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Sex Sessions: Uncut (Camera Tales #1)

Page 44

by Charisse Spiers

  I smirk at her as I extend my hands to help her up. Her mouth is literally almost spread from ear to ear. Her cheeks are flushed and red. Her eye makeup is even starting to smudge a little underneath. "Damn, that was so hot. You did all of that and you weren't even drunk..."

  I grab her face in my hands, sliding them back into her hair, before pressing my forehead and lower body to hers as we stand on the bar. She wraps her arms around my waist. The song that just started playing I finally recognize. It's the song Heaven that Matt Bomer sings in the movie.

  Well this is a change of pace...

  I begin to slow dance against her, bar top, in front of God knows who, but I don't give a damn. "I don't need alcohol to make you happy, Kambry."

  I can't help but to listen to the words of this song. I'm not sure that I ever have before, and even though I'm not much of a singer, I can't help but to start singing along right as one of the lines plays. "Love is all that I need."

  She moves her arms around my neck and stares at me as we dance against each other. Then a tear falls. "And you think you're the lucky one. I can barely breathe, let alone think of words right now. Who would have thought a lap dance could turn into romance..." She laughs in the midst of a few tears falling from the corner of her eyes. "God, I love dang much, Saxton. I've never felt this way about someone. Please don't hurt me, kay?"

  "I can't make a promise like that, Kambry, just like you can't. Humans do stupid shit...all the time, but I would never do anything that wasn't best for you, because a girl like you deserves the best, and I'd give up my beating heart to give it to you."

  She nods against my forehead. "Just remember so would I. This is our song now."

  "And it's perfect..."

  I sit up in my bed, glancing around the darkness of my room. I must have dozed off. It didn't help anything, because the room is still spinning as the liquor continues to flood my system. I toss the comforter off of me and throw my legs over the edge of the bed. My foot rubs across the floor, looking for my boxer briefs. An arm wraps around my waist and then lips become flush with my skin, just beside my spine. "Where are you going?"

  I find my shorts first and stand, pulling away from her. "Downstairs. You need me to drive you back to the sorority dorms?"

  She sits up, holding the sheet over her chest. "It's only midnight, Ben. The party is still in full swing. Are you ever going to let me stay with you? We fuck all the time."

  The music is blaring throughout the house. Sleeping on a Friday night before daylight here isn't a possibility. I can hear people talking in the hall and an occasional body hit the wall next to my door. I step into my shorts and fasten them, before passing Rowdy's unmade bed to get a clean shirt, since mine was used to wipe my dick after pulling the condom off. He'll be in here to get his sucked and fucked around three. We have a system and it's worked since we became roommates.

  "Probably not, Kristin. I don't do sleepovers, fucking or otherwise."

  "Why not? It's not like I'm a tramp making my rounds with your brothers. I'm not asking you to make me your girlfriend, but a little more than a hit and run would be nice."

  "If you don't like how things are you can always say no. I've never forced you to fuck."

  "I'm just trying to understand. It's just sleeping. Are you honestly telling me you've never stayed the night with a girl before?"

  "Only one."

  "Well, what happened to her? Did she do some kind of crazy shit to you while y'all were sleeping or something?"

  "It's never just sleeping. Not to me anyway. It's intimate."

  "So an ex-girlfriend then?"

  I exhale, already done talking about this. I don't have to explain my reasons to anyone. It's no one's business. Still, I feel like an ass because in some ways she's right, but I can't. I don't want to.

  I grab a shirt and pull it over my head, letting it fall down my body. My fingers rub through my dark brown hair. "I guess some people just never get over their first, Kristin. I don't share my bed with another girl because I don't want to. That's the best answer I can give you."

  "First love or..."

  "Both. Look, I'm going to see what the guys are doing. You good or do you need a ride?"

  "I think I'm going to stay for a while. It's early. My friends are somewhere around here. I'll just go back with them. Go ahead. I'll be down shortly. I have to get dressed."

  I look between her and the door, spotting my sneakers where I shucked them earlier. The alarm clock by my bed and the electric neon pinup girl Rowdy has hung on the wall over his are the only forms of light. I grab my shoes and pull them on, not even bothering with socks. "Alright. I'll see you later then."

  I grab the door and walk out in the hall, closing it behind me. Red Solo cups are already littering the floors and lining the walls of the hall. Doors open and close in no particular order, being used like a hotel. I glance across the hall into Blake's open room. I step across to see what he's doing since no one leaves their doors open with this many people in and out. "Yo, Blake. You in here?"

  I glance toward his bed and a set of tits greets me, bouncing slightly as she rides him, her head tilted back. "What's up?" His voice is flat.

  She never even glances at me. She just continues riding his cock like no one's in here. Even after everything I see being in a fraternity, I still can never get used to the lack of modesty some girls have. "Never mind."

  I walk out and shut the door, before jogging down the stairs for the kitchen. People are everywhere. I grab a cup and fill it with beer from the keg, then walk toward the party room in search of someone with a familiar face. I weave through bodies. The lights mostly turned off makes it harder to see. Strung party lights and the DJ's black light are the only on aside from the kitchen.

  I pass through and notice some people out back on the patio. I walk outside. A few of the guys are sitting on the furniture with the television on and a couple of girls hanging around. Andrew pulls the pipe out of his mouth and glances at me. "Ri-vers," he says, smoke exiting from his mouth. "Where you been, dog? Want a hit?"

  "You know I don't smoke weed." I take a sip of my beer. "If my parents found out they'd pull me out of school. I'm not going home."

  He sits back. "Missin' out, man. This shit is good."

  He places it back between his lips and lights the bowl, burning the grass. I notice the other two with girls in their laps, all engrossed in the wall-mounted television. "What y'all watching?"



  "Because it's hot," David responds.

  "Makes sex better," the girl sitting in his lap adds.

  I drink more of my beer and finally veer my eyes to the screen. My brows dip. "In a truck? Porn is supposed to be nasty. That's kind of the point."

  "We just ordered it. I think this is just an advertisement or some shit."

  It switches to a different scene but the couple looks the same. She's arched back on top of him. "Damn, she's got a nice body. Look at that rack."

  "Fuck yeah she does," Andrew says. "They don't even look fake."

  It changes again, this time showing a slideshow of sliced videos with text attached, advertising an available purchase date and the network. My blood runs cold. "What the fuck?" My voice comes out loud and hard. My heart starts pumping rapidly.

  "Look Rivers, she has the same last name as you. It’s just spelt weird."

  Starring Saxton Maverick and Kambry Ryvers...

  Two people.

  One house.

  Sin at an all-time high.

  And filming never stops.

  Can you handle it?

  Let the sessions begin...

  My jaw steels, and without any thought I grab up the remote and shut the television off.

  "What the fuck, Rivers? Turn that back on."

  "No," I grit out.

  "Don't make me beat your ass. We paid for that."

  "That's my sister on there, asshole. Come try."

  I throw the remote at the
wall as hard as I can. Every fucking one of them are staring at me. "That was your sister? Fuck dude, why didn't you say she was that hot? She's a porn star? Damn Rivers..."

  "Taylor, would you shut the hell up... You're digging your grave and if he lays you out, you deserve it. You don't talk about a guy's sister. That's bro code, dude," Andrew says. High as fuck probably and still the only one with brains.

  I feel sick to my stomach. I just saw my sister naked and I said she was hot...out loud. I gag. Then down the rest of my beer. I crush the cup and throw it down. I'm going to whip her ass. I'm shaking. I'm mad. I can't think. How the hell did she end up doing something so low and degrading? Oh my god. If my parents find out...

  I lace my hands over my head. "Which one of you fuckers can drive me to the airport? I can't drive. I'm drunk as hell still."

  "Airport? Where are you going?"

  I glance at David. "California."

  "I haven't drank anything tonight. I have somewhere I have to be early. What the hell are you going to California for? That's halfway across the country."

  "To talk some fucking sense into my sister and bring her ass back home before she destroys her entire reputation, her life."

  "I'm assuming you didn't know of her recent activities?"

  "She's on there, is she not? Had I known, she wouldn't be. If it were your sister..."

  "Noted. Let me go get my keys."

  "Give me thirty minutes to pack a bag." I turn and walk away but stop. "So help me if any of you turn that back on you won't have to watch another one...because your dicks will be temporarily disabled."

  I walk off without waiting for a response. I knew she wanted freedom, so when Dad called me to tell me she ran off to California, asking if I would talk to her to come back home, I kept putting it off, trying to give it to her. I know my parents have always been unfair with her, keeping her under lock and key. I didn't blame her for leaving. Hell, I was happy for her...but I wasn't letting her have space to do shit like this. I've seen documentaries on what female porn stars go through, and Kambry fucking Rivers is not going to be one of them. I don't care who I piss off.

  I walk in my room and turn on the light. My bed catches my attention, bringing my mind back to the conversation with Kristin. One person flashes in my head: Meredith. She's the single most reason I've distanced myself from my own sister. Some days I regret us not being close the past several years. She hasn't done anything wrong. I have times where I hate myself for not calling her once since she ran off. I should have, to at least make sure she was okay, but Kambry can't breathe without Meredith, and I can't be around Meredith. I knew she was fine as long as they were together, but maybe I've trusted Meredith too much. It's been years and still I can't speak to her. I can't even think about her. Now I have no choice. I have to see her to get to Kambry. I haven't laid eyes on her in a few years, and for a damn good reason.

  I'm still in love with her.

  "He left your house to come to mine. I have proof. See." I extend my empty hand toward the full body mirror in the corner of the room that will have a cell phone in it during filming. I walk a line back and forth in front of it in my living room. "That's not good enough. The first job you got and you only have a few lines. Own that bitch. Make an impression. Again."

  I clear my throat, slightly altering my tone to be bitchier. "He left your house to come to mine." I practice my bitch grin in the mirror. "I have proof. See." Extend again. "Ugh. I feel like this is the worst line ever. Maybe I need to find a RomCom. Seems more my style."

  A knock sounds at the door. I roll my eyes and huff in the mirror. Must be Bryant trying to fuck up my plans. I told him no sex today. I toss my script pages in the air when the knock gets louder and walk across my apartment to the door. "What, Bry-" I smother my own words upon opening it. "Ben."

  "Meredith. Expecting someone?"

  My heart is beating erratically. I feel faint. This has to be a mirage. I'm having a slight out of body experience. I can't move from my current position. Good lord he's just as sexy as ever. Time has been good to him. And he's staring at you, standing in the doorway, while you drool... Snap out of it, bitch.

  "Is it about that time already, Benny? I'm sorry. I've moved on from you...-r dick." Fuck, that was a close call.

  "Still just as bitchy as ever I see."

  I squint my eyes. "What are you doing here? Kambry isn't here. How did you even know where I live?"

  "I called your mother. How else would I find out?"

  Tonya Love, you fucking traitor. See if I confess to anything else...

  "And she just willingly handed over that information with no questions?"

  He grabs the door just above where I'm holding it and pushes it open enough he can get through, before stepping forward. I don't budge nor do I let go, even with my arm fully extended. I did not give him permission to enter. "Of course not." His body becomes flush with mine. Dammit, he smells so good. He always did. He smells clean, like male body wash mixed with cologne. "I told her I wanted to surprise Kambry - because someone let her run off and plaster her body all over a film while someone has his way with her. Of course, I may have left the last part out, but she always has liked me."

  "Which is why I question her judgment...and Kambry is a grown ass woman. If she wants to be in a film, regardless of the type, it's her business. I will not ever tell her what to do, and neither should you."

  "We will open Kambry up for discussion shortly since she's...absent, but first, back to the prior statement. You did at one time."

  His lips are so close to mine. I can feel his minty breath as it kisses my lips. It's been like three fucking years since I've seen him, and he just waltzes to my door and has me a damn wreck. I hate him for it. No other man does this shit to me.

  He takes a step closer and grabs my hand from the door, forcing it away. I take a step back and he swings it shut. "What can I say? I was a tween and you were aged meat. I was just in it for the rush. I grew up and came to my senses. It was just a mistake...remember."

  "A lot of them."

  "Oh, who's counting? It meant nothing."

  "Then why is your heart racing?"

  Asshole. "The same reason yours is."

  "Then this is only fair," he says, just before crushing his lips against mine. Like a favorite song you haven't heard in over a decade, when it reoccurs, you instantly remember all of the words while the memories from the last time you heard it hits you with full force, leaving you in a state of deja vu.

  His hands become rampant all over my body. He grips my thighs and lifts me. I wrap myself around him as he walks further inside of my apartment. I shouldn't let this happen again. I shouldn't do this with him, because I know that when it's over and he leaves I'll hate him again, but only because I love him so fucking much and I want him. I have since that beautiful night we spent together while everyone else was sleeping and we experienced sex for the first time.

  He pulls free. "Where is your bedroom?"

  "The door by the mirror."

  He walks inside and falls forward on my bed, laying me down, but pulls himself back up and grabs the waist of my shorts, before pulling them down my legs, baring my lower half. "I was with someone last night," he says as he rubs his hands up my legs.

  "So was I."

  His chest is noticeably rising and falling. "Is he your boyfriend?"

  "No. Just a friend with benefits. He gives me what I need. Do you have a girlfriend?"

  "Good, because I didn't want to stop. It's been a long time." He then shakes his head and reaches for my tank top. I sit up, letting him remove it. "She's just a stand in."

  "Did you wear a condom?"

  "Yes, always, did he?"

  "Yes. I've only had sex with you without one."

  "That always was our thing, wasn't it?" His eyes search mine, and then he removes his shirt. "I still want you."

  "Welcome to the club."

  He quickly removes the rest of his clothes, as if he can't get them
off fast enough, and then crawls over me. "Why are you still single, Meredith?"

  "I guess I'm just leaving the door open for something better to walk through. Why are you?"

  "Because I haven't had the balls to come after the one I want and filler just isn't good enough."

  "And now?"

  "Circumstances left me no choice. I grew a pair. After this I need you to take me to her, then I'm staying with you for a few days."

  "Aren't you supposed to ask?"

  I smile, unable to contain it. He removes my bra and places a kiss on the globe of my breast. "You aren't the kind of girl that wants me to ask. You'd get bored. Besides, stop trying to overlook the elephant that's been in the room for years."

  "Oh yeah? What elephant is that?"

  "The one where this has never just been sex and we both know it. You're just legal now."

  I roll us over, straddling him. I lean forward as I grab his dick in my hand, aligning it to slowly sit down, taking all of him inside of me. "Then I guess it's time to show you what you've been missing."

  He briefly closes his eyes and then opens them when he's all the way inside of me. "You always do."

  My heart is going crazy. I can't breathe. I'll never want anyone the way I want him. Sex is never the same with anyone else. I hope he's serious this time. Admitting things is a first step we've never taken, but I know better than to get my hopes up about anything, because at the end of the day he's in school across the country and I'm building my life here. One of us will have to sacrifice a lifestyle, or just go right back to the way things were, and it won't be me, because I have stars in my eyes, and that's enough to keep me here.

  I slowly begin to pump up and down. "And it keeps you coming back after all these years..."

  He grabs my face and turns us again, taking control. "That most likely will never change."

  And that's because we're two wild hearts that can only be tamed by each other...

  I walk in the living room after my shower and sit at the opposite end of the couch from Kambry. "What are you reading?"


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