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Pray for the Prey

Page 23

by Saxon Andrew

  “Because we are not species that would normally hate others. I believe that we were not always predatory. This was forced on us and now we are finding who we should have been from the start.”

  • • •

  Two years later the second battle took place. The savagery was incredible.

  • • •

  “Are you sure about this?”

  “They are pulling a huge scam on us. They are not really fighting each other and though I’ve told the leaders they have laughed it off.”

  “Jumping into one of their battles doesn’t sound like a good idea to me.”

  “They couldn’t hurt us. We need to expose this. Now carry out your orders.”

  The battle was at a fever pitch when suddenly a giant Purple Ship appeared. The Hive Controller felt his fear and yelled, “Fire every weapon on every ship at that Major.”

  The Remote Controller’s heard the order and turned all six million ships and fired on the giant Purple Ship. The ship shrugged off the initial five million hits, but then twenty million energy pulses and beams hit it and it exploded in a huge blast.

  The Hive Controller yelled, “Continue the battle. Don’t stop.”

  The ships were down to a million and a half survivors when ten giant Purple Ships arrived and blew the ships into dust. The Commander of the Majors was angry at the destruction of one of his ships. The Hive Controller said, “We didn’t mean for it to happen. When our warriors attack they go into battle rage and attack any ships that are not like ours. They weren’t able to control themselves.”

  The Commander didn’t care and said, “Target that planet.”

  Before he could order it killed his communicator came on and he heard, “Bravo; Bravo, that was extraordinary.”

  The Commander looked at the speaker and said, “What?”

  “That battle has been given the highest ratings of any in history. Now get out of there and don’t mess up a good thing. Gigl was an idiot. How stupid can he have possibly been to jump into the middle of a space battle with millions of ships? Don’t force us to discipline you.”

  The Commander fought back his rage and started to feel nervous. “But they destroyed one of our ships.”

  “We might send you into the middle of the next battle for entertainment.”

  The Commander said, “Return to port.”

  • • •

  The Hive Controller heard the exchange and released a breath. He looked at the Horde Leader and said, “Now is when you should rush forward and take back the space you lost.” The mass of Yellow Ships moved forward and the Violet Ships fell back to their main lines. “That was close.”

  • • •

  “George, I have a call coming in from the Hive Controller.”

  “Send it to my board.” George saw the strange looking creature appear on his display. “I hope all is going well.”

  “A Major ship interrupted our last battle and we attacked it with all our ships and destroyed it.”


  “It seems the commander of that ship believed that we were pulling a scam but no one believed him. He came here to prove it and got himself killed when six million ships fired at him.”

  “What was the outcome?”

  “Ten ships arrived but were called back due to our outstanding destruction of each other. They don’t want our entertainment value diminished.”

  “You were lucky.”

  “Very; but that’s not the reason for my call. We’ve made a discovery and feel like it’s something you might want to take a look at.”

  “What is that?”

  “We found a reactor from the Major Ship that had been blasted away when it was destroyed. It appears to be undamaged and we know we can’t keep it here.”

  “Why not?”

  “They just might run a scan someday and it would immediately detect the material it was made from.”

  “Where is it?”

  “We put it in a container and jumped it to the coordinates I’ve just sent you about a thousand light years from our border. It is broadcasting a frequency listed below the coordinates. I hope it’s something you can use.”

  “If it is, we will share it with you. Thank you.”

  “We owe you much more than that reactor.”

  Meisa looked at George and said, “Do you possibly think that...”

  George punched a button and said, “RV, get a ship to the coordinates on your board and use the frequency with them. The Violets have sent us a Major reactor.”

  “What do you want me to do with it once I retrieve it?”

  “Take it straight to Boden and see if he can see anything in it we can use.”

  “I’m on it.”

  • • •

  George and Meisa spent the next week trying to stay busy hoping for a contact from the Federation. On the eighth day Meisa said, “I guess I got my hopes up for nothing.”

  “Well, there’s nothing wrong with wishing, love.”

  Meisa looked down at her board and said, “I have a contact coming in from the Federation.”

  George shrugged and saw Boden on his display, “Please tell me you have good news.”

  “I’m sorry, I don’t have good news.” George’s face fell and then Boden said, “I have outstanding news. There are three new elements in the Major reactor we weren’t using. Our initial trial has determined that our reactors can handle the new power level, but only barely. We build these with a hundred times safety level.”

  George and Meisa jumped up and yelled. Boden said loudly, “Converting our ships will be easy. We’ll just inject the new elements directly into their reactors. That’s all that’s needed.”

  George ran back to the display and said, “How much stronger will our reactor be compared to the Major?”

  “At least twenty times.”

  “That means the Violet and Yellow Ships should be stronger than the Purple Ships .”

  Boden nodded, “It does appear you are right.”

  “How long before you are ready to start the change over?”

  “We’re ready now. I’ve delayed contacting you until we were ready.”

  “Meisa, notify RV and get them started.”

  “Boden, will you contact the Hive Controller and see if they have the new elements and give him the information to make the change.”

  “I’ll do that now.”

  • • •

  The Hive Controller looked at the Horde Leader and said, “The game has changed. Look at what I’ve just received from the White Ships.”

  The Horde Leader read the document and smiled, “Do this quickly. We don’t want to be surprised again.”

  “I’m already moving on it.”

  Chapter Twenty



  “Will you marry me?”

  Cyanna jerked up and looked at RV, “Well, you certainly don’t have much of a buildup to this moment.”

  “Ok; Cyanna, I love you. Will you marry me?”

  “We have got to work on your ability to be romantic. Yes, I would love to marry you.”

  RV opened a box and Cyanna saw a huge diamond, “Where did you get this?”

  “When you never leave your ship, you never spend money. I’ve been saving for a while.”

  “How long?”

  “Too long; now that I paid for it, I feel good asking you.”

  “RV, I’d marry your without a ring!”

  “I just feel like you deserve one showing you how much you mean to me.”

  Cyanna rushed forward and kissed, RV hard. “That’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever said.”

  “I thought you just said I need to work on….”

  “Oh be quiet and kiss me.”

  “Where would you like the wedding to be?”

  “Let me handle those details.”

  “Ok, let me know if there’s anything I need to do.”

  “Oh, I will. It’s going to be a small wedding and a h
uge reception.”

  “Good, that sounds like a winner.”

  • • •

  “George, Admiral Arvolo has asked to see you.”

  “He’s here?”

  “Yes, he’s waiting outside.”

  Do you know why he’s made the trip, Meisa?”

  “No, he just showed up and asked to see you.”

  “That’s not like him.”

  “I know.”

  “Send him in.”

  RV walked in and George got up and met him, “It’s good to see you, RV. You could have just called.”

  “No, I need to discuss several issues with you that need to stay between us.”

  George looked at him and then looked at Meisa. She stood and walked out. “What’s going on?”

  “I want to send one of our new battleships to the White Civilization in M-87.”

  George indicated a chair and they sat down. “Am I to assume that you want to send one with our new beams and computer?”

  “Yes, that’s exactly what I want to do.”

  George stared at him and after a long moment he said, “Ok.”

  RV did a double take and said, “Now you spoiled all the arguments I’ve worked on to try and persuade you.”

  “I understand why. Our survival is tied to them. We need to make sure they have every benefit we can offer. However, they may not need it.”

  “They need it, George. Our new ship is more advanced than theirs.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I am. I’ve been studying the scans I made of them when they had us surrounded and their force field is strong, but no stronger than the one on the former ships. If beam development is at the appropriate level, they are behind us now.”

  “The only reason our beams are so much stronger is because of the Federation.”

  “That’s a fluke in development. I don’t believe they have the advantage of the Federation to help them.”

  “You will not be the one to deliver it.”

  RV sighed, “I know. I’ll choose some good pilots to do it.”

  “How are those pilots going to escape?”

  “We’ve designed an Attack Craft around the new reactor. I don’t even think we could catch it.”

  “Are you going to have Needles and Attack Craft on the ship you deliver?”

  “It will be fully armed and the computer will have the plans on how to build duplicates.”

  “Better have red lights on it.”

  “We’re going to paint the ship blue.”

  “Ok, handle it. Was there something else?”

  “Yes, uhhhhhh…Cyanna and I are going to be married and I don’t want her to have to move to another ship.”

  “Congratulations, RV. That’s outstanding. Of course you’ll stay together. Chris and Jillian serve together on the Jukebox; I see no reason why the two of you can’t continue on the Havana.”

  “Current regulations forbid it.”

  George said, “Meisa.”

  Meisa came in and said, “Congratulations, RV.”

  RV looked back and forth between them and George said, “She left the room but I never exclude her from any of my conversations.” Meisa pointed to a small device in her ear.

  RV slowly shook his head and George said, “Issue an addendum to fleet regulations that will allow married couples to serve on the same ship.”

  “Is that a good idea?”

  “It appears that thousands of sailors are finding their mates on the ships they serve on. They are refusing to marry and be forced apart. This is the right thing to do, especially with the lengthy tours of duty while on alert status.”

  “They shouldn’t fly in the same wings.”

  “That can be easily handled, RV. When’s the wedding?”

  “I don’t know. Cyanna is handling the details and she’s not forth coming on what she’s planning. She says she wants to surprise me.”

  “That will be extremely difficult to do. I don’t know anything that’s ever gotten by you.”

  RV shook his head, “I know nothing. I’ve not been able to find out anything. All my sources have dried up.”

  “Well, if I find out anything…”

  “I know; you’ll keep it a secret.”

  George laughed and said, “You know me too well.”

  “I just wonder what she’s up to.” George just shrugged.

  • • •

  “Are you ready?”

  “I am.”

  “This is just as important as the first event.”

  “Maybe more so.”

  “Have you taken any other precautions?”

  “The fleet will be used this time.”

  “I hope it’s enough.”

  “We’ll soon see.”

  • • •

  Two young pilots stood at attention in front of Arvolo and Cyanna. They had gone over fleet records and had determined that these two were the best pilots in the Navy. Their flight scores were so close that Reibe was only a thousandth of point ahead of Beth Hemer. RV looked up at the two pilots and said, “At ease. Take a chair.”

  Riebbe looked at Beth and knew who she was just as she knew him by name. A good pilot always knew their competition. They both wondered what was going on.

  “You two need to relax. You’re making my coffee nervous.” The two pilots chuckled and sat back in their chairs. “I’m sure the two of you know of each other even if you’ve never met. For all intents and purposes, the two of you are our best pilots. I have a voluntary mission I am ordering you to take.”

  Beth said, “Did you say voluntary?”

  “I did and I can always pull the next one on the list to do this.”

  “Oh no, Sir; I was just trying to make sure I understood my orders.”

  “You’ve been chosen to deliver a ship to a civilization in M-87.”

  Riebbe looked at Beth then turned back to RV and said, “What kind of ship?”

  “One of our newest main battleships; you will board a modified attack craft and attempt to escape after that delivery.”

  “Would it be appropriate to ask why we’re doing this?”

  “No, it would not; that information falls under state security. Are you willing to do as you’re ordered?”

  Beth started laughing, “I certainly volunteer, Sir.”

  Riebbe looked at her and said, “I do as well.”

  “Can’t stand to let her get an advantage can you?”

  Riebbe turned red and said, “I must maintain my ranking.”

  “Your job is to deliver the ship. The attack craft located above the bridge has been modified to carry four fully powered ultrabeams and the force field matches a main battleship’s. Its speed is the fastest in the fleet. You will board that craft and leave immediately after your delivery.”

  “When are we going to do this, Sir?”

  “You’re going to the ship after this meeting and jump to the coordinates in the drive board.”

  Riebbe smiled, “Good, I hate long waits.”

  Cyanna pushed a button and an ensign came in the room, “Take them to the ship.”

  “Yes Sir,” She turned to the two pilots, “If you will follow me.”

  RV watched them go and said, “Who was that Ensign?”

  “Graduated number one from the academy yesterday.”

  RV laughed, “Kate is going to be furious.”

  “You snooze; you lose.”

  • • •

  “Beth, what do you think about this assignment?”

  Beth reached over and turned on the power switches to the manual controls, “I don’t know what to think. If there was ever an example of turning over top secret items, this is it. We have no defense against this ship and we’re giving it away. Whoever is getting this must be highly trusted by our leaders.”

  “Giving away that new beam concerns me. It is a leap forward in weapon technology. I just hope our force field technology catches up soon.”

  “By the way, it’s good to fina
lly meet you. I’ve often wondered what you were like.”

  Riebbe smiled, “The same for me; you’ve been a name I’ve been swapping places with in the standings. I know you must be talented.”

  “Have you been offered a promotion?”

  “I have but I’ve been able to avoid taking it. I just hate to give up flying the Attack Craft. I do love that bird.”

  “Me, too. I suspect after this mission we may not be given a choice.”

  Riebbe thought for a moment as he checked the reactor’s level and said, “I hope you’re wrong.”

  “Do you want to fly the big bird?”

  “No, you take the honors; I’ll fly the attack craft coming back.”

  “I’ve heard that this ship is as maneuverable as an Attack Craft.”

  “No way.”

  “Way; we’ll check her out before we make the final jump.”

  Beth looked at him and said, “Havana, we’re ready for initial jump.”

  “Hurry home.”

  Beth hit the jump pad and the huge White Ship disappeared.

  • • •

  After flying the giant ship through tight maneuvers for thirty minutes, Beth brought the giant ship to a stop. Riebbe said, “Wow! That was incredible flying. How in the world did I get to number one?”

  Beth smiled, “You were lucky.” After a moment she said, “You could have done this too. This ship is remarkable. I want one.”

  “The computer flies the ship. We wouldn’t be allowed to fight it.”

  “Only if the fleet is linked, Riebbe. The pilots fly the ships until that happens.”

  “I haven’t heard that. Why are they doing it that way?”

  “Pilots are better at prioritizing targets. If a battle becomes a ship-to-ship fight, the pilots take the ships and the computer handles the weapons.”

  “Are you ready to make the jump?”

  “I am; you better strap in.”

  “Onward and outward.”

  The giant ship disappeared…and reappeared in orbit above a planet. It was surrounded by a globe of white ships. “What’s going on Riebbe?”

  “It appears the locals were waiting on us. I’m lowering the ladder to the attack craft.” Riebbe pushed a button on his board and a ladder came down from the center of the bridge.

  “Riebbe, look at this!”

  Riebbe came back from the ladder and saw the scan that Beth had on her display. There were millions of large White Ships in formation out from the planet but millions of other ship began appearing in front of their lines. Suddenly the ships rushed forward attacking the White Ship formations. “It looks like we’ve touched off a war.”


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