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Sex Sessions: Uncut (Camera Tales #1)

Page 9

by Charisse Spiers

  I shake my head. "Sometimes the answer lies within the small print, Kambry." He removes his shirt, tossing it on the floor. "Unbutton my shorts."

  I grab each side in my small hands, slipping the button through the slit, followed by the lowering of the zipper. "Have you ever held one before, Kambry?"

  "No. Not directly."

  "Pull down my trunks."

  My nerves are making me shake. I hesitate. "I'm clean. If you had read the contract you would know that. Besides that, I've never fucked any of those women without a condom. That's my choice. Okay?"

  I nod, trusting him to tell me the truth, even though I know I shouldn't. Who really even deserves trust any more before they earn it in this day and age? My brain is telling me this is stupid, yet I don't listen.

  My hands clench around the wide elastic waistband at his hips, my eyes veering to his rippled stomach. I sit back on the heels of my feet and begin sliding them down, pulling them out enough to bypass over his hardened dick, pushing them down to his thighs. My eyes take it in for the first time when it's free from restriction, now standing at full attention, and widening as I get a close-up view. It's so much bigger in reality than in the photos, sending me into a slight panic, yet still appetizing all the same. I never saw Kyle's dick in the flesh, but I felt it through his jeans, and even I know there is a big difference.

  "You still wet?"

  My cheeks flush from his abrasive question. I totally forgot for a second what he caught me doing. This is forever going to be embarrassing. Leave it to me to be the girl that gets caught by the guy in her spank bank saying his name aloud while getting herself off. I shrug my shoulders, trying to make this situation as painless as possible.

  Heel to toe he removes his sneakers, and then his shorts and briefs, before lowering himself, placing one knee beside me on the mattress. One hand wraps around my opposite thigh, pulling it up to his waist while the other hand settles on my upper butt cheek. He then places his remaining knee on the mattress. My hands wrap around his neck to hold my balance steady. Our bodies are aligned, my breasts pressed against his chest. "I'm going to make you change your mind, but first I'm going to let you dip your toes in the water, because once you join the team we're going all in."

  He leans forward and kisses me, immediately thrusting his tongue into my mouth slowly, without prior consent. He tastes like mint, as if he recently brushed his teeth. Mixed with his unique taste, it's delicious, forcefully becoming my favorite flavor.

  His fingertips ascend, brushing up the curve of my back, before settling high enough that he can support me as he guides me back on the bed. He holds himself off of me with one arm, but continues to lightly rub up and down my naked body. It's a hypnotic feeling.

  My legs bend toward me, the lower half flush against his sides. His hand disappears from my body, automatically leaving a void that I hate. Something presses against my entrance, completely blocking it. It's warm, the texture of skin, just like mine, but hard. It takes on a circular motion, rubbing in my wetness, making me realize that it's not his fingers. His kiss becomes needy, rougher, and the movements harsher.

  He breaks the kiss, breathing hard, before sitting up suddenly and pressing his weight into the back of his heels like I was earlier. "Fuck, Kambry, your pussy feels so good. It's fucking hot and wet. I don't want to stop."

  "So don't. Do you have a condom?"

  He shakes his head. "I meant what I said. I'm going to change your mind. I want you bound within the terms of a contract. I want time; time to do with your body as I please. I'm going to break it, and then I'm going to mold it...for me."

  He bends over and kisses my belly, before running his tongue toward my breast, sucking my nipple into his mouth, hard, causing a verbal outburst from me. A growl sounds from his throat, and then he sits back again, looking down at my body. "I want to watch you come again. I'm going to need you wet."

  He grips my hips and pulls my lower half at an angle. His eyes burn into mine, and then I feel the head of his dick hovering back over my entrance. "I dare you," I say boldly.

  "Double or nothing." He smirks, and begins circling it in my wetness, before rubbing it through my folds and then presses it into my clit, exerting pressure against it. I glance down, looking at his large hand gripped around his own dick as he uses the head like the tip of his tongue last time. Only this time...feels better.

  My hands rise above my head and press against the wall, serving as leverage so that the amount of pressure between the two of us increases. My head rolls back into the mattress, my eyes closing, and my legs spreading further as he rubs my clit with the head of his dick. My mouth opens, pausing before an elongated moan exits. "That feels so good."

  My hips buck upward without me instructing them to. My hands cup around my boobs, the lengths of my Thumbs and index fingers clamping closed around my nipples to offset the overwhelming feeling down below. My muscles start to constrict and my toes begin to curl as he continues at a hard, fast, and steady rhythm. The skin-to-skin friction is more than I can explain.

  I start to come.

  My subconscious checks out, evading reality for a moment.

  Nothing moves at a normal rate. Everything is in slow motion.

  Another slight pressure starts to occur at the height of my orgasm, slowly filling the void that I so desperately find myself wanting filled.

  When the pleasure begins to subside and a tickling sensation occurs, a mild pain accompanies it, but nothing worth screaming over.

  My eyes open to him digging into my hip, his short nails trying to break skin. "Don't fucking move. Holy fucking hell, don't move. Sweet fuck."

  My eyes blink as I try to regain my composure. "Did I do something wrong? You can tell me. I'm willing to learn."

  "Fuck, I couldn't stand it. I wanted to feel you while you looked like that. I only inched the tip in, but dammit to fucking hell if you milking the head of my cock doesn't have me wanting to blow my load. Do not fucking move your tight pussy one tenth of a centimeter until I can stop myself. Fuck!"

  This isn't a reaction I would think would be happening right now. As if he flipped a light switch, everything changes.

  He pulls the tip out, and I suddenly realize exactly how out of it I was, because it hurts, a lot worse than I was expecting, and that was just the tip? I want more, but I want to cry. It's a bittersweet desire. I bite my tongue instead, rerouting the focus of the pain.

  He crawls up my body a little, stopping at my navel. The palm of his hand rubs along my center, from heel to fingertips, between my legs. I watch him as he grips the head of his dick in the same fist, twists, then slides it down his length, leaving a glistening effect behind as if it's wet. I'm not real experienced with sizing, and in school measurements were my weak point in math, but I know that he looks long, which is strange considering he's a lean guy. I would have always thought of it being the opposite, although Meredith told me once that in her experience the tall lanky guys are usually the biggest below the belt while this one buff guy that lived in the gym was so small it was laughable. The irony, even though I'm sure there are always exceptions to every rule.

  "Grab it," he demands, as his hand remains at the base.

  I look back up at him, nervous. I feel like such a moron right now. "You want me to basically use my own bodily fluids?"

  He rubs his thumb along my bottom lip. "You didn't seem to have a problem with it earlier." He smirks. Touché. "It's not as scary as it looks, sexy. I'll show you how I like it. Grab it."

  I place my hand in a fist loosely around the center, scared to grip it too tight. His eyes visually trace down my body as his hand doubles on the back of mine, molding the fit, as if he's about to stroke himself with my hand. "Fuck, you have a beautiful body. I need a visual to come." He angles the head up slightly and begins pulling our hands toward the head, together, guiding me.

  "Grip it firm, but gently. There is such a thing. The key is tight, not hard." He pulls my hand over the head and makes a
noise, then back down the length this time. "Start slow, then speed up. The head is sensitive, especially the small triangular area on the underside, where the head and shaft meet."

  As if he can sense my nervousness he continues. "I'm letting go. Don't be nervous. Eyes on the prize, beautiful. Make me come. Make me blow all over your stomach."

  He releases his hold on my hand, and then replaces his on the bed beside my head, mirroring the other one, to hold his weight off of me. His eyes stare into mine, and for some reason it eases my discomfort that he's not watching me. He leans in to kiss me, and all nerves subside. We kiss, learning each other with every movement, acquainting with every swipe of our tongues as they explore. My mental consciousness is slipping with every introduction to his taste.

  I guide my hand up his length just like before, evenly spreading my wetness. I no longer have to think. It becomes second nature as if I've done this before. My hand stops at the top, and my thumb migrates over his head, halting over the hole in the center. There is a drop of moisture at the tip. I rub in a circle, curious, smearing it around with the pad of my thumb.

  He moans into my mouth, motivating me. I enclose my hand a little tighter, and then I begin in a rhythm, stroking him without stopping this time. With every repetition, my movements get faster, and more natural. Each time I reach the head I squeeze, exerting a tighter pressure without hurting him.

  He sucks my tongue into his mouth and then envelops his lips over mine, before skimming his bottom to trace up both of mine, and then bites my top lip, pulling it out slightly before releasing it. He stares down at me, his eyes not in focus, but heavy.

  The pressure point on the mattress at one side of my head releases, signaling the movement of his hand. Moments later I feel his finger enter me, immediately thrusting to match the rhythm of my strokes. My legs open wider for him, my breathing changing. "Fuck, I want this so bad," he says, making me want to give it to him all the more. He's quite possibly the sexiest guy I've ever seen...and he's here, wanting me. I don't care what form.

  When my hand reaches the base again, his breathing hitches. "Grip the head or it's going to be on your face. Now..."

  I do as he says, and just as I do, I can feel a slight pulsating and then the spurts begin, one by one coating the interior of my hand with a warm, sticky substance: his cum. With each new spurt the previous one runs out of my fist, landing on my stomach in droplet sections. When they stop, I release him and look down at my abdomen, then to my hand. I can't explain the feeling inside. I feel like I've won, but what I have no idea. I like it. I like it more than I probably should. I made him come. I should feel bad, dirty, and guilty, but I don't. This only makes me want more...

  He removes his finger and presses his lips to mine, not kissing, but allowing them to linger. He removes them and then repeats, almost like a sweet gesture instead of a lustful one. It's a little confusing. "I'll get you a towel."

  He stands from the bed and walks out of my room in search of the bathroom, returning no more than a minute later with one in hand. He rubs the soft cotton across my stomach, wiping it clean, and then takes my wrist in his hand and cleans my hand. Taking a new section of towel, he wraps it around his dick and wipes it clean too, before tossing the hand towel on the floor beside the bed.

  I push up on my elbows when he begins redressing. "You can stay if you want."

  "That's not a good idea."


  He looks at me as he fastens his shorts, still shirtless. "Kambry."


  "Will you do something for me before you completely make your decision on this offer?"

  Flutters begin in my stomach as I look at him. My heart starts to race. My thoughts are running wild. I sit up and turn toward him, throwing my legs over the mattresses, before placing my arms behind me to lean back on my hands. "What is it?"

  He bends over and picks up his shirt, quietly sliding his arms through the holes and then grips the collar between his thumb and index fingers, before pulling it over his head and letting it fall down his body. His hands form into fists beside his body and then he leans down toward me, each fist knuckle down to each side of my hips. "Go to a sex store and buy a DVD of me. There's one a few blocks from here. Since I'm guessing you've already seen images, I'm going to assume it won't be a problem. Watch it...alone. Study my actions, my body language, and me. I want you to compare the way I am with her versus the way I just was with you, the way I was last week, and the way I looked at you in the club..."

  His eyes flitter back and forth between mine, waiting. I skim my bottom lip. "Okay... Why?"

  One hand moves to my knee and opens, before molding to my leg and then begins to ascend, moving toward my thigh. My breathing quickens again. His touch leaves me scatterbrained. "If you can tell a difference, read the contract, in its entirety, from the first word to the last. No one will be there to judge you. Then, when you have all the facts laid out in front of you, you can make a reliable decision. Do not skip one single line."

  Am I really going to agree to this? I'm really going to walk in a sex store? Are my thoughts really considering the possibilities that lie within a piece of paper? What's worse... Could I really possibly agree to do this...with him? That decision could alter my entire life.

  "Okay," I say, without any thought at all.

  "And Kambry..."


  "Just because a camera will be there doesn't mean anything that's happened will be different. Some things can't be faked." His fingertips caress along the side of my body until he grips my chin in his fist, gliding the pad of his thumb down my lips starting from the top, pulling the bottom one with him as he does. My eyes briefly close, and then return to his as my bottom lip returns to its position, still smoldering and intense as they rest on me. "The only difference in just now and then will be that others can witness the way we react to one another. Sometimes the way in which you view things can make a big difference in acting on it. Promise me you'll do that for me, before you decide."

  There's no harm in that promise, right? He lightly presses his lips to mine again, sealing his question with a kiss. My eyes close. The soft skin-to-skin contact is persuasive. He's conning me with his lips. When he lets go and tilts my head up, I look at him. "Promise me," he whispers. "I need you to promise me."

  In this very second I know that I'm a goner. I'm not sure if any woman could say no to a soft-spoken masculine plea such as that one, but I'm not sure I can. This may be where my lack of experience could hurt me, but I know as I stare at him, that at the least I will agree to what he's asking, and I'm suddenly questioning if I'm going to hold to my moral upbringing and turn this down, because if I do this, and my parents find out, I will become an orphan...

  "I promise I'll think about it. That's the best I can do."

  He smiles. My heart swells. "I will change your mind. You'll see."

  "You seem sure of yourself," I retort.

  He stands upright. "I just have that feeling." He winks. "Goodnight, Kambry."

  "Goodnight," I say back, and he turns to head for the door, grabbing his shoes on the way out. I watch him as he retreats, my eyes veering to his backside. He has swagger to his walk, and I can't help but to smile. Lord, help me.

  He is going to make me reckless. I can feel it...

  "You dirty little bitch."

  My eyes slowly come unglued at the sound of Meredith's voice as it passes through my conscious awareness, disrupting my beautiful sleep pattern. Her face is a blur. Pressing the heels of my palms against my eyes, I rub, trying to wake up. She slowly comes into focus, sitting on the edge of my bed and leaning over my body with a huge grin on her face and a coffee cup in her hand. "What are you doing in here? Why are you even awake?"

  My eyes shift around the room, taking in the light shining through the window. It's light, but based on the strength of sunlight it doesn't appear to be super late or anything. "What time is it?"

  My eyes begin to close, sleep c
alling me once more, before she slaps me across the face. "What the hell, Meredith?"

  It didn't hurt, just caught me off guard. "Wake up you little tramp. I just saw your secret spank bank. I obviously a need girl talk session. This is some good shit. Give me the gossip. I brought a peace offering."

  She extends the coffee cup between her hands as my eyes fully open, suddenly very much awake. “You know I’m not really a coffee drinker.”

  “Yes, why I brought cappuccino…”

  “Since when do we have a cappuccino maker?”

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  I fold the comforter over, baring my upper body except for the sheet, before sitting up and scooting back to put some distance between us. “You went to the coffee shop down the street and trashed the cup, didn’t you?”

  “A wise girl never reveals her secrets.” She smirks. “Now, give me the juice.”

  She pulls the rim to her lips and takes a sip. “Mmmm. So good.”

  "I have no idea what you're even talking about, though I'll take this. Are you still drunk?" I grab the mug and place the rim between my lips, inhaling the precious nectar, before tipping it back and letting a sip of the cocoa colored liquid travel into my mouth, warming me from the inside out.

  "Well, because I love you and want the juicy details, I'll tell you. No, for your information I'm not still drunk, but I forgive you for assuming. Since I didn't come home until early this morning I didn't charge my laptop. It was dead as a damn doornail. I needed it for some research on a role I'm auditioning for soon, and I needed a relaxing view to do so, away from an outlet, so I had a brilliant idea. Do you want to know what that idea was?"

  She stares at me with a mischievous grin spread across her face, waiting for me to ask. If I don't, she'll sit here until I do. I take another sip. "Please, do tell," I say sarcastically.

  "I thought to myself, I'll just use Kambry's, because she's Miss dependable, so I waltzed in here and grabbed it off the floor, since obviously you were watching the back of your eyelids and didn't need it. I didn't think you would mind."


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