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The Vampire's Curse

Page 13

by Mandy Rosko

  Miller didn't speak for some seconds. "Sorry sir, just trying to help."

  "You can help me by contacting the rest of the families who need to be told that their sons and daughters have been found dead."

  Mike looked up at Miller. He looked like he wanted to protest but closed his mouth. "Yes sir," he said before ducking out of the room.

  Mike sighed when he was gone and leaned back in his chair.

  Jackie had been seeing a lot of that guy lately, and he did claim to run to her rescue out of nothing more than a feeling.

  Mike put his elbows on his desk and rubbed his face. Even if they were matched it wouldn't matter. The whole soul mate thing was overrated anyway. Siblings could be soul mates without ever experiencing any romantic feelings for each other. He just needed to up his game a little.

  The cell he put in his jacket pocket rang, he grabbed it and flipped it open. "Carter."

  He listened to the voice on the other side for a few seconds before closing it, grabbing his jacket again, and barreling out the door.

  “Miller! Get back here! We’re heading out!”


  "Thanks for the lift, next time I'll pay." Jackie said as they exited Kyle’s truck, referring to the cab fare he paid to get to the motel to begin with so they could grab his things.

  The Haven Motel was a two story, brown brick building with red doors and thick yellow curtains. It was also the cheapest and most out-of-the-way place to stay in the city. Kyle had no choice but to stay in places like that since his savings couldn’t handle the strain of hotels. He was halfway ashamed of letting Jackie see the place.

  Kyle swung a light duffle over his shoulder as they went up to Jackie’s apartment building where he would now be staying, because of the whole bodyguard thing.

  "You sure you want to do this?" Kyle asked. To say he'd been shocked when Jackie offered him her couch for as long as he needed was an understatement. Just being near her was enough to make his mouth water and his senses tingle, and that was when he was back to being a normal human.

  He knew she felt it too, and for a few minutes he pondered over why she would want to put them in such close proximity of each other until she explained it herself: “Please stay. You’re going to be around a lot anyway. And I’m scared.”

  He wasn’t going to say no to that.

  That, and after a few more weeks of spending his money on motels and take-out he would be broke and out on the street. Keeping away from that situation was the bonus in this set up.

  She didn't look at him as she shoved the key into the door, waving her other hand as though it were nothing, which to her it probably was.

  "You're going to be hanging out here a lot anyway if you're my new bodyguard. You might as well stay here and save your money."

  How strange it is to be grateful and regretful at the same time, he mused. On the one hand he was finally getting out of that little hovel, and he would be near her and know that she was safe. But on the other, he would also be fighting off the temptation to turn their kisses into something more than it really was.

  They would be close to each other, sharing a bathroom, kitchen space. If they wanted to watch TV it would be sitting next to each other. He could barely keep his hands to himself as it was. Kyle wasn’t going to last with this arrangement.

  After opening the door, Jackie’s hips swung seductively as she jogged up the stairs to her apartment. Oh, yeah, the good totally outweighed the bad.

  "I'll try not to impose too much. Thank you." Kyle said, clearing his throat.

  When they got to her door she looked over her shoulder in the midst of unlocking it and sent him a wink that went straight to his groin. "No problem."

  Jesus. Was she doing that on purpose?

  Then he saw the pink in her cheeks. Embarrassment. Abruptly, she looked away and let them into her apartment, and he grinned proudly. Even with his normal hearing he picked up the tiny groan she let out.

  Not normal behavior for her then. The idea that she only did things like that for him was uplifting.

  The apartment was familiar enough to him since he’d been in it more than once already. He dropped his bag on the couch, unzipped the duffle, and started looking for something clean for tomorrow.

  "We'll go to the store tomorrow and pick up one of those plastic dressers. Something so you don’t have to live out of a bag."

  He blinked and faced her, trying to imagine such a tacky looking thing where it didn’t belong. "I don't think that'll go with your living room."

  She shrugged and sat in what was now his bed. He moved the duffle and sat next to her.

  "As you can see," She gestured to the stale room around her. "I'm not much of a decorator anyway, so we might as well get you something you can put your things in. And I'll pay for it."

  He immediately disagreed. "No. If I'm going to use it then I'll pay for it."

  She leaned back and crossed her foot over her knee. "It'll make up for the cab fare I owe, and if I pay for it then I won't feel so guilty about you driving me around in your truck."

  He had nothing to argue back with, and knowing she would only pester him until he gave in, or even purchase it behind his back, he relented. "Alright, sounds fair."

  Whatever. It still irked him.

  She nodded, a winning grin lifting her mouth, and he could feel her satisfaction radiating from her. Then it began to fade.

  "What is it?" He asked.

  She looked at him. "Listen, I'm sorry about what Carly did—"

  He didn't want to hear this. "Don’t … don't even worry about it. I'm not up for talking about her."

  He started going through his bag again, searching for his razor in the hopes that his actions would tell her their conversation was over.

  Trouble was that she wasn't finished. "Because you loved her?"

  He winced. He should’ve seen this conversation coming, but he didn’t want to have it with her.

  Why did women insist on ripping open old wounds? "Yeah, I guess at one time I did. And because I was stupid enough to do that I lost nearly everything."

  And he wouldn't be stupid again. That kiss at the station was nothing more than his need to be normal, to get some release from his situation.

  Though he had to admit he did take it a bit far when he pulled her to him and kissed her again. Now there was the question of whether or not she knew he made no plans of being with her. It changed things between them, he was able to admit that to her then, but that change didn’t have to be so emotionally deep to either of them.

  She hesitated, and he could all but see the gears turning in her head as she contemplated whether or not to keep going.

  His jaw clenched. "Spit it out."

  She jumped slightly, possibly wondering how he could read her so well, which was something he was also curious about. "Um, well I was just going to say that you could have pressed charges, if you didn’t still have feelings for her, that is."

  He raised an eyebrow at her. "Did you want me to?"

  "No! I mean, she gets to me sometimes, but … no."

  "You don't sound too sure. I guess having your sister take all your boyfriends is harder than it sounds."

  She rubbed her arm. "Yeah …"

  He looked at her, trying to see more than what his newfound ability afforded him, but nothing came and he had to ask, "Was it really so tough?"

  She snorted. "I’m going to be thirty soon, and because I didn’t get married and have kids ten years ago my mom thinks my life is over, Carly's younger, prettier, and braver than I'll ever be."

  Whoa. Sounded like she’d been hanging on to that for a long while. "Your sister doesn't strike me as the type of woman to run in an alley with garlic spray to help a man and woman she doesn't know."

  Jackie blushed again. "It's not like I ever thought I could do something like that, but what I really meant was brave in bed."

  Holy Mother of God, did that really come out of her pretty little mouth? While he wasn't sure
of how Jackie worked in that area he knew perfectly well that her sister prided herself on being a tiger.

  She looked at him and somehow must’ve known his thoughts, because she sighed. "Told you."

  He coughed and scratched his face, trying to hide the color until it went down. "But really, was it worth the agony you put into losing any man if they were only going to leave you for a piece of tail?"

  The words left his lips before he thought about how she’d react to her hearing her sister referred to as a piece of tail.

  Luckily she didn't seem to mind. "When you're a seventeen year old girl, losing your boyfriends to your fifteen year old sister matters. But you don't have to worry," she put up a pretty convincing smile for him. "That was a long time ago, and I'm better at choosing who I spend my time with."

  She certainly seemed like the kind of girl who knew how to avoid being taken advantage of, but he sensed the flicker of pain within her and knew that despite the brave front she put on, she wasn't quite over what her sister had done.

  Speaking of sensing her emotions, "There's been something I've been meaning to ask you."

  She inched closer. He tried not to notice.

  "What is it?"

  He didn't know how to bring this up. Would it scare her? Knowing he could read her like he did? "Ever since I met you I've been able to tell when you're feeling specific emotions."

  She tensed and he was quick to continue. "I'm not doing it on purpose, and it's not as bad when I'm not a vampire. I was wondering if you knew anything about it."


  If only the ceiling would open up and a vortex would take her where she didn't have to answer his question, but no such thing happened. The phone didn't ring, the power didn't go out. No sudden and unexpected distraction saved her. She was on her own. And he was staring at her, waiting for a response.

  She pushed an invisible strand of hair out of her face. "I know about it, and it doesn't bother me, entirely, I mean. Mike can do something like that, only he can actually read a person's thoughts, which is why he's so good at his job."

  Kyle’s eyes widened a little before narrowing. "If he could do that then why was I questioned all night after being arrested?"

  "It's different for vampires and weres," she said quickly. "At night you're technically a member of the undead, and the dead don't have thoughts, at least they're not supposed to, and because werewolves are animals part of the time, and Mike can't read an animal's thoughts, he has trouble seeing what they're thinking too."

  He nodded, accepting her explanation. "So then, how is it I know what you're feeling? I'm a pretty good judge of someone's emotions but it was never like this before."

  She couldn't tell him what Evey had told her. How would he react? To know this personal part of his life had already been mapped out for him would be a blow, especially since she was the sister of the woman who cursed him.

  I know we just met and all, but there's a really good chance we're each other's true love, y'know? Like in The Princess Bride? Hope that doesn't bother you much since it looks like you're trying to avoid me every time after we kiss.

  "It's probably just a side effect to your change." Oh God. Lame, lame, lame.

  "But I've been like this for five months and I've never had this reaction to anyone else."

  His eyes darkened when he said that, and she could all but feel the lust radiating from him in pulsing waves. He held back though. Part of her wished he wouldn't.

  "I mean the change you've been going through since you met me. I've been turning you back to normal with …" She scratched her ear to hide her hot face. "Kisses. Maybe that's the answer."

  She chanced a glance at him and saw he was no longer looking at her, but staring straight ahead in thought. Any lust that was once there had disappeared.

  "Seems logical."

  "Well," Jackie slapped her knees and got to her feet. "I'm going to get ready for bed. The TV is there if you want to watch for a while, bathroom is off the kitchen, and—."

  He nodded and smiled. "I know, goodnight."

  "Goodnight." She leaned down and brushed his stubbling cheek with her lips before she knew what she was doing.

  He held perfectly still but for the tightening of his body. He hadn't expected it anymore than she had. There was only one thing to do, she pulled away and gave him the biggest brightest grin she had in her and went to her room.

  Right, I meant to do that, she told herself, squeezing her eyes shut and groaning when her door was firmly closed behind her.



  Kyle touched his rough cheek, contemplating a shave and that kiss. Maybe he did have to tell her, outright, that he couldn't get involved with her.

  He leaned back against the couch. In no way did he believe she was capable of doing what her sister had done, but if he thought bending the rules to become involved with a client for the sake of love was acceptable before, he certainly didn't now.

  His cell rang. He looked at the name on the screen. It was Carter.

  He flipped it open. "What is it?"

  "Is Jackie with you? Is she safe?"

  He was on his feet, his body strung into ready alertness. "She just went to bed. What happened?"

  "I'm sending a car over and I want you to take her to her mother's, she's a talented witch, Jackie’ll be safe there, and then I'll have my boy bring you to the corner of Spooner and Main."

  Kyle didn't understand. "What's on Spooner and Main?"

  "A burning building and the body of what looks like Charles Clayton. Get ready, now."


  Jackie was going to kill him when she saw him again. Flat out, smother him with a pillow, murder. But that was only if she survived the accusing stares of her mother and sister for the rest of the night.

  "For the last time, I'm sorry," she said, her slippered feet tucked under her butt while she sat on her mother's couch, a colorful flower blanket made up of welcoming blues, reds and yellows around her shoulders for when she decided to get to sleep.

  They went back to their card game.

  Earlier, Kyle, the frigging traitor, had rushed into her room without knocking and caught an eyeful of her naked chest before she could pull her pajama top all the way down. They both froze.

  The clear, wide look in his eyes and heavy breathing told her she’d just given him a not unwanted surprise. For a second, she thought he was in her room for just that, and like an idiot, tired of fighting it and definitely in the mood, she leaned against her bed, and smiled a come hither smile, ready to let him have what he wanted.

  "Get a bag ready, I'm taking you to your mother’s." Was all he said before spinning around and leaving her room as fast as possible.

  So not what she’d expected.

  When she didn’t move, too humiliated to speak, he rushed back in and grabbed a duffle bag not too dissimilar from his own, aside from the fact that it was pink, and began throwing random items from off her dresser into it.

  She’d rushed to stop him, yanking the bag out of his hands. "What are you doing?"

  "I got a call from Carter a minute ago, he needs me to see something and the best thing for you to do right now is stay someplace where you can be protected."

  "I don't need protection." She insisted, irked that he could suggest such a thing as though she were completely helpless.

  "Then why do you keep me around?" His tone wasn't sarcastic or accusing, he even smirked, and Jackie saw red.

  He was there when she phoned the police on her own sister, he saw the anger her mother directed at her. How could he send her there knowing that?

  She opened her mouth to suggest staying with Evey, but then remembered her friend was still in the hospital, and she hissed. "Fine, but I'll pack my own things." And she stormed into the bathroom for her toothbrush and other essentials because she didn’t know how long he was dumping her off for.

  Which brought her here. Instead of Kyle on the couch it was her.

  The li
ving room and dining room were connected, separated only by a blue loveseat, whose matching couch Jackie now occupied. A stylish throw rug in the center of the area reserved for the living room lay on top of dark hardwood floors, under a glass coffee table that added extra character. The landscape paintings done by the local artists hanging on the wall behind her and above the modest entertainment system highlighted the relaxing look.

  Jackie couldn't decorate to save her life. Her mother was a decorating pro.

  The lamps and television were off on her side of the room, but the old style three bulb chandelier hanging over Patty's rectangular oak table was bright enough to make it hard to sleep.

  Patty and Carly quietly played poker together. Neither of them had invited her to join. So she sat up on the couch and watched them, listening to the cards flap as they shuffled, dealt, and rearranged them in their hands.

  "You’re both acting like brats," she muttered, turning away from the light and pulling the blanket over her head. The light still penetrated it enough to make her yearn for her dark room and comfy bed.

  She still heard her sister's haughty snipping. "Hear that mom? I didn't know defending your family was bratty."

  "Neither did I, sweetheart."

  Jackie let out a loud snarl, punched the couch cushions and sat up. "Okay, you broke the law Carly, not me. You were the one who had to throw a fit and curse someone. You're lucky he was good enough to not press any charges."

  Carly slammed her cards down and stood. "It was an accident!"

  Patty gently touched her hand but Carly yanked away from her.

  Jackie laughed. "Nice accident. Oops! I accidentally turned you into a vampire, silly me. I'll run away now and make it worse, bye."

  Carly made to run around the table, probably to scratch Jackie’s eyes out. Her pretty face twisted in an ugly snarl, but Patty rushed to head off her daughter, grabbing both her arms to try and soothe her.

  "Calm down, don't be acting this way in my house. It's not worth it."

  "What's not worth it? I'm not worth it?" Jackie shrieked, beginning to feel the first stages of a swelling throat and burning eyes.


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