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Sex Sessions: Uncut (Camera Tales #1)

Page 15

by Charisse Spiers

  "Come for me."

  That voice drives me insane. It causes mental instability, temporary paralysis, and unwise decision making without much more than a few words. Another hand grabs ahold of my breast and skin to skin friction against my nipple adds just enough effect that I'm about to...come.

  My hands come out of the water; one hitting the wall and the other smacking into something soft molded to something hard. My fist clenches around it - a shirt. I can't think. All I can do is feel, as I orgasm, wanting to enjoy it for as long as possible, because as quickly as it burst it will dissipate.

  It ends. At precisely the same moment that it does, all touch ceases, leaving me with only my music in this warm water, the image of Saxton in my mind as he stares at me in my post orgasmic state, and a feeling so relaxed it's slightly unreal. My head rolls side to side, my eyes remaining closed. My body is trying to wake up, but my mind doesn't want to. Waking up requires me to leave him, and I don't want to. "No. I don't want it to end."

  "It doesn't have to."

  My legs begin rubbing together. That cologne. I can smell it as if he's sitting right here. "You smell so good."

  My eyes are rolling around behind my lids, trying to open. I don't want them to. My hands move to cover my face, rubbing up and down, paying my eye makeup no attention as water wets my face. "I have to get a grip," I mumble against my palms. "If a dream felt that good, I can't even imagine what real sex with him would feel like. Shit. A wet dream has a new meaning now. Having orgasms while I sleep. That's a first."

  My ear bud comes out of my ear and I jump, in a panic that it's going to drop into the water and ruin. Grabbing for it by the cord, my hand wraps around a hand holding it. My eyes pop open when my head turns, now staring into the blue eyes of one sexy guy that keeps showing up in the most awkward invading my dreams. "It would feel so much better."

  I blink repeatedly, trying to focus my eyes on the silhouette in front of me. "You even sound real. God, I'm well on my way to crazy."

  "You ready to go over that contract yet?"

  I'm suddenly very much awake and aware of what is going on right now. I slide down into the water quickly trying to hide, and splashing water as I do. "Saxton."

  He smirks, clearly on his knees, and resting on his crossed forearms on the side of the tub. "Kambry."

  "What are you doing here?"

  "Getting you wet."

  "Funny. Seriously. How did you get in?"

  "I haven't been in yet, but I'm trying very hard to get there."

  I roll my eyes. "Lame lines are not satisfying my mood. You cannot just break into my apartment. This is creeper status for sure."

  "It was pretty easy. I just knocked on the front door. When your roommate opened it and saw who I was she pulled me into her room long enough to make me sign shit and whisper-scream at me about asking you to watch a DVD that fucked up her girls’ night. I'm under strict orders not to fuck with your head, and then she said she was going to bed. Here I am. The door was unlocked. I assumed that was an invite."

  "You signed the DVD?"

  "Yep, both, since she said you wouldn't be keeping them." He smiles and I want to punch myself in the face. "You want to keep me all to yourself, don't you?"

  "I hate you right now. Both of you actually."

  "Ball is in your court, beautiful. Sign the line and I'm all yours."

  I'm not admitting to a damn thing. What happened to girl code? You don't tell guys this kind of embarrassing shit. "Why are you here? I figured you had moved on to another target by now," I say sarcastically.

  "Do I sense jealousy in your tone?"

  He's still smiling, only broadening with each comeback. "Shut up."

  He closes in. "I kind of like the one I've got. Just so you know...there is a huge difference in fucking because you have to and because you want to. You are the only one that shouldn't be jealous."

  He's so damn hot. Hell. The face stubble only adds to his appeal. "What do you want? I gave you the answer."

  He shrugs. "You are not deciding until you know what's in the contract. Obviously you aren't going to do it alone, so I'm going to read it to my house. I'm taking you hostage for the night."

  His house...

  Stay strong.

  "I'm not going to your house."

  "Yes you are, even if I have to carry you there myself, so you might as well stop trying to fight me on it, finish up in here, and dress comfortably. We are going to be up a while. You shouldn't be in a mood to deny me."

  I can feel the color-change taking place on my face. That was no dream... I don't even know what to say right now. "Okay."

  That's all I've got. He leans in, lingering just outside of my lips, his eyes boring into mine. "In case you were wondering, you're just as beautiful coming in your sleep. My dick hates me right now."

  He kisses me...and then stands walking out of the bathroom. "Where are you going?"

  "Call us in something to eat and wait for you. I'm hungry, and obviously right now I'm going to have to settle for food."

  With that, he walks out the door, closing it behind him. He never even asked if I was hungry and I never told him that I was. He just assumed I needed to eat, and I like that about him, as well as his persistence. I'm quickly finding that when he's around...nothing else matters.

  I sit down on her mattresses and prop my elbows on my bent knees, my hands overlapped in front of my mouth. I squint my eyes trying to erase the previous vision from my mind, before I nut on myself or end up with blue-balls. I don't think I've ever wanted to fuck a girl so bad in my life. Really, I don't even know why. Sure, she's hot. Her accent sends my dick into overdrive. When you get her fired up about something her personality comes out and I like it, but honestly I barely know anything about her. I do know that she intrigues me. I know that she's innocent, so she doesn't belong anywhere near this world that I've been in for some time now.

  With that knowledge, I also know that I shouldn't be pushing her to do this, because in doing this it's a win/lose situation for me. I win because I get to publicly claim her for everyone to see, her first time at that. My dick alone is nearly salivating over the fact that nothing has been inside of her, but I lose because in doing just that everyone else gets a front row seat to seeing every part of her body from close up angles, just as I do. Her most intimate places will never be my secret, but there is a method behind the madness.

  This is my job. Until I find something that appeals to me more this is how I make a living. Yes, I do have some wiggle room when I want to take a breather from it all as well as contract negotiations, like this one, because I worked my ass off when I was at the bottom, but in the end there is always another big dick to replace me if I get too cocky. It may be films, but it's porn. Fucking has a way of appealing to more people than you would think.

  I haven't even entertained the idea of casual dating since...well her, the bitch that doesn't deserve to be called by a name...and for good reason, but since I laid eyes on Kambry in the club my mind has had a field day throwing out thoughts and possibilities. Some are hot, some interesting, and others just plain ludicrous, but I'm not a fucking idiot. When I give something this much thought I believe there is some underlying reason, so here I am, trying to get her to agree to this crazy as hell project they are on my ass about.

  The truth is I want to toy with the idea of having it all with her, whether mock or not. Like I told her, this is the way I can do this. No harm no foul right? Once the initial trial filming period is up it's a waiting game before they continue out the terms of the contract, so if it turns out horrible it's only for a short period of time. If it turns out well...

  The door opens and I look up at the exact moment Kambry walks in wrapped in a towel that hits mid-thigh, clenching the edges on her chest in her fist, her phone in the other hand. She has legs for days; smooth, slender, long legs...that I really need to stop looking at, because I'm not coming on to her anymore tonight. At least I'm telling
myself that now, hoping my limbs believe it. I may need a shot of whiskey to calm the raging hormones in my bloodstream, because I'm determined to sway her to take this seriously, and I'm never going to do that if I continue to feel what it's like inside her fucking pussy every time I'm around her. It's only a matter of time until my willpower is gone.

  "You hungry?"

  She shuts the door and walks forward, eying me up and down. "Yeah. Supper didn't turn out too well."

  She glances over at a stack of folded clothes by the wall and back at me. I still don't like that she has no furniture. I get that she has a closet and a set of mattresses sitting on the floor, but it really bothers me. I hold up my hands. "You can get dressed. I promise to keep my hands to myself."

  She smiles at me for the first time since she walked in. "Oh now you want to keep your hands to yourself? Now that I'm conscious."

  "What? I heard my name. I just figured I better make sure the dream was accurate."

  She bites her lip mid smile. "If I remember correctly you touched me before I voiced anything aloud."

  "How do you know? You were asleep..."

  She laughs. "Touché. How do you know my dream was sexual? I could have been imagining something as innocent as a back massage. Besides, you haven't kept your hands to yourself since we met. Do you really expect me to believe that you can keep all eyes and hands off of me now?"

  There's that personality. She hides it a good bit, almost as if it's just a defense mechanism, reserving herself. I smirk and lean back on my elbows. "I said I wouldn't touch. Never did I say I wouldn't look though. Go ahead. I'm going to sit right here and enjoy the show."

  Light hits her eyes and it gives off a gleam. Just when I think she's about to dart into the closet to change, she drops her towel instead, revealing that beautiful, naked body, only this time it's not covered by bubbles. Not that her wet, soapy body under candlelight wasn't like dangling meat in front of a lion, but damn, it's so much better from this view. My eyes slow their roll, taking in every visible inch. My heart is pounding, my breathing is slightly irregular, and my mouth becomes thick, needing to swallow.

  This may be harder than I originally thought...

  She turns around and squats to grab something off the floor, giving me a nude view of her ass along the way; that round, beautiful ass...that I am visualizing myself opening up as I slide my dick inside.

  Stop that shit.

  She quickly stands and faces me, her eyes widened. "What?"

  Threading her arms through the sleeves of a shirt, she pulls it over her head and it falls to her thighs, her nipples hardened through the fabric. She rubs her lips together, before taking a step in my direction. "Do you like what you see?"

  She wraps her hands around my neck as she reaches me and begins playing with the hair at the top of my neck. "What do you think?"

  "At first I thought maybe, but after hearing that growl..." She straddles my lap, placing her knees to each side of me on the mattress. "I'm pretty positive."

  "What growl?"

  She smirks. "The one you just did."

  I return her expression. "You were baiting me. I guess my subconscious took it before I did."

  "Baiting you, huh?"

  I thrust my hips up at the same time I press my cock down, toward the center of my legs away from her weight bearing against it. She lowers herself down further, her hot middle pressed against my cotton pants, the thin covering between my dick and her pussy.

  "If I was baiting you I wouldn't do this," she says as she closes in on me, pressing her lips against mine. That willpower is thinning. She begins grinding her wet pussy against the length of my erection.

  "Fuck," I whisper, when she nibbles my lip as our mouths change directions. I grab her hips, lying flat on the mattress, and press her down harder against me, as I lift my hips to meet her. "I want you so bad."

  "Take what you want."

  My hands inch up her back, pushing her shirt back up, ready to sheathe my cock and fuck her right here and now. Grabbing her in my arms with our mouths molded together, I flip us over, resting between her legs and rolling my hips to rub my dick against her center. She spreads her legs and arches her back, before grabbing my hand and guiding it up her shirt toward her breast. "Touch me here. I like when you touch me."

  "How am I supposed to say no to that?" That is the truth. When she gives me that begging expression it takes everything in me to function properly, let alone deny her. My thumb brushes back and forth over her hard nipple, just before my mouth encloses around it.

  She moans and presses her hand on the back of my head, pressing me into her as my tongue flicks over her nipple then swirls around it. "Just like that." Her voice when she is turned on is like nothing I've ever experienced. It's not fake, it's not wild, and it's not over-the-top or over-exaggerated. It's fucking perfect; as if she is experiencing every damn feeling and action being done to her for the first time, even if it's not. I'm nowhere close to letting this go.

  The contract.

  I stop abruptly, cursing myself on the inside as I release my hold from her body and push off the mattresses, adjusting my pants by the waistband, and work to gather myself. She pushes up on her elbows, her legs still slightly spread and bent at the knees with her feet flat on the bed. Without attempting to I look down, instantly glancing at her bare center. That is one beautiful pussy. "What's wrong?"

  "Son of a bitch. Get dressed. We're leaving and I'm cutting myself off before I make very bad decisions and overdose on your body."

  Without so much as another damn word I grab a folder off the floor that I notice has Michael's handwriting on it due to being identical to mine, and walk out the door, for fear that if I look at her one more time I will cave and say fuck it. A healthy man can only turn that down so many times before he's a fucking idiot; exactly what I feel like for even playing along with this whole ordeal. I give in and she gets her way, then this entire thing will be a bust, and I'll have to take another job and go back to a stale and forced sex life at the hand of pills and producers controlling where I stick my dick.

  I like the choice, the natural sexual attraction, and the fact that she is completely pure. My mind has factored in that her lack of experience means that she has nothing else to compare what we do to anyone else. That piece of knowledge drives me to places that scare me, because when I enter her she will be molded for me, and only me. I will do whatever I have to do to make her sign that fucking line.

  I probably slammed the apartment door a little too hard, but I'm wound tight. My back becomes flush with the wall just outside of her apartment. I shelve the folder underneath my arm and reach into my pocket to pull out a pack of cigarettes, quickly removing one and placing it between my lips before lighting the end.

  I inhale the pull off the filter, allowing the poisonous smoke to invade my lungs, reveling in the mild high I get every time I take that first drag. It's a bad habit I picked up about the same time she fucked me up. I suppose alcohol, cigarettes, and heartbreak go hand in hand. The heartbreak went away, the alcohol only returns with business or the occasional playful pleasure, but this calls on me when my nerves go haywire. I'm not a regular smoker. I'm more of a mood smoker.

  The door opens and then closes. I look over, immediately calming as another spike of adrenaline replaces the previous one. She's wearing that same long shirt as earlier, black, but this time I can see the faint outline of a bra, and she's wearing a pair of white, cotton, spandex pants painted on her body that stop just below her knees, and a pair of flip-flops with her hair piled on top of her head. The strap of a duffel bag sits on her shoulder, her face free from makeup. I can't take my eyes off of her.

  She gives me a small smile. "I'm ready."

  Taking one final drag, I throw the butt on the concrete and step on it, rubbing it across the cement with my shoe to put it out. I hold the nicotine in my lungs as long as possible. When it starts to hurt I exhale, blowing the smoke into the night air, never looking away from
her. "Good, 'cause I have a feeling you'll need to be."

  A feeling overcomes me as we walk down the stairs. It's that pivotal moment when you know in your gut that you're fucked no matter what the outcome, because either way something drastic is going to happen...whether you're ready for it or not.

  I pull into the garage and park my truck, closing the door behind me. I kill the engine to my Cadillac Escalade EXT truck and look over at her, holding onto her bag as if her life depends on it, looking straight ahead like a timid animal. Things have been fairly quiet the entire drive, from her apartment to get the food, and then here. My mind is overloaded, making it difficult to hold a normal conversation. I'm not a huge talker anyway. I find myself watching or listening more than talking. I've been that way most of my life, but more so since I left college.

  I was an upstanding young adult at one time, full of morals and values, friends constantly around, and stuck between college life and family, even dating. I was...well...normal by most people's standards. I liked to party as much as the next college frat boy...and as a young buck I gave my heart away to that one special girl that caught my eye during rush week; only I didn't know she was going to be Satan's spawn when I laid my eyes on her, with even a name and onyx hair to confirm it. Salem was an evil witch, for better terminology, if you ask me and anyone else that she was able to sink her wicked teeth into, but I'm not even going to go there.

  All that matters, is that girl ruined my trust and me for most people. She's the reason I have such an outstanding work ethic, limited contact with my somewhat conservative family, at least where my career choice is concerned, and generally keep to myself. I guess it could be worse. I could be an asshole, but given the beautiful blonde sitting in my passenger seat that I've yet to fuck even though given the opportunity, affirms that I'm not. Most would call that hope for a decent human being, but it'll take one hell of a girl to change anything in my life, and I've yet to meet one that would even categorize as a possibility.


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