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His Killing Princess (Family First Book 2)

Page 6

by April Zyon

  “Don’t worry, I just need to make a call.” Emily held her hand out and added, “I need my phone. You took it off of me, remember?”

  “Ah yes, your phone.” Tony reached out and grabbed her phone. He placed it into her hands. “What agency do you work for that your tech is so high scale that not even The Kid can crack your codes?” he asked while holding her hand and the phone she held in it.

  Emily simply smiled and shook her head. “I can’t tell you that, Tony. Maybe one day, but not today. Just trust me?”

  “Today I will. Make your call, I’m making mine now too.” Tony pulled his phone out as soon as he let her hand go and stepped away from the bed with his phone up to his ear.

  Emily called Lucifer’s secured line. “Angel checking in.”

  “Angel, is all okay?” Lucifer asked tightly, his tone all business.

  “All is good. I’ve reconnected with Tony. We have things to work out, but I think … I hope that this is a path to full recovery.”

  Emily heard Lucifer let out a breath and then in a much lighter tone he said, “Good, I’m glad, Angel. Full recovery is needed for you kiddo. Do you still need backup?”

  “Negative, cancel that request.”

  “Consider it cancelled. Oh, and Angel?”

  “Yes, Lucifer?”

  “Have fun and be happy, but try not to get taken again. I expect another call same time tomorrow. Lucifer out.”

  Emily laughed and hung up the phone. Damn man had hung up on her without telling her how her boy was. Well, that ass. She looked over to where Tony stood with his back ramrod straight talking to Gregorio and sighed. She had no idea what their low-voiced conversation was about. She had a feeling it was not only about her, and that it was not a good conversation.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Greg, it’s Tony. Hey ,I’m sorry I’m calling at this time of the night, but I need a favor.” Tony hated to ask his friend for anything, but this was Emily and no one could find her there at his place, not until he was ready for them to. “Can you ask the guys to stay away from my place for a while? I’m working on something and I need everyone away.”

  “What do you mean, something? That’s not like you, Tony. Do I need to be worried?” Gregorio asked pointedly.

  “I will tell you tomorrow. There is shit going down, but it will hold for right now. I just need the night, Greg. Tomorrow I will come to you and we will sort all of this out. Tomorrow I will have proof and not just a gut feeling.”

  “Is it about what we were discussing?”

  Greg and Tony had both been talking about missing shipments, the Russians being one step ahead of them here and there and little things going wrong at all the wrong times. Initially they thought it was someone on the fringes of their operations, but now everything was adding up to them having a mole high in their ranks. They just couldn’t figure out who. There wasn’t a whisper of a sound on the streets. None of their usual snitches were saying a fucking word, and that was more than unusual for this type of double-dealing shit. Typically, people who dealt sideways slipped up and told someone—a hooker, stripper, their fucking momma, someone. They liked to brag. But this person was keeping it so low that they were getting nowhere fast. Until Emily. She knew, but then again evidently so did someone from his father’s past.

  “Yes, exactly what we were discussing. I’ve had two people come to me tonight with evidence, one I’m looking at now.”

  “Do you trust them?”

  “The one I’m looking at now? Yes, with my life.” He knew Emily heard that part but he didn’t care. He did. She was his fucking heart and soul, and the sooner she knew that the better.

  “Fuck, is it Emily? Is she back? What the fuck man, where was she?” Gregorio knew Tony a hell of a lot better than Tony gave him credit for if he got that. Tony was shocked, to say the least.

  “Yes, and I will tell you everything tomorrow. Trust me, Gregorio. You know I would never do anything to put the Family in jeopardy. I need tonight. You know I do.”

  “Are you sure she’s trustworthy? It’s been nearly two years.”

  “Beyond sure. If you can’t trust me tell me now and I will walk away.” Tony was willing to walk away from everything he knew for this woman. Everything.

  “I trust you, Tony, you know that. I will expect you both at one for lunch.”

  “Not Emily. Whoever took her doesn’t know she’s back yet and they can’t know, not until we have them under our thumb. I will be there.”

  He saw Emily making motions and asked Greg to hold on for a moment. “I can be there. No one will know it’s me,” Emily said with a grin. “Trust me, no one will recognize me.”

  “Okay, well I guess she will be coming. Just don’t call her Emily. Call her…” Tony looked at Emily and then grinned. “Call her Chloe. If anyone asks she’s an escort that I picked up from the airport, very high end or some shit like that.”

  Gregorio was laughing now. “Oh damn, your woman is gonna gut you. Have a good night Tony. I will see you and Chloe the call girl tomorrow at one.” The serious Boss returned for his next statement. “And don’t be pulling my fucking chain. Have proof. Know who it is or you and me will have some problems.”

  “I have it, Boss, and thanks. Tell Alessandra hello and I’m sorry if I woke her, but you will surely find some way to exhaust her once more.” Tony disconnected the call and looked at Emily.

  He smiled when he found her laughing. It was just another thing he loved about her. She had his same sense of humor. “So I’m Chloe the call girl, huh? So I’m going to be a blonde bimbo whose gonna fawn all over you and act as if I can’t even spell my own name but can fuck like I’ve memorized the Karma Sutra?” Emily asked him between her gales of laughter.

  “Oh hell yes, baby, you know it.” Tony put his phone down and stalked Emily. “So you made your call? I don’t have to worry about the Apocalypse happening?”

  “Nope, not tonight.” Emily had placed her phone on the table behind her and put her hands on Tony’s shoulders as soon as he was within reaching distance. “Tonight is all about Genesis. Creation. Make love with me, Tony? I’ve missed you so very much.”

  Tony’s hands were on her trim hips and he pulled her closer to him. He rubbed his thumbs up and down her hipbones and tugged her closer. She was more muscular than before, but still soft where a woman should be soft. It was her tits that held him captive, though. “Do you breastfeed our son?” he asked her as he leaned in to nuzzle at the larger breasts.

  “I do. I express milk and have it sent daily. There is a courier that picks it up that works for the Guild. In fact, I should get the kit from my place later tonight so I can express the milk. They will pick it up from here in the morning.” He was slipping her top from her shoulders and then her bra off before plumping her breast.

  “Tell me where you were living and I will get it after I’ve exhausted you. I don’t want you leaving my bed for any reason, Emily.” His words were harsh. He wasn’t willing to let her go, even for something so simple as retrieving a kit to feed their son. “I can’t let you go, not again. Tomorrow when it’s time for you to get ready to go to the Boss’s house I will go to your place with you. Tonight, after you are boneless and sound asleep, I will go and get the kit. Then I will wake you when I get back so I can see how you do it.” His thumb caressed her areola and he watched her face while she moaned in utter pleasure.

  “Fuck, Tony, you have no idea what that does to me.” Emily whimpered. “That feels so good.” Her nipple was hard as a pebble and dripped the smallest drop of white liquid that he couldn’t help but lap up with one draw of his tongue across her nipple.

  He was done playing. Tony soon had her naked under him and he was naked with her. It had been far too long since he had touched her or been touched by her. Tony needed to know that she was there with him and he needed her to know that he fucking owned her. His touch was brutal, yet soft. He kissed, licked, and bit all along her body. He moved from her breasts to her belly.
He saw them then, the faint stretch marks on her stomach, the signs that she had carried their son inside of her. The signs she had protected the product of their love. He reverently kissed and caressed each one. Tony wanted to fucking kill the person that kept her from him, kept them from each other. They had cheated him of every second he had missed in the time she carried their son and their son’s life to date. “Hands above your head, Emily and keep them there, baby.”

  He then moved between her legs. He inhaled the sweet scent that was all Emily. The smell of her hadn’t changed. She was just as sweet as she always had been, and he wanted her even more now than he ever had before. He bent his head and traced his lips over her bare mound. “Fuck, Em, I love that you still keep your pussy waxed.” He moaned and nipped her neat little clit that hid from him. “You are so fucking sexy.” He looked up her body when she went to move her hands from where he had told her to place them over her head and shook his head. “Don’t fucking move your hands, Em. You know better. When I place your hands somewhere or tell you to place them somewhere you aren’t allowed to move them until I tell you that you can.”

  “Sorry, Sir,” she said in contrition.

  “It’s been too long for both of us, I realize that. I will give you a pass this time.” He ran his tongue over her labia and then parted her folds with his fingers. “Has anyone else touched you aside from me?” He demanded an answer without hesitation.

  “No, Sir. Only you. My doctor was a woman because no other man was worthy.” He could hear the truth in her voice. He knew then that she truly believed her words. He knew she would have died old and alone if she hadn’t come into his window that night. She would have had their son and that was it. No matter how in love the other man was with her, she was in love with him and him alone. She would never have swayed from that love. That made Tony feel fucking invincible. “You love me that much?” he asked, stopping and looking up at her. He had to hear the words from her.

  “Yes, Tony. I love you that much. You are it for me. You are my soul. No one else ever would have replaced you. There never could or would have been another for me, only you. It was always only you. You took my virginity and you will always take my everything. I was born for you, can’t you feel that?” He could feel her sincerity, and with that last whispered sentence, he felt her uncertainty that he didn’t feel as much for her as she felt for him.

  He moved up her body, caging her in with his. His elbows on each side of her head, he braced himself so he could touch her face with his hands and smiled down at her. “Of course I feel it. I love you, Emily. I’ve only said that to my mother. I love our son. I’ve never met him, but I feel it. I can’t wait to meet him, by the way. But you, you are my soul, like you said. I’ve waited for you to come into my life so I could feel whole. When you did I was lost for so long because I didn’t know what that feeling was. Then I clued in and I loved it. I loved you. That day I was going to come back and ask you to marry me. Then you were gone and I was broken. It was worse than being half a man. It was like I was soulless, heartless, and haggard. I turned to drinking and whoring, but that only made things worse. I was losing my mind and couldn’t seem to pull my shit together. I had everyone looking for you. Fuck, I was a mess, Em. I was taking risks I shouldn’t take. Then I received that phone call from you and I couldn’t believe it. After all I had been told, lies upon lies, I didn’t know what to believe.” He leaned in and pressed his forehead to hers, closing his eyes so he could fight the tears.

  “It was the big fucker who’s in love with you that pulled my head out of my fucking ass and made me realize I was an asshole. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, hands down. Even finding my place inside of the family doesn’t come close to this feeling I have with you. Having you in my life is worth everything to me. You are everything to me, do you understand?”

  Emily reached up and brushed her hands over his shortly cut curly hair and smiled. “I do understand, Tony. I understand because I feel it, too. You made me remember that there is more to life than living for revenge. You made me remember that there is love and living. I love you, more than life itself, and there is nothing that will take me from your side now that I’m here. Now, enough talking, more loving? Oh, and I live in the yellow house behind yours to the left, just through the woods. The key is under the red potted plant and the alarm code is your birthday. The kit I need is in my bedroom on the nightstand in case I fall asleep before I’m able to tell you.”

  Tony laughed. “Are you expecting me to wear you out that quickly, darling?”

  “I remember how you are, utterly insatiable. I was always boneless and brainless after we loved. It was the best feeling ever.”

  “You are so passionate and you always gave me everything.”

  “You demanded everything from me,” she said with a laugh.

  “And you loved it, admit it.” He leaned in to brush his lips over her collarbone and up her neck. He whispered in her ear. “Tell me how you want me, baby.”

  “I want you however you want to take me, Sir. I need you to give me what you need from me. I am yours.”

  “Good girl.” Tony pulled back. He moved so he could grab her legs and hooked the backs of her knees up with his arms. “Guide me into your pussy, baby.” He had felt how wet she was and he couldn’t wait another second to get inside of her body. When she reached down and wrapped her tiny fingers around his cock and guided his dick into her pussy, he felt like he was coming home.

  Holding her legs apart, he pushed hard into her. He groaned. She moaned and he had to push in, pull out, and repeat several times because of how tight she was. “Fuck, Emily, you are so god damn tight.”

  “Haven’t been with anyone but you.” She lifted her hips slightly, using his arms that held her as leverage. “After our son was born I threw myself into getting back into shape so I could hunt down the fuckers that took me and the asshole that hurt you and has continued to do so to your family. I never dreamed I would be back in your bed.”

  “You will never leave it again.” Tony was determined she realize that, the faster the better in his opinion. He moved roughly. He knew he should take care, but he was too desperate for her. He needed her too much to stop himself from sliding in and out of her body in a rough rhythm.

  He smiled when she agreed, when she tightened her thighs around his hips. He wanted to come then and there, but he held off. Tony was determined for Emily to come before him. He saw her shivering, her body tensing and then loosening. He knew that look. It might have been a hell of a long time since he had her in his bed, but he knew that look from her. She was about to orgasm. She was close. “Let go, baby.” He leaned in so he could brush his lips over her ear and speak to her.

  When she screamed his name, he felt her pussy walls tighten on his cock and spilled deep inside of her body. He groaned at the feeling of release and finally said, “You can move your arms, baby.” When he said that, he wasn’t surprised when she moved her arms to wrap around his neck and pull him closer.

  “I love you, too,” Emily whispered against the side of his neck, which had his heart beating even harder. This woman did it for him. She was his life and he was damn happy she was back where she belonged, in his bed.

  “Good.” Tony nibbled on her neck and finally rolled them so they were on their sides. Brushing her hair from her face, he watched her. “I will be back in ten minutes. Do you want anything other than the milking kit at your bedside?” Tony needed to know what else she might need to be comfortable.

  “The kit is really all I need tonight. Tomorrow before we go to Gregorio’s we will go to my place again so I can get dressed as Chloe.” She yawned and he stroked his fingers down her throat.

  “Rest, Emily. I will be back shortly. I’m setting the alarm, baby.” He leaned in, kissed her, and then pulled back. The only reason he pulled back was because he knew she needed that kit to express the milk to take care of their child.

  “I will be here,” she whispered and be
gan drifting off to sleep. Damn he loved that about her, the fact that she gave so much of herself in their loving that she was completely wiped out.

  Tony leaned in and kissed her cheek again. Then he pulled away from her even when all he wanted to do was stay in her arms. He dressed as quickly as he could, looked back at his sleeping woman, and then left, setting the alarm so she would be safe for the ten minutes he would be gone, or less if he could manage it.

  Her place was exactly where she said it would be, as was the key. It pissed him off a bit that she had a key out in the open instead of locked, but he would let it go for now. Once he was finished gathering the kit, he walked out of the home, setting the alarm behind him once more.

  He was back and in bed with her no more than fifteen minutes later. Relaxing fully for the first time in nearly two years, he pulled her tranquil body against his.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The next day at the mansion

  Emily looked over at Tony and winked. “I told you that you wouldn’t recognize me.” She thought about the moment she walked out of the bathroom in the costume she was in now. The look on his face was priceless because she could tell he was surprised she had been able to change herself so much with what he thought was only makeup. What he didn’t see in the kit were the prosthetics that she used to slightly alter her facial features before adding the colored contacts and then heavy makeup. She was able to alter her breast and ass with the help of the same basic prosthetics and her hair with a wig.

  “I know, but damn, I didn’t think it would be this dramatic of a change.” Tony shook his head and then chuckled. “Damn, baby, you look good no matter what you are wearing though.” He added this quietly.

  Once they were seated at the table with Gregorio, Emily knew the other man meant business. She knew that with him excluding his wife from this conversation it was going to be rocky from the very start. She understood that Gregorio didn’t trust her like Tony did and with what she was about to lay out for them she was willing to understand his moves without him explaining.


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