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His Killing Princess (Family First Book 2)

Page 8

by April Zyon

  Tony thought Greg was still going to go through him to get to Snake, but finally he nodded and without taking his eyes off of Snake said, “Fine. I want to know everything. Take him to the basement and get him ready. I don’t give a fuck what you have to do. I want everything, but for the love of fuck don’t let Alessandra see him.”

  “No problem, boss. It will be done. How about you go and spend some time with Alessandra and keep her from the basement? I will question him. Everything will be live streamed to your phone. You know the codes. I will also ask Emily to assist. From what I understand she’s learned a hell of a lot of interrogation techniques we haven’t.”

  “Wait, what? That bitch is alive?” Snake had pure shock on his face and struggled to get up. “No, she’s dead. You said it yourself, she’s gone. She left you.”

  “Surprise motherfucker,” Tony said with a gleeful expression on his face that offered nothing but pain. “I look forward to letting her have a go at you. You took her from my life and nearly cost her not only her life but the life of my son, and you did cost me two years with her. You will not leave here alive, fucker, so the only question is, how much pain do you leave in?” Tony hauled Snake to his feet and shoved him into the wall before leading him down the hall and then into the basement. He called for Emily as he went down the stairs.


  Emily waited for the men in the basement. As soon as she saw Snake being led down by Tony, she smiled at her man and then looked to Snake. “Wonderful to see you again.” She watched Tony strap Snake onto the metal chair and nodded. “Thank you, honey,” she said to Tony and then accepted the kiss he gave her.

  She pulled away from him and licked her lips. “God I love you,” she said softly, without hesitation. She then turned to Snake and gone was the loving fiancé and mother, and in the place of that woman was the interrogator and killer. “Snake, we have questions and you have answers for us, ones that you will give us.”

  “Fuck you, cunt.” Snake spat at her.

  When Tony went to intercede, she shook her head and stopped him. “Tony, if you will please bring me my bag.” She asked her man softly, because she needed to take control. That was one thing she had learned early in her interrogation training, that if she were the lead she needed to take control from the start.

  When Tony brought her the bag in question she nodded and said, “I need you to cut his clothing off and then leave us.” At his look, she shook her head. “Trust me,” she whispered to him.

  “Yeah, Tony, get me naked with that hot piece of ass you have,” Snake said with a laugh.

  Emily reached out, put her hand on Tony’s arm, and shook her head. “Don’t. Don’t give him the satisfaction.” She winked at him and then looked up at the cameras. “You will be seeing everything I do and everything he does as well. You know what I can do, believe in me.”

  Once Tony had Snake naked and had walked out, she unrolled her special pack on the metal table and looked at Snake. “You don’t know me very well and for that I will give you a small pass. You see...” After filling a syringe with a clear liquid, she walked over to Snake. “I was trained from the time I was five to not only make men talk, but to kill them as well. The Emily you knew was only one facet of my personality. Unfortunately, you get an up close and personal experience with the side of me that even Tony hasn’t seen.” She pushed the drugs through the syringe and into the man. “This is so you feel absolutely everything I do to you. I don’t want you to miss anything,” she said with a smile.

  Snake cursed at her, but she simply ignored him and walked away. She moved back to her roll on the table and grabbed another syringe after disposing of the first. She filling the second one. “Now, this one will ensure you tell me the truth.” She waited another few minutes with the second needle in her hand. She wanted to be certain he felt the difference in the shots, so he understood the pain that would come from her hands.

  Once she was certain the medication had worked its way through his system, she gave him the next shot and heard him crying out. She simply smiled and looked at the two-way mirror where she knew Tony and Greg were watching. “As I said, you will feel everything I do to you, painfully. The injection I just gave you will ensure you are telling me the truth. You can try to lie, but it won’t work.” She ran her fingers along his shoulders, pinching him and listening to him scream with perverted pleasure. “See, that pinch would normally not make you even flinch, and now it’s making you nearly piss yourself.”

  “You fucking bitch.” Snake slobbered as he shifted in his seat. “I will kill you.”

  “No, no you won’t. Men who are far fucking better at killing have tried to take me out and haven’t succeeded, so there is no way that you will ever, ever get that pleasure. Now, on to the questions. Who are you working with?” She asked the simple question.

  “No one, you whore. Who are you fucking?”

  “Naughty boy.” Once more she turned to her roll and grabbed a pair of snippers. She clipped off the tip of one of his fingers. She listened to him scream impatiently and ignored his sobs. When she pulled back, she shook her head and sighed. “Jesus, one would think you were a newbie at torture. I’ve seen girls hold out better than you.” She put the snips down and then looked at him once more. Taking one of the extra seats, she sat across from him. She crossed her legs and watched him as he sobbed.

  Snaked pissed himself and if she weren’t mistaken shat himself as well, which had her shaking her head. “Are you ready to tell me yet who you are working with?” She asked once more, her foot rocked gently as if she didn’t have a care in the world. She looked as if she was talking to an old friend and not a man she was torturing.

  “Go to hell.” This time there wasn’t a scream, just the words from the man in a low, tortured voice filled with pain.

  “Oh, Snake, I’m afraid you will go there first. However, before you go you will tell me who you are working with. Now…” She stood once again and went back to her roll, which had him whimpering. Good, she was getting somewhere with him. She wanted him to equate that roll with pain. She needed him to understand that anytime she had to go to that roll it would mean more and more pain for him.

  She pulled out a thin glass cylindrical rod and looked at him. “Men have always said that women would break easily under torture. However, we have always endured far longer and far better than men. Do you want to know why, Snake?” When he shook his head and tried to give her a defiant glare, she simply smiled. “We are used to pain. Once a month we bleed, and when we give birth the pain is unimaginable. Pain is part of a woman’s every day being, but men? Oh, men aren’t accustomed to that pain. They aren’t used to anything that has to do with anything hurting their most sensitive areas.” She moved to him and looked at his flaccid member. “You are not as impressive as I heard you were. You aren’t below average or average, but Tony still has you beat by a very long country mile.” She grasped the man’s cock in her hand and began to feed the smooth thin glass rod into Snake’s urethra. Once that was done, she patted Snake’s shoulder and smiled. “I wouldn’t think X-rated thoughts if I were you or that will hurt like a bitch.” She then walked away.

  Back at her roll, she looked at the mirror and then down at her phone, reading the messages from Tony. She saw one word on the display.

  Tony: Ouch!

  All she could do was shrug.

  Snake was sobbing, and she heard him say, “Left Hand Luke. He was one of the contacts.”

  Emily arched her brow at the mirror and winked. She looked at the display of her phone.

  Tony: Holy Fuck, Em, you are fucking good. Remind me never to get on your bad side.

  “So, Left Hand Luke?” Emily said to Snake and approached the man, moving to him with a water bottle this time. “It’s water. Nothing bad added to it, just water. If you are very good I will also give you something for the pain you are feeling.”

  Snake greedily drank the water she was offered to him. After a minute, she pulled the water
bottle away from him. She knelt before him and watched him. “Now, I know there were three men you were working with and that was one. I appreciate you giving me the one, so why don’t you tell me the other two names?” she asked sweetly.

  “No, they will fucking kill me.” Snake’s eyes were wide with fear when he looked at her.

  “And I will kill you slowly and painfully if you don’t tell me.”

  “You won’t kill me. You can’t,” he said with a snort.

  “Oh, Snake, you still don’t know what kind of woman I am, do you?” she asked him with the shake of her head. She then went back to her roll and got her snippers again. She snipped another finger to the first knuckle. When he screamed, she asked the same question, who was he working with. When he didn’t answer, she took off another finger to the knuckle.

  She repeated the process over and over again until finally she grabbed Snakes penis and gave it a gentle squeeze. “I’m going to ask you one more time. If I squeeze this, it will break and you really don’t want that to happen, because the pain is unimaginable. I’m told its beyond intense.” She watched the man’s eyes bug just a bit at the pain that was already building. “Exactly. Now, tell me who else were you working with.”

  “The twins.” He spat out at her. “The fucking twins. That’s who I was working with. They were more the masterminds than I was. The twins did more to damage you guys than I ever did.” He was now whimpering like a punk bitch.

  Emily looked at the mirrored window and then walked away from a sobbing Snake. She rolled her pack back up and looked at the screen of her cell phone. It was odd. There wasn’t anything on the display. She‘d thought Tony would have said something, but he hadn’t. Maybe he had left her to do her own thing for a bit? She shrugged and walked back over to Snake, patting him on the shoulder. “I will check out what you’ve said. Let’s hope you haven’t lied, because if you have I will be back and I won’t be as nice next time.” She left the sobbing man in the darkness of the room and went upstairs so she could clean up before finding Tony to brief him on everything, just in case he missed anything.

  “Wait, there is more.”

  She heard him speak before she completely left the room. She walked back in and listened to everything Snake had to say. He told her about a lock box with evidence and begged for mercy. Mercy wasn’t something he would get, not from her, not from the man she loved either. No, this man would pay dearly for his crimes, but she wouldn’t tell him that. She watched as the man instead finally passed out from the pain as he begged for his life.

  Chapter Fifteen

  An hour later, Emily looked at Gregorio and then Tony. She was holding Tony’s hand as she gave the report of what she had learned while she questioned Snake. She had learned interrogation techniques from the best of the best in the business and had learned a great deal from Snake, a man who was now barely alive in the basement. “He was working with three others in your organization. He was working with a man called Left Hand Luke, whom I was told is called that because he lost his left hand in a poker game.” She watched the displeasure cross Gregorio’s face and added, “And someone he only referred to as The Twins. I don’t think he even knows their real names. He only called them The Twins.”

  “Are you certain?” This came from both men, a low rumbling growl of a sound from Gregorio and a shocked sound from Tony.

  “Absolutely. With the amount of truth serum I pumped into that man there was no way he could lie.”

  “Fuck.” Greg stood and began to pace.

  “I’m assuming you know who The Twins are?” Now Emily was more than curious as to who these people were.

  “Yes.” Greg growled and lifted his phone. “Double the guards on Alessandra and don’t allow anyone near her except for me or Tony, I mean anyone. Not even family.”

  “Oh shit.” Emily looked up at Tony and saw the expression that crossed the man’s face. She could read Tony like a book and the look on his face was clear. Whoever these men were, they were family to Alessandra and that was bad, very bad.

  “Do you need for me to take them out so it doesn’t fall back on you?” Emily asked simply.

  “No, we will take care of them.” Greg looked at Tony and gave her man a nod.

  “We got this, baby.” Tony gave Emily a squeeze and kissed the side of her neck. “Although it makes me hot as fucking hell to hear you talking about taking men out. God damn how did I get so lucky?”

  “No necking in my fucking office,” Gregorio said with a laugh. “Shit, the two of you are like damn teenagers.”

  “We have been apart for two years and are trying to reconnect in every single way we can. Besides, it’s not like you and Alessandra weren’t just as bad when you first got together.”

  Gregorio snorted at that and ran his hands through his hair. “Is there anything else I need to know?”

  “Yes, he has a lockbox he has video files in. It has everything from who he has met with over the years to what his passwords are and everything in between. The lockbox can be found buried in the grave of someone named Locksley Avero. I’m assuming you all know who that is or where the grave can be found. He passed out after he gave me that name I’m afraid.”

  “Yes, we know where the grave is. We all knew Lox when we were younger. Lox died when he was fourteen. He went ass over head on his daddy’s Harley and broke his neck. That’s when Snake decided to take off for the open road, and we stayed home to be a full part of the Family. Snake wanted to be part of the open road but me, and Greg needed to be part of something more, part of the Family,” Tony said to her.

  “I understand.” Emily slipped her hand into his, giving it a squeeze. “I’m glad you are where you are. I really am.”

  “Me too,” Tony said quietly.

  “I will leave you to make your plans.” Emily leaned in and gave Tony a soft kiss. She could sense Greg needed some time alone with Tony. There were secrets they didn’t want her to know and she understood that. It was time for her to go. She would give them some time.

  “I love you, Em,” Tony said and patted her ass as she walked out of the room.


  “She’s a good woman.” Gregorio leaned back in his seat and watched the door close behind Emily. “Scary as fuck, but a good woman for you. I personally prefer my Alessandra, but she’s perfect for you.”

  “Yes, she is, Boss. Yes, she is.” Tony leaned back and looked at his long-time friend and sighed. “The Twins. Fucking hell. What are we going to do?”

  “Take them out. She’s sure?”

  “Emily wouldn’t have brought their names up if she wasn’t sure. She doesn’t make mistakes like that. She’s lived and would die for this Agency she works for. She’s been trained from an early age, and she’s god damn beyond good at what she does. You have no idea just what she’s done, but I have a small inkling. Hell, I don’t even know what all she’s done. What little I do know, she puts some of our hired hands to shame.”

  “She’s that good?”

  “Beyond.” Tony wasn’t trying to sound boastful or proud. He was simply stating the truth. Shit, she had gotten a message out to her people to get herself free from the people that held her and kept herself and their son alive until rescue came for her. She was resourceful and incredible. The woman was smart, talented, and she was very fucking good with interrogations it seemed.

  “I’m trusting you on this. I’ve seen how you look at her, but its more than that. I see how she looks at you as well. I also have seen that she has been able to walk among our people without anyone having any fucking clue who she is and that takes talent. I don’t want to lose that talent if we don’t have to.”

  “I’m not asking her to come work for us when she already has a job with a place she calls a family of her own.”

  “And what about this family?”

  “From what she’s told me she can get her assignments and work from anywhere. She won’t take anything she thinks will lead danger to us, but she also won’t become a
hired hand for us. She said that The Family can hire The Agency, however.” Tony shrugged.

  “Not what I want to do. Hiring a third party is never a good idea.”

  “Except the third party would be family as well,” Tony shot back. “And you haven’t seen the big fuckers she calls her brothers. She calls them the fucking apocalypse, the Four Horsemen. The big bastard that visited me was a huge mother fucker, and you know I’m not exactly a small guy. This guy was massive.” And in love with his woman, which pissed Tony off.

  “Interesting.” It was all Greg said. “Perhaps it wouldn’t be bad to have outsiders here, just in case we needed an external perspective on things happening. I mean for fucks sake we never would have known about Snake if not for Emily and her agency.”

  “This is true. From what little I know they seem to have a hell of a long reach.”

  “It’s like they are their own mob family, but with their own rules. I don’t know how I like that,” Greg said with a frown.

  “Let me tell you what she’s told me. They have their own rules; they have a very strict set of them actually.” Tony explained what he meant by that, telling him everything Emily had shared with him about The Guild she worked for and at the end of it that had Greg leaning back and nodding.


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