The Fix: Soccer and Organized Crime
Page 37
Kenan Erol, Sebatspor attempted fix
According to news reports, Kenan Erol claimed that there had been an attempt at match-fixing, but that both Olgun and Szegin had actually been part of it.
See Staff writer. “Prosecutor Probing Soccer Rigging Case.” Turkish Daily News (Istanbul). October 15, 2005.
Available at
See also Staff writer. “Fix: What Is Going on in Super League?” Turkish Daily News (Istanbul). April 13, 2005. Available at
“Bahis mafyasι.” Star Gazete (Istanbul). April 10, 2005. Available at gazetearsiv/index.asp?haberID=69496&gun=10&ay=4&yil=2005.
Tuncer, Yasin. “Sali Hakan Şikeyi 9o’dan çιkardι!” Zaman, Spor, (Istanbul). April 12, 2005. This is the article that contains the transcript of the conversation between Kenan Erol and Hakan Olgun; my thanks to Chris Wade for his translation and insight into Turkish Football.
Arslan, Mehmet. “Paralarýn sahibi telefon kaydynda.” CNN-Turkey (Hürriyetim). Anasayfa. August 27, 2005.
Staff writer. “Sebat Inquiry Rumbles On.” Turkish Daily News (Istanbul). September 3, 2005. Available at
Sedat Peker Inquiry
“Turkish Football Federation Probes Sport-Mafia Links.” Agence France Presse. October 26, 2004.
“Turkish Parliament to Probe Match-fixing, Fan Violence in Soccer.” Associated Press. November 23, 2004.
Kilinç, Erdal. “Mafya yesil sahada, Polisin dinlemesine ‘sike diyaloglari’ da takildi.” Milliyet (Istanbul). July 28, 2006. This article contains a series of dialogues, allegedly between mafia aides discussing various fixed matches. My thanks to Emre Ozcan for translation.
Staff writers. “Beşiktaş Accused This Time.” Turkish Daily News (Istanbul). July 28, 2006. Available at
Beşiktaş and Alaattin Çakιcι
Komisar, Lucy. “Turkey’s Terrorists: A CIA Legacy Lives On.” Progressive. April 1997. Available at
Kinzer, Stephen. “Top Fugitive’s Arrest Revives Turkish Corruption Inquiry.” New York Times (New York). October 15, 1998. Avaliable at fullpage.html?res=9Bo2EFDBi23AF936A25753CiA96E95826o.
“Intelligence Officer, Football Manager Charged in Turkish Mafia Scandal.” Agence France Presse. November 2, 2004.
Michael Franzese
Hearing before the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Governmental Affairs, United States Senate: One hundred and fourth Congress, Second Session – May 15, 1996. 36–43.
Mortensen, Chris. Playing for Keeps: How One Man Kept the Mob from Sinking Its Hooks into Pro Football. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1991.
Schoenfeld, Bruce. “Personality: The Fixer.” Cigar Aficionado. Online ed. Mar/April 2003.
“My personal opinion as one who has been involved in organized crime …”
“Athletes like to gamble. They are confident, aggressive risk takers …”
“You might approach them or set them up with a woman …”
Interview with Michael Franzese, January 1999.
Berlin prosecutor’s report on Hoyzer
Staatsanwaltschaft Berlin, June 2005.
“There were runners. They were ex-players …”
Interview with P 9, November 2005.
Business strategies of erotic dancers
Boles, J., and A.P. Garbin. “The Strip Club and Customer-Stripper Patterns of Interaction.” Sociology and Social Research. 1984: 58, 136–44.
Enck, G.E., and J.D. Preston. “Counterfeit Intimacy: A Dramaturgical Analysis of an Erotic Performance.” Deviant Behavior. 1988. 9:4, 369–81.
“Oh no, there was nothing subtle …”
Interview with P 3, November 2005.
“It was incredible …”
Interview with anonymous sources, August 2005.
“One thing you never heard about the gamblers …”
Cited in Whelan, David C. “Organized Crime, Sports Gambling, and Role Conflict: Victimization and Point-Shaving in College Basketball.” Unpublished Ph.D thesis. City University of New York, 1992. 137.
“It was an ongoing process that I wasn’t aware of any more in the end …”
Johannes B. Kerner Show. “Interview with Robert Hoyzer.” ZDF Television. February 9, 2005.
“Not to feel criminal in their thinking …”
Interview with SO 1, May 2005.
“You can get x amount of money for just ninety minutes of work …”
Interview with C 4, December 2005.
Chieu’s Fixing of a Match
From a Royal Malaysian Police confession, 1994–1995.
Kissing of hands
This is the customary way of greeting Malaysian royalty, of whom there are a great number as the country is a conglomeration of several indigenous kingdoms. Many of these people own or run football teams.
“Gateway Crimes”
Whelan, 142–52.
“But you know if they take the money once, it is over …”
Interview with LE 4, May 2005.
“As soon as [the players] take the money …”
Interview with C 2, December 2005.
Cricket match-fixing
Pycroft, James. The Cricket Field.(1851). London: St. James’s Press, 1922. 133–40.
The sport was actually codified specifically because there was so much gambling around it in the 1730s. For more background, see Rae, Simon. It’s Not Cricket: A History of Skulduggery, Sharp Practice, and Downright Cheating in the Noble Game. London: Faber and Faber, 2002.
“You never buy the same man but once …”
Pycroft, 134.
“You are more friendly …”
Interview with Michael Franzese, February 1999.
Problems of Fixing a Gambling Market
Interviews with C1, 2; B 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 15.
“I have taken money for a few games …”
Staff writers. “Kaksi Maalivahtia Kertoo IS Urheilulle, että Lahjuksia on Tarjottu” and “Maalivahti Sami Sinkkonen: Kieltäydyin Kolmest Lahjukssta.” Ilta-Sanomat (Helsinki). December 12, 2005. 2–3.
“What I do is have my runner stand beside the team box …”
Interview with C 3, November 2005.
Lottery tickets used for payment of bribe
Fernandez, Johnson. “A Worldwide Plague.” Malay Mail (Kuala Lumpur). July 28, 1993. 74–75.
Payment strategies
Interviews with C 1, 2
Malaysian Police Confessions 1994–1995.
“On the xxth of xxxx in Singapore …”
Royal Malaysian Police Confession, 1994–1995.
Biography of Ljubomir Barin
Interview with Ljubomir Barin, August 2005.
Much of the research in this chapter is from the books written by the various participants and players of Olympique de Marseille at this time. See, for example:
Eydelie, Jean-Jacques, and Michel Biet. Je Ne Joue Plus! Un Footballeur Brise L’Omerta. Paris: L’Archipel, 2006. After the book was published, Bernard Tapie tried to sue Eydelie for libel, but the case was dismissed.
When I contacted Jean-Pierre Bernès about the possibility of doing an interview, he replied that he was not interested and that his book was his “last word” on the subject. The book is:
Bernès, Jean-Pierre, with Bernard Pascuito. Je Dis Tout: Les Secrets de l’OM sous Tapie. Paris: Albin Michel, 1995.
See also:
Boli, Basile, with Claude Askalovitch. Black Boli. Paris: Bernard Brasset, 1994.
Dessaix, Marcel, with Philippe Broussard. Capitaine. Paris: Stock, 2002.
Other general books include:
Lecasble, Valérie, and Airy Routier. Le Flambeu
r: La Vraie vie de Bernard Tapie. Paris: Bernard Grasset, 1994.
Peraldi, Michel, and Michel Samson. Gouverner Marseille: Enquête sur les mondes politiques Marseillais. Paris: La Découverte, 2005.
See also:
Dubourg, Bernadette. “Ljubomir Barin Rejugé Seul.” Sud Ouest (Bordeaux). May 3, 2001.
Gattegno, Herve. “M. Barin Dévoile L’Ampleur de la Corruption dans le Football Européen.” Le Monde (Paris). August 12, 1995.
Story of Solti and bribe attempt
Glanville, Brian. Champions of Europe: The History, Romance and Intrigue of the European Cup.” London: Enfield, 1991. 86.
Barin provided referees and club owners
Gattegno, Herve. “M. Barin Dévoile L’Ampleur de la Corruption dans le Football Européen.” Le Monde (Paris). August 12, 1995.
Ultimate insider’s tutorial
Staff writer. “VA-OM; La Coupe Jusqu’à la Lie.” Le Point (Paris). July 15, 1995.
Claude Bez and the beginning of the fixing
Webster, Paul. “Referees ‘Bribed with Prostitutes’ in European Games.” Guardian (London). March 4, 1999. 12.
When a club asks me to look after the referees …
Dubourg, Bernadette. “Des ‘Faveurs’ aux Arbitres.” Sud Ouest (Bordeaux). March 3, 1999.
“L’OM Aurait Acheté L’Arbitre d’une Rencontre Contre Athènes en 1989.” Le Monde (Paris). August 2, 1995.
“I remember one occasion when a referee …”
Staff writer. “Tapie Projets Secrets.” Le Point (Paris). October 21, 1995.
Transfer Dealings
Dubourg, Bernadette. “Les Millions des Transferts.” Sud Ouest (Bordeaux). March 2, 1999.
Using these methods
Sage, Adam. “Referees ‘Bribed with Rolexes and Call Girls.’” The Times (London). March 4, 1999. 21.
I was caught up in a series
Interview with Ljubomir Barin, August 2005.
Barin as a fugitive
Gattegno, Herve. “L’Homme-cle des Affaires du Football a Été Arrêté en Allemagne.” Le Monde (Paris). February 27, 1995.
Gattegno, Herve. “L’Ancien Vice-président de l’OM Jean-Louis Levreau a été Placé en Garde à Vue.” Le Monde (Paris). April 27, 1995.
Imprisonment and confession of Barin
Dubourg, Bernadette. “Ljubomir Barin Rejugé Seul.” Sud Ouest (Bordeaux). May 3, 2001.
Staff writer. “VA-OM; La Coupe Jusqu’à la Lie.” Le Point (Paris). July 15, 1995.
Mr. Barin has pointed the finger at the entire organization of football …
Staff writer. “A la sortie d’une confrontation de quatre heures entre Bernès et Barin, hier matin, dans le bureau du juge Philipon, l’avocat de l’ancien directeur de l’OM a annoncé que l’intermédiaire croate avait ‘pointé du doigt l’organisation générale du foot mondial.’” Sud Ouest (Bordeaux). July 12, 1995.
Creation of slush funds
Broussard, Philippe. “Bernard Tapie Tiendra a Nouveau la Vedette dans le Proces des Comptes de l’OM.” Le Monde (Paris). May 12 1997.
‘L’Histoire d’un Pillage.” Sud Ouest (Bordeaux). March 4, 1999.
Specific games that were fixed
Staff writer. “VA-OM: La Coupe Jusqu’à la Lie,” Le Point (Paris). July 15, 1995.
Staff writer. “Tapie Projets Secrets.” Le Point (Paris). October 21, 1995.
Webster, Paul. “Referees ‘Bribed with Prostitutes’ in European Games.” Guardian (London). March 4, 1999. 12.
Gattegno, Herve. “L’Enquête sur l’OM de Bernard Tapie Dévoile des Faits de Corruption.” Le Monde (Paris). January 3, 1997. 6.
The culture of fixing that had arisen on the Marseille team …
Eydelie discusses this culture throughout the book, particularly in Chapter 1.
“I played for Marseilles, I know how these things are done …”
Gattegno, Herve. “Deux Enquêtes Judiciaires Dévoilent la Corruption du Football Européen.” Le Monde (Paris). August 12, 1995. 1.
Bribing referees with women
Webster, Paul. “Referees ‘Bribed with Prostitutes’ in European Games.” Guardian (London). March 4, 1999.
Dubourg, Bernadette. “Des ‘Faveurs’ aux Arbitres.” Sud Ouest (Bordeaux). March 3, 1999.
Two prominent French referees, Michel Vautrot and Joel Quiniou, testifying at the trial, claimed that although small, appropriate gifts were given to referees, they were only received in front of the UEFA match official.
Links to Gangsters
“Tapie, Courbis, Filippeddu, le Belge, mafia(s), foot, argent sale et coups tordus.” Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris II), Institut de Criminologie de Paris Département de Recherche sur les Menaces Criminelles Contemporaines.
Follorou, Jacques, and Vincent Nouzille. Les Parrains Corses: Leur Histoire, Leurs Réseaux, Leurs Protections. Document J’AI LU. Paris, 2004.
Henley, Jon. “Gangsters Kill to Control Paris Fruit Machine Racket.” Guardian (London). July 30, 2001. 13.
“‘Brise de Mer:’ Grand Banditisme, Milieu du Football Politique et la Mort de Dominique Rutily.” L’investigateur (Paris). 2001.
Bernès testimony.
Staff writer. “Bernès: ‘Chaque année, quatre à cinq matches étaient achetés.’ ” l’Humanité. July 10, 1995. Available at
Williams, 119–120.
Everyone is doing it …
Bernès, 43–44.
Sage, Adam. “Referees Bribed with Rolexes and Callgirls.” The Times (London). March 4, 1999. 21.
After prison career of Tapie
Jeffries, Stuart. “France Sells its Soul for a Fistful of Francs.” Observer (London). July 1, 2001. 4.
Sentencing of Barin
Dubourg, Bernadette. “Ljubomir Barin Rejugé Seul.” Sud Ouest (Bordeaux). May 3, 2001.
Wry Headlines
Staff writer. “A Really Full Bodied Bordeaux.” United Press International. October 31, 1990.
Sage, Adam. “Getting Their Kicks for Free.” Ottawa Citizen (Ottawa). March 4, 1999. B1.
Michel Zen and G14
Staff writer. “G14 Starts Legal Fight with FIFA.” BBC Sport. September 6, 2005.
Staff writer. “Swiss prosecutor throws out charges against Blatter.” Reuters, December 4, 2002.
“Sex was used. Sometimes it would be the translator …”
“I remember when I was a referee …”
Interview with Michel Zen-Ruffinen, March 2004, November 2005.
David Elleray, the British referee claims the same thing was done when he was refereeing a Real Madrid game. Elleray, David. The Man in the Middle. London: Little, Brown and Company, 2006. 132.
Jesus Gil
The Internet links showing Jesus Gil in a shoving match with other club owner is at
Staff writer. “Espagne – Jesus Gil: Président de l’Atletico et Politicien Controversé.” Agence France Presse. May 15, 2004.
Staff writer. “Spain’s Atletico Boss Gil Linked to Sicilian Mafia.” Agence France Presse. June 24, 1999.
“Only accept gifts if they are small … and expensive!”
Elleray, 132.
Night at Romanian brothel before a World Cup qualifying match
Elleray, 129–130.
Howard King
“Top Ref Banned for 10 Years.” Agence France Presse. February 15, 1996
Williams, 1996, 196–198.
Moggi at Torino
Vulliamy, Ed. “Turin Judges Turn to Sex and Soccer.” Guardian (London). December 8, 1993. 10.
Ong Kheng Hock
Staff writer. “Ong, Kannan Plead Guilty to Other Charge of Match-fixing.” New Straits Times (Singapore). November 23, 1995. 47.
Caught in the middle of a French political battle.
Interview with Ljubomir Barin, August 2005.
bsp; Robert Hoyzer
Nicola, Stefan. “Organized Crime Threatens German Pastime.” United Press International. October 18, 2005.
Kirschbaum, Erik. “Ban May Not Be Worst of It for Hoyzer.” National Post (Toronto). April 30, 2005.
Hoyzer on television
Kerner, Johannes B. “The Robert Hoyzer Interview.” ZTF Television. February 9, 2005.
An investigation that would spread across Europe
Kammerer, Roy. “Referee Given Prison Sentence in Match-fixing Trial.” Associated Press. November 17, 2005.
“With the time I have spent …”
Langdown, Mark. “Football: Hoyzer says Fixes Commonplace.” Racing Post (London). June 22, 2005. 89.
“They thought it would be limited to just one referee …”
Kirschbaum, Erik. “Ban May Not Be Worst of It for Hoyzer.” National Post (Toronto). April 30, 2005. 13.
The investigation, at first, seemed to go well.
O’Driscoll, Brian A. “German Referee Searched In Dawn Raid.” February 2, 2005.
Starcevic, Nesha. “Referee to Stay in Custody; Federation Suspends Another.” Associated Press. February 14, 2005.
Staff writer. “Ringleader in German Match-fixing Linked to Galastaray Match.” Associated Press. June 8, 2005.
“The name Koop won’t ever surface on the referees’ list again …”
Kammerer, Roy. “Hoyzer Arrested in Germany’s Match Fixing Scandal as Investigators Say More People and Games Could Be Involved.” Associated Press. February 12, 2005.
Four days after Hoyzer’s infamous interview …
Staff writer. “Referee in Germany Soccer Scandal Arrested.” Associated Press. February 12, 2005.
Goodbody, John. “Match-fixing Fears Grow.” The Times (London). February 14, 2005. [The Game, p. 21.]
Standard practice to visit brothels
Staff writer. “Vorspiel für die Schiedsrichter.” Der Spiegel (Hamburg). February 21, 2005. 17.
UEFA list in car of gamblers
Staff writer. “Schiedsrichter-Skandal Erreicht Uefa.” Der Spiegel (Hamburg). March 24, 2005. Available at
“Yes, we wondered about that …”
Interview with UEFA officials and German police.
This is normal. Normal …
Small fish …
Look, we have a lot of good relations with people
Interview with Milan Sapina, May 2007.