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Sex Sessions: Uncut (Camera Tales #1)

Page 32

by Charisse Spiers

  One arm wraps around my back, and then I'm scooted up further on the bed as he straddles me. His tongue has already found mine, and he kisses me so deeply that I can't think. There is need behind it. I can feel his fear. He leans forward, lowering my back to the bed, and then trails his lips along my jaw and down my neck, allowing his tongue to taste my skin. That feels so good.

  My legs pull forward into a bend, resting to his sides. I wrap my arms around him. My breathing is heavy. He pushes his pelvis into my center, pressing his erection against my entrance, allowing me to feel him hard. Only thin fabric separates us. I've never wanted anything as bad as I want him inside me.

  He nips at my skin and a prickling sensation spreads throughout my body. "Saxton..." He shushes me with his lips, but only briefly, causing my feet to relax on the mattress. His hand grabs onto the back of my thigh, before lightly rubbing to my bare butt cheek.

  As soon as he withdraws, I open my eyes. His eyes are boring into mine. "Don't cheat on me, Kambry. I can deal with a lot of shit; like knowing other men will see you totally nude, or that anyone can watch our entire sex life with the click of a button. I can even deal with knowing other men are probably jerking off to thoughts of you, as long as I know in reality you're mine and mine alone. If I'm not doing something that you want or need, talk to me. I've said this before and I'll say it again. If you want it multiple times a day come find me. I'm only a car ride away on most days. We can even fuck by plane, train, or video. I don't care. We'll figure it out. Just don't cheat on me. If you want out, say it. I may not like it, but I won't trap you. I gave my heart to a girl once before and it didn't work out in my favor. I may not fall fast, but I fall hard. I forgave her over and over again because I loved her and tried to make it work, but now that's my breaking point. That's the one thing I can't forgive you for if you do. It almost destroyed me before I finally walked away."

  I refuse to cry. I know this is something that he fears in a relationship for the simple fact that the subject of cheating has come up in conversation before. I had an idea that he had been cheated on. I just didn't know how badly. "Saxton, if I wanted to be with someone else at any given point during a relationship with you or anyone else then we shouldn't be together at all. I meant what I said outside. You're enough for me. I don't need anyone else. You satisfy any desire for sex that I have."

  "You're fucking perfect," he says, before kissing me again. His hand pushes the fabric of my babydoll up my sides, baring my stomach. "Did you wear this just for me?" I nod, trying to calm my breathing. "And you blew me without expecting an orgasm in return?"

  "I wanted to try it. You've gone down on me, countless times. I just wanted to, so I did."

  "Fuck, I love knowing I'm the only dick you've ever had."

  He stands on his knees and tugs the fabric up. I lift my body and arms, allowing him to pull it over my head, before lying back down. His hand inches underneath my thong as his lips wrap around my nipple, his tongue flicking back and forth. I arch into his mouth as his finger presses into me, pumping in and out.

  I moan through closed lips, causing him to bite down on my nipple with a slight pressure, before sucking my nipple into a hard point. He switches to the other side, before leaning back enough to look at me. "Because of that you're going to get one. I'm about to suck you till you scream. I want you to sit on my face."

  I bite my bottom lip, imagining just that. Nothing turns me on more than him talking dirty and telling me what we're going to do. He uprights himself again, pulling my panties down my legs with force until he has them completely off. "Come here, beautiful."

  I sit up, and then stand on my knees just as he is. Placing his hands on the side of my neck, he presses his lips to mine, before rubbing them over my mouth harshly, and taking my top lip between his teeth. He continues to kiss me roughly, one hand trailing down my body until he reaches my butt. He cups the center in his hand, before picking me up and sliding me up his body.

  I wrap my legs around his waist as he turns us around and sits. His mouth leaves mine, our eyes meet, and then he lays back in a flat position. "Bring your pussy to me."

  Pushing onto my knees, I walk up his body, his hands on my thighs. I'm curious, I'm interested, and I'm nervous. When I reach his chest I stop, but he shakes his head at me. "Don't be scared. Now you get to ride."

  "Ride what?" I ask nervously.

  "My tongue." My entire core tightens with those two words. "Straddle my face."

  I do as he says, continuing forward until each knee is beside his head. "Good girl. Your pussy is beautiful." This is the most self-conscious I've been yet, open and over him like this. "Sit," he commands.

  I lower myself, and at that exact moment his tongue presses between my lips, he swipes upward until it hits my clit. A wave of pleasure hits me as his tongue flicks over my clit in a hardened point. My legs weaken, causing me to lower toward him more. He grips a cheek in each hand, squeezing. When he hits a certain spot my hips reflexively begin to move back and forth. I grip his hair in my hand, and his tongue stills, the tip hardening even more. "Shit, that feels good."

  I can't stop the movements. It feels too good, knowing exactly where I need the pressure and how much, and being able to give it to myself without it actually being me.

  My toes start to curl as the feeling begins in that one targeted spot, before it begins to radiate throughout my entire body. "Sax... I'm about to. Oh shit."

  He pulls me toward him hard, and sucks my clit into his mouth as my orgasm heightens; then shoves two fingers inside of me and clamps forward as he sucks me harder. "Fuck!" I scream as my fingers tighten in his hair. My body stills, but his doesn't. It would probably have hurt if my entire body wasn't in slow motion, with nothing registering but how good it all feels.

  My clit gets sensitive and my mind unfreezes. I try to lift, but he doesn't let up. "Stop...I can't...Oh, fuuuuuck." My entire lower half quakes. “Dammit, Saxton, just fuck me!”

  He growls and pulls his fingers out of me, lifting me and flipping us so fast I can barely even register the action. "Hands and knees."

  I turn my head, watching as he pushes his trunks down his legs. "I've wanted to do this again since I took you home from the sign. I think about it all the time."

  Grabbing the base of his dick, he presses it to my opening, rubbing the head up and down. "Fuck yeah. You're so damn wet." He inches inside, slowly at first, before he presses all the way in. "So tight. Fuck."

  My back arches when he hits something inside. I shove forward slightly. He grips my hips and begins thrusting, each one coming faster than the last. I look down at the sheet, trying to hold still. I can feel it in my stomach. The faster he hits against me; a slapping sound begins. I can feel the soft skin of his balls hitting against my lips from my ass being at an angle.

  It keeps rotating between pleasure and pain. Thrusting in feels good until he goes deep. That's when it hurts. The recoil feels so damn amazing, before it starts over. "I'm not going to last much longer staring at your ass while I shove my cock inside you."

  I feel his thumb rub close to his dick, before he swipes up my crack and then I feel him press between my butt cheeks. When he hits deep, he slips his thumb into my asshole. I tense from the foreign invasion, until he begins pumping in and out of me. It slows his rhythm just a little, but not too much. I'm not sure how I feel about it, being completely submerged versus just rubbing it, but it takes my focus off the pain of his thrusts.

  I moan as a strange feeling takes over. "Sax, fuck."

  My hands clench the sheets. "That's it, baby. Come on my dick."

  "That feels so good. I think I'm..." A different, all consuming feeling takes over my body, but different than before. This one is longer. I press into him, arching my back. He continues to thrust, but after a few times he stills when he hits deep.

  He pulls his finger out of me, and leans down, his front to my back, and then cups my breast in one of his hands, pulling me upright with him. I wrap my hands a
round his neck as he places his lips to my neck and moves just below my ear. "Coming inside of you will never get old. I'm going to use your restroom and then we're going to here."

  "You're sleeping with me?"

  "There's nowhere else I'd rather be."

  "If you want to put panties on because of my cum fine, but nothing else. I'll be right back."

  He pulls out of me, and leaves, disappearing into the bathroom. I reach into the drawer and grab a pair of underwear, pulling them on. As I get under the cover he returns, wearing his boxer briefs, and then crawls into bed behind me. His arm wraps over my side and immediately goes for my breast as he scoots closer to me, molding his body around mine. I glance down at his hand holding onto my boob and smile. "Are you comfortable?" I laugh.

  "Mmmm Hmmm." He yawns. "Goodnight, beautiful."

  "Goodnight, handsome."

  I settle into him and instantly I grow tired, my eyes closing almost immediately. I've never been more relaxed and content than I am right now...

  She starts to stir in my arms, but doesn't make any immediate effort to move. I've been up for a while. I always am. I've never really been a late sleeper. It doesn't matter how late I go to bed, because I'm still going to be up pretty early. I guess you could blame that on being raised on a farm. The years and the scenery may have changed, but the habits haven't.

  When I woke up she was snuggled against me, her back against my front. It felt good, so instead of moving I just laid here and held her. I've thought about things too; like what in the hell is going to happen in a few weeks, especially if we don't continue this project, or even after that if we do, because with each day I only want to be around her more instead of less.

  I'm not real sure what happened between us last night, but I think we crossed a barrier. I haven't been that vulnerable around someone in a long time, especially a woman. Every man has a weakness. Every man has something he's insecure about. It doesn't matter whether he's just an average guy or whether he's known and wanted by the world, because there is still something that turns his world upside down when it comes to intimacy, a relationship, or just a part of himself. Mine is infidelity. The chance of it happening again scares the hell out of me.

  When someone you love cheats on you, it consumes you, makes you crazy, and every possible scenario plays out in your mind, and a little too vividly at that. It's all you can think about. Every time I made love to her, all I could think about were things like: did he please her better, is she thinking about him now, or was she wetter for him than me... I’ve never fucked a woman without a condom before Kambry. From the time I started having sex it was about being safe and not screwing up my life. When Salem and I dated we were still in college. I had to make something of myself so that I could eventually provide for a family, and she never questioned me wanting to use one. I loved her, so it was something I was looking forward to at one time, but then I found out she cheated on me. After that I couldn’t bring myself to think of having sex with her without a condom, let alone actually do it.

  There is nothing worse than having to endure sharing your woman with another man. It's a toxic poison. Nothing is ever the same after that, whether they keep doing it or stop altogether. The first time you can't reach her on the phone you immediately grow suspicious, wanting to know if she's doing it again.

  Every time I would start to try to trust her again, I would find out she spread her legs for another man behind my back. I'd get pissed off, upset, heartbroken, and then she would turn on the water works and I'd cave. She had every excuse in the book as to why she did it, but not once was it just because she wanted to. My friends called me pussy-whipped for staying, but love makes you stupid. I was that guy that actually wanted what my parents had someday, and I thought I found it in her, so I was willing to do whatever I could to make it work, because she said she loved me. I believed her, because my dad believed that a person's word was everything and should be trusted until they prove otherwise.

  But people lie. People are selfish. I finally figured that out the night I proposed to her, thinking that was what she needed to grow up. I thought maybe she was just missing that piece that her friends were starting to experience, so I bought a ring with money I had been saving from working through school. We were one year away from graduating and I was preparing to start my life and my a man.

  Then she fucked my best friend's cousin when he came for a weekend visit at UCLA: the same night I slid my ring on her left ring finger. She was supposed to be studying for an exam in her dorm, but instead she ended up at a low-key party I wasn't at, because I had to work. She didn't even have enough decency to take it off, and he didn't care enough to ask any questions about the fucking diamond on her finger. Thank fuck for good friends that don't keep secrets that could hurt you, because when he forced me into a bar late that night to tell me what he walked in on too late over a couple of beers, just after it happened, I realized that you can't have a one-way relationship. It doesn't matter how much you love someone, or how loyal you are to that person, because if it's not reciprocated then it means nothing.

  That's what scares the hell out of me with Kambry. That's what set me off when that prick touched her right in front of my face. I like her, but in that very second everything from college that I walked away from slapped me in the face, and aside from the female family members in my life I haven't trusted a woman since then. The insecurity that I'm not enough for a woman to stay faithful steered me into this career, and it's also what keeps me here, because in the end, all they want is sex. At least that's what I've thought until now. Now I'm starting to question everything, because I'm really starting to realize that I want more than this with her. I guess I have a little bit of time to figure it out.

  She rolls over in my arms, and I let her. She's blinking so quickly that each time her lashes connect they make a fluttering motion as they open and close. She's trying to wake up. Her lips are puckered and she has a sour look on her face. It makes me smile, because she's clearly not a morning person. "Morning."

  "Morning," she says, in a hoarse voice. "How long have you been up?"

  "A while."

  "Mmmm." Her eyes start to close again. "What time is it?"


  "How are you not tired?"

  A piece of hair falls over her face. I push it behind her ear so that I can see her. "My family owns a farm back home. I used to have to get up early and work before school to help. I guess my body just never got out of it."

  Her eyes pop open. "A farm? In California?"

  I kiss the tip of her nose as I pull her naked body closer. "It's not all beaches and vineyards here." I laugh. "What, did you think farms only existed in the south?"

  "I don't suppose I've ever really thought about it. Don't judge me. I didn't get out a whole lot. This is my first time past Texas to be quite honest. My family really wasn't all for travel. They suck."

  "Yet I haven't seen you in a pair of boots yet."

  "You'd have to venture off with me to a rodeo for that. I may be southern, but boots are hot. They have a place. If I’m not at a rodeo or somewhere with horses walking around, then they aren't going on my feet. Me - I'm a flip flop kind of girl."

  "We could do that. I've been to several back home."

  "Rodeos too? Who would have ever thought I could go to a rodeo in Cali. That just sounds so weird."

  "You know...I'd bet we're actually closer to the king of rodeos than you are Bama. Want to see who's closer to Cheyenne? Distance configuration from point A to Wyoming is just a Google search away."

  She laughs. "Just like you? And maybe. I'd like to say I'm geographically challenged without any judgment. If I told you where I thought our great capital was until eighth grade you'd never let me hear the end of it."

  "I'm listening..."

  "Seriously? Why did I open my big mouth?"

  "Spill Bama."

  "Okay, so I'm Bama now? What happened to Kambry?"

  "I like bot
h. Plus, you're deferring. I'm waiting for this answer."

  "Fine. Okay, so...I kind of thought that the white house was located in the state of Washington...and not the District of Columbia."

  I laugh out, completely on accident. What's's one of those laughs that start small and get out of hand unintentionally before you can stop; the ones where you can't breathe because your stomach muscles are so constricted.

  I roll onto my back, my palm coming to rest on my contracted abs, trying to stop. Water builds in the corners of my eyes and my chest expands, trying to get air. "Sax, that's so not funny. Asswipe."

  "I'm so-rry." My breaths are short and shallow, trying to stop the laughing that is slowly calming, but not slow enough. "Fuck."

  She gets on top of me and the first things I see are tits: beautiful, big tits. That's all it takes and the laughing ceases. Of course now the fact that her pussy is placed just above my dick is registering, and without even processing the thought I already have a chub. "You're so mean. See if I tell any more embarrassing stories."

  "I'm sorry. Ditzy is attractive. I haven't laughed that hard in a while." My hands grip her hips, already trying to move north. "What did you think the DC stood for?"

  "I don't know. I guess I just never thought about it at all."

  "Wait. You didn't tell anyone that, did you?" She purses her lips. My grin grows. "Who did you tell?"

  "Maybe my entire eighth grade history class... but my memory could be foggy."

  She covers her eyes with her hands. I grab her wrists and pull them away. "How exactly did that even come up?"

  "Well... my teacher pointed to a map if I remember correctly and said Washington or the capital or something. I don't really remember. What I do remember is that I burst out my question before I could stop myself, because in my mind she was on the wrong side of the United States map."

  "And her response was?"


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