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My Champion

Page 20

by Alanea Alder

"Go get 'em," they yelled.

  "You know I will," she said, waving.

  She floated down to Level One and then rang the doorbell for the Magnus estate. Sebastian was there in a moment, opening it up and smiling at her.

  "You look absolutely lovely," he commented.

  "Thank you, Sebastian. Where is everyone?"

  "Most of the men are in the antechamber having wine, and..."--he hesitated--"Bethy and Tarragon are fussing over Meryn."

  Her eyes narrowed. "Is she being difficult?"

  Sebastian smiled slyly. "When is she not being difficult? I think it is part of her charm."

  Kari walked in, and Declan's head immediately turned to her. His eyes widened and low whistle escaped. "Baby, you look amazing."

  He crossed the distance of the room and pulled her into his arms, before laying a hot kiss on her lips. When they broke apart, she looked up, and his eyes were shimmering gold.

  She winked at him. "Did you miss me?" she asked

  "Always," he took her hand.

  Gidan nodded at Declan and took up his position in the corner.

  Declan acknowledged the guard before his eyes darted to Adriel, and Kari nodded. They walked over to his unit leader where he was speaking with Magnus and Gavriel.

  "Adriel, I've got something to ask you."

  Adriel looked confused, and Declan smiled. "I have already discussed it with Kari, and we would like for you to be our child's athair."

  Adriel's mouth dropped, and Eva began to smile "But I thought for sure it would be Grant or Etain," Adriel whispered. "Why me?"

  Declan laid a hand on his shoulder. "Etain and Grant will make great uncles, but we all decided that you would make the best athair. The three of us watched how you were with Bethy. We know, no matter what, any child in your custody would receive the utmost care. Don't be surprised if they ask you to be athair for their children too. There's no one we trust more."

  Kari was surprised to see Adriel had tears swimming in his eyes. His mate wrapped an arm around his waist as she laid her head on his shoulder. "See my love. I told you they knew you cared."

  Adriel had to clear his throat twice before he could respond. "Declan Lionhart, it would be my honor to be your child's athair."

  Declan pulled him into a hug. "Of course, you may have to fight Rex to spoil her or him, but I think you're up to it."

  Adriel gave them a rare open smile. "I am pretty sure I can hold my own."

  A few moments later, the doorbell chimed again. This time it was Rex.

  "There is my sister!" he exclaimed. Walking up to her, he pulled her into a gentle hug and kissed her on the forehead. "And how is my niece or nephew today?"

  "The same as they were this morning," she commented.

  Rex was beaming. "I took the liberty of picking out some of the bedroom furniture I think that my niece or nephew might like. Maybe we can go over my selections later."

  Kari blinked. "We have not really gotten that far yet."

  Rex waved a hand. "I can help."

  "Evidently," she chuckled.

  Rex looked around. "Where is Meryn?"

  Gavriel, Adriel, Aiden, and Magnus exchanged looks.

  Aiden pointed to the far hallway. "Still in the bedroom."

  Rex frowned "Isn't she supposed to be out here?"

  Aiden spread his hands wide. "We're working on it."

  Kari patted Declan's arm. "Give me a moment. I will see if I can go help Bethy."

  He leaned down and nipped her ear. "Good luck."

  Kari walked toward the guest quarters and stood at the open door. There, Tarragon was still fussing over Meryn's arm.

  "It should be better by now, but I'm so hesitant, you're human after all."

  "Get this freaking sling off me. I can't even wipe my butt," Meryn groused.

  Tarragon rolled his eyes. "Thank the gods Bethy wasn't like you."

  Meryn stuck her tongue out at him. He carefully removed the sling and gently made her extend and then flex her arm.

  "Is there any pain?" he asked.

  "Nope, I'm okay," Meryn insisted.

  "Okay, I'm going to go to the antechamber for a glass of wine"--he looked at Bethy--"or three." Then he left the room.

  Ryuu stood in the corner watching his charge, a smile on his face.

  Bethy turned. "Meryn, you need to start getting ready."

  "No," Meryn said. "I don't want to eat with that asshole."

  "And I do?" Bethy asked. "Listen to your Yoda. Sometimes you have to make nice with jerks. It's part of being an adult."

  "Fine," Meryn said.

  "Fine?" Beth asked.

  "Yeah, I quit being adult." Her clothes shimmered, and she stood before them in her Simba pajamas.

  Kari laid a hand on Bethy's arm. "I guess this is just beyond her." She turned to Meryn. "Go eat your pudding, dear."

  "What's beyond me?" Meryn asked, her eyes narrowing.

  "This dinner." Kari clucked her tongue. "I keep forgetting how young you are."

  "I'm not that young," she protested.

  "It might be better if you do not attend. You are so very blunt."

  "I totally nailed Daphne at that sewing circle."

  "Oh yes, Bethy told me about that. Sweetheart, that is like bragging you stayed in your lane at the go kart track to an Formula One racer."

  Meryn gasped. "I could totally do this."

  Bethy looked unsure. "Maybe you should stay in tonight and get some sleep."

  Kari nodded her agreement. "Meryn, there is nothing to be ashamed of. I think it is admirable you know your limitations."

  "Whatever, heifer; I got this!" Her clothes shimmered again, and she was now wearing a red sequined dress.

  Kari tilted her head. "Were you going for high class Vegas call girl?"

  Meryn screeched in frustration. "Don't make me assume my ultimate form!"

  "And what is that, dear? A homicidal hobbit?"

  Meryn's mouth dropped, and then her lips began to twitch. Soon, she was giggling. "Okay that was fun."

  The red dress shimmered, and she was in a black dress with pearls. Kari winked at Bethy and then turned to Meryn "There is nothing more satisfying than winning the game."

  Bethy's mouth dropped open. "You totally just handled Meryn."

  "Game?" Meryn asked.

  "Politics." Kari answered. "It is the ultimate strategy game."

  "But how do you know if you're winning?"

  Kari winked at her "You will know."

  The doorbell rang, and she looked between Bethy and Meryn. "Game on," she said, echoing Meryn's earlier sentiment.

  By the time three of them arrived in the antechamber, tensions were already high and fake smiles were flashing all around. Holding a wine glass, Ivan DeLaFontaine stood between Magnus and Aiden.

  "There have been too many changes lately, Prince Magnus, and much too quickly," Ivan observed.

  "I disagree. If given a choice, the city would never change. Look how quickly they adapted to the wolves and Wi-Fi," Magnus pointed out.

  "You are changing our way of life." Ivan protested.

  "Ladies and gentlemen, sorry for the interruption, but dinner is now being served," Sebastian said bowing and indicating the dining room.

  They filed in and sat down. Kari was relieved to be seated between Declan and Law. Across the table, she kept an eye on Meryn. Magnus lifted his spoon for the soup entrée. "You keep saying our way of life, but never have we had arranged matings before."

  DeLaFontaine shrugged. "They are consenting adults; it is their choice."

  Magnus turned to Kari. "Is this true?"

  Kari knew that Magnus was asking for the results even though they had discussed it earlier to make a point with DeLaFontaine. She nodded. "In all of the interviews, everyone we spoke to was willing, however, most did point out that in the event that they found their true mate, they would dissolve their arranged mating immediately. If more citizens find their mates among the wolves, having the trust fund will go a l
ong way to help those that may need to break away from their arranged matings if they are feeling trapped." Kari deliberately mentioned the trust fund. Ivan's eyes tightened at the word.

  Kari's attention turned to Meryn when she began to rub her temples. Tarragon stepped from the corner where he stood next to Tarak and placed a hand on her shoulder. He frowned then looked around the table to Law.

  Law stood, walked around the table, and laid a hand on her back; he whispered something, and Meryn's face began to clear.

  "I say, is the human okay?" DeLaFontaine asked.

  Meryn nodded. "Yes, I've been getting really bad sinus headaches lately. Tarragon and Law have been helping," she explained fibbing her butt off.

  "That is kind of them," DeLaFontaine stared at Meryn, and then his eyes took on a different light. "Let us get an outside perspective. Meryn, what do you think of our way of life and the way we do things here in Noctem Falls?"

  Kari could tell that she wasn't the only one holding their breath for Meryn's response. Bethy looked green around the gills.

  Meryn shrugged. "It's a bit old-fashioned, but I think it's part of the city's charm."

  Ivan nodded graciously. "Go on."

  "But it could be better," Meryn continued. "In Lycaonia, there are people of all four races, so it's almost like we get the best of the four cities. Maybe a little bit of diversity would go a long way in helping people with changes."

  Ivan took a sip of soup. "That is very forward thinking of you."

  Meryn played with her spoon. "I just like my creature comforts."

  "Like your Wi-Fi?" he asked. She nodded. "But not all races are the same," Ivan protested. "For example, take humans, they have very little to offer," he said, a smarmy look on his face. He was clearly baiting Meryn.

  To everyone's astonishment, Meryn nodded her agreement. "Before I found Lycaonia, I pretty much stayed to myself. I didn't get along with those around me. I found them to be manipulative, greedy liars. I've found more friends amongst paranormals in the last six months than any humans in my entire life."

  Kari could see the calculating look in Ivan's eyes. He looked too pleased. "I am pleasantly surprised to find that you are a very intelligent and objective young woman. We may have gotten off on the wrong foot earlier, when we had our little 'episode'. But I do believe you are a very fitting mate to one in power, like our Unit Commander."

  Meryn smiled. Her acquiescent behavior had everyone wondering if a bomb was ticking in the corner. Kari found herself concerned about Meryn's statements. Did she really hate humans? Under the table, Declan gave her hand a squeeze. He met her eyes, and he gave a slight shake of his head. Kari began to relax. Of course, he was right, Meryn was not like DeLaFontaine at all.

  Between Kari and Bethy, they managed to keep the topics neutral, and slowly and painfully, the dinner came to an end. In the antechamber, as they were saying goodbyes, DeLaFontaine shook hands with Magnus, who winced, and then Aiden.

  Aiden frowned looking down. "You may want to get your cufflinks checked." He rubbed his hand.

  Ivan shook his head "I told my squire to get that looked at, my apologies. My efforts to entice Sebastian to my home have failed, I have to make do with who I have." He looked over at Meryn. "This is been a most productive dinner."

  Aiden stepped closer to his mate. With a final wave DeLaFontaine left and Sebastian closed the door firmly behind him.

  Meryn yawned and then stretched. "Bedtime."

  "Not so fast, pint size," Eva protested.

  Kari wasn't the only one staring at Meryn. Ryuu walked up behind his charge. "She did not mean it the way it sounded."

  Kari looked at Meryn. "So she did not mean to sound like a DeLaFontaine-human-hating sympathizer?"

  Meryn's mouth dropped. "I'm not a douchebag."

  "No, you're not, but you weren't lying; you weren't playing the game, and he knew that." Bethy chewed on her lower lip.

  "No, but it was different before," Meryn said. "Before I met you all, people sucked. I didn't like anyone..." she paused. "I didn't like humans..." Her eyes grew wide. "Oh my god," she whispered. "I'm a racist." Her voice sounded horrified.

  Behind her, Ryuu snorted, Bethy slapped her forehead, and Kari began to laugh. Eva ruffled her hair, "Hey little bit, before you label yourself a racist, you might want to make sure you weren't just surrounded by assholes."

  "Oh yeah, good point." Meryn looked a bit relieved.

  Rex smiled down at Meryn. "I do not believe you hate someone for just being human. The fact that you grew up amongst humans and hated most of them is more a matter of statistics."

  Meryn smirked up at him. "I was disappointed that you didn't beat him down with those muscular arms of yours."

  Rex blushed a bit. "I wanted to, of course, but I was raised attending political dinners, as was Declan. We know when to act and when to keep quiet."

  Meryn nodded. "Right. Bethy said something like that. Being an adult sucks."

  Aiden turned to Law. "You were strangely quiet during dinner as well. Earlier, her headache, was that her magic?"

  Law nodded. "Since it's so wild, I think were gonna leave the door open for a bit."

  Meryn looked up at him in confusion. "But isn't that a bad thing?"

  Law shook his head. "No, I think it was fighting you so hard because it knew the door was closed, and it couldn't come out. If we leave it open just a bit and it knows it can come and go as it pleases that might actually make it easier for you."

  Meryn nodded. "That makes sense."

  "What I found interesting was that you were having such a reaction to DeLaFontaine. Do you want to know what I saw?" he asked, grinning.

  Meryn closed her eyes. "Oil."

  Law nodded. "All you could see was black oil. When did you start associating pictures with your feelings?"

  "A couple of days ago; it was easier when certain feeling got a picture. That way I can understand what it was trying to tell me, and I could interpret it better. They would pop up, get identified and then go away. It didn't hurt as much."

  "That's a really good idea." Law nodded his head approvingly.

  Meryn flushed at his compliment.

  "Oily?" Magnus asked. "He has always been a slippery one," he commented.

  Meryn smiled up at Law. "Thanks for your help; those headaches kill me."

  Behind her, Ryuu's eyes flashed. "You should have told me."

  Meryn turned to her squire. "I didn't want to drain you."

  Ryuu gave her an exasperating look. "Let me worry about that. I have more than enough power to help you, and your health comes first."

  Kari watched as a group of men joined them in the antechamber. The twelve-hour shift was up, and there was about to be a change of guard.

  Law kissed Meryn on one cheek then walked over and gave her a kiss. "Good night, ladies, I'll see you in the morning." He turned on his way out the door. "Rex, you're welcome to visit anytime," he threw out.

  Declan flinched, and his eyes widened as Rex's expression became confused. "Thank you for the invitation. I may take you up on that later to discuss some things."

  My brother is going to hell. Kari decided to stay quiet and watch how this played out.

  Meryn waved, and Kari gave her brother a salute. "Thanks again," she said.

  "Anytime, ragamuffin," he said, shutting the door behind him.

  The security detail went to their charges and everyone began saying good night.

  Kari laughed when she heard Meryn. "Now I that have minions and mercenaries, I can take over the world."

  Aiden looked down at his mate, a terrified look on his face.

  "Okay, on that note, let's go check on Avery," Declan suggested. Kari eagerly headed toward the guest quarters with Declan. She couldn't wait to see Avery's reaction to her pregnancy news in person.

  She knocked on the door. Avery answered almost immediately, looking happier than she'd ever seen him. He squealed loudly and wrapped his arms around her neck. "A baby! Our own
baby! A real baby!" he rambled.

  "I am happy to see you, too."

  Avery danced from foot to foot. He was about to say something and then looked up and saw Declan. "Congratulations," he said, looking down at the floor. It was as if Avery had forgotten that Declan was there for a moment.

  Kari looked at Avery. "Do you need sister time?"

  He hesitated and nodded.

  Declan smiled. "You're not going to hurt my feelings, Avery. I'm sure there will be things you will need me for too." He kissed the back of Kari's neck. "I'll be waiting for you by the tunnel."

  Kari shut the door, took Avery by the hand, and led him to the bed where they sat down. "Where's Warrick?"

  "He returned to his house, I could tell he wanted to stay but," Avery pointed down to the double sized bed and giggled.

  Kari shook her head at the image of Warrick trying to fit on the tiny bed. Then she looked at her brother. "Okay, what is going on?"

  Avery shrugged. "There have been so many changes; everything is moving so fast."

  Kari wrapped her arm around his shoulder and pulled him close until his head rested on her shoulder.

  "Warrick has not..." she started to ask.

  Avery sat up straight and turned to her. "No, no, no! He's been a perfect gentleman. He's so sweet and kind and considerate," he blushed furiously.

  She smiled. "Good. You deserve all of those things."

  Avery's smile faltered. "But I miss home. I miss my own room and my library."

  "I know; I miss home too. But I think we are needed here, and we have found our mates. I know they need us."

  "And I'm going to be an uncle," his eyes widened. "When can we go shopping for the baby?"

  She laughed. "No idea, we have only been here three days. I think Rex has already picked out furniture."

  Avery giggled. "He's really nice. He said I could call him brother now," Avery admitted.

  The soft spot that Kari had for Rex grew larger.

  "Hey, tomorrow is the fair. You're going to be there, right?" Avery asked.

  "Of course."

  Avery was quiet for another moment. "Do you think we are the way we are because fate needed us this way to help everyone? That we aren't broken? It's just that our pieces need to be put together differently to fit here?"

  Kari blinked. She had always known that Avery considered himself different in a bad way. "I think so. I think Fate made us the way we are because she needed us this way. It helps knowing we are where we belong."


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