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Sex Sessions: Uncut (Camera Tales #1)

Page 39

by Charisse Spiers

  I pull her head back, probably too hard, forcing my dick out of her mouth before I blow into the back of her throat. She looks up at me, that innocent look present. "What's wrong?"

  I wipe the beaded sweat off my forehead that formed the second my muscles clamped throughout my dick trying to stop from coming. My nuts are already starting to hurt. My chest is tight from holding my breath. "Up."

  That single word is all I can muster. I grab my cock in my hand and squeeze, attempting to evoke pain. "What's wrong, Saxton?"

  Eyes on chest.

  "I need you to turn around, baby. Questions later. Please."

  My stomach is tight. I need to come. The pain is starting to spread throughout my abdomen. She does as I ask. "Bend over."

  She follows instruction with no questions, her top half completely lying on the table, her arms spread out to the sides of her, gripping the sides. Grabbing her hip, I align the head of my cock at her pussy, swiping it up and down in her wetness a few times, before thrusting inside of her, wasting no time. Her breathing amplifies in sound. As I bury myself completely, I take hold of her other hip. "A blow job has never felt so fucking good. This is me returning the favor."

  I pull out and ram my cock inside of her as deep as I can go, hitting against that mysterious hard spot that I love. She bucks forward, as a painful cry sounds. I pull back. "Want me to stop?"


  "Good. I want you sore."

  Sliding my hands over her round ass until my thumbs are pressed firmly below her cheeks, I push up, creating an arch in her back as she is forced to her toes. Then, I pound into her over and over, no pause before recoil. Her pelvis presses further against the table with each hit. "Fuck. I can feel your dick in my back and stomach. Shit."

  I never let up, continuing at a fast pace. My pelvis is making slapping sounds against her ass, my balls swinging against her skin with each thrust. Our bodies are coated with a wet sheen of sweat. I slam against her again, closing any gap between us, and then grind up and down against her backside, my abs tightening as I grind up, my head rubbing against something.

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I can't hold on anymore. Her back is completely tensed up, her shoulder blades fully extended from gripping hard onto the edges of the table. She's wet, hot, and the sounds she's making alongside our bodies are too much. Each time I glance down and watch my cock drive inside of her beautiful pussy, I'm ready to nut. I can't explain how much I like watching it. Best option is to blow my fucking load and continue through the sensitivity until she comes.

  The tug pulls through my balls, and shortly after, the first spurt occurs inside of her. I clamp my jaw shut as a deep throaty groan starts to occur, trying to hide the fact that I just nutted before I could be sure that she was able to orgasm, a muted grunt occurring. My fingertips dig into her skin. Fuck, that feels so good.

  I pump my arms at a short pulse, my biceps taking all of the strain as I gyrate her ass roughly against my pelvis. "Fuck, Sax. Don't stop. I'm about to come. Damn. Right...there."

  She moans and her pussy squeezes me so tight I can't continue. I hold her to me and watch as her beautiful back curves, her chest lifting off the table and her head falling back. I grab a handful of tit when her body starts to relax, pulling her back against my chest without pulling out of her. We don't say anything at first; just stand here and breathe erratically, sweaty and emotionally high.

  She reaches up and grabs the back of my neck, combing her fingers through the bottom of my hairline. I kiss her shoulder, trailing my lips up the seam of her neck. I'll be fucking damned. It just gets better each time. I find myself wanting more of her each time since the first time. All of my senses are heightened. I can hear the pounding of my heartbeat. I'm completely fucking drunk on her. Right now...any love I've ever experienced is multiplied by ten at minimum.

  My heart has made a decision for me. Until I become bad for her, and until I know there is something better for her than me, I can't let her go. I want to love her. I want to give this a try again for her. I want to be the best man for her. I want to be the only man for her...because my desire and growing love for her outweighs the fear, and that's something I never thought I'd experience. I just hope like hell I don't get burned again. "Say it again," I whisper as I reach her ear. "I'm ready to hear it first this time."

  She doesn't immediately say anything. My arm starts to fall from her breast, but she stops me. "I love you, Saxton."

  I pull out and turn her around. She wraps her arms around my neck as I enclose mine around her waist. "Promise me you mean it. Make me believe it's not just words, Kambry. I need you to guarantee that I'll always be enough for you. My heart is on the line."

  "Saxton...there has been something about you since the night I met you that piqued my interest when no one else here has. Refusing to throw those words around is why you're the first guy I've said them to. That's not easy being in a long-term relationship. You don't think I have fears too? My fear of this thing between us ending too soon is why I agreed to this. I couldn't walk away yet, regardless of the consequences or what I become to everyone else. I'm scared that in a short time this whole thing will flop and I'll be heartbroken, picking up the pieces while you move on to the next project, the next girl, just to become a fun memory during your career. You're all I think about, Sax. You've become my best friend. You've been enough for me since the beginning. For me, it doesn't get any more serious than this. I can't even fathom being with someone else. That's the scariest part of all, because you're my first, my only, and it breaks my heart to think there is any possibility you won't be my last. As humiliating as it was to admit it first, I love you, and I don't see that changing...ever."

  My jaw ticks as we stare into each other's eyes. There is no description to explain how much I want her. My hands brush up her spine, until I reach her cheeks. "The thought of touching another woman after you disgusts me. I don't know what that means if this thing doesn't work out, but we'll figure it out as we go, okay? Together... I don't know how you broke down my walls so easily, but it's done. Let me love you, and I promise I'll do it right."

  She pulls her bottom lip between her teeth. "You want to get out of here? We could shower and watch movies all night while we pig out on ice cream."

  I smile. She makes me feel things I haven't experienced in so long, if ever. I kiss her, craving that internal sizzle that occurs each time our lips touch for an extended period of time. "I know just the place to grab a couple pints of Ben and Jerry's and Red Box on the way. I love you."

  Her smile reaches her eyes. "Not that I'm complaining, but now that you've said it, you don't have to feel obligated to all the time." She laughs. "I'll survive on occasional."

  "I can't really help it. It just comes out." I admit. "So I think I'll roll with it."

  I reach down and squeeze her ass. "Hurry up and get dressed. Now I'm thinking about being naked in a small enclosed shower." Small. Enclosed. Shower...and now I'm starting to harden. Damn...

  He forces me through the door as he walks me backward, our lips locked together, and only separating as he pulls my shirt over my head, stripping me once again. He tosses the paint-covered clothes onto the tile floor. My bare back touches against the cold shower door. I grab for his shirt, inching my hands up his rippled abs trying to remove it.

  He breaks the lock he has on my lips, raising his arms and pulling the back collar as he does to pull it off, before dropping it and kissing me once again. I swear it's like he's a starved man. Even for a girl with limited experience I can see that. It makes me feel so wanted, knowing that he could have any girl he wanted at his feet, or in his bed, whether in contract or not. He's that special. His personality is golden and he's so damn hot. I'm not even going to touch on his need for loyalty and trust. Those two qualities in a man right there are worth securing and never turning free. You can't put value on having a partner that is fully committed in a relationship.

  His mouth traces down my chin, toward my neck. My eyes close. I
t feels amazing. I roll my head back, giving him more space. His tongue flutters across my skin as he lightly places kisses along my neck. His body veers to the side, just before the sound of the water comes on. I open my eyes when his touch on me disappears. I didn't even hear the door on the shower open.

  He drops his jeans down his legs, completely baring himself. He steps out, not even attempting to cover himself. I love the fact that he's not modest in the least. "You're hard again?"

  I bite my lip; uncontrollably gawking at his rather large companion he's holstering front and center. "I seem to stay in this state when in the presence of you. I feel like a deer in rut, constantly chasing after you. You give off some kind of fucking pheromone that drives me crazy."

  I hold in my laugh, feeling as if I'm seconds away from choking on my saliva. "Oh yeah?" My hands go for the button on my white denim skirt, undoing it. I hook my thumbs on the sides and slowly work the waist over my hips and down my legs, never letting go until I'm releasing them at the floor, even though they could fall on their own.

  I step out and kick it to the side with my foot extended. "What do you know about a deer in rut?"

  I remove my bandeau and bra. He's staring at my breasts like he does on a regular basis. I never liked having a big chest size...until him. To me it made buying cute tops a pain in the butt, especially having conservative parents. Small waists and large boobs do not go well together in the world of fashion, still. "Are you going to tell me you've hunted as well now too, farm boy?"

  His eyes finally rise to meet mine. "Farm boy, huh?"

  "I'm sorry, I'm still having a hard time picturing this..."

  He takes a few steps toward me, and then guides me through the shower door until we're both standing under the water. I wipe my hands over my face and through my hair, trying to clear the excess. Different colored water is traveling down our bodies and washing down the drain from the paint becoming wet again, transforming into a diluted liquid.

  He presses me against the wall, moving me out from under the water until it's raining down on his back. "And why is that?"

  "Because when I think of a farm I imagine tight jeans, hats of some form, and boots. You just for some reason strike me as a Sam Hunt, or Brody Jenner from Laguna Beach in the area of dress."

  His thumb brushes across my bottom lip as he hides his grin beneath a mask. "Never judge a man's character by the clothes you meet him in, beautiful. LA changes people. It's about blending into Hollywood. Don't be simple minded. I can fucking rock a pair of Carhardts and a baseball cap."

  A huge grin spreads across his face. Good lord he's beautiful. I must have done something right in my life. That smile is blinding. "I've shoveled more piles of cow shit and worn out more pairs of boots than you've probably seen in your lifetime, Bama. Country isn't location, it's lifestyle." He winks. "And by the way, I'm a pretty deadly predator when I want to be." He cups one hand on the bottom of my left breast, just over my heart. "When I aim, I never miss the kill shot."

  No you don't...

  My body feels like spaghetti. "Why do you have to put those images in my mind: sweaty, shirtless, shoveling piles of stinky cow crap in working pants or tight jeans...and a ball cap. Definitely a ball cap. I would probably let you defile me in a pile of hay. What's next...mounting lessons? Will you just bend me over now?"

  I'm teasing...partially. We’ve probably exceeded the normal limit for sex in one day today. But who wants to be normal?

  Really, I'm just turning into a hornball. An accurate tagline would be: virgin to slut in two point five seconds. That's exactly what has happened. I'm a total Saxton slut. "No defiling until we're clean again; although tempting, I kind of just want to touch you and makeout."

  He reaches behind him and grabs a loofa and his body wash. I really haven't even noticed that we're in his bathroom, the nautical one done in navy blues and bight reds. He tends to make me forget things or my surroundings. That's probably a good thing considering...

  The mesh sponge comes in contact with my shoulder, as he grabs my hand and extends my arm out, before he begins to scrub, forming a foamy lather. "Hey...where do you suppose the cameras are?"

  He shrugs, continuing to bathe me. It's a little strange. It feels childlike. Honestly this entire night has gone in a totally different direction than I was expecting. "I don't know. Everywhere. They are probably in places you would never imagine. Technology makes cameras almost microscopic now. It's actually better this way. You really don't even remember they're here. Imagine us fucking with a camera guy angling a camera a few inches from your groin. It's not the sexiest or most romantic way to have sex, and it takes the word cock block to a whole new meaning, but I guess raunchy and erotic is really the goal. Is it starting to bother you?"

  "No actually. That's what's weird. Shouldn't my conscience be screaming at me?" He's rubbing my chest in the direction of my boobs. "Are you really going to bathe me? I can do it myself."

  He smiles but doesn't immediately look at me. "I like doing it. Oddly, I like taking care of you. To answer your first question...your conscience will probably get a little louder when it's out in the public. I imagine it won't be long now, if it hasn't spotlighted already."

  My stomach flutters from nervousness. I breathe evenly. I should prepare to be an orphan...not that it's really any different than now, since I haven’t heard anything from my dad since that night at Saxton’s, but this will be a permanent write off from my family. "Hey..."

  I look up. He's no longer rubbing the loofa over my skin, but pulling me against him in his arms, our bodies slipping together from the water running down and mixing with the soap between us. The shower is full of steam and it smells good, manly. "No regrets okay? Promise me. Originally I was selfish, but now I actually love you, so maybe it really was meant to be."

  My heart skips a beat. I'm absolutely crazy about him. If me being here doesn't prove it, then nothing will. "No regrets as long as I'm with you." I grab his hand and place it back over my heart like earlier, inching my breast up slightly and out of the way. "I've already taken the bullet. If you remove it, I'll most likely bleed to death. That's how much I love you, Saxton, and it gets stronger every day. Crazy right?"

  The loofa falls to the floor and he grabs my face. "I may have to take back the thing about no defiling." Then he presses his body into me against the wall and kisses me...with so much heat my body temperature is elevating from his kiss alone.

  My hands rest over the bends of his arms. So this is what it feels like to makeout with the man you're completely and one hundred percent head over heels in love with. He's also my best friend. I enjoy spending time with him. I want to tell him things. I love our conversation. The best part of being together is learning more about him, even though it's slower with us than in comparison to normal couples, for privacy reasons. He won't ever replace Meredith, but it's a different kind of friendship. This kind is the one where you stumble into someone as if you're lost, and then your soul recognizes his, and it's like coming home...


  I waltz into the living room shaking a bottle of pink polish. I have this one really weird obsession, and that's keeping my nails painted. At the first sign of a chip I remove the current polish and redo. I've tried to ignore it before but it never works. I can't stand it. Pretty nails make me feel pretty, like makeup for Meredith. Over the years I've collected hundreds of colors and still going strong. Actually going and getting my nails done by someone else makes me feel like I'm on cloud nine, but that's not all that often. Come to think of it, I haven't been to a nail shop since I moved here.

  When we finished showering, or kissing under the water for what felt like forever I guess is a more accurate description, I went straight to my room to put on my pajamas. Even though I took my time because I had to remove my polish, I obviously still beat him, because he's not in here yet. Weird. I figured he would be waiting on me.

  The sound of glass clinking together comes from the kitchen as I sit on the co
uch and prop my foot up on the coffee table, preparing to paint. "Sax?" More sounds occur just after my calling out. It sounds like something falling from a cabinet into a metal sink.


  "What are you doing? Are you okay?"

  "Everything is under control. I got this. You just relax."

  "Okay... Whatever you say, handsome."

  Removing the brush, I swipe it on the inside of the bottle’s neck, removing the excess polish from the brush. I run my thumb over my big toenail, ensuring there is nothing to stick into the paint like cotton from the cotton ball. "The question is...what are you doing?"

  I jump, almost dropping the bottle of polish, not expecting his voice to be so close. I turn my head, almost smacking him in the mouth with my cheek. "Didn't anyone ever tell you it's rude to look over someone's shoulder? Hmmm?"

  "Nope. I was too busy helping my parents or being coaxed into being a woman-slave by my sister and her friends. Here..." He hands me the bowl filled with two different flavors of ice cream. I instantly notice there is only one spoon...

  My heart starts to race at the idea of sharing. It’s so romantic. I set the bottle of polish down on the table and quickly shove the brush inside, grabbing the bowl from his hand as he walks around the couch toward the television, grabbing the DVDs off of it as he stands to face me. "Chick flick or man marvel?"

  He wriggles his eyebrows as he presents one movie in each hand. Gah, he's flipping adorable. Keep that thought silent with use of my girly words. A grin begins to appear on my face. I can feel it as my cheeks push back, so I grab a large spoonful of whatever flavor the spoon is already scooped under and shove it into my mouth, trying to get rid of the hopeless in love look I'm sure I'm marketing right now. "Speak now or forever hold your peace."

  I quickly squint my eyes and lock my jaw. Oh my gah; brain freeze...


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