Rise: The Interlude (Black Hearts Still Beat Book 2)

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Rise: The Interlude (Black Hearts Still Beat Book 2) Page 5

by L A Cotton

  Letty rolled her eyes. “You need to get used to having people in your space, Eva. Here let me.” She unbuttoned the last two buttons of the shirt, grabbed the ends and tied them into a knot.

  “Much better. It’ll look as cute as hell with that leather jacket.”

  “So where is this launch party?”

  “At a club downtown. It’s very exclusive. There won’t be a huge crowd but if the Die Hearts get wind of the location, it’ll be a security nightmare.”

  “The Die Hearts?”

  She snickered. “Yeah, it’s what we call the rabid fans. The ones who would sell their left kidney to get up close and personal with the guys.”

  “They sound... delightful.”

  “They’re ten shades of crazy is what they are.” Her expression grew serious. “You should be prepared for them.”

  “Prepared how?”

  “I know you’re only here because the label asked you, but these girls think they have some kind of ownership over the band. They’re very protective. You’re going to be seen with the band, it’s inevitable. There’s already—” She dropped her gaze, and a bolt of dread shot through me.

  “Already what, Letty?”

  “There’s been a lot of speculation about the mystery guest joining the tour in the press already.”

  “But they promised me anonymity until the first show.” Which was less than a day away, but still, I wasn’t quite ready to be outed.

  “They shouldn’t have,” she said, her lips pressed into a thin line. “There’s no such thing as anonymity in this world. But once it is out, you can get to work on winning them over with that huge Southern heart of yours.”

  I didn’t share Letty’s enthusiasm. Instead, a pit carved deep inside my stomach. I’d been foolish to think I’d stay anonymous forever. Of course people would learn it was me, Evangeline Star Walker, supporting Black Hearts Still Beat on tour. But ever since Alistair had called me all those weeks ago to offer me the gig, I hadn’t allowed myself much time or space to think about the what ifs and maybes. All I knew was I needed the money and I had to do this. Regardless of the consequences, regardless of whether tomorrow my name became splashed over newspapers up and down Charlotte... and then Orlando... and Houston.

  But I knew what Letty was saying. She was warning me about the darker side of the business. The side where girls vilified female artists and shamed their appearance… their talent… their personalities. I was supposed to be here to win over the band’s alienated crowd. But I had a whole other crowd to contend with. A crowd that was possessive of their Black Hearts boys.

  What the hell had I gotten myself into?

  “I’ll give you a minute,” Letty announced, sensing my façade crumbling.


  She left me alone, and I snatched up my cell phone and dialed the one person who could talk me through this.

  “Hey, girl. I was just—”

  “Molly, what the hell am I doin’?”

  “Hello to you too,” she chuckled. “I’m guessin’ it finally hit you that you’re not in Kansas anymore?”

  “You’re not the only one who’s said that. Hud... it doesn’t matter.”

  “You can say his name, babe. I am so over that rock asshole I can barely remember what he looks like.”

  I wasn’t sure about that, but I didn’t argue. “Tell me I can do this,” I said to my best friend in the whole world.

  “You can do this.”

  “Tell me I’m not makin’ a huge mistake.”

  “It’s not a mistake.”

  “Tell me I’m not goin’ to end up paparazzi fish food.”

  “That I can’t tell you, babe. But you got this, Eva. You’re one of the strongest people I know.”

  “You’re right. I can do this. I can absolutely do this.” If I kept telling myself that maybe it would come true.

  “Atta girl. Now let’s talk about Rafe. Did you kick him in the balls like I suggested?”

  Laughter spilled out of me. “No, I didn’t kick him in the balls, Mol.”

  “Darn it, babe, he deserves nothin’ less.”

  “I tried to clear the air between us. He’s been a complete jerk since I got here.”

  “Well, duh. He probably took one look at you and realized what a fine piece of ass he let slip through his fingers.”

  “I doubt that,” I murmured remembering how cold he’d been with me. “But it doesn’t matter. I have more important things to focus on.” Like how I was going to survive the opening show tomorrow.

  “Letty, my assistant, said we can arrange for you to come out to one of the shows.”

  “Oh, hell yes! Just name the time and place and I’m there.” She hesitated. “Although I’ll need to make sure I’m not on twin duty. Mom is away more and more and I’m stuck watching Thing One and Thing Two; it’s tramplin’ all over my sex life.”

  “You love those two kids more than anythin’.”

  “I know I do,” her voice softened. “But I love getting’ laid more.”

  “I miss you, Molly,” I said, feeling my chest tighten.

  “It’s only been a couple of days, babe. We’ll be reunited in no time, and by then you’ll be a superstar.”

  Letty slipped back into the room, hesitating when she realized I was still on the phone.

  “I should go. Apparently, I need to be styled.”

  Molly let out an ear-splitting shrill. “You get a stylist? Of course you get a stylist. Holy crap, Eva. I’m not sure our friendship will survive your newfound stardom. I’m turning green as we speak.”

  “Shut up, you love me.”

  “I do,” she chuckled again. “I do. Text me photos of everythin’. I mean it, babe. I gotta get my kicks somehow.”

  “I will. I’ll call soon.”

  We said goodbye and hung up. Letty approached, a cautious smile painted on her face. “All better?”

  “I think so. Just promise me you won’t drop me in at the deep end at the party.”

  “Deal,” she said, excitement glittering in her eyes. “Now, let’s turn you into a star.”

  I ran my fingers around the mocktail Letty had left me with while she finished up getting ready. The label were putting us up in a hotel for the night before we started a grueling full week of shows.

  “What time is it?” she yelled from her bedroom. Mine was on the other side of the suite. The bed was so soft, part of me didn’t want to ever leave it. The other part didn’t want to leave for other reasons. Mostly, the bright red lip gloss Letty had swiped over my mouth and the smoky eyes she’d insisted I needed. Tonight was about making a statement, she’d said. Secretly, I think she hoped the makeup, outfit, and brand new GANNI boots I was wearing would give me a confidence boost. But while I felt the part on the outside, inside I was a quivering mess.

  “Okay, I’m ready.” Letty emerged from her room dressed in skin-tight leather pants and a deep-pink halter top. It was daring and sexy and everything I wasn’t.

  “Too much?” She dropped her eyes down her body.

  “No, you look amazin’. I love how the pink in your hair matches your halter.”

  She grinned. “I wasn’t lying when I said I have experience. How was the mocktail?”

  “I’m thinkin’ I should have let you add some liquor.”



  “Just remember, be yourself. Ignore the Die Hearts, and most of all, breathe. This is supposed to be fun, okay?”

  With a small nod, I grabbed my purse and followed Letty out of our suite. Travis and Grayson were waiting for us. “Ms. Walker,” he said.

  “Eva,” I replied. “Please call me Eva.”

  “Yes, Ms... Eva.” I smothered a laugh as he and Grayson ushered us toward the elevator. “The car is waiting downstairs. The band went on ahead in the other car.”

  “That means we should be able to sneak in undetected.” Letty grabbed my hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

Ahh, there you both are.” Riley slipped out of another door, looking elegant in a glittery pant suit and killer heels. “Travis, I’ll be riding with Ms. Walker and Letty.”

  Letty shot me a bemused look, and I sensed there was no love lost between the two of them. We all piled into the elevator, Travis and Grayson standing up ahead like two statues.

  “Eva, you look... nice.” Riley’s lips pursed. “Did you pick that out yourself?”

  “Actually, Letty did, and I think she did an amazin’ job. I love it.”

  “I bet you do.”

  I jerked back at that ready to give her a piece of my mind, but Letty shook her head discreetly, silently telling me to back down. I knew then I’d been right about Riley the second I’d met her. For some unknown reason she didn’t like me, and if her snide comments were anything to go by, she liked Letty even less.

  “Not riding with the band, Riley?”

  “I had something to take care of. But don’t worry, I’ll be there to attend to their every need at the club.”

  “Oh, I bet you will.” Letty’s cough barely disguised the words.

  Thankfully before Riley could respond, the elevator doors pinged open.

  “Watch your back with that one,” Letty whispered as Riley stuck close to Travis while Grayson tailed us.

  “Is it true she’s sleepin’ with Alistair?”

  “Him and anyone else who can advance her career. Believe it or not, we used to hang out when we were both just interns with the label. But when I got a break with the band, she turned on me. Told everyone I only got the job because I’d slept with one of the senior managers.”


  “All par for the course in this business. Everyone’s your friend until you’re standing in the way of career progression.”

  “I’ll bear that in mind.”

  Travis led us out of the maintenance entrance at the back of the hotel and ushered us into a sleek black SUV. As he closed the door, I noticed him mumble something into his wrist, a hidden mic no doubt.

  It was all so surreal. The hotel, the makeover, the close protection security, riding to an exclusive party downtown in a brand-new SUV.

  Riley settled back in her seat, ignoring the two of us as she pulled out her cell and began texting someone. I strained through the tinted glass to watch the city roll by. I’d never left Tennessee before, and now I was about to see a different city every day.

  “Shit,” Riley mumbled, tapping the glass partition separating the front seats and ours.

  It rolled down and Grayson peered back at us. “We have a problem. The location was leaked on a fansite.”

  He and Travis discussed something in hushed voices. “Change of plan. We’re going to drive around back and enter through the emergency exit.”

  “How bad is it?” Riley asked.

  “The band was mobbed but made it safely inside.”

  My gaze darted to Letty and she mouthed, “Relax, we knew this could happen.”

  It was easy for her to say. She wasn’t about to become the center of attention for being the mystery girl on tour with Black Hearts Still Beat.

  “I thought the location of the club was need to know only?” Letty directed her question at Riley.

  “It was, but you know how these things go sometimes. A roadie overhears something and tells someone else and before you know it, you’ve got four hundred teenage girls camped outside the mall because someone posted online that they had heard the band was going to be there.”

  “Did that really happen?” I asked.

  “Sweetheart, it happens all the time.” Riley’s cell blared to life and she answered it. “Hello... yeah. Yeah, we’re okay... No, they’re going to bring us around back... I don’t know, she seems fine.” Her eyes flicked to mine and she let out a little huff before looking out the window. “Okay, we’re just pulling up now.”

  Two things happened at once. A camera smashed against the window flashing brightly, and the crowd erupted into high-pitched screams and shrieks of adoration.

  “We love you, Levi.”

  “Rafe, I want your babies.”

  “Hudson Ryker can ruin me any day of the week.”

  The catcalls went on and on and on.

  “They’re following us,” Letty said, keeping her eyes trained on the back window.

  “We’re going to do another loop of the block and see if we can shake them.” But as the SUV picked up the pace, so did the horde of girls.

  “This is crazy,” I mumbled.

  “This is nothing.” Riley smoothed her hair out of her face before sending another text. “Local PD are on their way.”

  “That is not standard protocol,” Travis responded.

  “We have an army of teenage girls in pursuit of our vehicle and nowhere to go. What would you suggest?”

  Travis didn’t reply, but I caught his narrowed expression in the rear-view mirror. “It would help us to do our job, Ms. Panem, if you let us do our job. Gray, radio in for someone to meet us around the back of Muy Yungs.”

  “Chinese food? I really don’t think this is time for—”

  “They’re not getting Chinese food, Riles,” Letty smirked. “They’re going to pull the old bait and switch, am I right, Trav?”

  “You got it Letty. Johnson and Stalter will be waiting to escort you inside while we create a diversion.”

  “Is that… safe?” Riley balked, earning her a heavy eye-roll from Letty.

  “Don’t worry, now you’re on tour with the band, you’ll get used to it. There hasn’t been a situation Travis and his guys haven’t saved our asses from yet.”

  “Do I even want to know?” I asked her.

  Letty smiled, a knowing glint in her eye. “Oh, you’ll find out soon enough.”


  “You look like you could use this.” Damon thrust a beer at me. I took a long pull on it, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.

  “They should be here by now,” I said.

  “It’s sweet you’re so concerned about Riley.” My eyes snapped to his, narrowing, but the fucker exploded with laughter. “If you could see your face right now. Chill, man, security can handle it.”

  I didn’t doubt that; our guys were some of the best in the business. But the crowd gathered outside weren’t the usual local fans, they were Die Hearts; a special brand of crazy. By the time the club manager had called Alistair to tell him, it was too late and our car was swarmed with teenage girls, and a few moms, all waiting to get their glimpse of the band. Thanks to Alistair’s forward thinking, we’d managed to calm the crowd with promises of free merch and a few selfies, but now they knew we were inside, they would circle like piranhas for the rest of the night. And since Levi had evaded them altogether, thanks to his personal bodyguard and a ridiculous disguise, Alistair was worried they would assume he was coming in another car.

  Like the one Riley, Letty, and Eva were currently riding in.

  “It’s okay to be worried about her,” he added when I didn’t reply.

  My hand tightened around the bottle as my eyes fixed on the entrance to the club. “She’s not cut out for this,” I mumbled.

  “Hey, don’t be so quick to write her off. Eva’s strong. She can handle herself.”

  “You don’t understand…”

  “So tell me, man. Talk to me.” His eyes burned holes into the side of my face, but I couldn’t look at him. I wasn’t supposed to care.

  I couldn’t care.

  But the second Alistair had announced the girls were riding in a separate car, a knot had formed in my stomach. A knot that only tripled in size when I saw the crowd of girls waiting outside the club.

  “At least when we got thrown into this life, we had each other.” My eyes finally slid to his. “She has no one.”

  “She has Letty.”

  But Letty wasn’t always going to be there; she worked for the label, not for Eva. There would be times when things got crazy and Eva would have no one, and for as much as I t
ried not to care, I did.

  “Who the fuck died?” Hudson swaggered over to us, already buzzed.

  “I see you found the open bar.”

  He flipped me off around a wolfish grin. “It’s a celebration. We’re supposed to be celebrating.”

  “Where’s Levi?”

  “He’s—” Hudson glanced around and let a long groan. “He was right behind me.”

  “I’ll go find him,” Damon offered. “You stay here and… brood.”

  “Thanks,” I said.

  He wandered off, leaving me with Hudson. “You need to get her out of your system, man. Find a cute little blond and fuck Angel right out of your—”

  “Hud,” I warned.

  “What?” His smooth chuckle made me bristle. “I’m just saying. It worked for me.”

  “Looks like it did.”

  “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” He ran a hand over his new shorter hair. The restyled hair he denied had anything to do with Eva’s best friend.

  “Nothing,” I conceded, “it means nothing.”

  “Where are they anyway? Shouldn’t they be here by now? We go on in fifteen.”

  Alistair had organized with the club manager for us to do an impromptu performance. It was supposed to be a surprise, but everyone knew we rarely showed up to a party and didn’t perform. My heart wasn’t in it though, not tonight.

  “There was a problem getting past the Die Hearts. They think Levi is inside that car.”

  “Fuck.” Hudson scrubbed his jaw. “Are security—”

  “Already on it. They should be here any sec—” My eyes found her almost immediately.

  “Holy fucking shit, is that Eva?” Hudson practically drooled beside me. I nudged him in the ribs, feeling possessiveness stir in my chest. She didn’t belong to me, but if he thought for a second, I was going to tolerate him jonesing after her, he was sorely mistaken.

  He wasn’t wrong though. Eva looked as hot as sin. Every bit the star she was about to become.

  “The leather jacket has Letty written all over it,” Hudson remarked. I grumbled some reply, barely able to take my eyes off her. I knew I was staring but I couldn’t help it.

  “Yep, good luck with that.” Hudson clapped me on the back, chuckling to himself as Riley spotted us and made her way over, the girls trailing behind.


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