaving at 4AM. I didn't want to fly because I want my car, and after very careful planning with my parents and promising I would stop at night to get a hotel, they agreed, but you know this. You can mention it to your folks if you want, but we both know what the answer is going to be. This is one time, sweet pea, that you're going to just have to do what you know is best for you. If they love you, then they'll come around. If they want to choose social stigma over their daughter, then you're better off without them.”

  “I don’t know. I have no plans at all. I’m not sure if I can do it on my own.”

  “Look. My mom and dad agreed to pay the apartment rent indefinitely and utilities until we find a part time job while trying to get a role. What do you have to lose? You can always come home and do it their way if it doesn't work out, but you can't undo regret, Kambry. You know both of us are meant for better things than being a young housewife with babies in a small town. Do you really want to be a preacher's wife? You know that's where your dad is heading unless you put your foot down."

  I release a breath and a tear falls from my eye. Why? Well, because that's actually the truth. My mom just mentioned knowing someone yesterday at my graduation dinner that was leaving for seminary to become a pastor. I haven't even told Meredith yet. If I do this, though, I really may not have parents. They would probably disown me. "I'll think about it."

  I stand, knowing my mom will be calling if I don't get home soon. It's getting close to ten, my curfew. I walk to the door. "Kambry?"


  "You know you're my best friend. I love you. I'm not telling you to rebel, but I know you're better than this. They are just too blinded to see it. I'll be waiting in my car until 4:05 if you want to come. We can do this together. It could be fun. Just promise me you'll follow your heart either way."

  "Okay. I love you, Meredith. You'll always be my best friend."

  I leave and walk downstairs, knowing if I don't do this I may never see my best friend again. If she leaves she’ll never come back. I’ve always known this. Meredith and I are a lot alike. We've always wanted to leave this place, moving on to better places.

  My heart is pulling me in one direction and my mind in the other. I've never disobeyed my parents. I'm also unhappy. This isn't what I want for my life. I'm not trying to be ungrateful for everyt
hing they've given me. I'm just different than them. I want nice things. I want to explore the world. I want to make something of myself. I want the big city life. I want passionate love that is good enough for storybooks or movie scripts. I want something that I'll never have if I stay...

  Two months later...

  I go through the huge stack of fan mail in my dressing room as I wait for tonight's filming to start. They are always the same. Most stating they want to meet me or bang my brains out. Some even pouring out love confessions and that they'd throw away everything in their lives for one time with me like in my films, and they've never even met me. It's laughable most days. People have no shame. Sex isn't the same to a porn star as most people. I have endless amounts of sex. To me, sex is a job, not a pastime.

  A knock sounds at the door. "Mr. Maverick, filming begins in fifteen minutes."

  "I'll be ready," I shout back. I look down at my erect cock, now in full stance from the medication, ready to perform. I toss my mail on the table and get ready for tonight's scene, adjusting my tie. Tonight, I'm a fucking billionaire working late at the office and she is a seductress bargaining for what she wants, but more importantly, what she needs. It doesn't matter how different the plot is, because it's still all the same. It’s about the sex – what the viewer wants. Every pussy I fuck is still a porn star pussy. It's used, it's aged, and it's too experienced to be real, but it's my job to make it look real...

  I have the best ratings of most male porn stars right now. I guess it's just my time to shine. I've worked my ass off since my life took this turn and I walked away from my junior year in college. Maybe it's because I started at a young age. Twenty-one to be exact, and here I am at twenty-five with enough money I could retire if I wanted and not have to worry about shit for a long time.

  In this industry, the younger the better, especially the girls. This life is about fantasy. The viewers want to fantasize about what they aren't getting in their lives already, or simply to add to it, pretending they are the receiver of me, or the stallion fucking her brains out. I may have started out with limited experience, but today, I am very good at what I do. Pleasing your partner is a learned art, whether staged or natural.

  I walk to the door and open it, before making my way to the set. I pass by the hundreds of people that make this work, from the stage crew to the makeup artists and costume designers, to the directors, among many other roles that would take forever to name. In filming there are jobs for everything. It's fucking ridiculous, but I guess it's necessary or they wouldn't be here. Regardless, they will all watch me fuck her.

  There are no secrets here. Your entire sexual experience is out in the open for everyone to watch. Every person here will know all of my tricks and skills when this night is over. Here, stage fright is nonexistent.

  I walk on set and recall my beginning lines; the very lines that make no fucking difference because the majority of people that purchase this don't give a damn about the story...when there even is one. They only want the juice in the center. I take a seat at my desk and begin shuffling through the blank pages atop, as I listen to the director giving me my cue.

  "Take one. Lights, camera, and action."

  A knock sounds at the door and I look up, just before Veronica walks in wearing a trench coat cinched at the waist and heels. "I don't recall giving you permission to enter. Who are you?"

  "I'm here to ask for a forbearance for Peter Davidson, my husband, or at least an extension."

  "I'm sorry, Mrs. Davidson, but my hands are tied. There is nothing I can do. The bank is ready to foreclose."

  "Please, Mr. Adcock. There has to be something I can do to change your mind."

  She pulls the tie at her waist and allows her coat to open, revealing that she is naked underneath, before pulling it over her shoulders and letting it fall to the floor. I allow my eyes to feast on her tits, and then veer down to her perfectly waxed pussy.

  I sit back in my chair, leaning my arm on the armrest, before placing the tip of my pen to my lips. "Does your husband know what you're doing?"

  "Yes. We need more time. We will do anything." She walks toward me, wearing nothing but a set of pearls around her neck and black stiletto heels. Her chocolate brown hair hangs over her shoulders. She straddles me in my chair, before immediately going for the knot of my tie, loosening it. "Maybe we can work out a deal," she says and places her lips to my neck. "I can give you a few sessions at the end of the day to relax and you can give us an extension to get the money. I know you have more pull than you’re letting on, Mr. Adcock." She kisses up to my ear. "Are you in?"

  I grab her hair in my hand, roughly pulling her head back. The tip of my nose touches the base of her neck and I inhale, breathing her in. There is no scent of male present, only perfume. "You have three weeks and then there is nothing I can do. I suggest you prove to me that your pussy is worth the hassle I'll have to go through to authorize it."

  She breathes out, continuing to work the knot loose enough to reach the top button. I grab her ass and stand, before sitting her on top of my desk and pulling my tie over my head. One by one I unbutton my shirt until it's completely open, letting it fall down my arms. Her eyes rake over my body as I pull the sleeves over my hands, letting the fabric fall to the floor. She licks her lips as my hands go for my black, leather belt. It doesn't take me long before each side is hanging apart, revealing the front of my trunks.

  I place my hands flat on the desk to each side of her hips, before enclosing my mouth around her nipple, flicking my tongue over the hardened center. She moans out, before grabbing my hand and pressing it between her legs. My fingertips brush over her wet entrance. I've barely even touched her and she's ready to go. They always are. Ratings would be shit if they weren't.

  I pull her ass to the edge and slide two fingers inside, twisting them when they become knuckle deep before pulling them back out. She instantly pulls her heels up on the desk, opening wider for me. I suck harder, causing her to arch her back and press her chest into my face. I release her from my mouth and she leans back on the desk, grabbing her breasts in her hands.

  Everyone knows prior to fucking her, what Veronica is known for. I kiss my way down her stomach, continuing to finger fuck her. I watch her as I descend. The lower I get, the harder she pinches her nipples, kneading her breasts in her hands. My lips become flush with her clit, before I suck her into my mouth, hard.

  She screams out, her muscles tightening around my fingers as I curl them upward to drive the tips into her G-spot. "Suck me harder," she screams.

  So I do.

  When I feel her start to tighten around my fingers I remove them, but leave my hand cupped over her pussy. I start to rub my tongue on the underside of her clit, and that's when she starts. "Fuck yes," she screams out as she squirts in my hand, coating it with her orgasm. When she's done I remove my mouth from her body and stand upright, before rubbing my hand over her pussy to replace her orgasm on the exterior, ridding my hand of the excess.

  She sits up when she notices me open the drawer to my desk and remove a condom. My only stipulation with every fucking contract I sign is to wear a condom. If they want me for the part, it's included in my contract. I will not sign it otherwise. I don't give a shit that every one of us have to go through extensive STD and HIV testing in between each new partner. I don't know what these girls fuck between jobs, and every somewhat smart person knows that shit can lay dormant for months and in some cases years. I may be a fucking porn star, but I'm not nasty. Oral is as risky as I get.

  I hand it to her. "Sheathe me."

  She slides off my desk and drops to her knees, before grabbing my pants by the front waistband, stretching them out far enough to bypass my hard cock, and then pulls them down to my thighs. "Fuck, your cock is big," she says as she grips the base in her fist, not even covering half my length. "I want it in my mouth first."

  Placing the condom packet between her teeth she tears it open, blowing the torn off section onto the floor, befo
re sliding her index finger in the opening and hooking it over the rubber, removing it. She lets the wrapper fall to the floor and places her mouth over the head of my dick. It fills the width of her mouth completely. She moans as her tongue swirls around the head. Her glands release saliva, coating it, and then she takes me to the back of her throat.

  The sounds coming from her throat cause a vibration against my head as she deep throats my cock, still not consuming my length fully; always the best part about getting your dick sucked. I grab the back of her head as she pulls back and shove it down the length of my dick until it hits against the back of her throat again. I can feel her throat contract from the slight gag of being caught off guard, but she controls herself. My fist clenches around her brown hair, close to the roots, to hold her head still. "Let me fuck your mouth."

  She stills, preparing to take it, evening out her breathing through her nose. I pull back and thrust forward, then set a steady pace, but fast. "Fuck yeah." She suctions around me each time I pull out, making the fit tighter, and starts massaging my balls in her hand. My head falls back and I close my eyes briefly, before looking back down at her as she sucks my dick.

  I pull out completely and grab the base of my long, thick cock. The veins are full, protruding to make room for the extra blood flow. She looks up at me, knowing I'm ready for her to roll the condom on. She does, and then stands. I turn her around and push her onto her knees in the chair, holding onto the chair back.

  She pushes her ass out as I step behind her to give me enough of an angle that I can slide inside her pussy without coming out. I grab her hip in one hand to steady her as I position the head of my cock at her entrance, then thrust inside and move the hand from the base of my cock as I become buried deep inside of her. She screams out in a cry of pleasure.

  I can feel one of the alternate cameramen changing locations to get a different shot. I know enough that it'll be a body shot of me and a full shot of her while I fuck her, zooming in on the part that the viewers want to watch – her pussy being fucked to hell and back. The two different cameras will alternate between her facials as my big dick pleases her and my cock being shoved in and out of her pussy when this is all put together, making it all look seamless and nothing manipulated. Every viewer will have my dick and her pussy memorized.


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