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Sex Sessions: Uncut (Camera Tales #1)

Page 30

by Charisse Spiers

  With one swift push my sweats fall down my legs, before I step out, leaving them in a heap on the floor. I inch forward, falling face first on the bed, and then robotically pull the blanket loosely on top of me, pulling the corner on top of the bed. I don't even care that I'm lying on the bed the wrong way. Either way it's probably going to be a shitty sleep, because with her right down the hall, that's all I'm going to think about.

  I'm making myself a promise though. Michael already gave me the go ahead to take things slow if I want. They can cut and dice what they want for a weekly episode. Everyone knows that reality TV really isn't but only so much reality. I'm going to try and make this is as realistic as I can, because I actually want her, all of her. I want to show her what a real, intimate relationship is, sex and all, but I want the next time we have sex to be fucking explosive, from a small buildup at least. Most of all...I want her to discover her seductive side, because that girl already drives me wild.

  Come tomorrow...I am becoming an abstinent porn star, just until she shows me that I make her half as crazy as she makes me, because every time I'm around her I want to strip her clothes off. Her body is all I can think about, so for now I'm going to close my eyes and pretend that I'm sleeping, when in reality I'll be visualizing the way she looked riding my cock in this very bed.

  Yep, I can kiss sleep goodbye...

  The music is blaring throughout the club. It's a full house tonight. It always is on Friday, so that’s nothing new. It feels good to be back to a sense of normalcy I have to admit. It's already been five days since we moved into the house. It's been nothing short of amazing getting to know Saxton, but at the same time I'm annoyed. Just when I get used to the fact that my entire sex life is going to be plastered on television for the world to watch, he barely touches me.

  In what kind of porn do the leads not have sex? Every morning I wake up to a text from him telling me to come downstairs. I get down there and he has coffee brewed and some sort of breakfast made. I'm not a coffee drinker, but he drinks while I eat, because usually he's already scarfed his down, since he's obviously an early riser.

  For the past four days, we have spent the entire day together. It's usually laying by the pool and enjoying a dip for most of the morning, followed by lunch out, and then we play games – yes board games – since he hasn’t attempted to teach me pool in the game room, or we just hang out and do something to ourselves within the confinements of the same space. Recently it's been me trying out this Kindle that Meredith got me, and he playing the game system on the television in the living room. I never took him for a gamer, but he can be quite animated when he's playing one of those shooting games like Call of Duty.

  It's kind of nice, sitting at opposite ends of the couch as if we've been doing it for years. I like watching him. I like being with him in general. He's quickly taking on a role of being one of my best friends. I like it. There is no soap opera drama, no crazy roommate fights, and no absurd partying, but it's still fun just hanging out.

  Nights are devoted to cooking dinner together and cleaning up after, before watching television or a movie and then going to bed...separately. We've made out a few times; a few times at my bedroom door as if he's returning me from a night out, but he always shuts things down before it goes any further. Like...what the hell? I have no idea if I've done something wrong or if there is something I'm not getting. Don't get me wrong. I wouldn’t want to give the wrong opinion of myself to others. I love that I'm not just a sex object for him to get off, but porn with no porn kind of defeats the whole purpose of me signing up for this...thing.

  Well, I've had enough. It’s making me paranoid. Tonight, I'm going to do something about it. I've been reading this book and, well, I had no idea books got that steamy. They give me ideas. They make me want to try things; like oral sex for one. I want to go down on him. He's never asked me to, but I want to. Before bed my plans are to just lay it on him and then go to bed. If he doesn't want to have sex right now, then fine, but I’ll be damned if I'm going to just sit back and wait on him and his good behavior to change back to the Saxton he was. He's the one that made me this way anyway, so it's his fault entirely.

  "Do you guys need a drink?" I yell over the music at the couple sitting at one of the tables by the wall. They've been ordering for the last hour and he's a good tipper.

  The girl is bumping her body to the beat of the music, tipping back her drink every few seconds. "Vodka tonic for me."

  "You got it..." I turn to the guy beating his hands on the table to the music. I'm going to take a guess that he's probably a drummer. "Another Bud Light?"

  He smiles, nodding his head, and then hands me a small stack of cash folded down the middle. "Double the order on both, beautiful. We're waiting on people, and it's her birthday." He winks.

  "Sure thing. Be right back." I jot the order down with the table number and stop by a few more people I've been waiting on most of the night, checking to ensure no one runs dry. I've learned as a server in a bar, that is the ultimate sin. You never let a drinking paying customer run out of alcohol, unless you're cutting them off or they decline.

  I make my way to the sexy bartender behind the bar, my head and shoulders swaying to the music. He smiles and extends a red rose as I approach him. I set down my tray atop the bar and slide the drink order across so that he can start filling the order, taking it from his hand. "I see you've been with the rose girl since I've been gone," I tease, taking it from him.

  He smiles, one of those teeth-showing white smiles, and leans over the bar, the sleeves of his black button-down rolled up to his elbows; one of the few choice uniform colors the male staff members can wear if the club isn’t hosting a theme party. "She may have stopped by, but then I bought a rose off of her for my girl."

  I bring the bloom to my nose, smelling it, my heart racing in my chest each time he looks at me like that. I'm so screwed here. He makes me feel things that I've never felt, and the problem is I like it. He makes me feel like the only girl in the room, even at work. "You look kind of hot tonight."

  He stands, grabbing a glass with a smirk on his face. "I would say you look kind of hot tonight too, but I'd be lying. There is no kind of to it."

  I try to contain the grin that I know wants to form right now, but it's hard. Second by second it's broadening, until I'm gleaming at him. I freaking love that he's my bartender. It makes working so much better. I bend forward. "So...Sax. You never told me how you learned to bartend. I kind of expected this to be something you had to wing, but you’re pretty experienced."

  "College. I actually did work in college, unlike some people. I was a server at a restaurant with a bar. Restaurants do a lot of in-house moving around when it comes available. The regular weekend bartender quit..." One by one he places the drinks on the tray, as if it's no effort at all. "I volunteered. Trained for a bit with the day bartender and then did it for a couple of years. Now, here I am."

  Finally, he grabs two bottles of Bud Light from the cooler with one hand and quickly removes the caps with the bottle opener in his free hand, placing them on my tray to finalize the order. "Ah, so you have layers."

  "And slowly you're peeling them back."

  I squeal and stand with the feel of a hand on my inner thigh, dipping beneath my dress. A body hovers over mine, a mouth just outside of my ear, holding me in a position to look at the bar. "It's good to have you back, Kambry. The eye candy just hasn't been as good since you left."

  His thumb grazes my panty line between my legs and my reflex takes over, pressing into him and shoving him back. "Watch it, Liam. You're invading my personal space. Damn, that's not okay."

  He holds up his hands, laughing. "Easy. I'm just messing around."

  I turn and glance at Saxton. He's starring daggers at Liam. I'm guessing it didn't take a scholar to notice he was being inappropriate. Liam holds his hand out to Saxton. "You must be the new guy that took my girl."

  Saxton disregards his hand completely. "I don't remember h
er belonging to anyone before I got here. And you are?"

  "Liam. I'm another bartender, just at the south side bar tonight, and was assigned to Kambry here until they hired you. Management issues I guess. We'll most likely be working together at some point."

  "Liam, we won't have any problems unless you touch her like that again without her giving you permission first. Then, I'll just break your fingers and you won't be doing any bartending for a while. Got me?"

  They stare at each other briefly, before Liam starts to back away. "Find me later, Kambry."

  "No thanks," I mumble under my breath.

  "Were you two ever a thing?"

  "What?" I ask, caught off guard. "Me and him? Uh no. He asked. I said no. That was actually the night you just so happened to appear at the cab, waiting out front when I left work," I say sarcastically.

  His smile returns. "That was a good night."

  I grab my tray, balancing the weight of it so that I don't spill anything. "Yes, sir, it was. I'm due for a break soon. Want to find somewhere private and be highly inappropriate?"

  He looks at me, and then clears his throat. "As tempting as that sounds, we can't get caught on our first night working together."

  I roll my eyes. "Chicken. Keep playing hard to get..."

  "Kambry," he says, as I turn and walk away, ignoring him completely. I make my way back the way that I came, delivering drinks and collecting tips, until finally I arrive at the table with the couple, only now a few more people are with them.

  Setting down the drinks I immediately recognize one. "Meredith?"

  She turns toward me and throws up her arms, screaming over the music. "There's my favorite bitch!" She wraps her arms around me, pulling me into a hug. "I miss you."

  "I miss you too, but what are you doing here? You didn't tell me you were coming."

  "Well, I met Trinity here at an open audition. We got to talking, and then she said it was her birthday and wanted to celebrate, so I told her there was only one place worthy of a birthday celebration because my BFF works there. They just moved here from Ohio," she screams. Her veins are protruding from her neck each time she speaks, because the music is so loud. "This is her boyfriend Dane. I think Bryant went to the bar."

  I grin at her. "You're here with Bryant? Are things getting serious?"

  She shrugs her shoulders. "Who knows… Things are fun, so why mess them up. Don't get any crazy ideas in your head, girlie. It's not like you think."

  "Here babe. I got your Vodka and cranberry with extra Vodka." Bryant appears, kissing her on the temple as he hands the pink cup to her. My brows rise at the intimate gesture.

  She narrows her eyes at me, knowing exactly what I'm referring to. "Bryant, you remember Kambry, right?"

  He wraps his arm around me and pulls me into a side hug. "Of course I do. What kind of question is that?" He leans next to my ear. "I will never forget the girl that caught a star."

  I laugh. "You're exaggerating. I was just in the right place at the right time. That kind of star can't be caught."

  "No, love. You hooked that one. I've already been to the bar."

  "What'd he say?" I ask nervously.

  "It's not about what he said, but about what he didn't say."

  I'm not even sure what that means, but it does bring me back to a question that I need to ask Meredith. "Hey, Mer. I need to take a restroom break before I circulate again. Wanna go with?"

  "Hell yeah." She walks toward Bryant. "Watch my drink? I may even save the next bathroom break for you."

  Bryant releases me and pulls her toward him, whispering something in her ear, before she blatantly grabs his crotch. Whoa. I really didn't need to witness that. What am I even thinking? I've seen them have sex. Not one of my prouder moments.

  I start to walk off, before she runs up to me and grabs my arm. "Not serious, my ass. You two have it bad."

  "Maybe, maybe not, but things can always change."

  I shake my head as we navigate through the crowd for the hallway to the bathrooms. "Sometimes I don't understand you at all, Mer."

  "You don't have to, babe. Some things aren't meant to be dissected."

  We walk into the bathroom and I hand her my tray before walking into the bathroom stall. "So, I have to ask you something," I say, as I quickly pee.

  "Oh yeah... What's that?"

  "Well..." I flush and adjust my dress, before making my way to the sink where she's standing to wash my hands. I look around to ensure no one else is listening. It is the girls' restroom. I've heard weirder conversations in here than I can remember, so it doesn't really matter. "I want to know how to properly give a guy a blow job."

  She looks at me puzzled. "You haven't yet?"

  "No. I could probably figure it out, but I'd rather just kind of know up front so I don't mess up the whole thing. Ya know? I don't want to be that girl that the guy tells funny stories about to his friends. I want to be good at it."

  "Okay. This may take a few. How is your gag reflex?"

  "What? How is that relevant?"

  "It just is. He's big."

  "It's fine I guess. I've never really tested it out."

  "Do you gag a lot brushing your teeth? Like when you brush your tongue..."


  "Okay, then you should be good. The key is breathing through your nose anyway." She grabs some paper towels to hand me as I shut off the water.

  "I want it to be an element of surprise, so walk me through it from start to finish in a way that is sexy. I don't want the result to be clumsy and a turn off."

  "Okay, have a seat in my office, my precious." She leads me to the set of chairs and sits in one, me shaking my head the entire way.

  "You can be so weird sometimes."

  "Yet I'm still the one you come to for all your questions..."

  "Touché. Let's get this over with before I get fired."

  "Okay, so guys really aren't that hard. As long as you remember the term, handle with care, then you should be good. Tell me how you want to start."

  "Uh, isn't that what I'm asking you?"

  She rolls her eyes. "Do you want him standing, sitting, or lying?"

  "I don't know. What's the easiest way to just do it without him stopping me?"

  "Standing if clothed and lying if he's in something with easier access than buttons. Either way, you need to end up on your knees. Guys like to see girls on their knees. Don't ask me why. Maybe it's a power thing."

  "Okay, so let's just pretend lying. I think I can work from that angle. I have a vague game plan."

  Her brows arch as she grins. "Are you going to wake him to a little sucky-sucky action?"

  "I don't suppose I considered him being completely asleep, but if that would work I can wait. Tell me what to do."

  "I'm so buying this to watch when it comes out. That's hot."

  My nose scrunches. I shove at her arm. "You freak. Focus."

  "What?" She scoffs. "You watched me. I'm entitled. Anyway, we're getting off track. This is good, because he'll be soft unless you wait too long. Morning wood...I wouldn't go there. That's like coming face-to-face with a loaded gun. Not a good idea."

  "You're telling me that story later." I try not to laugh or we'll be in here all night. "Moving on."

  "Yeah..." She stares off. "Not a good memory. There was just...never mind. Only the vagina is hostile enough to endure that. So, if you want to do this, you should kind of do the sexy creeper crawl from the foot of the bed if you really want a sensual element of surprise. You don't want to just hop on top of him and he jump up and give you a black eye. That's not good for the camera."

  "Oh my god, Meredith, you're making me have second thoughts."

  "What? Do you want honesty? I need to give you the alternate ending so you can make your choice wisely. When he starts to stir, he'll probably say your name in question, rub his eyes, and ask what you're doing. Don't answer. Less is more. Instead, just grab the waist of his trunks and work them down."

  "How do I get i
t over his butt?"

  "Note this somewhere: a guy will always lift when his dick is being summoned, no matter what state of mind he's in. It's like a reflex action. That thing wants to be touched, sucked, submerged, whatever it can get, inside of a warm, wet, orifice. Watch and see."

  "And then?"

  "Getting there, sweets. Grab it by the base. Hold it like you would a microphone. Don't freak out. It may be slightly hard just from him seeing you pull his briefs down, but most likely not fully erect. It will not be in an attractive state. Think limp noodle, hanging elephant trunk, or fold up storage capability. It must be stowed, especially a guy carrying around that size snake. You need to prepare it for use, so the basics of a blowjob are to suck, lick, flick, and swirl. Remember those words and you're golden. Give it a little TLC and watch it grow. Sensitive parts are the head and the underside. You'll feel it. It's kind of like a small dip. Play with the small hole at the end. It will give you candy." She winks.

  I repeat every word in my head, trying to burn it to memory. I'm determined to do this. I am competing with someone experienced. I really don't want to embarrass myself. "I think I got it."

  "I'm going to wrap this up in a few seconds. Swirl the head, flick the tip and the sweet spot, suck the length like you would a Popsicle that's melting, but only to the depth that you can handle. In the end a guy would rather you stay shallow and make him come than to gag all over his dick and leave him with blue balls because you can't finish the job." She uses her pointer finger as a guide to finish. "Breathe through the nose, and remember saliva is your friend not your enemy. Find a steady rhythm as you suck, even if you have to sing silently in your head. If you really want to go all out then suck or massage his balls, but for the love of all that is holy do not use your teeth. Pucker. You have perfect dick-sucking lips. Use them to your advantage. Some of us have to work a little harder there."

  She taps her chin. "Am I leaving anything out? A verbal man is a good sign, but if he isn't that doesn't mean you're doing a bad job. Some are just internal reactors - the silent type. A hand in your hair is your goal. Oh, fuck, how could I forget? For the finale, uh, relax your throat more than it already should be and move your tongue to the back, closing it off. Some guys will tell you when it’s time, but not all are that gentlemanly, so if you pay attention you'll know. It starts to spasm just before he blows...and you need to decide whether you spit or swallow beforehand so it's not awkward in the moment. It's salty in taste and creamy in texture. It sounds gross, but that's the cold hard facts. It's easy to hold, but swallowing is a mental thing mostly. Some can handle it and some can't. There is no right or wrong answer in disposal. It's strictly preference. The important thing is to be able to take it during orgasm. The less he has to stop the better for him."


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