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Page 11

by Harpie Alexander

  Dammit. Maybe I was wrong to request us to sleep on separate sides. All I know is that the best sleep I’ve ever had was in those few hours with him next to me. I don’t want that to go away.

  I haven’t made a sound, and I’m nervous to. If I do, he would know that I know he woke up next to me, and I don’t want things to be awkward. Arg. Why is this so damn difficult?

  He’s taking this very seriously, like a gentleman or rather I gentle-alien, and it makes me want to test the boundaries just a little, but I’m unsure of how to go about it. I’ve never done this before. The longer I sit here and think about his body pressed against mine, the quicker the thoughts of waiting disappear.

  I decide to feign a nightmare, it’s the only think I could think over. Grasping as much bedding I can muster; I toss it on the floor with flimsy aim. My body shivers without covers or the warmth of his body, so naturally, I roll over to be closer to him. Now that the blankets are gone, he has nowhere to hide and our bodies eventually collide.

  I’m not sure if he’s buying my act and he doesn’t call me out on it, but I keep it up regardless. If I can pretend for a moment that he thinks I’m sleeping, it’s easier. Normal Jane just doesn’t have it in her to make the first move. Or maybe she does, and I just didn’t know it yet.

  I can hear him muttering in an alien language and it’s incredible sexy. His voice deepens with each word that escapes his delicious lips. Lips that I want to touch desperately. His body becomes rigid, as if he’s unsure of what to do and I realize it’s my fault. In my desperate attempt to get close to him, I must be making him anxious, or excited. I can work with both; I feel the same way.

  How else is he supposed to respond? I haven’t exactly given him the go, and yet here I am throwing myself at him, the poor guy. His level of restraint is strong, but I’m certain it’s shredding him to pieces. I know how much he wants me, but he’s patiently waiting for the right time.

  Ah, screw it. I open my eyes. He’s staring directly at me.

  “Kiss me.” The demand is quiet and more like a plea.

  His pupils dilate and I can almost see the gears turn in his mind. Maybe he didn’t hear me.

  I’m overwhelmed with a desperate need to feel his lips against mine, instead of my hair. I move in, reaching a hand around the back of his neck and pull him down towards me. Our lips brush against each other’s in slow nipping movements. I feel him place an arm behind my back and squeeze me even closer to him as I wrap one of my own arms and legs around his torso like before. We’re a tangled mess of bodies as we continue our very first kiss.

  Soft moans escape my mouth as both of our breaths pick up pace. Our lips crush with firmness and the occasional tongue darts out for a taste. I open my mouth, letting his tongue brush against mine.

  He tastes like a sweet lemonade, and his breath is almost salty, like the ocean. The combination drives me wild. I can’t get enough.

  It doesn’t take long for the kiss to turn from shy one to a burning hot fever as we embrace the other tightly and smash our lips in a messy fashion.

  I wasn’t expecting perfection, but it certainly feels like it is. I never realized how amazing a kiss can make someone feel. I’m darn ready to explode into stars.

  His musky, lemongrass scent stirs me further and suddenly, I start to grind my hips against his. Gently at first, but that’s thrown out the door as we both start to groan in pleasure.

  I almost wish we discarded our clothes, but I’m not sure I’m ready for that yet. I feel like this is a good start where we’re at now.

  I rock against him harder because I need the pressure between my thighs to relieve me of this hallowing ache. I’m a volcano ready to explode. He seems to sense my need and gradually moves his hips back. The hard, rigid length of his member jabs at me through his vratike, desperate for me to sheath him, but I’m not ready to lose my virginity yet.

  Grabbing his arm and placing them behind my back, I’m suddenly beneath him with my legs wrapped around his hips. If we weren’t wearing any clothing right now, our most intimate places would be grinding directly against each other. My back arches as he begins to place soft kisses in the crock of my neck. I can’t help but squirm beneath his incredible body.

  His hips grind faster and faster against me, becoming erratic as I try to meet him, but all of a sudden, my entire body shivers and I can’t help but scream out in ecstasy.

  The powerful orgasm flies through my body like shooting stars. It’s as if I’ve been blasted across the universe with no end in sight, until finally I’ve dropped from the sky and land safely in this male’s arms.


  I can feel the wetness of our combined orgasms between our clothing. We are both panting, trying to regain our breath, and before long we are staring into each other’s eyes.

  He leans his face down and gently places his lips to mine. It’s soft and tender and filled with affection. He ends the kiss, brushing his nose against mine as we share the air between us.

  We open our eyes at the same time, and my breath hitches. It’s like he can see into my soul, I feel naked under his piercing hazel eyes.

  I can’t help myself when I wrap one of my hands behind his neck and grab a fistful of his long, thick hair while opening my mouth to him again. As our tongues touch, another bolt of lightning crashes down through my body, straight between my thighs. I know I just had an orgasm, but I feel the need for another. I had no idea that kissing was so erotic.

  As we kiss, my need builds up inside me again. I try to clamp my legs close, but his hips are in my way. The moment he realizes that I need more from him, he reaches one of his hands between us and slowly rubs me. I moan into his mouth.

  Our tongues battle each other, sliding over and over. The feeling of his rubbing against mine drives me wild. He’s a fast learner because this kiss is even better than our first. He applies more pressure to the circles he’s drawing. My body desperately tries to thrash beneath him, because I can’t handle this level of pleasure, but his body is holding me in place.

  All of a sudden, I close my eyes and scream out, “Aykeetan!”

  He slowly comes to a stop after my second orgasm, finishing the kiss that he started. Shyness creeps in after such an intense and intimate moment and I turn away for a moment, but he pulls me back against him, his hands cupping my face as he gazes deeply in my eyes.

  “Please don’t retreat. I don’t regret a single thing, and neither should you. What we shared was beautiful, Jane,” he says before leaning down to touch his forehead against mine.

  He’s right, I shouldn’t be ashamed. I can’t be because I want more. How could I ever go back after opening myself up enough to let this male in?

  I curl to my side and let him envelop me from behind. Now he’s the big spoon. Too relaxed from my multiple orgasms, I decide I’ll clean up in the morning. I’m too sleepy to do it now.


  What started out as a night to get some well-deserved rest, it turned into a night of fevered passion. After I came back to bed from cooling down in the shower, it was only a matter of time before my mate came crawling her way back over to me. I was unaware she was awake at first, thinking this was done accidently in her sleep.

  It became apparent very quickly that she was shy and only wished to seek my comfort. It was no matter; I can easily play along. If my mate has difficulty coming to me in her time of need, I have no problem pretending along with her plans. It’s adorable.

  It didn’t take long for the scent of her arousal to reach my nose, drawing me inwards. Everything about her calls to me. Her lovely eyes that shine when she’s happy, or the way she smiles while laughing, her passion for art, personality and that sweet, delicious scent of tave between her legs.

  She’s dangerous, a predator unknowingly seeking her prey. For the first time in my life, I’m enthralled by the idea of being hunted. If she were anyone else, I’d lose my interest fast, but this incredible Earth woman before me is my mate and I’d le
t her do anything she wanted.

  We kiss and touch each other fulfilling the unspoken desire that demanded to be claimed, before she fell back asleep fully satiated. I, on the other hand, am praying to the gods, thanking them for this development in our relationship. I now know that the Kea’Vah may not be too far away and the thought makes my hearts beat excitedly in my chest.

  “Goodnight, my love,” I whisper softly, kissing her softly on her head.

  Chapter Sixteen


  The next several days pass by in a blur. Every morning Aykeetan and I get up and share breakfast with each other before roaming around on the ship. It’s not safe to leave the area yet with so many human authorities assisting the abductees and investigating for themselves what happened to them.

  Fortunately for us, Captain Rasheed had my abductors systems wiped after copying it. Unfortunately, for my fellow abductees, anything they try to tell people will be difficult to corroborate.

  When lunch time comes around, we share our meal in the mess hall with the other crew members who I’ve gotten to know much better. They are wonderful males and I’m so grateful that they came to our aid.

  Vashawn was nice enough to teach me how to use the replicator. I spent a good amount of time crafting a deck of cards, a checker and chess board with pieces and Jenga.

  The Earth games are very popular among the crew. Teaching them how to play was simple and they took to the games like kids to candy. Several of them held competitions during mealtimes.

  I guess space life is stressful. I can imagine being cooped up on a ship with several males can get difficult at times, but they’ve been good company. Some of the crew have requested me to make more game replicas so they can bring them home to their families. I’m super excited. It will take me some time of course, but it also gives me something else to do while allowing me to express my creativity.

  The evenings, however, are entirely different. Aykeetan escorts me to the holodeck, which by the way is amazing, where he meticulously programs a different romantic setting every night. He cooks up a delicious human meal with wine and decadent deserts. I had no idea he could cook, but there’s a lot about him I still don’t know. Every day we spend together is another day we become closer to one another.

  After we eat, we walk along the holodeck beach and talk about our past, our future, and what we want out of life. About us.

  We have a lot in common. We both love nature and wildlife, love to live a simple life, want big families and have wonderful parents.

  There was one evening where I could almost feel the pain in his eyes when I explained how I lost my parents. He pulled me in for an embrace and didn’t let me go at all that night. He didn’t judge me. He just carefully listened while he wiped away tears that slid down my face. I have never felt more cherished in my life.

  After spending quality time on the holodeck, we head back to our cabin and get ready for the night. Every evening just before bed, he pulls me into his arms and kisses my softly until I can’t help but sigh as my legs turn into a puddle of goo. It’s sweet and tender and makes my heart flutter.

  We haven’t been physically intimate together like we were the first night. And while my body is on fire for him, we’re connecting on an emotional level. I really feel like there’s a lot of potential for us here. He’s so polite, respectful and incredibly thoughtful towards my feelings. I feel like I’ve met the most incredible male in the entire universe, and he adores me.

  He accepts me for who I am, even if I’m still figuring that out, but I do feel like I’m starting to find my place again. It’s like I’m pulling myself out of a deep well that I’ve been drowning in for a long time, and Aykeetan is up at the top waiting, reaching for me.

  Every day we get to know each other better and I find myself more and more attracted to him and his personality. He helps makes me laugh and smile while helping me to forget my undesirable past.

  The best part is how he makes me feel things I’ve never felt before. Like when he gazes into my eyes, the butterflies in my stomach, or when he leans in to caress me. It’s as if he’s lightly stroking my entire body. And when he kisses me, it’s as if the entire world just disappears and the only thing that matters is the connection unfolding between us.

  Even though he’s not human, I know my family would approve of him. I approve of him, but I’m not sure if I’m ready for a lifelong commitment yet. What if something happened and we decided it wasn’t going to work out? This unspoken relationship we seem to be creating is my first.

  I’ve never dated before because I’ve never found anyone that sparked my interest...that called to me. But it feels like he is the one for me. Everything that’s happening feels right. We’ve known each over a week now, but it feels like forever. And if Aykeetan is not the right one for me, then who is? He’s the only person to ever get this close, the only one I’ve ever been intimate with, the only one that I’ve allowed feelings to blossom in my heart for.

  While I can’t say that I love him yet, I also can’t deny that there are feelings there, sprouting like a wildfire that spreads and consumes everything in its path. It’s stronger than liking someone. I just can’t put on a name to it. The best way I can describe it is like I’m the painter and life’s the art, and he’s my brush. I need him to paint art.

  Maybe...maybe this is what love is. Maybe I struggle to label what’s between us because I’ve never experience it before, and I simply don’t know how. Whatever this is, I want to nourish it, and see where it takes us.

  Would it really be so awful to do this Kea’Vah bond with him?

  IT’S A NEW DAY AND we finally receive word that the situation at the facility has been cleared up for the most part. All the men and women who were abducted are now safely back at home.

  Well, except for the one woman who is somewhere on this ship, which reminds me, I have yet to see her. She’s refusing contact with anyone except Vashawn and Dr. Dushaad, who have apparently been doting on her. Something must be going on there. I only wish to know she’s OK. Rasheed and his crew are great, and I know they will take very good care of her and her wishes.

  My only regret is not seeing Kate again. I wanted to apologize for being standoffish and to thank her for helping me out, but she’s long gone by now...

  Aykeetan is taking me to the cottage today and I’m super stoked. I’ve felt like the walls were caving in on me. Don’t get me wrong, it’s been great getting to know everyone, especially my male, but space life just isn’t for me.

  Earlier today the crew had success with some of the files they stole from the facility. They were able to track down a few leads and pin down locations of some of the alien buyers, but unfortunately, the trails went dead.

  Rasheed wasn’t having that, so he transferred over to the mothership this morning. I hope they get these guys; I don’t want what happened to me happening to anyone else. I’ll sleep better at night knowing this won’t ever happen again.

  IT’S BEEN ABOUT A WEEK since I’ve been down to medical bay. I’m on my way there now while Aykeetan is in discussion with the crew.

  “Jane, how are you faring today?” Dr. Dushaad asks as I enter the room.

  “Really good, I’ve had no issues, but Aykeetan and I have decided it might be a good idea to have a check-up and see how things are going, just in case. If you have a moment?”

  I don’t want to be presumptuous. Maybe I should have come a lot sooner, he could be busy.

  The doctor leaves his desk and motions for me to sit on the examination table.

  “No, this is a great time, and a good idea.”

  I watch him grab his scanner and some other tools. Taking some blood samples, and a hair sample. It’s rather quick and it fascinates me that he can give me a full medical checkup quicker than it takes for me to make an appointment.

  “Excellent news, your body is recovering perfectly from the serum, removing the damage from before. It’s not complete yet, but it will be soon.”
  My shoulders, that I had squeezed and raised up to my ears without noticing, slump while I sigh. “Thanks so much. Honestly, you’ve really changed my life. I was living like hell before you treated me.”

  It’s hard for me to read his Vo’Sharitah face, with the hairs and all, but his smile does wonders.

  “You’re most welcome. Anytime, Jane.”

  I leave the medical bay with a skip in my step finally glad to be rid of this overbearing cloud.

  No more pain, no more deep aches, headaches and migraines, or feeling brittle as bird bones. For the first time in forever, I feel great. It’s refreshing to wake up each day feeling healthy and not worrying about what new symptom will emerge and ruin my day.

  DECIDING TO TAKE ONE last hot shower before leaving the ship, I slip off my clothes and hop in. The water temperature is great, and the pressure is even better. I could get used to this, but I can’t. I’m going back to the cottage shortly and I need to figure out what I’m going to do about Aykeetan. I want to be with him, but he doesn’t belong here on Earth and I don’t want to leave my home. I’m conflicted.

  “Jane, love, you almost done in there? We’re here, at your home. We can get off the ship anytime now.”

  Amazing. I didn’t even feel the ship move, it’s smooth as silky soft sheets.

  “Yeah, I’m almost finished. Just let me dry off.” I step out of the shower to give myself a good pat down before putting my clothes back on. It will be nice to have more than one set of clothes to wear. Aykeetan offered to make more clothing sets for me, but I didn’t want to waste the materials. I have plenty of nice clothes to wear at home.

  Exiting the bathroom, Aykeetan stands by the door waiting for me with a small sack containing our few belongings.

  “I can’t believe that’s all we have,” I mention as I stare our possessions.

  He places an empty hand around my shoulder, pulling me against him. “I don’t need much as long as I have you.” He kisses my temple.


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