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Pray for the Prey

Page 16

by Saxon Andrew

“What is that Dolly?”

  “Since we won’t be able to use our attack craft and Needles, I would launch them and send them home if you decide to do this. You couldn’t use them anyway.”

  “And since the beams are tied to your systems, they would also be unavailable.”

  “That is also correct, Jillian.”

  Jillian looked at Chris and he shrugged. She said, “We’ll discuss this in the morning.”

  “I have a communication coming in from Admiral Arvolo.”

  “Put it on the speaker.”

  “Hello, I was just thinking about you and thought I’d check in on your progress.”

  Chris looked at Jillian and wondered how the Admiral always seemed to call at the most stressful moments. He said, “Good evening, RV. We’re discussing a situation that you might offer some input on what we should do.”

  Cyanna looked at RV and slowly shook her head. He was one of a kind.

  “What’s going on?”

  Chris and Jillian filled him in and he asked questions that made them focus on the risk-reward of the situation. After an hour Chris said, “I’m inclined to make the effort.”

  RV paused and said, “Are you sure about that?”

  “I am at this moment.”

  “May I make a recommendation?”

  “Go ahead.”

  “Before you decide, you should send the crew out on the hull and change all the ships lights to red.”

  Chris furrowed his brow and looked at Jillian who shrugged, “Why should we do that?”

  “Well, we know that there are civilizations in that galaxy that have seen one of our attack ships. Now I know that the Jukebox doesn’t look anything like an attack craft, but they are the identical color. The red lights will make the ship look red instead of white. It might make a difference.”

  Jillian tilted her head and nodded. Chris said, “We’ll have them make the change. Is there anything else you think we should do?”

  “I personally wouldn’t take that risk, but I haven’t seen all the information you’ve collected. I’m not operating with full knowledge and I might feel differently if I knew what the two of you have seen. However, there are huge risks with what you’re considering.”

  “We’ll let you know in the morning. We haven’t made a decision yet.”

  “Ok, I’ll talk to you then.”

  Jillian said, “Thanks for the suggestion on the lights.”

  “Glad to offer it. See you in the morning.”

  • • •

  Cyanna looked at RV and he said, “They’re going to do it?”

  “They just told you they haven’t decided.”

  “If there was real doubt about it they wouldn’t change the lights until they decided. They’re having them changed tonight. Neither one of them suggested making the change after they decided; both of them are leaning toward doing it and they will push the other to make it happen.”

  “Are they making the right decision?”

  “I have no idea; I meant what I said about not having enough information. There is something in that galaxy that has them worried. I just hope luck is with them.”

  “Would you do it?”


  “But you told them you wouldn’t.”

  “I wouldn’t if I were them but I’m better qualified to do it.”


  “I’d do it for the fun of it.”

  “It’s a shame neither one of them is a combat trained pilot. You’re better at it than either one of them.”

  “You are a genius.”

  Cyanna suddenly looked up from RV’s display and saw his expression. “Oh, no you aren’t!”

  RV pushed the general quarters button and said, “Jump warning; we will be jumping in one minute.” He silenced the speakers blaring, “Battle stations, all hands to battle stations.” RV leaned back as Cyanna continued to yell at him, “You will not do this. You are too important for these theatrics.”

  RV noticed the red lights went solid in fifty seconds and with Cyanna continuing to shout as he entered the coordinates and then he looked at her, “You are either going to be part of the solution or part of the problem; what’s it going to be?”

  Cyanna stalked over to her command chair and belted in. She pushed a button on her panel and just before RV jumped the Havana, George appeared on the display, “What’ going on?”

  “You need to talk to Admiral Arvolo.”

  The Havana disappeared from Sierra-Garcia and broke back into normal space twenty miles from the Jukebox, who immediately sounded general quarters. Chris and Jillian appeared on the Havana’s wall display along with George. Chris said, “What are you doing here?”

  George saw Chris and Jillian and said, “What are you doing, Admiral?”

  RV looked at Cyanna and held up his index finger and waved it at her, “Will you think about this while I try to bring reason to the others. You’re reacting emotionally and not using your head.” RV turned to his display and Cyanna thought about what he said.

  “I’ll answer that question in a moment, but before I do, I want you and Jillian to explain to George what you’re planning to do in the morning.” RV paused and then said, “I want you to include any deviations from standard tactics you’re going to have to use to make it happen.”

  Chris looked at Jillian and then said, “Dolly, did you record our earlier conversation?”

  “I did.”

  “Will you please play it for the Admiral and President Sierra?”

  George sat back and listened while Arvolo muted his panel. He looked at Cyanna and stared at her with a stern expression. She took a deep breath and said, “You’re right. I was being selfish.”

  RV said, “Admiral, you occupy the position you’re in because of your outstanding mental capacities. I understand your response, but I will not accept it in the future. Is that clear?”

  Cyanna said, “Yes Sir; it won’t happen again.” RV unmuted his panel and turned back to the video. Cyanna was forced to agree that Chris and Jillian were ultimately more important than RV and she had refused to consider it. The only way to possibly prevent their death was to remove the choice of when to flee from them. They would make that scan, even if they died in the process. RV wouldn’t allow that to happen. She looked at her emotions and realized that her fear of losing him was going to drive him away. He was first a warrior. She promised herself not to forget that again. RV glanced at her and she mouthed, “I’m so sorry.”

  He glared at her and then smiled. Cyanna blew out the breath she had been holding and felt relief. She was given a reprieve…this time. She vowed not to allow it to happen again. She was going to have to allow him to be what he was born to be.

  George finished the video and said, “Are the two of you out of your minds?”

  “No, George. Something is going on in that sector of M-87 and it’s been developing for more than six million years. Millions of warships being built and replaced by bigger and stronger ships; but none of them are ever used. They’re doing something and we must know if we intend to take any future actions in that galaxy. The only way to do that is to go take a scan of it in the present.”

  “Chris, the risk is too great.”

  “Can you agree to never return to that galaxy?”

  George stared at Chris on his display and said, “You know I can’t do that.”

  “Well, what if those ships are waiting for an outside invader to come to their galaxy. Do you know what we’d have to face?”

  George shook his head, “Are you absolutely certain we need to do this?”

  Chris looked at Jillian who nodded, “We’ve been discussing it and we feel it’s important to our safety.”

  • • •

  Arvolo sat in his command chair and lowered the armored plate from the view port. The two ships were in deep space between galaxies and Arvolo stared at the small galaxy that was barely visible. The beauty of the universe was all around and the countless galaxies sc
attered across the heavens brought peace to his soul. So infinite but so beautiful; he thanked God for allowing him to see his work.”

  “Arvolo, why are you here?”

  “Are you going to allow them to go?”

  George shook his head but said, “I don’t want to do this but I’m going to authorize it.”

  “Good, I’m going to pilot the Jukebox on this trip.”

  Arvolo winced at the sound that poured out of his display. George, Chris, and Jillian all protested at the top of their voices. RV put his fingers in his ears and they finally got the message. They stopped shouting and George said, “I am not going to risk all three of you.”

  “The bigger risk is not allowing me to go.”

  Chris had his mouth open to agree with George but closed it. George said, “Tell me why?”

  RV held up his hand and pointed at his index finger, “One; neither Chris or Jillian is a trained combat pilot.”

  George, Chris, and Jillian nodded as he waited.

  “Two; for them to make a good scan of that galaxy, it is going to take two people to operate the collectors and recorders to make it happen as quickly as possible. If one has to fly the ship, the scan will take longer.” Arvolo stared at Chris and Jillian as they looked at each other and didn’t say anything. “Remember, I’m also trained on using your devices.”

  Jillian said, “Ok, you’re right. Does that make you happy?”

  RV held up his third finger, “Three; they will get that scan or die trying.” He looked at the couple and they finally nodded. “I’m not passing judgment here. You know the importance and have determined it’s worth dying to get that record.”

  RV raised his fourth Finger, “Because of number three, I will flee if the situation calls for it scan or no scan. I won’t delay; I won’t hesitate asking if the scan is complete; I’ll get them out of there. And I don’t think there is another pilot in the fleet that can catch me if I’m determined to escape.”

  Chris looked at RV and said, “Is there any other reason?”

  “Yes, five, you’re too close to the event to think things through clearly.”

  George said, “Why is that?”

  “Because they forget the simple things that I won’t.”

  Jillian said, “Such as?”

  RV tilted his head and said, “You don’t have to use your fields to gather light for the scan. You’re in the present; just jump in and used your standard scanners. They operate instantly.”

  George, Chris, and Jillian looked at each other with a shocked expression. Finally George said, “Then why do Chris and Jillian need to go?”

  “Because no one else knows the regions of that galaxy that need to be scanned; they’ll have to do it.”

  “There is one other issue, RV.”

  “What is that?”

  “The radiation from the stream could affect the normal scanners and we would be forced to use our light collectors.”

  RV stared at them and hit his forehead with his palm, “I am so dumb. We’ll have to do both, if we’re given enough time.”

  Cyanna smiled and knew that he already knew about the radiation but this allowed Chris and Jillian to save face and hide the fact that he was spying on them. She remembered again why she loved him so much.

  George looked at Chris and Jillian and said, “I’m forced to agree with him.”

  Jillian said, “We are as well. He’s right about fleeing if it’s called for and we may hesitate.”

  “What do we need to do?”

  RV looked at Cyanna as he said, “I want you to launch all of your attack craft and Needles at this location. The Havana will do the same and if we’re pursued, this is where we will run.”

  George nodded and said, “Come back! We can’t afford to lose you.”

  RV said, “I’m coming over in a moment. When do you want to do this?”

  “I think we need to have a good night’s sleep.”

  RV said, “Do you think you’ll be able to sleep?”

  Jillian smiled, “I hope not.”

  Chris turned red and RV realized that there were more things to do than just sleep. He laughed and said, “Call me when you’re ready to go.”

  Jillian smiled and cut the connection.

  RV turned to Cyanna and said, “Do you have a moment?”

  “I have more than a moment for you; how about the rest of my life.”

  RV smiled, took her hand, and left the bridge.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Are you ready for the arrival?”

  “I am.”

  “Do you have the location locked in?”

  “All participants have their places locked in their drives.”

  “This is important. You must not fail.”

  “I know the consequences.”

  “We’re depending on you.”

  “I’ve been preparing for my entire life.”

  “How long before you go?”

  “Two parts six counts.”

  • • •

  RV looked at Jillian on his display, “How long before you want to leave?”

  “Two hours and six minutes.”

  “I’ll be over in a minute.”

  “Take your time; we’ll be launching ships momentarily.”

  RV stood and Cyanna followed him out to the landing bay where he boarded a small shuttle. She took the command chair and said, “You could have left the shuttle on the Jukebox.”

  “You just have to make me say it.”

  Cyanna smiled and powered up the engines. RV sighed and said, “I wanted you to be there before I left.”

  Cyanna smiled and reached over and held his hand. “You are cleared for departure, Admiral.”

  Cyanna lifted the shuttle and exited the landing bay. She flew over to the Jukebox and saw the massive launch of attack craft and Needles. The small ships turned and flew over to the Havana and began a rotation of landing in the landing bay and launch tubes as the Havana’s craft moved out to replace those given a break. Cyanna waited until the last small ships were launched and then flew into the Jukebox’s landing bay. RV stood and she came over and kissed him. “This is the reason you wanted me to come.”

  “I know. Just be here when I come back.”

  “You know you can count on that.”

  RV left the small ship and went into the ship’s pressurized corridor. The shuttle broke the seal, turned, and left the landing bay. RV turned and took the express tube to the bridge and arrived as Jillian and Chris were setting up the scanning field devices and recorders. Chris smiled, “It’s good to see you, RV. It’s just like old times.”

  RV smiled, “I don’t believe I’ve ever seen any times similar to what we’re about to do.”

  “True, but tell me you don’t want to be here.”

  RV laughed, “Ahhh, you know me too well. Don’t let me interrupt your preparations. I need to check the flight controls. Hello, Jillian, long time no see.”

  “Hi, RV, it’s good to have you here.”

  “And hello to you as well, Dolly.”

  “Good morning, Admiral.”

  “Call me RV; we’re among friends here.”

  “Sorry, my programming requires I address you by your title.”

  “My title is RV.”

  “Very good, RV.”

  “See, that wasn’t so hard. When are you going to take a nap?”

  “I’ll make the first jump into the stream and power off as soon as we enter Sierra Space. Everything will them be routed to your board.”

  “Jillian, I understand you want to jump a light year out of the stream to make your scan.”

  “How did you know that?”

  “Lucky guess.”

  “Yes, you’re right.”

  Arvolo waited for them to question him further but they were too occupied with their tasks. He had almost given away that he had been spying on their conversations. He logged in to the board and watched the Havana with the halo of small ships around it. It was beautifu
l. He switched the screen to the drives and preprogrammed in a one light year jump. It wouldn’t take much longer before they jumped. He wondered what Cyanna was doing.

  • • •

  Cyanna looked at Kenny on her display and he said, “He’s doing what!?!”

  “Watch this and let me know what you think.”

  Kenny started the conversation from the previous night. After thirty minutes he appeared on her display, “Give me your coordinates.”

  Cyanna pushed a button and Kenny disappeared from her screen. She sighed, “Everyone knew it takes more than two to have a party. It would be easier to ask forgiveness than permission.” She hummed and watched the small craft taking station around the Havana. Then she moved the view to the Jukebox and waited for it to leave. “Come back to me.”

  • • •

  “Dolly, we’re ready to go.”

  “I’ve just notified the Havana and they have gone to general quarters. We’ll be jumping in twenty seconds. RV, punch the activate button as soon as you jump away from M-87 and it will bring me and our weapons back on line.”

  “Will do, Dolly; have a good nap.”

  “Jumping now!”

  The Jukebox jumped and the display was dimmed as it emerged inside of a superheated stream of gamma and x-rays. Arvolo pushed the jump pad and the Jukebox emerged into normal space. RV looked at his console and said, “What the…!”

  Jillian and Chris looked at the main display and saw a huge globe of giant White Ships surrounding them. RV hit the jump pad again but nothing happened. Chris yelled, “Get us out of here!”

  RV sat back and said, “We’re not going anywhere. Those ships around us are emitting a field that prevents our stardrive from producing a field. There is not enough room for us to escape between those closely packed ships.”

  Jillian shouted, “More ships are arriving.”

  RV looked at his display and saw thousands of starships jumping in to their location. The all stopped more than two hundred miles from the globe of White Ships. RV said, “You might as well run your scans. At least those can go out.”

  Chris looked at Jillian and extended the fields. She started the recording as RV ran normal scans from the ship’s scanners. Chris looked at RV and said, “What are they doing?”

  “I don’t know. They’re not attacking and there are more than four hundred different types of warships surrounding us.”


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