Book Read Free

Pray for the Prey

Page 25

by Saxon Andrew

  Izzy looked up sharply at Zack as she fed Arvy’s twin sister, “What?”

  Zack smiled, “RV knows.”

  “Then why hasn’t he come to get us?”

  “Izzy, Izzy, you know why.”

  “I just worry about our children.”

  “Don’t be worried, my love. Our children are going to take on this dangerous planet and one day take on the universe. They are going to become the difference makers in our species future.” Zack looked over at the Neanderthals that has ceased their attack and were moving away. “They will tame this planet and one day reach for the stars. That future would cease to exist if they came and rescued us.” Zack looked down at his son sleeping in his arms and said, “This gives me more time to be with you, Izzy. I need that time to love you for what time remains in my life. We know how this story turns out and my pride is so great for what our descendants are going to do.” Zack looked up at the full moon overhead and smiled, “I wouldn’t change this for anything.”

  Izzy finished with Arlene and came over and snuggled under Zack’s arm. She closed her eyes and softly said, “Neither would I.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “They are starting to come together.”

  “I see that. Is there any way to delay them?”

  “We can’t do it, but our friends may be able to distract them.”


  “Get them to look in another direction.”

  “Why would they do that?”


  • • •

  Meisa rushed into the Command Center and said, “George, the beings in the White Civilization have sent a message.”


  “There’s no video, but the message was sent in our language.”

  “Hold on.” George patched Arvolo, Kenny, Bob, Bender, Chris, Jillian, Boden, and Admiral to his board. “I have a message from the beings we sent the ship.” George looked at Meisa and nodded.

  “We thank you for your gift and we are working hard to use it to defend our worlds. However, it appears all of the other civilizations are fearful of what they saw that ship accomplish and are starting to gather consensus on uniting to attack us. We are not going to survive that attack if they make it.” There was a pause and the message continued, “I know this will put you at risk, but if you could stir up trouble in the sector next to ours, it may distract them from being able to join forces. If any of the civilizations in the adjacent sector are weakened, many of the advanced predators here would not join in the attack. They would want to take advantage of any weakness in the other sector to pillage the weakened planets. None of the advanced civilizations here took part in the last attack so the next one will be much more devastating. Our numbers are just not large enough to hold them off. We know this is risky for you but we need your help again. Thank you for hearing our appeal.”

  George looked at Meisa, “Get the Hive Controller and Horde Leader on this call.”

  While they waited Chris said, “What are you going to do about this?”

  George stared at Chris and said, “I’m not going to discuss how I know what I’m about to tell you but please understand that it is absolutely true. If that civilization is conquered, we will also be defeated and conquered. Our destinies are tied together.”

  The display showed the Leaders from M-87 along with a new creature they had not seen before. The Hive Controller said, “This is the leader of the civilization that has been attacking the Horde on their inner border. His civilization has joined our subterfuge and is working with up to prepare for the Majors.”

  George smiled and said, “We are glad to have you with us. However, the time to prepare has just been shortened. Are you ready to take on the Majors?”

  The three creatures looked at each other and the Horde leader said, “Has something happened?”

  “Another civilization fighting for survival in your galaxy is about to be attacked and needs us to create a diversion. If you aren’t ready, we will do this alone. We cannot delay starting that distraction.”

  “How many ships do you have?”

  “We are now at six million main battleships.”

  “How do they compare to our ships?”

  “They are much more deadly. However, they are identical in appearance to yours.”

  “So anyone watching would be unable to see that your ships are from a different galaxy?”

  George looked at RV and he nodded, “That is correct.”

  The Hive Controller said, “We have four million ships each. We have been trying hard to restrain ourselves from attacking the Majors. All of our planets are outraged at how we are treated and what they force us to do to each other. If you will send your ships to assist us, we will make sure they are given a huge distraction.”

  RV said, “How many major civilizations are there?”

  Between four and five hundred and they dominate the area around the core of the galaxy. Once there were hundreds of thousands, but now they have been whittled down to the current numbers. Of course, these that remain are the survivors of millions of years of war. They have passed the survival of the fittest test and are quite dangerous.”

  “Will they unite against you?”

  “Not initially, they will fall on those that are weakened and take their territories. They won’t be able to stop themselves. Only when they realize just how dangerous we are will they unite against us.”

  “How do you want to handle this?”

  “We’ll start slow, but with a big bang.”

  The new leader from M-87 said, “First we take on the Purple Ships. My ships will continue to attack the Horde so they are not aware of how many ships they are going to have to face. If you would provide a million of your ships that we will work into our lines, we should be able to do this with just three million ships initially. Half on the Horde’s side and half on the Bug’s side.”

  “What are you going to do with the others?”

  “We have jumped them out of the galaxy and have them organized into formations that we can call in when needed. Even if they scan our civilizations, they will not see our ships.”

  George glanced at RV and smiled, “We are familiar with that tactic.”

  The Hive Controller said, “We assumed that’s what you did when we first scouted your galaxy. We decided to emulate the tactic.”

  “Who will command the fleets?”

  RV spoke up, “George, one of them should command the effort.”

  George looked at RV, “Why?”

  “We are going to be mixed into their fleets to assist with our ships where needed. They have been fighting this kind of battle for millions of years. They are better qualified to do it. We will only use our weapons when absolutely necessary, so we need to fit in their ranks and keep a low profile.”

  The three leaders listened to RV and the Horde Leader said, “We’ve been worried about this decision. We now know we shouldn’t worry about you. Does that meet with your approval?”

  George thought about it and knew RV had a reason for wanting to do it this way, “That is what we’ll do. I’ll be sending the ships momentarily and need to know where you want them.”

  “They will assemble where we have our ships outside our galaxy. They will jump in with the other ships after we put on a show.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “Make sure that every planet in the Majors sees what’s coming. We’re going to have a final battle where we destroy the remainder of our old ships. They won’t miss that. Once that’s done we will jump our new ships in to take their place and form up into one fleet. That’s when we will announce our refusal to fight for their enjoyment ever again. It should draw a response.”

  George smiled, “You have been at this a while. Tell us what you need. I am moving three more millions of ships to organize with your fleets.”

  RV looked at the three leaders and hoped he didn’t have to say what needed to be said.

  “Those flee
ts will organize into their own ranks and will fight independently of our ships. If it’s necessary to pull those ships into the conflict, they must work as a unit. You would be better to direct your ships.”

  RV smiled. He looked over at Cyanna as he muted his board, “Those guys are good.”

  Cyanna chuckled as RV turned his speaker back on. She had a thought and looked at RV. She drew her hand across her throat. He saw her and muted his board. “What are we going to do with the other two million ships?”

  “One for the defense of this galaxy and one for the Milky Way.”

  Cyanna tilted her head and nodded. RV unmuted his board.

  George said, “We need to make this happen quickly.”

  The Horde Leader looked at the Hive controller and said, “I will start moving all the ships from my main defensive lines to the neutral zone.”

  “I will, of course respond to your aggressive action by doing the same.” The Hive Controller said, “We will start this process immediately after this communication ends.”

  George looked at all the ones on his board, “Does anyone have any questions?” He waited and knew that there would be plenty once the call ended but no one said anything at that moment. “RV, get it done.” He looked at the three from M-87 and smiled, “If nothing else, this should provide your worlds with entertainment for a change.”

  The Horde Leader said, “And they will be watching.”

  George turned to Meisa, “Send a message that we will start the distraction momentarily. See if they can slip the message out to the ones uniting against them.”

  • • •

  “They are going to do it.”


  “Quickly. They ask that we see if we can notify those uniting against us.”

  “The Mireem would do it for us. What are they going to do exactly?”

  “I have no idea but tell the Mireem that one of the Majors is going to be attacked within two circles.”

  “Will it happen that quickly?”

  “I have no idea but it will cause them to check out the rumor. That will slow them down.”

  • • •

  “Just how sure are you about this?”

  The Second said, “The source has always been completely accurate. I think there must be some truth in what they are saying.”

  “Have you seen anything in our scans that would indicate there is truth in this?”

  “You know the other sector uses the battles between the minors for entertainment. Their communication channels are all going at high volume talking about a huge battle about to take place at one of the Minor’s sites. It appears that the coming battle is going to occupy their full attention.”

  “Does it indicate how many ships will be fighting?”

  The Second paused and said, “Millions.”

  “Get the word out to the others and see if you can steal the signal and deliver it to everyone. This may buy me some credit with the stronger ones.”

  The Second bowed and turned on its ten legs and exited the large room. The Leader wondered if this was where the insurrection was going to happen. Well, he wasn’t going to miss it.

  • • •

  “The talks have been delayed.”

  “It worked.”

  “It appears it did. We are also going to receive a signal of an impending battle by two minors involving millions of ships.”

  “That’s got to be them.”

  “If they use their ships in the battle…”

  “It will make everyone here immediately forget about us and worry about the other sector. They will think they are coming here trying to get us to join them in an attack.”

  “This will give us needed time.”

  “Don’t waste it.”

  • • •

  “RV, I can’t accept this!”

  “Kenny, calm down and think this through.”

  “I should be going there with you!”

  RV sighed and said, “Who is the best tactician?”

  “You know you are.”

  “And who is the most aggressive?” Kenny remained silent. RV quickly added, “And who is the best at organizing large ship maneuvers?” Kenny still remained silent and RV said, “If things go to hell in a hand basket, who do you want jumping in to save you with a million ships? Kate or Bob? Or you?”

  Kenny sighed and said, “Kate would storm in all guns blazing attacking everything in sight.”

  “Exactly, and her ships would not work as well in organized units as yours and Bob’s fleets. That’s not to say she wouldn’t be effective but you are too smart not to see this. This initial battle is custom made for aggressive tactics. I’ve got to make the best decision, not an emotional one.”

  “I just hate I’m missing out on the action.”

  “Take a good look at Jess and Mary and think that through again.”

  Kenny said, “Keep us in the loop. We’ll be ready.”

  “You know I will.”

  Cyanna smiled, “Bob’s on the channel.”

  RV sighed and said, “Send it to my board.”

  • • •

  George had the Horde Leader on his display, “I’m worried about your planets. We’re starting this in your domain and I’m worried about your planets being in danger.”

  “Don’t be; at least not yet.”

  “Why not?”

  “The Majors will not openly attack a planet without following the conventions. Our planets might be the safest place to be during this battle.”

  “Are you sure about this?”

  “I have millions of years of history to back it up. They will not attack a planet unless they know for certain that all the planet’s ships are destroyed. We’re safe for the near term.”

  “What a strange way to fight a war. How would a war ever end?”

  “They don’t. That’s why we’re in this situation. Some things are going to change this time around.”

  “Are you going to attack the Major’s planets?”

  “Not at the beginning, but if they don’t come to reason, we will if this conflict escalates. We’ll announce that we are going to destroy all the Major’s planets and that will give us the right to do exactly that. This ends now!”

  “You run the risk of extinction.”

  “That’s better than continuing to send our young out to die in starships. Too many have perished for no good reason or cause. Ending this madness is worthy of our efforts.”

  “Thank you; we will not leave you in your quest.”

  “We know that and you may count on us doing the same.”

  The display went dark and George looked at Chris and Jillian, “What are you two going to do?”

  “We’re picking up a new battleship and joining Kenny’s fleet.”

  “Oh no you aren’t.”

  “We have trained enough people to take our place. Now it’s our turn to do our part in this struggle. Don’t stop us, George. You know Dolly and Jeff would be doing the same.”

  “I want to join you.”

  “Have you trained a replacement?” George stared at Jillian and then slowly shook his head. “Then follow your own advice and make it happen.”

  George looked at them and slowly nodded. Chris and Jillian left and George tuned his display to the gigantic gathering of ships around Sierra-Garcia. As he stared at them, huge masses began disappearing. He was always fascinated with the order of this particular chaos. Finally, only a million ships remained above the planet. He said, “Go with God.”

  • • •

  RV had half a million ships in the center line of the Bug’s formations. Kate had her half million with the Horde’s ships. RV looked at the Fleet Controller on his display and said, “I’m concerned that your ship controllers have not ever fought outside of your linked formations. Linking no longer serves a purpose with your new ships.”

  “Have you linked any of your ships?”

  “Well, I’ve got to say that we haven’t.”

“We did and the results were remarkable.”

  RV leaned forward and said, “Really, what did you find out?”

  “The linkage increased the power of the force fields two times their normal level. The reactors have to be set up to form the link and we are the best at making that happen. We were also able to link in the fifth standby reactor to the fields.”


  “Really; and our lines will be used against the largest concentration of their ships. The energy pulses are also increased in power such that they are slightly stronger than the beams on the ships you gave us.”

  “No kidding?”

  The Fleet Controller leaned back and said, “We have sent the methods we used to the being you call Boden and he is looking at how to possibly use them.”

  RV slowly shook his head, “We can only get stronger if we are given time to do it.”

  “I think we will be given time.”


  “If we can destroy enough ships in this initial conflict, I believe massive civil wars between the Majors will happen. They will jump on any that are weakened and take vengeance for perceived past wrongs.”

  “Are you sure about that?”

  “It has been the pattern in the past; however, things are changing.”

  “In what way?”

  “Word has gotten out that we have been manipulated into attacking the Horde and forced to continue those attacks. Many of the minors at the edges of our galaxy are talking about this with their adversaries. There is a wind of change taking place and this coming conflict will determine which direction it will end up blowing.”

  “How do you see my ships helping your lines?”

  “We know that you have not given us all of your weaponry.” RV didn’t say anything but just stared at the Violet Commander. “We understand why you haven’t. What you’ve given us is light years ahead of our former ships, but we know that trusting us is something that we will have to earn. If I were in your place, I’d do the same thing. Am I right about the weapons?”


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