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Sex Sessions: Uncut (Camera Tales #1)

Page 48

by Charisse Spiers

  He places his palm over his chest, looking at me in a way I'll never forget. He's missed me as much as I've missed him. Heart be still. My eyes begin to fill. I stand when he slides down the small slope. He then takes off running toward me, picking me up the second he's within arm’s reach. "I'm sorry," he whispers. "I'm so sorry. I thought I was doing what was best for you."

  "Being with you is what's best for me."

  "Okay. If that's what you want."

  "How did you find me?"

  "I just thought of where I would go if you forced me to be without you. I guess we think alike."

  "This was our most memorable day. I wanted to remember."

  "Were you really going to film with another man?"

  "The thought made me sick, literally, in the parking lot, but I thought you didn't want me. I was only given two options."

  "I'll always want you, Kambry. I can't be with another woman after you. That would be equivalent to requesting a cheap wine when you're being offered an expensive one. If we can delete this last day and a half, it'll be just us from here on out. I went to Salem's. I needed closure. I needed to know if it was something I did in the relationship, because I don't want you to ever feel like you need someone else."

  My stomach suddenly feels nervous. "Did you want her back?"

  "No, not even a little."

  "So why did she do it? Why did she cheat on you?"

  "Because I loved too hard, too intense, and she was acting out of fear I would leave. Some kind of bullshit like that."

  I stare at him, trying to decipher that in my head. "And someone would not want that because?"

  "Because it's not the right fit I guess, but I'd rather never love someone again than to change the way I love when I do. At some point you'll find the person that is the perfect match for you, and that's what I found in you."

  "I'm glad I wasn't the only one to see it, because being without you totally sucks ass."

  He smiles at me and sets me down on my feet, before lightly kissing my lips, but never slips his tongue into my mouth. When he leaves me, I open my eyes, and he sits down in the sand, pulling me between his legs. I sit and he scoots me against his chest. "So you like this place?"

  He wraps his arms around me, placing his cheek against mine as he eases over my shoulder. "Yes. It's somewhere we experienced together and a day I'll never forget. When I wanted to hold onto you a little longer, this place just seemed appropriate."

  "I love you, Kambry."

  "I love you too, Saxton."

  "There was no way in hell I was letting another man have you."

  "So I'm not the only one that was dying inside at the thought?"

  "Fuck no. When Michael said that you had chosen to film on another project my heart was racing, I was breaking a sweat, and my entire world was caving in. I only left because I thought it would give you back a normal life."

  I wonder how many people in the world right now are sitting on the beach, staring out at the ocean while they experience life-altering moments. I turn around to face him, standing on my knees in the sand. "I don't want normal if you aren't right there with me to experience it, Saxton. That's what I keep trying to explain to you. You can't just revoke your love and expect someone to live a happy life. You don't choose love; love chooses you. I love you. I'm in love with you. Other options are no longer possible."

  "I guess it's a good thing I had a man-to-man talk with your brother then."

  "You talked to Ben?" I bite my bottom lip.

  His hands take up residence on the back of my thighs. "I did. A friend made me realize that I shouldn't leave you if I can't let you go, so here I am."

  I wrap my arms around his neck, running the tips of my fingers into his hairline. "Thank God for good friends."

  "So I guess there is only one thing left."

  "What's that?"

  He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small, black box, handing it to me. "This is for you."

  I stare down at it, my eyes wide. "What is it?"

  "Open it."

  Taking it from the palm of his hand, my shaky hands pull off the top. Inside is a black, velvet box. My breathing is hard and heavy. I look up at him, scared to open it. He looks at me with no emotion on his face. He's completely blank, making me more nervous.

  My thumb rubs across the velvet at the split, before lifting the top. What lies inside is exciting, confusing, as well as a tiny bit disappointing, if I'm being one hundred percent honest with myself. I remove the silver key pushed down into the opening, before being pulled into his lap to straddle him.

  He takes the key, staring at it. "I had already been thinking about this. I just wasn’t completely sure, but now I am. I want to take the next step in our relationship. I want us to have something that is not mine or yours, but ours. There are a lot of things I'm not quite ready for, and you're still young; still inexperienced, so I'm not going to do that to you either until more time has lapsed, but I want you, Kambry. I want you forever. We've been living together for a month now, and frankly that's nowhere near long enough. This is a promise for a future. This place is ours."

  My brain is not physically able to process what he's saying. "What place?"

  "Our place." He nods toward the house behind him. "I just thought this was a way to start fresh...together."

  "You bought us a house! This house? This cute, beautiful, perfect house!" I can't breathe. Physically the air is having difficulty flowing in and out of my lungs.

  He places the key back into my hand and closes it up. "It's not legal or anything yet, but I called the owner and he told me where to find the spare key. It's ours for the night. Tomorrow we leave for New York. My sister is expecting us. When we get back I'll have all of the paperwork taken care of, but it's ours...if you'll say yes."

  "Say yes?"

  "Kambry Rivers, I no longer want to sleep any nights away from you. I'm willing to do whatever I have to do to work this out. We'll figure out our futures together. I want to begin building a life with you. I need you. I don't want to live without you. Will you move into this house with me?"

  Tears instantly flood down my face, unable to stop them or control their production. "Yes! I love you so much. That was the most beautiful thing I've ever experienced."

  He grips my waist and stands, before walking toward the dark house. "I can't believe you did this."

  "Believe it, baby, because this is only the beginning of our epic love story. You tamed the porn star and I tainted the good girl. I'm sure weirder things have happened."

  I laugh as he climbs the steps one by one. "It'll make one unforgettable story that's for sure."

  "One for the kids...when they're much older than we are."

  "You want kids?" The happiness comes through in my tone.

  "One day, after we've enjoyed each other for a little while. I didn't really want it for the right reasons until you. Before it was just part of moving along in life, but now, I want it because I love you and want to share that with you. There is nothing more special than combining the two of us into a tiny person, so when we're ready I'm on board. For the next few years we can practice for that performance, starting by breaking in our new house."

  I kiss him as he shoves the key into the lock. I will never be able to properly explain the way I feel with him. I've never felt like I fit in before. I've never felt like I knew who I was supposed to be or where I was going to go. I've never felt whole...until he walked into my life. In just a couple of months my life has drastically changed.

  I no longer have any questions about any of those things, because it's not about who I should be or where I should live, or even that I should fit into a crowd. I'm just me. I don't have to have the answer to every question or have it all together. Having someone you love to walk the journey with you is the only thing that I need and want.

  I know there will be people that judge us. There will be people that slur our names and try to trash our reputation because of what he was or what we
do together for people to watch, but as long as I know he loves me and only wants me, I don't care, because fifty years from now when our love story has proven that even the craziest of situations can be beautiful, it won't matter what people have said. He's mine and I'm his. That's the only thing that is important, because no two love stories are the same.

  In a world of closed minds and judgmental people, love stories continue to evolve even in the most radical of situations. There isn't a book of how-to when it comes to love. Any two people can fall in love, and that's all it takes to create an amazing love story. Never feel ashamed of who you love.




  I want to say a special thank you to not only the people that contribute to the creative process, but also you, the reader. Seriously, the average reader doesn’t really realize how much they matter in an author’s life. You are the best motivator, the strongest support, and the part that makes all of the hours, hard work, and heartfelt emotion that goes into these stories worth it. I’m speaking for myself, but I’m sure I’m not the only one that feels this way. There is no greater feeling than writing a character’s story and someone loving them just as much as me. Without your feedback I wouldn’t grow like I do from book to book. From every message telling me you loved it, to participation on social media as I post things, do not ever go unnoticed. I remember those that stay with me through each book, whether you think I do or not.

  I also read reviews; even the not so pleasant ones. Growth can come out of constructive criticism. It has since I toughened up with reviews after publishing my first book. I’ll give you a little piece of me. As a writer, I pour my heart and soul into my books. I write the story exactly as the characters lead me. I don’t write the story that I think everyone will love, but the story that is supposed to be written. I experience the emotions writing and reading it through that you will experience when you read it. Their stories play out in my head as I write it. The characters are very personal for that reason.

  Some reviews put a massive smile on my face, some make me laugh, make me cry, and make me proud, and then there are some that give me another perspective from the outside looking in. Sometimes an opinion, and sometimes merely something I didn’t see before, and that’s when I grow. Then there are a select few that could make a grown man cry, and as much as those few hurt, I pick myself up and move on – another story, another couple, and remind myself that no two readers are the same, and not every reader will like every book from an author they enjoy. That’s okay. The world is a diverse place and everyone is different; has different likes and dislikes. Not everyone will like Saxton and Kambry, maybe even some that like my other books, or some of them. The point in this is I’m going to try something different. Usually I ask that if you enjoyed the book to please leave a review, but that’s not really fair, as nervous as writing that very phrase makes me. No author anywhere wants or likes bad reviews. It seems many readers have gotten scared of writing reviews, so I’m asking that if you have the time, even if only a few words, leave a review. There is no requirement in how many words it has to be. Something as short as “I like it,” is sufficient. The more reviews for a product, the higher it gets bumped up for someone else to see it and see if they are interested, because the pool of books is vast.

  Thank you so much for giving their story a chance, whether you liked or disliked. I hope you loved their personalities as much as I did. I really had fun with this one. I was nervous the entire time I was writing, even though my betas told me I was crazy, but when I read their story as a whole, all of the anxiety about them dissipated. If you did love them, they do have a second book some point (lol), as well as a short of their vacation in New York (if I can keep it short – with me being a developmental writer this is challenging, but surely I can’t possibly make a novel out of a week in time).

  I do skip around with my characters in writing. They choose who is next, so that will answer questions about side characters. Most side characters in each series do have a book planned, it’s just a matter of me having a chance to pound out the story.

  To my contributors, you are a necessity I cannot live without. Jessica Grover, you know how special you are to me without me having to write two pages. Thank you for helping me eliminate as many errors as possible for a better reader experience. Words fail me here, but you are irreplaceable, as an editor and a friend. Elizabeth Thiele, you are without a doubt the best PA a writer could ask for. Even with a busy home life, you make it easier for me to still love writing by taking some of the burden of marketing and the stress that comes with it away. You bear it with me. I’ll always be thankful I found you, as a PA and a friend. Last but not least, my betas, people that I’ve become very close friends with as well. Thank you for taking the time to walk the journey with me, thank you for loving my characters, and thank you for helping me make it the best possible story I can. Susan Walker, Christina Thompson, Lezleigh Bradley, Nancy Henderson, Heidi Sturgess, Tori Herring, Lacy Waskom, and Keeana Porter, you all are simply amazing and are very much needed in my life.

  Thank you Clarise Tan with CT Cover creations for another beautiful cover. It’s always a pleasure to call you a friend and my designer. Cheers to many more covers and years to come.

  Note – I do have five other books out if this is your first by me (and you’re still reading.) All for audiences 18+

  The Fate Series: Breyson and Kinzleigh

  Accepted Fate, Twisting Fate, and Lasting fate – none are standalone and must be read in order, but the story is complete and book one is free. (Sports, New adult romance)

  Fight For you – Book one in a series of standalones, Broken Souls series (MMA erotic romance, some sensitive material)

  Marked - Book one in a series of standalones, Shadows in the dark series (Dark erotic romance)

  Up Next:

  Love and War – Book two in the Shadows in the dark series, Kross and Delta’s story

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