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Sex Sessions: Uncut (Camera Tales #1)

Page 5

by Charisse Spiers

  With that thought...

  I reach in my purse and shuffle things around until I can grab my keys. Shoving the right one inside the lock I glance back at him again. "Are you going to open it?"

  "Don't judge, K?"

  "One thing you don't have to worry about with me. Open the door. I'm tired of holding this shit."

  I turn the key and open the door. The spotlights are on over the bar, but I remember turning them off before I left. I walk inside and set my bag down. "You can put those in the fridge," I say, as I walk across the living room toward Meredith's cracked bedroom door. The light is off. Maybe she came home and crashed.

  I press against the center of the wood and push it open to see if she's lying in bed. "Damn, Meredith! You have a lock."

  She's standing in the middle of her floor, bent over with her hands on the floor, naked, while some guy equally as naked behind her has his hands clamped onto her hips and is pounding into her...and I'm still standing here, making no effort to leave, watching them, and slightly fascinated by it.

  It's a small apartment, so the spotlights create a glow throughout the entire apartment without any other lights on, giving enough light into her room that you can see their entire silhouette. By looking at how intense they are and barely even registering me standing here, I'm going to say they're both wasted.

  My body temperature is rising. I'm getting kind of dizzy feeling like I used to when Kyle and me found a way to sneak a heavy make-out session. The sound she's making followed by a throaty groan from him soon after are spiking my curiosity on what that feels like. I'm slightly jealous. I'm really turned on. I'm also still watching them...

  "Do you like to watch other people have sex?"

  I jump at the sound of his husky voice outside of my ear, verbalizing my surprise. "No," I say in a clipped tone.

  "It's nothing to be ashamed of. Sex is a natural thing. Erotica through visual stimulation triggers the release of hormones in the brain for most people. It's a sexual stimulant."

  He has one hand on the doorframe and places the other on my stomach, then aligns his back to my front. Meredith screams out and pushes up on her tiptoes. My thighs press together. "Then add touch."

  His hand rubs down my front, and across my thigh, before slightly veering toward the inside, underneath my dress. My head falls back against his shoulder from the feel of his hand migrating up the inside of my thigh. A bulge starts to form against my ass. It's getting uncomfortable between my legs, wetting my panties.

  "You want to join, beautiful?" The unfamiliar voice asks, bringing me out of my haze, and I knock Saxton's hand off of me.

  Meredith stands slightly and grabs her boobs in her hands, then giggles. "You won't get her naked, sexy. She's not that kind of girl."

  I know she doesn't mean anything by it in a malicious manner, and she's clearly had way too much to drink, but it stings. She knows that's my trigger. I loathe being called the good girl. Even worse, I despise that it's true. I hate that my high school years were wasted. I will forever regret that I don't have the memories she does, and she knows it. "Who's the guy?"

  "Saxton. You can cont-"

  "Horseman? Holy shit, bro. The Saxton Mav-"

  "Don't go there, man. Not tonight."

  I'm confused. He presses Meredith back down into her previous position and goes back to pounding into her, but harder this time. A slapping sound starts to occur against her skin. "Oh fuck. Did you just get harder? Hell yes."

  Saxton grabs my hand and pulls me out of the doorway, before shutting her door and leading me toward the kitchen. "It's time for the alcohol now."

  I pull open the refrigerator and grab a beer from the six-pack after handing her a bottle of lemonade. I don't drink all that often so it should be enough without being too much. I wasn't really aiming for sloppy drunk anyway. Really I took my ass home after I walked out of the club, sat on the couch, and scrolled through the never ending guide of reruns and stupid shit on TV with nothing to interest me. For the first time in a really long time I was bored.

  Then I got to the porn channels. Occasionally I buy one to watch my competition, to see what else is out there, and to stay fresh, but then one caught my attention - Virgin girls gone wild. I kept scrolling then went back. Before I knew it I had confirmed the purchase.

  Okay, so I caved. Normally just the sound of the title would have turned me off, because to me that's stupid. Plus, why watch something that clearly doesn't relate to you? There is no way in hell I'd ever fuck a virgin. Been there and done that. I personally don’t see the hype. It was horrible. Some things are just not made to fit no matter how many different ways you try to shove it. That was also when my dick was still growing. The length isn't even really the problem, because that's adjustable during penetration, but something that always has the potential to increase in size, even in a full grown male, is girth. Smaller dicks do serve a purpose and are very much needed. I do not take them for granted.

  Add in a man with raging hormones and it's going to fit in some hole in one way or another. She'd probably end up in a hospital. Besides, no girl that looks like those girls are really virgins anyway. The title is a marketing ploy to make people purchase, but her awkward attempts of being sexy in the club started rolling in my mind. Then I watched it and it was just as bad as I figured it would be, but now I'm here with no idea why aside from morbid curiosity.

  I twist off the cap and toss it in the trash, before turning the bottle up. She places hers on the counter and lays her palms on top as leverage to lift herself up until she's sitting on the counter. Her flip-flops fall from her feet when she starts swinging her legs back and forth. She grabs her bottle and tilts the neck toward me with a pleading grin. "What's the matter? Can't do it?"

  She shakes her head. "Hurts my hand."

  I down a few gulps as I walk closer, then set mine down, already half empty. "Here, I'll show you a trick." Gripping the bottle over the top of her hand, I lower it between her legs and beneath the fabric of her dress. I push the bottle against the underside fabric of her dress, making it conform to the shape of the bottle opening, then reach for her free hand and place it atop the dress-covered cap. "Now try."

  She does, and the seal to the cap breaks, allowing her to twist it off. "Huh. Well that would have come in handy a while ago. Thanks."

  She places the opening to her lips and tilts back, allowing the yellow liquid to flow into her mouth, before parting with it and swallowing. "That's good."

  I'm staring at her damn lips again, now moist from the drink. For the life of me I can’t figure out why I keep staring at her full lips. I like the way they naturally pucker… She takes another drink, looking away from me, and making no effort to drink slowly. I grab my beer to finish it off in the silence, tossing it in the trash when I'm done. "Where are you from, Kambry?"

  "Alabama," she says, before covering her lips with the bottle again, drinking faster with each sip. "You?"

  "Oakdale." I grab her behind the knees and pull her closer to the edge of the counter. "How old are you?"

  "I'll be nineteen in September."

  "That's a bit young for my taste."

  "Yet you're sitting in my apartment, forcing me to hang out with you."

  I smile at her attempt to be a smartass. "That I am, beautiful. I suppose you're old enough."

  "Define old enough."

  "Legal. I like my freedom. Though I am contributing to a minor."

  "I won't tell if you won't. How old are you?"


  "Kind of old for my liking."

  "Yet you kissed me back and then allowed me to come home with you, willing to be a participant. If I recall, you never said no."

  Her mouth starts pursing together, her eyes narrowing as she looks into mine. I can tell she's thinking of a quick comeback, but then a smile breaks free. "I guess I did." She shrugs her shoulders. "I suppose you're young enough," she quips back to my earlier comment.

  "Define young enough.

  "Under the ten-year line in age difference. If you're old enough to be my daddy, you're too old." She winks. "I need someone that can at least keep up with me. I have a lot of years left for partying and getting into endless amounts of trouble."

  My hands take residence just above her knees, before rubbing up the length of her thighs beneath her short dress. Her muscles jump; a reflex action from being caught off guard. She takes another sip of her drink, this time a drop being left behind. I lean forward, stopping just outside of her mouth. "The question is, can you keep up with me?"

  I lick up the center of her bottom lip, across the opening of her mouth, and then the top lip, before pressing my lips to hers. Her hands go to the back of my neck, combing up into my hairline as she kisses me back. I allow myself more this time. She kisses soft and slow, mesmerizing me. She tastes and smells sweet.

  My hands inch up further, stopping on her hips, over the thin string of her panties. My fists close around them, ready to rip them from her body. The girl from the other room gets louder, causing her to break the kiss first this time. I pull back to look at her. Kambry's face starts to redden. "This is awkward."

  She chugs the rest of the drink and pushes me back on the chest so that she can hop off the bar. She passes me and opens the refrigerator to grab two of her bottles by the neck in one hand, then hands me two more beers. "Here, we're going to the pool. I can't stay here and listen to that. If we're going to attempt a serious conversation I can't have orgasms as the music in the background without laughing or blushing."

  I can tell by looking into her eyes that she probably has little experience. She probably dated the same guy most of high school, which means the probability of her actually committing to this little project they have worked up is slim to none, but regardless I have beer to drink and time to kill. I'm not ready to give up on the possibility just yet. There is something puzzling about her, and I'm going to find out what it is.

  I swipe my gate key at the pool entry. The green light confirms it unlocked. I pull the rot iron gate open and walk inside, immediately chasing the green tinted water created from the pool lights reflecting up from the bottom. It looks inviting. I haven't been out here at night yet - only during the day - but not as often as the beach. "I doubt we're supposed to have glass or alcohol in here," he says from behind me as I take a seat on the edge of the pool, lowering my legs into the cool water.

  I set one bottle down beside me and open the other, before immediately drinking from it. "I guess I just feel like living on the edge," I retort. A few seconds pass before he sits down beside me, mirroring my position. From the corner of my eye I notice tan, bare legs covered with a thick layer of blonde hair that matches the color on his head...yet he was wearing jeans.

  "That's the best way to live. I was just fishing."

  I turn to look at him, my mouth running dry. I want to close my eyes and memorize the hot guy sitting beside me, but I refrain. His legs are more muscular than I imagined they would be. I'm assuming he's one of those guys that stay in the gym at least once a day. How exactly did I end up here, in this situation?

  "What are you doing?" I follow my words by drinking more, and quickly, trying to quench this sudden thirst I've developed with him sitting poolside in boxer-briefs and the polo he's been wearing. That is one enticing view.

  "I'm sitting beside you. What does it look like I'm doing?"

  "You're in your a public pool. Where are your pants?"

  He twists off the cap to his beer, completely unfazed, before taking a sip. "On the lounger. I'm not getting them wet. You clearly wanted to get wet, so I took them off." His lips draw up into a smirk, noticeable even with the rim of the bottle pressed against them.

  My buzz starts to hit me...already. I rarely drink, even living on my own. It's not as easy for me as it is for Meredith to just throw caution to the wind, living in a new place and scared to get caught drinking underage. Plus, I work as much as I can to save money, and that’s okay, because I choose to.

  Not eating dinner probably didn't help me with this scenario. Now I'm drinking on an empty stomach. I probably should slow down...because the truth is it tastes watered down now. That absent bite of flavored alcohol should tell me I've had enough, or this could turn into an unattractive situation, and fast.

  My eyes rake down his body, taking notice of the bulge running down the inside of his leg from the center. It doesn't even look hard, but it's noticeable...

  My eyes lose focus. Stop looking at his crotch, Kambry!

  I turn my eyes away, downing the rest of my drink. A laugh sounds - an amazing manly laugh - dry but sexy. I shiver. "This makes you uncomfortable, doesn't it?"


  "Me this close to you; half naked. Sex in general. Being alone with a guy that you just met. Flirting. Take your pick."

  He sounds amused. Asshole. This is embarrassing. This is the elementary stuff that I should have down by now. I should be confident around a Meredith. Even after two years with Kyle I was still a nervous wreck half the time, because we were never alone long enough for me to be bold, or to get comfortable in my own skin and sexuality. The way I feel right now should have been smothered by freshman year. It's time to ditch this girl - for good this time. Enough talk about it. My parents have ruined me. I may have to fight for the girl I want to be, but dammit I'll at least be happy in the end. "No. Why would you make me uncomfortable?"

  I grab my last bottle and uncap it, before pulling my legs out of the water, standing up, and making my way toward his jeans with it in hand, drinking along the way. "I can just tell. Body language screams a lot louder than words. Where are you going?" I can hear the water slosh, as if he changed his position.

  "Wouldn't you like to know?"

  I grab his jeans off the lounger and stick my hand in the pocket, pulling out my phone that he has yet to return, then throwing them back down. Unlocking it, I find the playlist I want in my music app - a country party mix - and toss my phone down on top of his pants as the first song starts to play: Hell of a Night by Dustin Lynch.

  Now that the alcohol has taken control, all of my inhibitions are gone, and I welcome the freedom from my mind. Halfway through my last hard lemonade, I set it down on the ground beside the lounger. Staring at him, I crisscross my arms in front of me, and grab the bottom hem of my dress, slowly pulling it up my body until it's off, leaving me in only my bra and panties. He's looking at me, one leg in the water and one out, bent, with his forearm resting on top of his knee as his fingers rub together. That small muscle in a person's jaw is working overtime on the side of his face that is facing me.

  His eyes slowly scan down my body with this serious look, a hypnotic one, making me feel sexy. It feels so good for someone to look at me that raw, that sexually explicit, like he's trying to find his words so he doesn't come off as a jerk, with no knowledge of anything more about me. It may be shallow, but I need it. "So, Saxton... What really made you come back?"

  "The thoughts of this." I kind of love that he has no reservations about anything he says. It's nice for someone to just be...real.

  I smile, a real smile, for the first time in a long time. "I like your honesty."

  "Why lie?"

  "Most do."

  "Most aren't like me."

  "Which is?"

  One side of his mouth pulls up, revealing the start of a dimple I haven't paid much attention to until now. "The kind a girl like you would probably steer clear of."

  I walk to the steps of the shallow end, taking them one at a time, letting my body get used to the water temperature as I descend. I bite my bottom lip. "What kind of a girl am I? To you of course… I'm curious."

  "The kind of girl I want to corrupt. The kind I want to drag into my world and hold hostage for a while, even though I know better. The kind that is nothing like me, and needs to stay away from me, because I know you're too good for me, yet one I still want to turn bad, tainting you one orgasm at a time." He g
rabs the back collar of his shirt and pulls it over his head, tossing his polo and undershirt aside.

  My breathing ceases. The water is no longer cool, but warm. I continue forward toward the middle of the pool, my face remaining on him until I'm far enough out to turn my body, then step a few feet backwards, still watching him. He grips the edge of the cement in his hands and pushes himself off into the water, landing on his feet.

  I lower myself into the water, mouth underneath, looking over the surface and watching him wade toward me as the slope touches the bottom of my feet, signaling the beginning of the deep end. It takes him no time to reach me. He grabs ahold of my waist, halting me. "The problem is...I don't care enough to stop." I place my arms around his neck to hold on.

  His hands continue around my waist and then move downward, before settling on my butt. He squeezes, pulling my body toward his and lifting me slightly to match his height. Without thought I wrap my legs around his waist, as he migrates as far as he can walk and still remain head above water. "What if I want to be corrupted," I question in a whisper.

  The ends of my hair are wet, sticking to the middle of my back. My insides feel like they are twisting in a million knots, but being pressed against him like this makes it hard to even acknowledge. "Be careful what you wish for. With a body like this you just may be…corrupted by me."

  Feeling bold, I lower my head closer to his and kiss him. He allows me to. His lips are full, but the top not as much as the bottom. They're soft. My tongue slowly inches inside of his mouth, and when it meets his, it's as if a fire has been lit within my core, building for an explosion. I don't really understand it, and it's not something I can explain, because I've never felt it before, not even with Kyle. It's an anxious need for more of him, more of this.

  The second our tongues tangle he raises one hand to the side of my face and his movements become rougher, faster, and needier. A masculine growl sounds inside of his throat, instigating me further. I lightly bite his lip and the feel of something hard presses between my legs, making me nervous but turned on.


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