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Sex Sessions: Uncut (Camera Tales #1)

Page 17

by Charisse Spiers

  I have a thought. "What are we supposed to do in this house aside from the obvious?"

  "Whatever we want. It will be fully set up for anything you need to live as you would anywhere else. If we want to leave we will have someone following us but you won't know who it is. It will basically be identical to shows that already exist like Jersey Shore, The Real World, and Party Down South. The difference is that instead of roommates it's just the two of us; a couple, and when their cameras only show PG-13 horseplay movement underneath blankets, ours never stop rolling and there are no blankets."

  I think about that briefly. It's a fact I've known this entire time, hence it being porn, but hearing it aloud still causes my cheeks to flush and questions to arise. "On those shows don't they have jobs though? Surely, you would want a break from me at some point."

  "Nope, the point is to do everything together for the most part; however, you do get to keep your job at the club. Michael has already had a talk with the owner, only I get to join you." He makes this little facial that I can't even begin to explain, and then combs his fingers through his hair. "Do I look like a hot bartender?" Oh, dear lord. I just can't. The end. I want to maul him like a bear.

  Reality sets in.

  "Hold up. You're telling me Drake knows about this? They were perfectly fine participating in this whole ordeal?"

  "I don't know who Drake is. I don't recall that being the owner's name. He was all for it, yes. They get paid because of the filming, and it's traffic for the club. People like to visit places that appear on television. It's human nature." I'm a little embarrassed, because of the nature of this entire situation. Other than hanging out with him I haven't heard of one thing that will benefit me in plastering my entire body and sexual experiences out there for people to watch.

  "Am I missing something?"

  "Like pay? I was wondering when that one would come up." He's back to smiling. Well, honestly, I'm not sure it ever left. I would think his cheeks probably hurt by now.

  "Yeah, I guess."

  He turns the document around with his fingers clamped in a specific area. I glance at the left side first. The bullet titled in bold is Salary. My eyes trail in a line toward the right following his fingers. They widen when the sum registers. "What the fuck?" I slap my hand over my mouth after my accidental outburst. My eyes meet his. That word doesn't come out often. It's one I've picked up from Meredith. "Is this for real?"

  "Yes. It matches mine. You get half upon acceptance of the contract and the other half if they continue the project. They also pay for all STD and HIV testing prior to filming as well as birth control during your contract term to avoid any liability for the company."

  "Wait, did you say matches yours? Why? I've never done this before. I mean don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, but I'm also not stupid. Why wouldn't you make more than me, and if that's the going rate for this type of thing why am I being offered this job instead of another girl when I didn't even do anything to get it?"

  "Because I wanted you and they wanted me. Those were my stipulations to accept it, as well as one other."

  My pulse is howling in my ear, my heart thumping against my chest. I can only focus on one part of that sentence: I wanted you.

  My mouth opens to speak, but my phone ringing stops me. It's not Meredith's ringtone. I glance over and my heart plummets to my stomach when I recognize the Alabama number on the screen. There is only one person back home with my new number and that's Meredith's mom, yet my parents' home number is the one calling. My brother doesn't even have it, because we aren't as close since he started college and began kissing my dad's ass to get what he wants.

  I pick it up and accept the call. "Hello."

  He clears his throat. "Kambry...this is your dad, or have you forgotten that you have one of those?"

  "Hey, Dad. How are you?" I'm already cringing inside, as my voice is higher than usual and slightly awkward. "Aren't you usually in bed by now?"

  "It seems for the last couple of months, sleep doesn't come so easily. Funny how that happens when your only daughter takes off in the middle of the night and decides to run away to the other end of the continental U.S. I thought we taught you better than that, Kambry."

  I hold up my finger at Saxton and stand. Are you okay? He mouths. I nod. I'd rather take this somewhere else. I can hear the aggravation in his tone. Walking to the door I slip inside.

  "Dad, I just wanted to find my own way for a while. I'm fine. Don't worry about me. I'm smart when I want to be."

  "Well I thought that until you pulled this stunt. Do you know what I had to go through to find out you had a number?"

  "You cut off my phone!" My voice is rising. I can't help it. They freaking trigger me and it drives me nuts. I've barely been on the phone and he's digging into me more with each line. "What was I supposed to do?"

  "Come home. That's what you were supposed to do. No daughter of mine is going to run off to another state like a Gypsy, living here and there." He's screaming into the phone. "Your mother and I have provided for you and in turn you do something like this. It’s disrespectful. You wanted to be wild; well you have. I've held my tongue most of the summer so you can find out what it's like to fail on your own. Well, I'm done. I hope you're happy with yourself. You can come home and we can work through this. You can start to earn your trust back. Things can go back to the way they were. It's not too late to start school. It hasn’t started yet."

  My head is screaming at me, my heart squeezing, and my eyes glossing over. "I wasn't happy, Dad."

  "Happy?" He laughs, mocking me.

  "You're treating me like a child, Dad."

  "If you want to be treated like an adult then act like one. Life isn't about chasing happiness, Kambry. That's something a floozy would say; like Meredith. It's about doing the right thing, knowing your place, and striving for no regrets. That girl is going to get you in trouble, so stop tormenting and embarrassing your family and come home before you end up pregnant with a bastard child or with a disease that's permanent. People are asking questions."

  Tears fall down my face. Nothing I do will ever be good enough for him. He will continue to belittle me and hurt me emotionally to get his way. I'm at a loss for words. I'm heartbroken. Your parents may not always agree with your actions, but regardless they should still support you. How else does one learn? I straighten my posture, finding the backbone that’s been buried for most of my life. "She's more like family than my own, so don't say those things about her. You have no idea what you're even talking about. You know nothing about her, because you've never cared enough to learn. At least she cares about what I want. You've never asked me what I want. I don't want to go to junior college or meet someone that you and Mom find fresh out of Seminary and become a preacher's wife with five kids by the time I'm thirty. That life is great for those that want it, but I don't."

  "What is it that you're going to tell me next? That you met some boy in a bar or that you've fallen madly in love and are going to ride away on the back of his motorcycle? What have you done with my daughter? I don't even know you anymore. You're letting that California sun go to your head."

  Saxton opens the door and steps inside, a look of concern present when he notices my face. "Maybe I have. Either way I like it here. I'm staying. This is me growing up. Goodnight, Dad."

  I disconnect the call and shut my phone off. I know my dad well and he'll call back. His tactic of persuasion is to drive you insane until you cave. I can feel the anxiety constricting my air, making it hard to breathe. What tears I was holding back fall free. Never do I remember a time that man said he was proud of me for anything. Did I get a congrats for holding onto my virginity through graduation? No. Did I get a pat on the back for avoiding drugs and alcohol? Nope. Did I get a hug and smile at graduation when I was in the top five in my class? Never. I didn't even get rewarded with the option to accept from the college of my choice the fully paid scholarship I was awarded; something most parents can only wish their kids w
ould get to save them college tuition, but not mine.

  All of my life I've worried about making them angry, embarrassing them, or betraying their trust. I've fought hard to be the daughter that would make them proud, sacrificing memories in high school that can never be redone, and you know what, it's gotten me nowhere. I'm at my wit’s end and I'm done.

  "Kambry," he says in a hushed tone, drawing my focus to him. "Are you okay?"

  "I'll do it."

  His brows scrunch. "What?"

  "I'll sign the questions asked...with one condition."

  "I'm listening."

  My face is wet from crying. I feel stupid, but I can't stop them. A person can only take so much mental abuse before they break. "Take my virginity...tonight."

  His pupils constrict. He remains quiet. I continue, not needing an answer. "Regardless of how stupid my dad thinks I am, I can make decisions for myself. If I think about it, long and hard, I know I'll regret losing my virginity in front of the world. I'm not interested in holding onto my virtue until I walk down the aisle, if there ever is one, and I don't require being in love to give it away, but I do want it to be special. I want it to be private. You got your stipulations in the contract; that's mine. Take it or leave it."

  He takes a step toward me, and then another. As he becomes within reaching distance he places his hand on my tear-stained cheek and wipes beneath my eye. "I'm not sure I could deny you if I wanted to, Kambry."

  My head tilts slightly readying for his kiss. He follows through as expected, then rubs his hands down my body to the back of my thighs, grips them, and picks me up. I wrap my arms and legs around him, staring down into his eyes. “What was the other thing you were going to tell me about your stipulations in the contract?”

  “If we do this it doesn’t matter. It was about losing your virginity.”

  I smile. “Your bedroom is about to become X-rated,” I tease, trying to lighten the mood.

  "I'll make it better than that," he counters. "We'll make our own movie. Just for us. Will you trust me?"

  "If I didn't I wouldn't be here. I even have a title."

  He smiles up at me. "What's that, beautiful?"

  "Sex Sessions: The beginning."

  He starts to walk, carrying me. "It's perfect."

  In a strange is.

  I'm going to be selfish or selfless, depending on what way you look at it. In one way I like this better, but on the other hand I don't really want to have to explain this to Michael. There was no clause in the contract that stated she had to remain a virgin until filming, but that was also the wow factor. He said so himself.

  I stood there at war with myself, wanting and pushing myself to say no, but seeing tears pour down her cheeks broke me. I couldn't do it. Maybe it's old habits resurfacing, but in her defense she did have a point. I got my way, so it's only natural that she should get hers. I really shouldn't complain, because I will get her all to myself just once. After this I have to share her. She will no longer be mine alone.

  I walk into my room, holding her by the underside of her thighs, just below her ass. She rubs her fingers through the back of my hair over and over and it brings chills across my skin. Her body is covered in too many clothes for my liking.

  My room is dark, the only lighting being the beam of moonlight shining down on the center of my bed through the glass wall. The privacy fence and landscape of tall trees and shrubs keeps the light from the neighboring houses away. As my tongue glides against hers she pulls it deeper into her mouth, suctioning around it.

  An animalistic sound comes deep from my throat. My shin makes contact with the foot of the bed. I bend my leg, crawling knee first to lay her in the center, holding myself off of her as I continue to take more of her taste. The more I kiss her the harder it becomes to stop. Our mouths align together as if they were made specifically to fit against each other.

  My entire house is set up with security cameras, mounted in a corner of each room on a remote controlled, motorized, swivel mount so that I can change the view anytime I'm ready. Over half of my house is on display for anyone on the outside, so I keep it monitored to prevent theft. It's never been utilized for an alternate purpose until now.

  She rubs her hands down my sides until they halt on my waist, grabbing onto my shirt and cinching it until she has the shirttail in her fists. Slowly it inches upward, baring my torso until she has it at my armpits. I pull her top lip between mine as I release her, letting her work it over my head and arms. She tosses it on the edge of the bed.

  I upright myself to stand on my knees, and then look down at her. Her eyes look a little lazy, most likely from the crying, and her lips are slightly swollen from my unshaved stubble rubbing against them. Even so, she's probably the most beautiful girl I've ever seen hands down, and the fact that the first person to have her is going to be me has my adrenaline pumping like a kid at an amusement park, only Disney has nothing on this.

  I grab her ankle in my hand. "You sure you want this?"

  "Yes," she says without question.

  I lean over her to reach my nightstand, pulling open the drawer to find the TV and camera remote. When I reach inside her palms become flush with my abdomen, halting me. She begins at the V of muscle peeking out of my waistband, and then slowly moving upward almost like a blind person would do, as if she's feeling every contour and ridge, adhering it to memory by touch.

  My eyes close briefly. Her hands are soft and small. "I've never touched a body like this before you," she admits, regaining my focus. My dick is so hard it's beginning to hurt from pressing against the stretch material of my boxer-briefs behind my pants.

  I pull the remotes out, leaving the drawer open. "Didn't you say you dated someone?"

  She is shaking her head. "He didn't look like this. He wasn't really defined at all. Just normal."

  "Which do you prefer," I ask with a slight grin.


  That word has a strange effect on my body. There is a minor pull in the left side of my chest, and my heart is slightly off rhythm, as if it came in brief contact with an electrical current, making it skip a beat. I expected her to say yours since we were discussing a body, as in a thing and not person, because most girls get that look when a guy cares enough to shred his body. If they didn't so many men wouldn't work so hard for it. I probably wouldn’t care as much if not for my career, but aesthetics goes a long way. What throws me off is her word choice. She didn't say yours, she said you...with no doubt in her voice. I like it more than I care to analyze.

  "Even though I'm about to hurt you?" My question has nothing to do with the actual conversation at hand, but more or less the underlying one. I turn on the wall-mounted television but stare down at her, then change remotes when I hear that sound that tells me it's powering on.

  Before giving her an option to speak, I twist my body enough to point the remote at the security camera in the corner opposite of the glass wall and begin rotating it as I watch the television screen. It moves slow, showing a trail across the room on screen from its current view to the one I'm aiming for: the bed. When the two of us appear on the television screen, her head peeks to the side, making me smile. Curiosity is a good thing, considering...

  When it is at the angle I want, I shut off the television and replace the remotes into the drawer, my attention quickly diverting back to her. As if that's what she was waiting for she speaks. "I trust you."

  Three little words that hold so much power… "Do you feel any different knowing it's there?"

  "A little nervous."

  I hover my body directly over hers, but not bearing any weight on her. "The secret is to force it out of your mind. It's just you and me. You can only do that by replacing it with something else."

  I can see her chest heaving as her breathing changes. "Like what," she asks in a shortened tone.

  I push back, my hands gripping her sides, and then raise her shirt up until her stomach is bare. She props up on her elbows, looking at
me. "Like letting someone take you to Nirvana?"

  “Yes.” She sits up as I remove her shirt, leaving her in a black, cotton bra. It's nothing like lace or satin. It doesn't show major cleavage and isn't padded to falsify what isn't there. It's real, it's natural, it's innocent, and that's what makes it fucking sexy.

  I kiss her as I reach behind her to unclasp her bra. It doesn't take long before the elastic pull releases, each side retracting toward her arms. My fingers move to her shoulder, clamping around the strap that rests on top, before pulling it over the edge and letting it fall down her arm. She takes my place with the other side, discarding it completely.

  My hand instantly finds her breast. Each time I do I'm surprised, forgetting just how perfect they are, each spilling out of my hand. I release her lips, my mouth roughly moving toward her neck. The tiniest moan escapes her as she extends, letting her head fall to the side. With each inch that I descend, her breathing becomes heavier, until my lips are perfectly molded around one of her nipples, sucking it into my mouth.

  My teeth graze a trail down her body, the tip of my tongue lightly brushing as I do. Her stomach quickly rises and falls as I make my way across, before colliding with the waistband of her white, cotton pants. I've never had a problem with going down on a girl, but I've never enjoyed it either; although, with her I actually want to, each time I turn her on.

  I grab her pants on her hips, instantly working them over her ass when she lifts, not wasting any time. My lips press against her thigh, just behind the fabric as I peel them down her legs. I sit back on my heels as I pull them over her feet, leaving her completely nude. "Take yours off too," she says.

  I look up at her. "You want me naked too?"

  "Yes. I want to see you."

  I hold out my hand for her to take, and then pull her up on her knees when she does. My hand reaches for her pile of hair, my index finger slipping beneath the elastic band to slide it out, pulling her hair down. The platinum blonde waves cascade down over her shoulders, creating a curtain around her smooth, creamy skin. "I like you like this."


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