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My Champion

Page 15

by Alanea Alder

  He stirred and opened his eyes. "You can tell me anything. I doubt you could do anything to make me angry."

  She snorted. "Do not make that bet."

  He kissed the top of the head. "Go on," he urged.

  "The thing is, growing up, I always wanted somewhere to call my own, with the furniture I had picked out, the kitchen set up the way I wanted, and the colors I liked. When my business was finally doing well and I had enough money, I bought my condo. It was this old brick building in the first town where I truly felt welcomed and where I met my adopted brother. It sort of became home for me. I visited and lived in other cities, but I always seemed to end up back there. So when it came time to settle my business, that's where I wanted to stay. It is just this small town, in the middle of nowhere, but it is home. I do not know how I can give that up."

  "Do you want to move there?" he asked.

  She sat up. "You would do that for me?"

  "You're my mate; I would do anything for you. But you must have realized by now that you're needed here."

  "So are you."

  "Your happiness will always come first. Besides, Warrick just got disowned so I could see them living with us in your super condo."

  She laughed then stopped. "Is he going to be okay?"

  "Look who is now worried about Warrick?" he teased.

  "He is just" she couldn't find the right word.

  "Gentle?" he prompted.

  "Yes. He is gentle. I feel like I have to take care of him." She gasped. "Oh gods, how can a man that size be my little brother?"

  Declan laughed. "I know how you feel. Warrick is as old as most of us. But despite his size, a lot of guys find themselves watching out for him. It's not that he's naïve or innocent. It's his gentleness that makes us want to shield him so he doesn't lose it." His face darkened. "We have never seen him lose control like he did today with Andre. I know a lot of warriors who are going to be pissed that Warrick was pushed that far."

  "What are we going to do about my condo? Do you think Warrick would move to be with Avery?"

  "I'm pretty sure Warrick would walk through fire to be with Avery. As for your condo, let me see what I can do. There's not much I wouldn't do for you either." He sighed. "It must be nice to have a sibling that worries so much about you."

  Kari turned her head. "You are kidding, right? Rex adores you."

  Declan winced. "It's just hard trying to walk in those shoes. He casts such a large shadow."

  "Then why try? You have Declan shoes, and he has Rex shoes. The only thing that man wants is for you to be happy, so cut him some slack."

  "Since when are you team Rex?"

  "Because he also loves the man I love." She heard his quick inhale at her declaration.

  "I love you too, Kari; you are my heart now." His arms tightened.

  She looked over to the nightstand at the alarm clock. "It is almost time for dinner."

  "We do have a bathroom to break-in," he wagged his eyebrows at her.

  "No way, Declan. I heard shower sex sucks."

  "There are many ways to do many things. If you're lucky, I'll show you a few of them." He hopped out of bed and strutted toward the bathroom. He turned and winked at her. With an exaggerated swagger, he marched into the bathroom.

  I am mated to an absolute idiot, she said to herself.

  And I would not change a single thing about him.


  By the time the Kari and Declan joined the others for dinner, the meal had already been served. Everyone was smiles as they sat down.

  Meryn whistled. "Nice bite marks, Declan." He grinned and gave her two thumbs up.

  "Congratulations on your mating," Magnus said.

  "Thank you." Kari blushed.

  She'd never admit it of course, but there was something a little bit embarrassing about everyone knowing you had just had sex and claimed your mate.

  She looked around the table "Where is Avery?"

  Sebastian cleared his throat. "Young master Avery went with young masters Nigel and Neil to their quarters on the Unit Level." He looked over at Magnus, who nodded. "Young master Avery has been offered a room here on Level One in the guest quarters for as long as he may need it. Consider it a mating present. So you have the privacy that each mated couple needs."

  Kari fought back a wave of disappointment. For all intents and purposes, this was a celebratory meal for her mating. She wished her brother could have been there, but it warmed her heart to know that he had made friends. It was a bit sad watching him drift a little bit farther away.

  "We can see him later," Declan said, bumping her shoulder.

  She looked up, "You are right. Of course, you are right."

  "Yeah, it's not like you'll disappear or anything." Meryn said, glaring at Eva in an accusatory manner.

  Eva rolled her eyes, "I've been helping on Level Six. They know me. Things have been going much smoother with Adriel and me present among the refugees. Stefan has been coordinating with us to make sure that everyone's needs have been taken care of."

  "Whatever. I guess I'm just nobody," Meryn complained loudly. Eva just shook her head.

  Bethy looked at Kari, "Is it true what I've heard? Warrick has been disowned?"

  Kari nodded as Declan turned to the prince. "Andre said he had met with his father and that his father gave him instructions to disown Warrick for mating a shifter and a man."

  Magnus frowned. "Homosexuality has never been an issue in Noctem Falls before."

  Declan thought about it a moment before he replied. "I think it was a combination of being gay and mating a shifter that pushed them over the edge. "

  "Not that I am not grateful, but why was Avery given a room here on Level One? Surely, that is a little too grand for him?" Kari asked.

  Rex cleared his throat. "Since he is my little brother now, I'd like him on the same level as the Council estate so that I don't have to have a tunnel escort to visit him."

  Kari blinked of course she was now related to the elder. "Have the twins been escorting Avery around?"

  Meryn shook her head, "No, they made him a stone like I have."

  "A stone? No way!" Declan protested. "I've been begging for one since I found out what they had done."

  "What stone?" Kari repeated.

  Meryn fished around in her pocket and held up a small stone. "It's a pumice stone they put a spell in. I can control it with a few words, and it allows me to float up and down the transport tunnel; Avery has one now."

  Meryn looked at Declan who was still pouting. "I will see if I can ask them to move you up on the list."

  He turned to her, looking incredulous. "There's a list?" Meryn began to giggle.

  "Speaking of trouble," Aiden began, "Is Sascha talking to Noah?"

  "Yes, the big baby. Honestly, you'd think spending the night in a county jail was the worst thing he'd ever experienced."

  "I'm glad that's over." Aiden exhaled.

  "I wouldn't say it's over," Meryn hedged.

  "What?" Aiden responded apprehensively.

  "Colton made copies of his mug shot and had Jaxon Photoshop them onto a Babe movie poster. They made it look like a dating app profile picture." Meryn smirked.

  Bethy pulled out small legal pad and looked around the table. "So we'll add finding Aiden a new second in command to the list of things to do. How was everyone else's day?"

  Magnus and Adriel, and Kari reached down in their satchels or under the table to pull out their own pads. They flipped the pages and looked around to see who would begin.

  Magnus was about to speak when Meryn interrupted. "Why don't you guys have iPads?"

  They looked at each other blankly. "An iPad?" Adriel asked.

  "Yes, an iPad, you know take notes, organize things, take pictures, video recordings, lists, calendar reminders, basically all the geeky stuff that you love. An iPad will make it much easier for you to keep track of everything."

  "But I like to hand write my notes," Adriel conf

  "You are able to write notes on the new iPad."

  Adriel's eyes grew large. Meryn smiled. "I'll order y'all the new iPads and get them set up for you."

  Magnus and Adriel looked at each other excitedly. Kari sighed. She'd used an iPad before, but there was just something about writing on paper. It seemed that she remembered it longer if she did.

  Magnus tapped his pen on the table. "How were the interviews?" he asked.

  Declan leaned back. "Most of them are true matings. They are meek, but willing. Those that are in the arranged matings aren't being forced. They understand that they could have mates out there, but they're not willing to rock the boat with their families. I'd like to make a suggestion though; have the warriors escort them to Level Six just to make sure we don't have any hidden mates anywhere. We don't want to repeat of what happened with DuBois."

  "That is for sure," Kari muttered.

  "It is a good idea." Magus jotted down a note.

  Kari looked at Bethy and Adriel. "How was the field trip?"

  "Wonderful," Beth replied. "A lot of children were worried about you of course, but it was nice seeing them laugh and play despite your fall." Kari winced.

  "Sorry!" Bethy apologized quickly. "Not that I'm one to talk, I trip over nothing," Bethy said smiling.

  "What happened?" Adriel asked Kari.

  Kari shrugged. "I have no idea, one second I was fine, the next I was dizzy, and then I woke up in the infirmary."

  Declan turned to Magnus. "Did the parents say anything? Have they noticed a change in children?"

  Magnus nodded. "More than one parent came up later and said that their child seem to be improved. That they were smiling more, though they all seem tired at the end of the day, but I am sure that is because they have had more exercise in those few hours than they have had in the past week."

  Magnus turned to Adriel. "How are you and Bethy coming along organizing the fair?

  Bethy flip the pages back in her notebook. "I have contacted all of the paranormal vendors we'll need. They'll be here tomorrow to start setting up stalls and games."

  Adriel nodded. "I have been working with the food vendors on Level Six; they are more than prepared to make extra. I think they are excited to be earning a little bit more money. All of them however want Declan's opinion of what they should offer." Adriel shot his second in command a wry expression.

  Declan chuckled. "They love me as a taste tester," he admitted.

  Kari looked at Adriel and winced. "I am so sorry. I did say I would help you with this."

  Adriel gave her a look. "You have been pretty busy lately, Kari. Not only are you adapting to a new job, but you have also found your mate. Moving alone must be stressful."

  Kari snapped her fingers. "Speaking of moving. Does anyone know a freight company that works between cities and is aware of paranormals?"

  Bethy nodded and turned in her chair to face Sebastian.

  Sebastian stepped forward. "I can contact the company that we used to send Bethy's things to Lycaonia. They are very reliable. If you have a contact in the city to let them in your home, they will be more than willing to pack your things for you and bring them here.

  Kari nodded. "I would appreciate the name; I will call them myself later."

  Magnus was looking at his list and turned to Rex. "I was busy with the children earlier. Were you and the other council members able to hammer out the details for the trial?"

  Rex nodded "The trial is set for tomorrow at ten am. We're really not expecting a very long deliberation."

  Magnus turned to Meryn. "Meryn, would you know anything about a very bright light that went off earlier in the detention cells?"

  Meryn looked at him, her face taking on an innocent look. "Who me?" Magnus' eyes narrowed suspiciously. "Dinner looks good today," Meryn said, changing the subject. She started poking around her plate with a fork with gusto.

  They had just started eating dinner when Meryn slammed her fork down and glared at Declan. "Declan, if you don't stop breathing, I'm going to throat punch you! I can hear you from here!"

  Declan looked at her startled. "I...I can't stop breathing, Meryn." He looked around the table helplessly, looking for advice.

  Kari patted his leg. "Do your best."

  Meryn slumped back. "I am edgier than normal lately, everything irritates me. Then this damn misophonia popped up out of nowhere. Like I really fantasize about smothering Aiden in his sleep."

  Aidan's fork stopped mid-shovel. "What?" he asked, looking spooked.

  Eva nodded. "I get what you're saying."

  Adriel froze. "Wait. What?"

  Eva shrugged. "Sometimes you breathe so loudly I can't fall asleep. I'm so tired that well, sometimes I kind of would like for you to stop breathing so I could get some rest."

  Aiden and Adriel exchanged terrified glances.

  Aiden turned to his tiny mate. "Meryn, baby, please don't kill me in my sleep."

  She held up her hand. "I make no promises."

  Aiden just grumbled as he picked up another forkful of food and started eating his troubles.

  Magnus was alternating between eating and looking at his notes. "I do have some good news. Thanks to Kari, we will be getting Leif Grassfield and Travis Hickory back." Magnus crossed something off his list. "Goddard was able to reach Leif and Travis while they were still in Vegas. They will be here in the next couple days. I am having them resume their duties. Nigel and Neil will remain assigned to their units as trainees with Travis and Leif as mentors."

  Bethy clapped her hands "That's wonderful! You get the experienced witches back for the city, and we get to keep Meryn's twins."

  Aiden grumbled at the phrase 'Meryn's twins'.

  Magnus winked at her. "It was your idea."

  As dinner began to wind down, Meryn and patted her belly. "Well, that was good, but I gotta go; I have a date." She hopped from her chair.

  Aiden grabbed the back of her shirt. "A date?" he asked.

  "Well, yeah, if you're done, you can come too."

  Aiden looked at his empty plate and shrugged. Sebastian and Ryuu stepped forward.

  "If everyone would like to adjourn to the antechamber, we will be serving tea, coffee and dessert there, so that Ms. Meryn can have her date," Sebastian said winking at her.

  Meryn popped out of Aiden's grasp and headed toward the antechamber. Kari walked with Declan into the room and sat down on one of the sofas. She didn't know how she'd missed it walking in, but Sebastian had transformed one wall of the antechamber into a media center. There was now three large TVs with game consoles, games controllers, and even a small lava light all geared for a true gaming experience.

  Meryn plopped down in one of the gaming chairs in front of the television.

  After a few minutes, there was a knock on the door. Sebastian opened it and Avery and Warrick walked in.

  He looked around. "Hi everyone," he waved shyly. He saw Kari and made a beeline to her. He was about to wrap his arms around her to give her a hug when he noticed the bite marks on Declan.

  He grinned widely. "Congratulations."

  She blushed. "Thanks. What is all this?" she asked him.

  "Meryn, Nigel, and Neil have been teaching me how to play a game on their console, and now, Meryn wants to play with the group of us. We're going to be syncing up with Noah and Jaxon. Meryn says we have a kickass team even though I can't really walk in a straight line yet," he admitted.

  Warrick walked over and placed a hand on the small of Avery's back. "You are getting better."

  Kari began to crack her knuckles. "What game are you playing?"

  "Call of Duty. Meryn's been into the zombie mode so we have been killing zombies,"Avery answered.

  Kari looked over at the console wall. There were three: One for Nigel, one for Neil, and one for Meryn. Kari stood, grabbed a controller, and sat down in the gamer chair next to Meryn.

  Meryn's mouth dropped open. "You're kidding right?"

  Kari just wink
ed. After the game was loaded, everyone logged in, and the game began. Kari had to admit she'd never met anyone as good as Meryn, except for her. After seeing how well the team was working together, Meryn asked them if they were willing to play against other teams and everyone agreed. Soon, they were playing with a team from Orlando.

  "Fuck! Dammit!" Meryn growled, practically screeching at the television. "Camping bunch of fucktards!"

  Kari nodded her agreement. "Amateurs."

  Between Meryn and Kari, they were more than able to take the other team single-handedly, the boys helping them when they could.

  "All right, denka, it's time for you to settle down," Ryuu said, coming over to confiscate her controller.

  "Kickass game! I haven't had this much fun in years," Meryn said excitedly

  "Your blood pressure is too high." Ryuu handed her a cup of calming tea.

  "Fine." She sulked for a moment before brightening. "I know! We can watch anime."

  "What is anime?" Kari asked.

  "A peep back home, Anne, introduced us to the stuff. The genre is called Boys Love, and I'm totally addicted," Meryn admitted. Using Kari's controller, she logged into one of the streaming apps and started an episode.

  Kari got out of the gaming chair and walked over to the sofa to sit next to Declan. Meryn and Avery stayed in the chairs and began to watch the show. Avery's eyes were wide, and he kept peeking back at Warrick, who winked at him.

  Adorable, Kari thought to herself.

  "Look, look," Meryn said, pointing to television. "This is my favorite part."

  Kari's attention went back to the television, and sure enough, the two boy characters had finally admitted their love for each other and were about to share a kiss. The tension built in the room, and then suddenly, in the show, the door swung open, and the two characters jumped apart. Avery gasped. The scene was over, and the end credits started.

  "What?" he screeched to Meryn.

  "What the fuck?" Meryn shook a fist at the television.

  "I am so glad that you are relaxing while watching your anime," Ryuu said sarcastically.

  "I didn't know they made the shows like that." Avery was blushing.


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