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Rise: The Interlude (Black Hearts Still Beat Book 2)

Page 17

by L A Cotton

Molly walked over to the window and peered over the city. “This is life, Eva. Hey, Letty, you don’t happen to need an assistant, do you?” She waggled her brows, and the three of us burst into laughter. Then she said nine little words that sucked the fun right out of the moment.

  “Is that a swarm of Die Hearts down there?”


  “Aren’t Riley and Alistair supposed to stop shit like this happening?” Hudson ground out as our SUV looped around the hotel for the second time. The Die Hearts were everywhere, waving their banners and sporting all kinds of Black Hearts merchandise.

  “We have the all-clear from the hotel,” Jake said from upfront. “We can enter via the service entrance.”

  “Eva and the girls are already inside, right?” Damon asked.

  “Yeah, I just spoke to Travis. They’ve been inside about an hour.”

  Relief slammed into me. At least, they hadn’t been down here to see this. It was crazy. There were already a handful of officers trying to contain the crowd. Eva had won over most of our fans. Show after show, their love for the new sweetheart of country only grew. But these fans were different; they truly believed they had some twisted ownership over us and it was only a matter of time before Eva got caught up in it. Damon had already showed me some of the stuff they were saying about her online.

  The pure innocent little church girl letting a rock band dirty her up a little.

  That shit made my blood boil. Thank fuck, Eva refused to fall down the social media rabbit hole, and I knew Letty screened what she shared with her, so she was oblivious to it for the most part. But there was no missing some of the Die Hearts more venomous banners aimed right at her.

  It didn’t matter if we were going all out to protect Eva from the dark side of the industry, we knew it was only time before someone said or did something to try to knock Eva off her new pedestal.

  “Okay, let’s move.” Jake came around the side of the SUV and opened the door. “We need to be quick.” His eyes remained on the alley leading around to the service entrance of the hotel.

  We all climbed out and started toward the door, just as someone shrieked, “There they are. Oh my god, it’s them, it’s really them.”

  A wave of girls swept toward us, their voices blending into a loud crescendo as they drew closer. “Fucking hell,” Damon breathed, as security scrambled to usher the four of us inside.

  “Fenton, call for back up.”

  “On it,” my bodyguard radioed through to the rest of the team.

  “Levi, I love you.”

  “Fuck me hard, Hudson.”

  “Rafe, oh my god, look at him.”

  “Damon Donnelley owns my heart.”

  The catcalls and hollers rolled off us as we ducked inside, the door slamming shut behind us.

  “You think Fenton will be okay?” someone asked.

  He’d stayed behind to prevent any of them from trying to enter the hotel.

  “Another team is almost here.”

  “We need to find out who the fuck is leaking our location to people. The hotel promised complete discretion.”

  “People talk,” Jake grumbled. “It’s happens all the time.”

  And didn’t we know it. But we hadn’t even checked in yet, coming straight from the interview at Rock Vegas FM.

  “The Die Hearts were already camped outside the hotel waiting,” I said what we were all thinking. “They knew we would be here.”

  “Maybe someone saw Eva arrive.”

  “It’s possible,” Jake agreed but I saw the tightness around his eyes. He didn’t wholly believe it.

  Someone from hotel management met us at the service elevator. “On behalf of The Lyndham, I’d like to apologize—”

  “Just keep them out and we’ll be good,” Levi waved him off.

  “Of course. We have extra security posted at all entrances and we’re liaising closely with the local PD. Your safety and privacy are our number one priorities, you have my word.”

  “Unless things change in the next hour, we’ll need to adjust our plans for getting to Caesar’s.”

  “Just tell us what you need.” The guy practically tripped over himself at Jake’s looming presence. He took Hotel Guy to one side and reeled off a list of demands before dismissing him and following us into the elevator.

  “Caesar’s,” Hudson let out a long breath. “I fucking love that place.”

  “Dude, the last time we performed there you almost pissed your pants before we went on stage,” Levi snickered.

  “Fuck off, Hunter. It was a big deal.” Las Vegas shows always were. “And now, Eva gets to experience it all for the first time.”

  “Alistair say anything about when they want to get her into the studio?”

  “Not yet,” Damon said. “But it won’t be long. Our downloads are through the roof and we can’t deny some of that is down to her.”

  “Don’t give her too much credit,” Levi said around a shit-eating smirk. “It’ll go to her head.”

  “Not possible, she’s one of the most grounded people I know.”

  “Excluding us, you know about five other people, Donnelley. It’s not exactly a shining endorsement.”

  “Fuck off.” Damon flipped Hudson the bird.

  “I don’t get paid enough to listen to your crap,” Jake shook his head, stepping off the elevator and doing a quick sweep of the hall. I could see Travis and Grayson standing in position outside of Eva’s room.

  “Everything good up here?” Jake asked them.

  “Nothing to report. Although the friend is very... excitable.” Travis’ brows pinched.

  We all looked at Hudson and he balked, “What?”

  “Nothing.” I smirked, making a beeline for our room. “Nothing at all.”

  “I can’t believe this, Eva. Caesar’s Palace, Caesar’s freakin’ palace.”

  Me and Damon shared an amused look while Hudson grumbled beneath his breath.

  “I mean it’s Caesar’s Pa—”

  “Say it one more time for the people in the back why don’t you?” He let out an exasperated breath, slumping back against the van’s leather seat.

  Security had vetoed us going to the venue in separate cars, deciding to put us all in the van with a security detail in front and behind us. Levi had thought it was all a little unnecessary until a group of Die Hearts rushed the van, clawing and banging the glass. I hadn’t missed the way he’d moved closer to Eva, quietly asking her if she was okay.

  If I wasn’t so stunned, I probably would have turned green with envy.

  My brother had a heart.

  Who fucking knew?

  “I’m sorry, did anyone hear somethin’ just then?” Molly retorted, smirking at her best friend.

  “Funny, Steinbeck, real damn funny.”

  She blew Hud a kiss. Jesus, she was out to push his buttons, not that I blamed her. Dressed to kill in a tight-fitting dress and shoes unworthy of one of our shows, Damon had pointed out she might want to rethink her wardrobe. But Molly had simply flicked her hair over one shoulder, looked right at Hudson, and said she was ready to enjoy the night.

  I’d seen the flash of lust in his eyes, the way he’d greedily dragged his eyes down her body. He wanted her, which was hardly surprising. But I had a feeling she was going to put him through the wringer. It was hard to feel sorry for the guy. Hudson had a way of telling girls what they wanted to hear without ever really saying a thing. Even though he said he never made promises he had no intentions of keeping, it didn’t stop the trail of broken hearts left in his wake.

  “Oh my gosh, I see it, Eva. I see it.” Molly pressed her face up against the tinted glass, awe lingering in her voice. “Best day ever.”

  Despite the simmering tension between her and Hudson, Molly’s excitement was infectious and before long we all found ourselves smiling right alongside her.

  “You think that’s something, wait until you see us perform.”

  “Oh, I’ve seen your performance.” Her eyes landed
on Hudson again. “It didn’t make a lastin’ impression.”

  “Burn.” Levi slapped his thigh, howling with laughter.

  “Don’t push me, Mols,” Hudson’s voice was low. “I never back down from a challenge.”

  “A challenge?” She gawked. “In your dreams.”

  “Oh you’re in my dreams every night when I jack—”

  “Okay, okay,” Eva cut him off. “I think that’s quite enough.” She threw Hudson a scathing look.

  He held up his hands. “She started it.”

  “Well, I’m finishin’ it. Both of you play nice. We’re in Las Vegas, about to perform at Caesar’s freakin’ Palace... can we please enjoy the rest of the night without all the sarcastic remarks?”

  “Fuck yeah, we are.” Levi agreed.

  “What’s gotten into you?” I quietly asked Hudson while Letty was doing her tour guide routine and pointing out all the famous landmarks on the strip.

  “She’s baiting me.”

  “And you’re fucking rising to it.”

  “Seriously,” he whisper-hissed, “you’re trying to school me on women?” His eyes slid over to the girls.

  “Fine, don’t say I didn’t warn you. That,”—I pointed a discreet finger at Molly—“has trouble written all over it.”

  “Rafe?” Hudson grimaced.


  “Worry about your own dick and I’ll worry about mine.”

  I didn’t argue. From the way Eva kept catching my eye, I knew he was right.

  He wasn’t the only guy in trouble tonight.

  The Colosseum was a smaller crowd, but what they lacked in size, they made up for in noise. By the time we came off stage, we were all soaked with sweat and high on adrenaline.

  “We fucking rocked it.” Levi bounced on the balls of his feet.

  “Congratulations, guys.” Alistair sauntered over to us. “That was really something. The manager wanted me to personally inform you they have reserved you a section on the balcony floor at Omnia. You’ll have complete privacy.”

  “Nice!” Hudson said, grabbing a towel and running it down his face.

  “Hey,” Eva and Molly came over. “Great show,” she said.

  “Great show?” Molly rolled her eyes. “I almost had a heart attack, it was so freakin’ good. Seriously, you blew my mind.”

  “Again,” Hudson coughed, earning him a snicker from Levi. I didn’t laugh though. I was too busy staring at Eva. She’d changed out of her performance outfit, into a black knitted sweater dress that finished just above her knee but scooped low on her shoulders. It looked sinful on her body, molding to her soft curves.

  Jesus, she was pure fucking temptation.

  Damon nudged me in the ribs and I managed to tear my hungry gaze off her. “So Ali was just telling us we have a VIP table at Omnia,” he said to the girls. “If you would like to—”

  “Yes, that would be an almighty hell yes.” Molly grinned, swishing her hair off her shoulders.

  “Another club?” Eva whispered and I knew what she was thinking. But this was different. This was a private party inside a club. If we didn’t want to mingle or dance or join the masses, we didn’t have to.

  “It’ll be different,” Levi said, toying with his snake bite piercings. “There won’t be any trouble.”

  “Come on, babe. I’m here for one night only. We need to make it count before I have to go back to life as a babysitter and general lackey.”

  “Fine, fine.” Eva relented, her eyes flicking to mine. “We can go, but I need to call my parents first. My dad made me promise I’d call them after tonight’s show.”

  “We need to get showered and changed anyway,” Damon said.

  “Okay, well I’m going to head back to the dressin’ room and call them. Molly?” Eva asked.

  “You go, I’m goin’ to find Letty. She promised me a tour. I’ll see you soon, okay?”

  Eva nodded, taking off down the hall. I wanted to go after her, the magnetic pull almost impossible to resist.

  “I’m going to shower on the bus,” Hudson announced, his jaw clenched.

  “Shower on the bus? Do you think we’re all fucking blind?”

  “Fuck off, Hunter,” he growled at Levi.

  “Just call it as it is. You’re going back to the bus to rub one out because Molly has you all tied up in knots.”

  Hudson flipped him off. “I’ll see you later.”

  “A hundred dollars says he’s balls deep in her by the end of the night.”

  I shook my head and took off down the hall, but my brother raced past me. “Kiss it, I’m taking first shower.”

  Damon fell into step beside me. “Just say it,” I said, sensing his mind working overtime.

  “Actually, I was going to say I’ll cover for you if you want to go see her.”

  My eyes snapped to his. “I don’t… Yeah, fuck, okay. I owe you, man.”

  “Make it quick though and be fucking discreet.”

  With a small nod, I checked to make sure the coast was clear and slipped into Eva’s dressing room. “Rafe?” she gasped. “What are you doin’ here?”

  Without words, I stalked toward her and curved my hand around her neck, fixing my mouth over hers. Eva’s lips parted on a soft sigh, our tongues brushing. My fingers splayed either side of her head, burying deep into her curls as I tilted her face.

  “Hi,” I said, slowly withdrawing.

  “Hi.” She beamed at me. “What was that for?”

  “Look at you.” My gaze moved down her body. “You’re trying to kill me, aren’t you?”

  “Molly made me wear it.”

  “I’ll remember to thank her later.”

  Eva swatted my chest, quiet laughter filling the room. She fisted my t-shirt. “You’re all sweaty.”

  “And you’re mine, Starshine.”

  Her eyes fluttered closed. “Rafe…” My name formed on her lips. I knew she wanted to say more because I did too. The words were right there on the tip of my tongue. But something held me back.

  “I should go before anyone catches us.”

  “Okay.” She gave me a weak smile and I dropped a kiss on the end of her nose before backing up to the door.

  “You were amazing out there tonight, Eva,” I said as my hand curled around the handle. “It isn’t any wonder our fans have fallen in love with you.”

  Just like I have.


  “Holy cow, Eva, that boy can’t take his eyes off you.” Molly leaned into me, slurping her cocktail. “I don’t know how you do it.”

  “Do what?”

  “Pretend you’re not head over heels in love with him.”

  My eyes darted around and she chuckled. “Relax, we’re all alone. I’m beginnin’ to think it’s me.”

  She had a point. We’d been in the club almost an hour and the guys had all deserted us. Even Letty was busy flirting with a guy she knew from another record label. Hudson was making a show of chatting up any girl who looked his way, and Damon had taken off after reading a text on his cell phone. Rafe and Levi were seated over by the bar, talking, pretending not to watch the two of us like hawks.

  “It isn’t you.”

  Okay, so maybe Hudson didn’t stick around because he couldn’t stand being around Molly, but I had a feeling that I was the reason the Hunter brothers were keeping their distance.

  When Rafe had slipped into my dressing room earlier, I had been so close to telling him how I really felt. And I was almost certain he felt the same—it was in the way he held me, how his lips brushed over mine, the way his eyes saw straight into my soul.

  I didn’t blame him for keeping a safe distance because I was also struggling to rein in the urge to get up, go over, and finish what we started earlier.

  Molly shrugged. “Who the hell cares? We’re in a club in Las Vegas sippin’ drinks that cost more than my yearly allowance. And despite what you might think,” Her expression softened, “I didn’t come for them, I came for you.”

bsp; “I love you too.” I squeezed her hand. “And I’m so glad you’re here. Bein’ on tour has been more than I could ever have imagined, but it’s been intense.”

  “I can totally imagine. Bein’ stuck in the middle of a Hunter sandwich must be a terrible place to be.” She teased.

  “Molly,” I warned. “It isn’t like that.”

  “I know. I’ve known you your entire life, Eva, and I’ve never seen you the way you are with Rafe. I only have to say his name and you practically melt into a puddle.”

  “But what if it’s doomed?” I peeked over at them. “There’s somethin’ between them, Mol. Something dark. Rafe feels this sense of responsibility to his brother and I think it stems from more than just Levi’s addiction.”

  “Sometimes you just have to follow your heart and hope it leads you right. You’re worth the risk, babe, and if he’s worth your love, he’ll see that.”

  Throwing my arms around her neck, I crushed Molly into me. “I’ve missed you.”

  “If I’d have known there was going to be tears,” Letty said. “I would have thought twice before calling you.”

  “No tears.” Molly said easing out of my arms.

  “Maybe a few happy ones,” I added, resting my head on her shoulder.

  “Who’s the hotty?”

  “Someone I need to walk away from. Are you girls ready to hit the dance floor?”

  “I’m not sure—”

  “Yes, dear God, yes.” Molly jumped up, shimmying down her dress. “Come on, Eva, we have to dance.”

  “They have to come too.” I slid my eyes over to where Travis and Grayson stood.

  “It’s their job. I’ll pretend they’re not there if you will.” My best friend pouted so I found myself saying, “Fine, lead the way.”

  The club was already packed, bodies crammed onto the dance floor underneath the huge kinetic chandelier. It was a far cry from the club in LA, and the even smaller one in Charlotte. The music was loud, thrumming through my chest. I grabbed Molly’s hand as we followed Letty. Travis and Grayson blended in with the crowd but kept a close distance.

  “I love this one.” Letty yelled, throwing her arms up and rolling her hips. It was some popular dance hit, full of electro beats and heavy bass. I smiled weakly. This so wasn’t my scene, but I didn’t want to ruin Molly’s big night out.


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