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Page 5

by Harpie Alexander

  I must fix this. “I’m not leaving without you. If you stay, I stay,” I tell her firmly.

  “Aykeetan, look. Please don’t get me wrong, if I could, maybe I would, but I can’t be your mate. I just can’t be. I’ve been alone for a long time; I’ve lost many people I care about.”

  We were both silent for several minimas while her words sink in.

  This can’t be the way this goes, not after I’ve waited so long for her.

  “Even if I wasn’t sick, I don’t think I could handle losing anyone else. “I’m really tired and I wish to lay down. You can take the rest of this food when you go,” she says somberly as she leaves the room.

  I’m completely thrown. I never anticipated that my mate wouldn’t want me. How could the gods pick a mate that would reject me?

  She says she’s sick, but she doesn’t look sick to me, but I’d take care of her if only she let me. If she’s referring to her moment of confusion, that’s all been cleared up. Everything that needed to be said has been explained. She knows she’s not crazy and I’ve apologized.

  It pains my hearts to hear that she has lost the people she loved. Was it another lover? Is she afraid that I would take her and then leave her as if she doesn’t matter? The thought of someone doing that to her angers me. If someone has hurt my mate, I’ll tear them apart with my bare hands.

  Maybe she just needs assurance. I’m going to prove to her what a faithful mate I can be. That I would never abandon her, that I can provide for her. I may struggle with my patience around her, but it’s only because I’ve wanted her for so long. And now that I’m here, with her so close it’s hard to not claim her and complete our Kea’Vah.

  I leave her home to go hunting. I’ll catch some game so I can feed her like she fed me. This will certainly show her that I can provide and be a good mate. I’ve been told that many females find the prowess of a skilled hunter to be irresistible.

  Chapter Seven


  I almost regret sending Aykeetan away, but that feeling vanishes as quickly as it appears when the front door slams shut. So, he’s leaving after all.

  I know it’s irrational that this bothers me, but I can’t help the way I feel. He comes crashing into my life, claims I’m his mate, that I call to him and that we’re meant to be together.

  After realizing he was not a figment of my imagination, it seemed we got along well, and I did feel this natural pull that gravitated me towards him. Maybe that’s why I didn’t howl until he left my house, because it’s certainly not normal to let a stranger parade naked in your home.

  Then he leaves the moment I send him away, giving up on the whole mating business. I didn’t really want to send him away, but I can’t have a relationship with someone without knowing how it’s going to end.

  My mind wanders to Matt, the courier. I’ve been denying his requests to go out for months. Before I was hospitalized and after, and not once had I seriously thought about accepting, but here I was almost considering Aykeetan.


  If I wasn’t so sick, maybe I could actually have a life and let others in. My stomach rolls. Is that why he left, because I’m sick?

  This is exactly why I don’t bother with relationships. When I was younger, I had a hard time letting people in, and now that I know how short my life is going to be, it’s hard to imagine jumping into a relationship that will only be painful for the other person.

  So much for a nap. I throw the covers off my and jump out of bed. I’ve barely known this male and here I am upset of the fact he left me after I was the one that sent him away! God, what is wrong with me?

  Today has been a roller coaster and it’s taking a toll on me. Emotional whiplash was not on my agenda. Is it so hard to have just one sane day? Just one day where the paint doesn’t splatter into an ugly brown that no one wants to use in their damn painting. That’s not too much to ask, right?

  My thoughts keep creeping back Aykeetan. Why must he invade my head too? For a moment there, I almost wanted to believe everything he said to me, that the world was throwing me one last bone, but I was wrong. The only silver lining is that he’s gone before I grew too attached to him.

  Damn it!

  I think of his strong lemongrass musk. It was exotic and addictive. It made me want to lean in and lick his beautiful blue skin.

  No! I refuse to think about how he saved me from certain death, or his incredible sexy body.

  I didn’t pay attention to the small details of his body when I ran from him earlier, but when he was in the kitchen, I couldn’t help myself. My eyes had a will of their own. He had an ethereal blue skin tone like the Gerbera I painted, the same one that lies in the fields in front of my house. He’s tall, and brutish like a warrior, with defined abdominals. Extremely defined.

  I bite my lower lip. He has dark blue, almost black hair done up in tight and coiled braids with lose ends that lie flat against his muscular back and end just below his powerful shoulder blades. He has these gorgeous human eyes, like mine, hazel. His face is very human too, but the features are much stronger, bolder and aggressive. The only thing not human about him is the hardened bone-like protrusions on his temples. They are small and circular. I have no idea what their function is.

  Just thinking about him makes me want to touch myself. He’s everything a woman could want. Strong, handsome, kind, caring and protective. Too bad he left, and too bad I’m dying. Why is this world so cruel? If I wasn’t sick, maybe I could have given him a chance. To have something I’ve never had before.

  A knock at the door grabs my attention. “Hello, Jane, are you in there?”

  Huh? That sounded like Dr. Shaw. What in the world is he doing here?

  Oh. I remember that I called and left a voicemail at his office when I was having a breakdown. Damn! Guess it’s a good thing Aykeetan left. I don’t think I’d be able to explain him.

  I answer the door. “Dr. Shaw, I didn’t realize you were coming. I wasn’t expecting company.” I gesture to my pajamas.

  “Jane, thank goodness you’re OK. You sounded terrible on the phone,” he complains. “I was so worried about you. When I got your message, I came to collect you.” He walks past me into my home, setting down a suitcase.

  “Collect me?”

  I’m not sure what the hell that’s supposed to mean, but it doesn’t sound good. I’m not some doll you store on a shelf.

  “Yes. It’s obvious your condition is worsening and that makes it very clear you can’t be out here by yourself, dying or not. It’s my responsibility to ensure your safety.” He opens the suitcase and pulls something out.

  I can’t tell what it is.

  “Uh, no thank you. I’m feeling a lot better. Please don’t worry about me. I, uh, had a rather bad nightmare and I think I called you while I was still out of it. I’m sorry to drag you out here, but I’m staying,” my words are firm, trying to usher him out the front door as politely as I can.

  “I’m afraid you don’t have a choice,” he says with a syringe in his hand. He grabs my arm and injects me with something.

  “Stop!” I screech.

  His arms wrap around me in containment and I push against him trying to break free. I reach up to his face and scratch him. I don’t know why he’s doing this. Something is very wrong.

  His grasp on me doesn’t let up, and I continue to push, kick and scratch him. I can feel blood on my hands. I must have cut him somewhere. It doesn’t matter, it's not enough. I can feel my body becoming lighter and I feel tired as if I hadn’t slept in a long time. Within moments, I pass out.

  I JOLT AWAKE ON A HARD surface. Opening my eyes, I don’t recognize any of my surroundings. I’m lying on an old cot in the corner of a small dingy room. There’s a window on one of the walls with rusted bars on it, a toilet and a door. The walls are dirty and there is firm padding applied to it.

  This place looks old. What the heck. Where am I and what am I doing here? The smell of dung and hospital disinfectant assaults
my nose, and I double over, grabbing my stomach.

  Memories come crashing back and cause me to shiver. I was at home napping, Dr. Shaw showed up, kidnapped and drugged me. Why? This place looks nothing like the hospital I stayed in. It’s obvious that wherever he took me, it’s probably not sanctioned. I doubt anyone knows I’m here.

  I’d be scared, but I’m tired of feeling that way. I’m angry. I don’t even bother trying to understand how my life has gone down this spiraling toilet bowl. Aliens? Kidnapping? What’s going on here and why am I involved?

  I’m not going to get any answers just sitting here. I need to do something. I jump off the cot and nearly fall on the floor. Whatever Dr. Shaw gave me earlier has clearly messed with my faculties. I don’t feel a hundred percent.

  “What’s going on here? Let me out! This isn’t right!” I bang, beat and yell at the only door of my cell. It has a tiny window with two bars that cross it. I peer out, but I can’t see much. “This isn’t legal!” I yell one more time for good measure.

  “Keep it quiet,” a voice responds back to me. “Don’t make me come in there, or you’re going to get more sleeping time.”

  Moving to the only window, I notice how bright it is outside. Damn, I must have been taken last night! Those are some strong sedatives.

  It appears I’m on a higher level, so breaking and jumping out the window isn’t an option.

  Screaming as loud as I can, I tempt this jerk into my cell. If this guy wants to knock me out, he’s going to have to come in here to do it. I plan on getting out of this damn room and this damn place. If only I can just get some keys or a security card...

  The door busts open and three men come busting in, a nurse and two guards. They have weapons stationed on their hips. Damn, I wasn’t expecting three of them. There’s no way I can subdue all of them. My eyes dart between the three and I stand still for a moment, figuring out a plan. Rushing past them is my only safe option, and it’s not guaranteed to work.

  I fail miserably. Freedom is snatched out of my hands again. The guards grab one of my arms each and incapacitate me. The nurse has a needle in his hand. He’s about to inject me.

  “No!” I jerk my body around, attempting to break free from their grasps and avoid getting knocked out again.

  “This isn’t a sedative, just a little something to keep you from causing problems. You’re going to lose a little sensation in your limbs for a while. You’ll feel weak and have a hard time concentrating, with minor confusion,” the nurse informs me.

  Great! My legs fall limp below and the guards hoist me up under my arms. With my feet dragging behind me on the floor, I’m led down several hallways before being placed into a wheelchair.

  This place is massive. It’s hard to concentrate and memorize the way I came. I’m having a hard time moving my hands and neck, and my legs are strapped down. Essentially, I can’t move, I can barely see, and my mind is a jumbled mess. I make out enough to realize I’m in a sitting room with other people before being pushed in front of a TV.

  I’m left here to stew in my own mind. I hear laughter, shouting and tidbits of conversation randomly around me. Trapped and strapped like a nut case in a mental institution, my mind wanders down a spiraling path.

  Have I always been here? Is the cottage real? What am I doing here? I must be insane. There's no other reason to explain what’s happening to me. Where’s Aykeetan?


  That’s right, the medication the nurse gave me could make me confused. I need to at least try and stay alert and of sound mind. I almost lost myself there for a while. I can’t imagine being drugged day in and out. I can see how people lose themselves entirely in a place like this and it’s sad.

  At some point the injection wears off. My mind feels clear and I can move my hands and neck. I try and get a look around, but there’s not much. A few chairs, a television and some other people roaming around. I don’t dare to move, I’m content to sit here and objectively figure out a plan for escape.

  A GUARD EVENTUALLY comes by to wheel me down to a cafeteria. There’s a lot of people here and they’re lined up neatly, single file to get their food before sitting down quietly to eat. It’s way too quiet in here. I’m getting the sense that talking is not allowed in here and it’s bizarre.

  A male guard comes by and drops a platter of food in front of me. “No talking. Don’t start any problems. Eat your food.”

  Huh? Keeping my mouth silent, I look to the other men and women around me. They drop their gazes rapidly as if they are lambs among wolves. What the hell is going on here?

  I look down at my platter of food and I’m instantly turned off. The sight and smell alone are enough to make a dog turn its head. I try and eat the disgusting slop, but my stomach gurgles. I must hold back the urge to vomit.

  “Eat your food,” the guard commands.

  I’m not an idiot. It’s clear that if I don’t eat the food I’ll be punished. Who cares if I eat the food though? What’s it to them? They probably just get paid to follow orders and beat on us if we disobey the rules.

  I scoff and it earns me a dangerous glare from the guard.

  OK, eating food it is, but I’m not dealing with the mess if I get throw up.

  I plug my nose while shoveling food into my mouth, not wanting my brain to register the taste or smell. It’s difficult holding my stomach back, but I finish the food with a serious stomachache. I’m pissed right now.

  One of the guards from earlier comes by and I see his name badge. Steve. He wheels me out of the cafeteria and back into the sitting room. At least no one tied my arms back up. I’m still stuck in the chair, however, I’m sure if I put the effort in, I could escape. It's just not worth the risk of getting injected by god knows what again.

  I regret sending Aykeetan away. Maybe if I didn’t tell him I was sick he wouldn’t have left so easily. Damn him. So much for us being mates and calling to each other. I wanted to believe it. I did. I know I fought it, but I had my reasons. I could be in my cottage right now, but instead I’m in this creepy prison without my consent.

  No one even knows to look for me. My eyes began to burn, but I hold back the tears. I need to be strong. No one is coming to get me. I need to rescue myself; I’m not going to die here.

  I recall everything that happened today from start to finish. Waking up, meeting Aykeetan, almost dying from a bear attack, being rescued by Aykeetan. What I wouldn’t do to have him here with me right now.

  I ignore those thoughts. He left me and I refuse to think about him, the smell of him when he’s so close to me, or his delicious body again. Ever. Back on track. My guest leaves, and then Dr. Shaw shows up and kidnaps me. What does Dr. Shaw have to do with any of this? He’s been my family doctor since my previous one retired. He was kind and always listened to any issues I had. I felt he tried his best when I got really sick and was hospitalized for observations. I can’t comprehend how he involved himself with any of this.

  I’m completely distracted when a girl leans in and tries to start a quiet conversation. “Jane, right? You’re new here,” she says, looking behind her to check if anyone is watching. “No one lasts long here. You'll get used to it. For what it's worth, I'm Kate.”

  “Yeah well, I’m not planning on being here long.” I gesture in front of her. “How do you even know my name?”

  “Word spreads quick around here.”

  “Well Kate, I plan on getting the heck out of here and going home. I’m not dying in a place like this,” I whisper lowly to avoid attention.

  Kate looks shocked. “Oh honey, you don’t know do you?” She begins to fumble with her hands as she looks over her shoulder again. “Did you ever sign up for a medical study?”

  Huh. How did she know that? That was a long time ago. Without my parents deceased, I had to work hard to earn enough money to go to school. I didn’t want to burden my grandparents. I signed up for a medical drug study where they did basic testing, and when I was approved, I was given a natural drug
supplement for sleeping. It paid great, I slept great and I was able to go to school.

  Kate must have noticed my confusion because she begins to speak again. “I take that as a yes. That wasn’t a real study, Jane. Or they weren’t studying what they claimed. This is going to sound crazy, but they were testing human reproduction.”

  “What the hell? I don’t believe you. This is the twenty-first century; we know about human reproduction.” I laugh as I turn to face away from her.

  I should steer clear from this one.

  Kate comes around to the other side and kneels in front of me as if she’s hiding from something. “Don’t look down, or they will notice I’m over here. I’m not crazy, I swear. This is a massive operation.

  “They claim to do a medical study, they give you drugs that slowly alter your DNA so you can have babies...with aliens. Why do you think they keep most of us sedated? They don’t want to change any problem behaviors and they are not allowed to permanently damage us. Apparently, the people they sell us to like to tame us before they breed us.”

  What? This is getting more bizarre by the minute. Alien abduction?

  Then I think back to Aykeetan.

  Well OK, aliens do exist, I can confirm that. But a massive alien abduction operation on Earth? Yeah right...but then why did Dr. Shaw abduct me?

  Oh God. Maybe there is some truth to this story.

  He knew about the medical study. The pills they gave me all those years ago did make me tired, but if they weren’t for sleep, then what the heck were they for? Panic overcomes me as I begin to hyperventilate.

  Kate grabs my hand and tries to soothe me. “Shh. Relax. You need to relax,” she urgently whispers. “They're going to notice if you have a freak out and dose you up.”

  I hear what she is saying, I agree, but I can’t control my body. I use my hands to rub the back of my neck and try to calm myself down. I inhale deeply and then exhale.


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