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My Champion

Page 4

by Alanea Alder

  Adriel met her gaze and nodded. "I understand that you are to work directly with our prince; however, if you need anything, anything at all, any warrior in this city would drop everything to help both you and your brother. You are one of ours now."

  Kari could feel the enormity of his declaration. She understood why Avery had been so happy earlier. It had been a very long time since she felt like she had the support of a family.

  "Dear gods! Please tell me no one told Meryn about what happened to Declan!" Bethy gasped.

  Aiden stood and shot from the room, Gavriel chuckled with Adriel. Stefan laughed outright, collapsing to one side of his chair.

  Kari looked at Bethy. "Why would that make him run?"

  Bethy took a moment before she answered. "Since coming here, I have found myself relying on Declan heavily when working with the city's people. I was raised here, but I am still the prince's niece. Declan, on the other hand, is seen as somewhat of a champion of the people. He strives to remain neutral and will mediate between the Founding Families and the citizens. The people absolutely adore him; Meryn is no different. In Meryn's convoluted mind, the unit warriors belong to Aiden and Aiden belongs to her, so if anyone hurts the warriors, she hurts them."

  "And she calls him Simba," Gavriel added, chuckling.

  Bethy smiled. "She declared that as his walkie-talkie call sign. When she wasn't feeling well earlier this week, Declan took over guard duty, and they vegged out watching Disney movies and eating Cheetos. I think they watched Lion King six times. He spoils her rotten."

  "But what could she possibly do that had the Unit Commander running out of here?" Kari asked.

  Gavriel, Adriel, and Magnus winced, and Bethy winked at her. "What can't she do?"

  "Now I really have to meet her." Kari strummed her fingers on her chair arm. "Is there a way to do interviews with all the mated couples in the city to determine how many of them are arranged and if anyone is being forced?"

  Adriel exchanged glances with Magnus, and Magnus nodded. Adriel turned to her. "I think that is a wonderful idea, however, we may have to wait for your mate to heal."

  "Why? I understand he is popular, but surely others could get this done."

  Adriel tilted his head to one side. "You do not know who he is, do you?"

  Kari began to get agitated. "You mean in the fifteen minutes I was with him, while he was drugged with his intestines hanging out? No, we did not really get a quality chit chat in."

  "Oh, I like her!" Bethy said, her eyes dancing.

  Adriel made a pained expression. "Forgive me, I did not mean it that way, more rhetorical, I guess," he paused. "Your mate is Declan Lionhart."

  She nodded. "That surname sounds familiar; the doctor said something about a Lionhart being too strong to succumb to those type of wounds."

  Bethy cocked her head to one side. "Are you familiar with the shifter ruling families?"

  Kari shook her head. "I do business mainly with humans and vampires. I try to leave the politics of the Founding Families and on goings of the pillar cities alone."

  Magnus leaned forward. "Kari, the Lionharts are as prestigious as the McKenzies. They are considered one of the few shifter Founding Families. His father, Jedrek Lionhart, is the shifter Elder in Eiré Danu. His older brother, Rex, is the shifter Elder here in Noctem Falls, and his younger brother, Ari, is second in command to Brennus Vi'Eirlea, Queen Aleksandra's mate and royal consort."

  Kari felt her eyes bug out. "What is he doing here?"

  "Ouch," Bethy winced, sneaking glances at Adriel and her uncle.

  Kari wished the floor would swallow her whole. She had made more social faux pas this afternoon than she had in the past decade. "My apologies, I did not mean to offend."

  Adriel surprised her by nodding. "I understand exactly what you mean. I asked him that myself the day he arrived to act as my second in command. Can you guess what he said?" Kari shook her head. "He told me, 'it looks fun'." Adriel leaned back in his chair. "I believe he appreciated the distance he got from his family."

  "But I thought you said his older brother was the shifter Elder here?" she asked.

  Adriel nodded. "Yes, but he arrived after Declan."

  Kari was nodding her understanding when a thought struck her. "Why is he not here? His younger brother almost died."

  Magnus paled and stood. Without saying a word, he left the small conference room.

  "Oh dear," Bethy murmured.

  "Rex is going to be a bear to deal with. He is very protective of his brothers." Adriel stood. "I will warn our prickly healer. If you will excuse me..." He hurried from the room.

  Bethy looked between her and Gavriel. "I'll make an announcement that, starting tomorrow, Declan will be conducting interviews with all the mated couples."

  "Will he be healed by then?" Kari asked worriedly.

  Bethy nodded. "Lions tend to heal faster than most shifters." She looked around. "Uncle will be back soon. Did you want to wait here?"

  Kari nodded. "Yes, that is fine. After he returns, we will head back to the office. I want to go over past reports to see if I can find anything that may indicate issues between couples."

  Stefan stood when Bethy and Gavriel did. "Can I tell Rachelle and Peter that the wolves have the support of Prince Magnus?"

  Bethy rubbed her temples. "Stefan, I'm so sorry, I completely forgot that this affects one of your pack members. Yes, of course, tell them my uncle supports them one hundred percent. If any of your people discover mates, please advise them to alert us immediately so that we may avoid another scene like today."

  Stefan nodded. "Of course. If I may make a suggestion?" He hesitated, as if his opinion wouldn't be welcome.

  Gavriel looked kindly at the young wolf. "Please."

  "If you want some of the women to open up, include Micah. I haven't been here long, but I see the way he treats them; they trust him."

  Bethy smiled at the young wolf. "I'll have Adriel add his name to the assignment. That's a very good suggestion, Stefan. Please know that your input is vital. We're relying on you to let us know how things stand with your people."

  Stefan blushed. "Thanks. I know I'm young, but sometimes that can help people see things more clearly."

  Aiden stamped through the doorway. "Drones! Where in the hell did she get drones?" Aiden roared, waving a small device in his hand.

  Bethy's eyes widened. "Oh Meryn."

  Grinning, Kari stood. "Change of plans. I need to meet Meryn McKenzie."

  Aiden set the drone down on the table. "I'll take you to her. Maybe you can keep her out of trouble."

  Kari laughed. "No promises."

  "Great, just great," he muttered.

  As they left the conference room, they passed Magnus' office. She leaned down to Avery. "Come on, there is someone we have to meet."

  Avery sprang from his chair excitedly. "Is it the crazy human?"

  Vin and Keegan chuckled then gulped when Aiden turned to them with a sour expression. Vin gave a weak smile. "Sorry sir, but we saw the drone."

  Aiden shook his head. "She means well."

  Keegan coughed. "I'm sure she does. What did she have attached to it? Usually, they can hold a camera or weapon..." Keegan trailed off, taking in his commander's expression.

  Aiden froze. "Attached?"

  "Shit," Vin whispered.

  Aiden turned to her. "Follow me."

  Avery hurried behind Aiden. After the Unit Commander had left the room, she quickly turned to Vin. "Snag the drone in the conference room and bring it by when he is not looking," she whispered.

  "Are you trying to get me killed?" he whispered back.

  "Two questions. One: Do you really think she has only the one? Two: Would you not try to get on her good side by returning it?"

  Keegan swallowed hard. "Good point. We'll get it back to her."

  Kari grinned at them. "Thanks." She ran after Aiden who was walking quickly toward the living quarters.

  She caught up to Avery and snag
ged his hand. Laughing, they practically had to run to keep up with the grouchy bear.

  Avery turned to her. "This place is fun!"

  She winked at him, and they both giggled when Aiden began to grumble.

  Maybe this won't be too bad after all.


  "Where's my drone?" the small woman demanded.

  Kari exchanged glances with Avery. This woman was less than half Aiden's size. Her short brown hair seemed to have a mind of its own, curling in every direction.

  "Meryn, were you going to attach anything to it?" Aiden asked.

  Meryn froze and looked down at her feet. "No."

  Aiden exhaled. "Baby, this isn't home. You can't just do whatever you want."

  Meryn's head popped up; she looked genuinely confused. "Why not?"

  "We're visiting dignitaries."


  "We could cause Magnus problems."


  Exasperated, Aiden threw his hands in the air. "Because one day, I'll be an Elder."


  "Just tell me this: Are you working with dangerous chemicals or explosives?"

  Avery's eyes widened at the question.

  Meryn titled her head to one side, thinking about her answer. "Hmm no. I think."

  Aiden's head snapped to the handsome Asian man standing behind Meryn. "Ryuu?"

  Ryuu had a faint smile. "What she is handling is in no way a danger to her."

  Aiden turned back to Meryn. "No more attempting to go after Gerald DuBois."

  "I make no promises," Meryn said, crossing her arms over her chest.

  Aiden looked over at Kari and scowled. "Where have I heard that before?"

  Kari widened her eyes, giving him her best innocent look. "Who me?"

  Meryn peeked past her mate. "Who are the new peeps?"

  Aiden turned so that Meryn could see them. "Meryn, this is Kari Delaney, Declan's mate, and her younger brother, Avery Therian."

  Meryn stared at her then nodded before turning to Avery. Her eyes narrowed, and she tilted her head again. "He's pretty."

  Avery blushed. "Thank you."

  Kari sighed. "I wish I had his eyelashes."

  Meryn shook her head. "He is pretty like that too, but I mean his..." she waved her hand around her chest. "I don't know, his heart maybe. I've never seen anyone so kind. He gives off good vibes."

  Aiden frowned and walked over to his mate. "When did you start seeing vibes?" He rubbed her back.

  Meryn shrugged. "I think I always have, but I've created a classification system for what I see now; it's helping me identify more." She pointed to Kari. "Like she's all boxes and clean lines like Beth. I'm guessing that means she's organized."

  "You have no idea," Avery muttered.

  Kari bumped him with her hip.

  Meryn pointed to Avery. "He's fluffy. Light and fluffy and sweet. Like cotton candy." Her eyes became unfocused, and even though he was standing behind her and couldn't see her expression, Ryuu reacted by reaching down and circling one of her wrists. She shook her head as if to clear it. "Fluffy means nice."

  Aiden and Ryuu's eyes met over Meryn's head. Meryn elbowed them both. "I know when you do that."

  Aiden leaned down and nuzzled her neck. "Just worried about you baby."

  "I'm cool. I'm getting better at using my Jedi powers." Meryn beamed at them.

  Avery turned to Kari with puppy dog eyes. "Can we keep her?" he pleaded.

  Kari laughed. "I think Bethy has dibs. She adopted Meryn as her sister."

  Meryn nodded. "Yup! But you can join me for Doctor Who in the afternoons." She looked at Kari. "I got Declan hooked."

  Avery began to bounce from foot to foot. "Who's your favorite Doctor?" he blurted out.

  Meryn's eyes lit up. "I love Ten, but Eleven has his moments, you know?"

  Avery bobbed his head up and down. "I had such a crush on Eccleston," he admitted shyly.

  Meryn began to nod energetically. "It was totally the jacket."

  Avery pointed to her then turned to Kari. "She gets it!"

  Kari watched as the two of them jumped down the geek rabbit hole. She didn't care if Meryn McKenzie blew up half the city; she understood Avery and was treating him as a friend. For that reason alone, Kari would defend the small women unconditionally.

  Aiden's eyes began to glaze over when they began chattering away about favorite episodes. He shook his head. "Okay baby, I'm heading back out to help Magnus field the shit storm Rex Lionhart will stir up with Declan getting hurt." He turned to Kari. "Staying?"

  Kari nodded. "For a bit."

  "Meryn has a walkie-talkie. If you need us, let her know." Aiden gave Meryn a final kiss then left.

  Meryn rubbed her lower back, and Avery immediately became contrite. "Ohmygosh! I'm so sorry. I'm nattering on like a geek, and you should be sitting down."

  Meryn waved off his concern. "I needed to walk around. I've been working with Nigel and Neil creating the perfect revenge for Declan. Then Aiden had to go and steal my drone."

  Kari waved her finger back and forth. "Vin and Keegan will be bringing it back soon. I hate to admit it, but I want to see what you can do. Declan is my mate, after all."

  Meryn threw her hands in the air and hopped around. "Yes! Yes! Kari, you rock!"

  Avery moved his hands as if trying to get her to calm down. "Please, don't bounce!"

  Meryn giggled. "It's not like the baby is going to fall out or anything." She grabbed his hand. "Come on! I'll show you my secret lair."

  Kari raised an eyebrow to Ryuu. He cleared his throat. "The communication hub."

  Meryn and Avery began going back and forth about the latest Doctor Who special as they walked down the hall. Meryn used her hand, and the door opened to a large room. "My bat cave!"


  Kari looked around the room. Long tables lined three walls with piles of boxes, electronics, and cables organized in small piles. Meryn hurried over to a table and removed a large cardboard box covering what looked like a small helicopter.

  "I told them you had more than one," Kari murmured.

  Meryn turned to her and grinned. "I actually ordered three, so that each of us could practice."


  "She means us," a male voice piped up.

  Kari looked to her right and blinked. She was seeing double.

  One of the men chuckled. "There's nothing wrong with your vision; we're twins."

  Avery moved to stand beside Meryn. "Could you teach me how to use this?"

  Meryn shrugged. "I'm not too good with them yet. Nigel is the best pilot of the three of us."

  Nigel snorted. "That's not saying much; we're all kinda terrible."

  Avery picked the small drone up and turned it over. "What were you going to use it for?"

  "Revenge," the other man said, dropping his voice an octave. He held up his hands in front of him like a zombie. "Muwahahaha."

  Meryn tapped on her lips with her finger a thoughtful expression on her face. "You still need to work on your evil laugh, Neil, it still sounds kinda cute."

  Neil rolled his eyes. "I'll get it eventually."

  "I thought it was scary," Avery said, trying to be kind.

  Neil's face brightened, "Really?"

  Avery nodded. "Totally."

  Nigel looked from her to Avery before turning to Meryn. "Introductions?"

  "Hmmm?" Meryn said, preoccupied with the small clear crystal in her hand.

  "Earth to Meryn." Neil stood and leaned over to wave a hand in front of her face.

  "Right. Introductions. Kari Delaney, Simba's mate, boxy. Avery Therian, awesome Doctor Who fan, fluffy. Kari, Avery, these two are Nigel and Neil Morninglory, witches in two of the units here in the city. My charming shadow is my squire, Ryuu Sei." Meryn frowned and picked up another crystal, this one clouded. "Did it take?"

  Kari walked over to Meryn and looked at the crystal. "What is it?

  Meryn looked up at her beaming. "My Baby Keelans have been wo
rking on a way to affix a spell to crystals."

  "Baby Keelans?" Kari asked.

  Meryn's excitement dimmed. "They remind me of someone back home, younger versions."

  Avery laid a head on Meryn's shoulder. "Is that person okay?"

  Meryn nodded, still looking sad. "Yes, but he's not in his body right now."

  Avery's brows snapped together. "Huh?"

  Neil shook his head. "Don't bother, we can't get an answer outta of her about it."

  "It's complicated," Meryn argued.

  "Obviously," Kari drawled.

  Avery lifted his head. "Is that a spell?" he asked, pointing to the crystal.

  Meryn's head bobbed. "Yup. When we heard what that dickhead did to Declan, we decided to move the drone project up on our 'To Do' list. We're going to fly this baby to the detention cell and hit him with the spell."

  Avery's eyes widened. "Is that legal?"

  Meryn shrugged. "To-may-toe, to-mah-to. It's not like it'd kill him, well, not this spell." Meryn waved the brown crystal around.

  Kari pulled Avery back. "What does that one do?"

  "Diarrhea," Meryn said, grinning wickedly.

  "And some nightmares thrown in for fun. The whole point is to try to get him to shit himself," Nigel explained.

  Avery looked between the three proud looking mad scientist. "Can I play?"

  They all nodded. "Of course," Neil said, patting the seat next to him.

  "Avery dear, what about your new position?" Kari asked, not really comfortable leaving him with this nutty trio.

  Avery turned his face crestfallen. "I can start tomorrow. We weren't really planning on working anyway; this was our vacation. Besides, I know it will take you a couple days to get Magnus sorted. All I need are industrial strength anti-bacterial wipes and maybe a bonfire to clean out that horrid woman's desk."

  "Bonfire?" Meryn asked, looking interested.

  "Horrid woman?" Neil asked at the same time.

  Kari smiled. "I may have choked the life out of Magnus' secretary before throwing her across the room and getting her fired. Avery is her replacement. I will be working with Magnus to get the funnel of information he has been receiving organized, especially since it looks like we will be moving here since I am mated to Declan."


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