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Taming Kalinda

Page 7

by Dakota Trace

  “Too late.” Caelan’s cool voice floated up from the bottom of the steps. Nisey stiffened her back before turning to look down at Caelan’s disapproving face. “What did I tell you, slave?”

  Biting her lower lip, Nisey decided to bluster her way through this. She hadn’t actually gone in the apartment. “I was asking Kalinda about meeting me for lunch.” She hoped he picked up on her meaning. After all it had been his and Dominic’s idea. “I didn’t go inside the apartment.”

  Caelan’s eyes warmed briefly as they settled on his sister. “Is that right? Did she stay out in the hall?”

  Kalinda nodded wordlessly.

  “Good, then you’re not in any more trouble than what you originally earned this morning. Come down here so I can check you before I drop you off at the shop.”

  She nodded before she turned her pleading gaze back to Kalinda. “Please, girl. We can meet at the restaurant if you don’t feel comfortable coming to the shop.”

  “Now Nisey!” Caelan’s voice brooked no refusal. Slumping her shoulders dejectedly, she turned to head down the stairs when Kalinda’s deep sigh washed over her.

  “Text me the address of the sushi shop and I’ll meet you there.”

  Nisey spun around and gave Kalinda a huge hug. “Thank you, Kalinda, you won’t regret it.” Then releasing her friend as quickly as she grabbed her, she rushed back down the stairs as rapidly as she could. Caelan opened the door to their home before closing it sharply behind her.

  “Over my desk, now!” His order had shards of anticipation running through her.

  Within moments she found herself bent over his big executive desk with her skirt hoisted up around her waist and her Master’s fingers buried inside of her. She gasped as his fingers curled and brushed over the slightly rough patch inside of her - her g-spot, before deliberately bumping up against the BenWa balls she’d inserted after her shower.

  “Good girl.”

  “Máister.” She had to clench her teeth when the thumb on his opposite hand brushed over her tightly furled rosebud and rubbed against it. She could feel the cool lubrication on it wetting her tight entrance. She shivered with growing pleasure

  “That’s right, Nisey.” He thrust his thumb through the tight constriction of her ass as he rubbed his fingers over her g-spot. “You’re very lucky, grá. If you had actually entered the apartment, you’d have had your butt plug in addition to the BenWa balls. I have no doubt you’d be hard pressed to concentrate on your work with both your ass and pussy filled.”

  Giving a long groan at the thought, Nisey fought off her impending release. Caelan didn’t help matters when he stroked faster inside her ass and cunt. Her muscles greedily sucked at his thumb and his fingers, despite the fact she knew he wouldn’t give her the release she was craving.

  “But since you went no further than the hallway, I’m going to reward you for your self-control. He withdrew his thumb only to thrust two fingers, heavily covered with not only her cream but also a thick coating of lubrication, inside her tight ass.

  “Máister! Please!”

  Her heated low wail disguised the sound of Caelan’s zipper lowering.

  “Brace yourself, sclábhaí.”

  A soft yelp of pleasure escaped her when he removed his thrusting fingers only to replace them with his cock. The pressure of the broad head against the most sensitive portal of her body had Nisey holding her breath in anticipation. She absolutely loved the burn which accompanied her Master’s cock entering the most forbidden entrance on her body.

  “Grab a hold of the edge and keep your hands there. I’ll be very displeased if you let go.” Nisey would’ve giggled if she’d been more aware of the hoarseness of Caelan’s voice, but she didn’t notice it because she was so violently aroused. She needed him, now! Curling her fingers around the edge of his desk, she braced herself carefully before answering his command.

  “Yes, Máister.”

  As if he’d been waiting for her words, Caelan pushed passed the tight restriction of her rim to slowly slide deep inside of her. It was all Nisey could do to not come immediately when he started rocking against her ass. Every movement of his hips against her nether cheeks sent the BenWa balls bouncing vigorously against each other.

  “Good girl.” His words of praise filled her with happiness as his movements became shorter and harder. Within moments he was pounding against her ass as she fought to hold off her climax. She was doing well until he slid a slightly roughened finger over her straining clit. His knowing touch pushed her right to the edge.

  “Oh my God! Máister…please…I…need…I’m gonna...” She knew she was babbling but she couldn’t stop. Her body was being rocketed with each slam of his hips against her backside, while her thighs were shaking with her need to climax.

  Just when she thought she wouldn’t be able to withstand another moment, Caelan nipped her ear. “Come for your Master, slave!”

  His rough order shattered what little control she had over her impending orgasm and she snapped. She screamed as the world darkened and pleasure so violent she could barely hold on to the desk racked her body. She was vaguely aware of Caelan’s deep answering bellow as he spilled his seed into the depths of her ass.

  * * * *

  Double checking the address that Nisey had given her once more, Kalinda finally parked the car in the parking lot. Sliding her keys into one pocket and her phone into another, Kalinda climbed out of the car and headed towards the front door of the restaurant. Pushing open the darkly tinted door, she never saw the man standing just on the other side of it. As the door slammed into his hip, a low curse escaped him as he tried to keep from dropping the Styrofoam boxes of food he was holding.

  “Damnit! Why don’t you watch the hell where you’re going?”

  Kalinda froze at the harsh tone of Josh’s voice. Her heart sped up and her throat became parched even while her panties dampened. Cursing her bad luck, she froze. Time stood still for her when his midnight dark blue eyes met hers.

  “Kalinda?” He looked over her shoulder. “Where’s your protector?” His sneer motivated her to move. She was through playing the ‘victim’ even to him.

  “I don’t need a protector, Josh. Excuse me.” She moved past him. When his hand clamped around her arm, she fought her need to shiver. Awareness of his body next to hers had her wishing they were anywhere else but in the middle of a sushi bar. “Let go of me.” Keeping her voice low, she crawled behind the ‘wall of indifference’ that she showed everyone. Even though ‘the wall’ was in tatters from the night before, she knew it created enough of a barrier between them to get her through the next few minutes. “Excuse me, but I happen to have a lunch date.”

  Even without looking up at him, she could tell he was becoming impatient with her. “Have you become such a…”

  Wrenching her arm free, she glared up at him. “Don’t! I have done nothing to warrant this behavior, Mr. Redding. You wanted me out of Chicago, so I left. You have no say in what I do or don’t do anymore. Good day.” She moved further into the room while quickly scanning for Nisey. Seeing her friend sitting at a nearby table, she headed towards it trying to ignore Josh’s parting words behind her.

  “This isn’t over, Spitfire. It’ll never be over between us. Remember that when that California dude is trying to satisfy you in bed.”

  Blinking back the tears, she vowed that despite her rampant attraction to him, she was through with Joshuah Redding.

  “Hey girl! Are you okay?” Nisey’s concerned look as Kalinda took the seat across from her had her shaking her head.

  “I’ll be fine …just another unfortunate run-in with your boss.”

  A panicked look crossed Nisey’s face. “I didn’t…”

  Giving her friend’s hand a squeeze, Kalinda was quick to reassure her. “I know you didn’t. It’s a free country and if Josh wants to stop here for lunch then it’s his business. I know you had nothing to do with him choosing to be here at the same time. But I don’t want to ta
lk about that egotistical asshole. Didn’t you promise me some California rolls?”

  “Yep, you’ll love ‘em!” Nisey flagged down the waiter.

  * * * *

  Giving a sigh of contentment with her belly full of top-notch sushi, Kalinda leaned back against the padded back of her chair.

  “You were right, Nis. Those rolls were excellent.” Wiping her mouth on the napkin in her lap, she stared thoughtfully at Nisey. Her friend fidgeted in her seat. She noticed Nisey had been fidgety during the meal along with being distracted.

  “All right - spill. What has you on edge?” Crossing her arms over her chest, she gave Nisey the look that told her friend that she wasn’t going to let the issue rest.

  A bright flush washed over Nisey’s pale skin. “It’s nothing. I snuck out of bed this morning, so now I’m paying for it.”

  “Tender bottom?” A knowing look crossed Kalinda’s face. “I’ve been there. There have been many days I’ve had to sit behind a drafting table on a hard stool with a sore ass, while the man who’d caused it watched me across the room with either a knowing look, or worse a huge grin, on his face. You should be thankful Caelan doesn’t work with you. I’m sure he’d take pleasure in watching every squirm.”

  Laughing, Nisey shook her head. “It’s not my ass that’s bothering me. Damn BenWa balls, if Caelan were here right now, I’d club him with the nearest blunt object.”

  “Oh really? Should I mention it to him? Well on second thought, I think he might have just heard you if the look on his face is any indication.” Biting her lip to keep from giving away her ruse, Kalinda watched as Nisey swung around to anxiously scan the room. When she didn’t find Caelan, she turned back around to smack Kalinda’s arm with her rolled up napkin.

  “You know, I do believe you deserved every bit of that whipping Dominic gave you last night, Kalinda. You are evil! That was sooo not right.”

  Kalinda rubbed her arm while sticking her tongue out at Nisey. “But I made ya look, didn’t I?”

  Nisey nodded. “That’s more like the friend I remember.”

  Kalinda grew serious at her friend’s wistful voice. “She’s still there, Nis. Just buried a bit deeper out of self preservation, but she doesn’t wear her heart on her sleeve anymore.”

  Taking Kalinda’s hand, Nisey pulled her friend closer to her before looking around the room. When she saw no one seemed to be noticing them, she continued in low tones.

  “I want you to do something for me.”

  “What?” Concerned by the undisguised need on her friend’s face, Kalinda held her breath.

  “I want you to come downstairs tomorrow night to watch as Caelan ties me up.”

  “Nis…” Shifting uncomfortably in her chair, Kalinda wasn’t sure she could bear to watch her friend in such a vulnerable position.

  “Please? I promised Dominic I would ask.”

  Kalinda paused. “What does Dominic have to do with this?”

  “Before I answer, let me ask you something, Kalinda. Do you want to please him? Are you truly submissive to him, or is he just a buffer against Josh?”

  Kalinda had to bite her tongue against the anger which Nisey’s implication brought forth, but she failed miserably.

  “How dare you imply that I would use him in such a manner! He cared about my well being even when I didn’t. I could never use him. I owe him much more than I can ever repay, but ultimately it makes me happy to make him happy. I honestly love submitting to him.”

  Nisey tried to calm her friend, but Kalinda had a full head of steam going.

  “I may have not been able to satisfy Josh, but I’ve done everything I can to satisfy Dominic. We’ve been together for over two years and I haven’t heard any complaints from him yet!”

  “Calm down, Kalinda. I didn’t say it to piss you off. For someone who doesn’t wear her heart on her sleeve, you’re sure quick to anger. The reason I asked is because Dominic approached me this morning about asking you to watch Caelan and me. For a woman who claims she knows her Dom well, did you realize he’s been visiting clubs to tie up other submissives?”

  Kalinda felt the blood rush through her head at the idea that she’d once more had failed her Dom. “He’s fucking other subs?”

  Nisey was quick to reassure her. “No. He’s not fucking them, or at least I don’t think so. He says he just goes to a club he’s a member of and ties up who ever asks, or whoever pays the club for the pleasure. There’s no sex involved if it’s anything like how Olivia’s is run.”

  “Why didn’t he tell me?” Kalinda’s voice came out as mere whisper. “I’d have let him…”

  “Shh,” patting Kalinda’s hand, Nisey tried to calm her. “I asked him the same thing. He said he was more concerned about putting you first at the time. He also thought you knew about it. Something about him mentioning it when he went over your limits?”

  Anger replaced the devastation Kalinda had felt mere minutes before. “Like hell he did! He mentioned he’d done it in the past, but never once…and I do mean once…did he ever claim that he wanted to do that with me. All he had to do was tell me…hell, even order me to - I would’ve done it in a heartbeat.”

  Sensing that her friend was ready to go off half-cocked, Nisey stopped her.

  “He’s a typical man, girl. How would you like to get even with him?”

  Kalinda frowned. “Get even with him?”

  Nisey’s eyes twinkled. “Yeah. Have you ever heard the expression, ‘don’t get mad, get even’?”

  “Yeah! What are you planning? I don’t trust that look in your eyes, Nis.”

  “Trust me. You’ll love it. I need to talk to your brother about it first but I’m sure he’ll go for it.”

  Kalinda just shook her head. “And here Caelan claims I’m the bad influence. I think you’ve got him buffaloed, Nis.”

  Nisey grinned as she tried to give her friend a wide-eyed innocent look. “Who me?”

  Kalinda burst out laughing. “Yes you!”

  Chapter Five

  The next afternoon, Josh was staring out his office window, when a brisk knock sounded on his outer office door. Turning back around, he glared at the door. He’d told his ditzy sister he didn’t want any company for the rest of the afternoon, but she must have taken off early again to take care of some other miscellaneous wedding detail. She spent more time with her lover, Ethan, and their mother Gladys, than she did attending to business. He normally wouldn’t begrudge his baby sister the time off, after all getting married was supposed to be a once in a lifetime experience, but he wasn’t in the mood today to deal with anyone. He briefly wondered if he ignored the person they would think he was out.

  When the loud knock came again, he growled before standing with the intention of giving the intruder a piece of his mind. He’d been on edge ever since picking up Kalinda and that wannabe Dom. She was supposed to have been his, damn it! She was supposed to get some experience before returning to him, not letting another man claim her.

  “You know, if you’re expecting her to take you back, Redding, hiding in this office isn’t going to cut it.” Dominic’s voice had Josh tensing. Testosterone had him ready to kick the other man’s ass. He had to remind himself that he was a civilized Dom who couldn’t attack another man just because Dominic had what he wanted.

  “What the Hell do you want?”

  Leaning against the door, Dominic watched him with cool eyes. “Now that’s a loaded question and one I don’t think you’re ready to hear the answer for.”

  Sinking back into his chair, he tried to stare the younger man down. “You mean this bullshit everyone has been telling me about you trying to exorcise her memories of me so you can claim her? I can tell you right now, I’m not going to let her go without a fight.”

  “I’d expect nothing less, Josh, but I’m here to tell you, the only way I’m going to let her go, is if she tells me she no longer wants me to be her Dom.” He pushed off the door to walk further into the room. “So the way I see it,
we’re going to have to come to an agreement about her, because I’ll be damned if I’ll let you run her through the ringer again.”

  “Get the fuck out!”

  Dominic shook his head slowly. “I’m not leaving until we hash this out, Josh.”

  “I have nothing to talk to you about. The only thing we have in common is…”

  “…Kalinda, which is why I’m here. Whether she shows it or not you still have a strong pull on her. Stronger than I hoped for, in fact.”

  Josh sneered at him. “So that’s what you’re worried about, Cali-boy - that in the end, she’ll pick me over you?”

  Dominic shrugged. “There always has been that possibility, Redding. I knew when I took her on that she wasn’t over you. I was dealing with a hurting submissive. I went into this whole situation with my eyes wide open.” He leaned over Josh’s desk. “But come hell or high water, I’m going to see her healed.”

  * * * *

  Kalinda let herself into her apartment. “Dominic?” Shutting the door behind her, she wandered into the kitchen. The apartment was eerily quiet. She frowned before walking over to her answering machine. The little red light was blinking. After pressing the button to play back her messages, she walked over to open the fridge. She was reaching for a cold Coke when a heavily accented voice filled the room.

  “This is José Castillo from A1 Storage, in Los Angles. I’m trying to reach Señor Dominic LaFontane, regarding his storage unit. If you could please have him call me at 310-555-2381, I would greatly appreciate it.”

  She frowned but jotted the number and name down on the tablet next to the fridge for Dominic, while hoping nothing bad had happened. Shutting its door, she popped the top on the soda can before chugging half of it down. She walked out onto the back landing of her apartment. Sitting down, she watched as the wind blew the branches of the small but growing weeping willow her brother had planted to replace the huge oak which had come down almost three years ago.

  Content to sit on the top step, she wasn’t surprised when her brother came outside and looked up. She scooted over when he climbed the steps to join her. His familiar cologne filled her nose as he sat down on the step next to her.


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