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Taming Kalinda

Page 16

by Dakota Trace

  Curious, Dominic snuck closer to the bed. From his position next to the dresser he could see both of their profiles. Josh looked grim while Kalinda had a desperate look on her face. There was definitely a war of wills going on between them. What exactly had she asked of Josh?

  He grimaced when her hands left the headboard to land on Josh’s shoulders with a loud smack. He’d been on the receiving end of those hands more than once when he’d teased her just a little bit too far. “Asshole.”

  Even Dom’s eyes widened when Josh came to a complete stop. Smacking a Dom was never a good idea under the best of circumstances. So doing it while said Dom was trying to be noble and tame his base instincts was just asking for him to go medieval on your ass.

  “I told you to keep them there, slave.” Josh reached over with one hand, while using his weight to pin her to the bed as he dug through the bag until he drew out a short length of rope. “Since you obviously don’t want to listen…”

  Dominic heard Kalinda’s squeal, but he didn’t hide his smile. That was exactly what she’d been aiming for when she’d hit Josh. But unfortunately if he knew Josh, his little sub was going to end up restrained, but not fucked the way she needed. Topping from the bottom usually backfired. He couldn’t believe she’d actually tried it.

  After Josh tied her wrists to the headboard he withdrew from her body. She cried out in protest when he left the bed. Dominic stilled when the other man pulled a blindfold from the bag to cover Kalinda’s eyes. Once he had it in place, he turned to smirk at Dominic.

  Dominic just shrugged before nodding to the open doorway. It was best to keep Kalinda in the dark. Both men stood outside the bedroom where Kalinda couldn’t hear their whispered conversation.

  “We weren’t expecting you back.” Josh was the first to speak. He seemed a bit uncomfortable.

  “I know. I caught an earlier flight.”

  “You’re not mad? I’m fucking your sub without your permission.”

  Dominic laid a hand on Josh’s shoulder. “When are you going to get it through your thick head, Josh? She’s just as much yours as she is mine. When I left her here with you I knew this could happen - indeed I had hoped that it would happen. Besides if she didn’t feel at ease or comfortable being with you, no matter what tricks you plied on her body, she would’ve resisted.”

  Josh seemed to study him for a moment. “You were serious about us sharing her?”

  Dominic crossed his arms over his chest. “I don’t say things I don’t mean. There are times we’ll be together as a threesome, but there will also be times that it’s only one of us with her. I trust you with her, Redding, and once this thing with your past is dealt with I expect you to be a permanent part of my relationship with her.”

  Josh stared at him as if he were trying to decide if Dominic was serious or not. “Well, damn, then what am I waiting for?”

  “That’s what I’ve been asking you since I brought her back here. Now go try to tame her.”

  A wicked grin crossed Josh’s face. “With pleasure!” He turned before stopping. “Are you going to watch?”

  Dominic cocked his head. “That depends? Do you want me to?”

  “Hell yes, I do but under my terms.”

  Arching an eyebrow at Josh - he waited to hear the terms.

  “You have to be quiet. I don’t want her to realize that you’re here until it’s too late for her to resist.”

  “Agreed.” Both men re-entered the room.

  * * * *

  Josh couldn’t believe he’d just asked the other man to watch him tame Kalinda, but he’d had an epiphany while making love to her. Something had been missing aside from the fact he’d been fighting his need to dominate. He had wanted the other man’s presence. He’d wanted to be able to look up into Dom’s deep blue eyes and see the approval in them as he tortured their sub. It still seemed foreign to him to think of sharing Kalinda with another man, but damned if it wasn’t overwhelmingly erotic - the hottest thing he’d ever done.

  He could remember the exact moment he’d felt another presence in the room. When he’d tossed his head back to fight the need to fuck her hard, he’d caught a reflection in the mirror out of the corner of his eye. Dominic’s dark hair and massive frame were distinctive and the sight of him had caused his cock to harden even further inside of Kalinda. Then everything had snapped into place for him. This was where he belonged. Now he had to prove not only to himself, but to the other two people in the room, that he was the right man to complete their relationship.

  * * * *

  Kalinda wondered what was going on when it got quiet. Her heart raced with anticipation. Had she finally pushed him hard enough that he was going to let loose of his inner dominant and give her a hard fucking?

  “Such a pretty lying little sub.” The stroke of Josh’s finger over her cheek had her turning her head to follow it. His voice hardened when she began to protest its withdrawal.

  “Why did you ask for gentle when you knew it wasn’t what you needed, slave?”

  “Josh?” Fear warred with desire. She knew that tone - it was the same as it always had been just before he went uber-dominant on her poor unsuspecting body.

  “Wrong answer, slave.” His hand came down on her bare hip. A sting of the hard flesh of his hand hitting her naked skin had her pussy twitching. God she wanted him!

  “Who am I, slave?” He accented his question with another slap.

  “Sir! You’re Sir.”

  The silence grew and she worried that she gave him wrong answer. She hadn’t called Josh Master in years. In fact when they’d first started her training together, Sir had been his preferred title. She’d only called him Master during their final night together. In her mind she only had one “Master” and that was Dominic. Perhaps if she explained what her thinking was to him…

  “That’s Sir Josh to you, Kalinda. Don’t ever forget it again, or I’ll take you over my knee and give you a whipping you won’t enjoy or forget.”

  “Yes, Sir. This slave won’t forget again.” Her breath hissed out when his fingers found one of the clips to give it a hard tug. The resulting mix of pleasure and pain had her begging for more.

  “Now, answer my question, why did you ask for gentle when you know you can’t come as I expect you to with it?”

  “I…” Kalinda nearly panicked. She’d pushed for the Dom and now that he was here, she didn’t know what to do with him. She thought she’d known what the reality of Josh in full Dom mode was, but evidently her memory was faulty. He was even more intense than she remembered. Even as it excited her until she was sure that pussy juice was spilling all over her rumpled sheets, she was leery. He wouldn’t take less than total surrender.

  “Don’t even think of lying to me, slave. It will only get you punished.”

  “And if being punished is what I want, Sir?” Even as she hid behind her smart ass remark, she’d known he wouldn’t tolerate it. She braced herself for the smack of his palm or leather crop against her tender flesh.

  Instead she got a gentle kiss against her lips before he answered. “Then I’ll hide all the crops and floggers from you until you tell me.”

  She groaned. He sounded serious. While she would love to think Dominic wouldn’t allow that, she had a sneaky suspicion that he would side with Josh. Well, shit!

  “I’m waiting, slave.”

  She took a deep breath. “I...I was scared, Sir.”

  “That I would hurt you?” His frustration was evident before she felt his weight settle on the bed next to her.

  “No, Sir.” She paused to gather her thoughts.

  “If it wasn’t me you feared, than what was it?”

  “My response to it, Sir.” Her chest felt lighter now that she’d voiced the fear. He’d always told her in the past to embrace her fear -it was the only way to own it.

  “I’ve told you in the past, there is nothing to fear from submitting to me, Kalinda. I wish you’d have remembered that despite what happened between us
. I guess I’m just going to have to prove to you once more to you that there is nothing to fear in submission.”

  * * * *

  Writhing against the bonds that held her hands, Kalinda was on fire with need. Sir had been teasing her first with his trailing fingers and now by withholding his touch. She whimpered as he trailed the end of what she assumed was a flogger over the inside of her thighs. She’d been ready to come for what seemed like forever, but he had refused each time she’d demanded then pleaded that he let her come.

  While his response was similar to what Dominic’s would be, she quickly had found out that the hot buttons she could push on Dominic didn’t work with Josh. When she demanded, he laughed instead of being aroused by it. How she could tell with her eyes blindfolded she didn’t know, but she could just feel his laughter at her attempts to get what she needed. When she begged, he just cooed at her.

  When the flogger left her inner thigh to land on her pussy with light strokes meant to only inflame her already dripping folds, she finally broke.

  “Oh, God...please let me come, Sir. I can’t stand this anymore!”

  The teasing continued over her aching clit to land near the portal of her body. Then she felt the rub of what she assumed was the handle against her opening before sliding inside to tease her yearning cunt. Her orgasm nearly crashed over her when he withdrew it from her. “Whatever you want… Sir…I’ll give it to you….please!”

  “You know what I want, slave.” If there was frustration in his voice, she was too far gone to hear it.

  “Yes…I submit, Sir!” She screamed when he shoved the handle back inside her before a thumb unerringly found her clit. Colors of euphoria danced before her eyes as her orgasm crested and her body gave him the ultimate physical expression of her submission.

  “Finally!” She felt hands fumbling with her blindfold just before it was whisked away. Her eyes slowly focused on Josh’s face above her.

  “Grab her legs, Dominic.”

  That’s when she realized the finger had never left her clit when Josh had taken off her blindfold. Her eyes widened in shock when Josh climbed onto the bed, yanked the flogger out of her pussy to only replace it with his raging cock while her eyes settled on Dominic. She screamed as another orgasm crashed over her while they both watched.

  “God damn, she’s milking my cock, Dom.” Kalinda saw red as Josh bucked against her forcing her orgasm to continue.

  “Fuck her into submission, Josh. She’ll thank you for it later.” Dominic’s encouragement had her tossing her head back and forth in denial. She couldn’t handle this. It was too much! They were claiming all of her, and she’d never survive it when it was over.

  “No, no!” She fought against both the men holding her and the demands of her body. She couldn’t - she wouldn’t do this again!

  “Look at me, slave!” Josh’s bark had her eyes opening despite her determination to not to give over to them.

  “Quit fighting it. Let your Master see your surrender.”

  She sobbed when Dominic’s finger turned her face to so he could see her eyes. “Let go, slave.” His tone was firm. Between the love she saw in his eyes and the hard thrusts of Josh’s cock inside of her, her world exploded around her despite all her resistance. The only thought that comforted her was she hadn’t given the men what they’d asked for. Her heart was still safe…at least for the moment.


  The sound of smacking flesh and masculine groans followed as she floated away on pleasure. As darkness beckoned, she wasn’t sure who had screamed: Josh, Dominic or herself.

  * * * *

  Josh stared down at the woman under him as he fought to catch his breath. His body was still tingling with the incredible release she’d dragged out of him. Her easy breathing reassured him that she’d merely passed out from the overwhelming pleasure.

  “Damnit. She fought us right up to the end.” Josh looked over at Dominic, who wasn’t in much better shape than he was. A quick glance had told him the other man had come with him and Kalinda. “Couldn’t wait?” He was just enough of a smart ass to tease Dom.

  “Fuck, if you could’ve seen what I just saw, I doubt you would’ve been able to resist.”

  Josh shook his head. “You’re probably right. But you realize that we can’t let this stand. If she thinks she can just flex those tight pussy muscles of hers and have us like putty in her hands, we’ll spend all of our time trying to keep her out of trouble.”

  Dominic laughed. “Count on it.”

  Josh withdrew slowly to collapse on the opposite side of Kalinda’s body. He closed his eyes and sighed. Despite their failure in getting Kalinda’s complete and utter submission to them, he couldn’t remember ever feeling better. “Shall we deal with it in the morning?”

  “Sure. Damn I’m tired.”

  Josh looked over when the other man yawned before he moved to leave the bed. Better to move before he was asked to leave. He’d just crash in the guest bedroom for the night. After all, Dominic was here to protect Kalinda.

  He’d just put his feet on the floor when Dominic’s voice stopped him. “Don’t make me get up and kick your ass, Redding.”

  Josh looked over his shoulder at other man in surprise. “Excuse me?”

  “I normally sleep on the left side of bed and Kalinda sleeps curled up in the middle…so it leaves the right side open for you.”

  “You’re asking me to stay?” His heart gave an astounding thump. He shouldn’t be excited about the idea of sharing a bed with Kalinda and Dominic.

  The other man’s eyes drifted shut. “No, I’m telling you I’ll kick your ass if you leave. Now lay back down. You’ve claimed your part of her tonight…or at least tried, so your spot is here with us.” When Dominic’s voice slurred and didn’t continue, Josh assumed the other man had drifted off to sleep.

  “Some ass kicker you are, Dom.” Shaking his head, he went to the bathroom to take care of the used condom. He was on his way back to the guest room when he paused to look in on them. Neither had moved, but the turned-back covers on the right side of Kalinda beckoned him. He wanted to be in that bed so badly. Tired of trying to figure out what he wanted, he gave into temptation by crawling back into bed with them. Carefully laying a hand over Kalinda’s hip just below Dominic’s arm, he relaxed on his back and let sleep beckon.

  * * * *

  Opening his eyes when Josh’s soft snore filled the room, Dominic smiled at the hand the other man had cupped over their sub’s hip. He gave a sigh of relief. He hadn’t been sure if Josh would return after his short trip to the bathroom. While he’d meant every word of his threat, he realistically knew he couldn’t force Josh to sleep with them. Evidently the connection between them was stronger than he’d hoped for, because Josh after only a moment’s hesitation had come back to their bed.

  Rolling onto his back, Dominic cursed silently as he nearly fell off. The first thing that was going to be changed was this little ass bed. While a queen size bed wasn’t small by most standards, having three grown people with two of them being large male adults limited the amount of space they had for playing. Deciding that his previous spooning position was his best bet to keep from falling off the bed, Dominic hoped that Josh had a king-sized bed in his condo. If not, he decided, then he’d get his own California King shipped out here. Of course, that would have come after they coaxed Kalinda’s total submission and commitment out of her stubborn little ass.

  * * * *

  The next morning when she awoke Kalinda felt sated to her toes. Stretching she opened her eyes to find herself alone in her bed. Sitting up she heard masculine voices coming from her kitchen. Her heart leapt when she heard a familiar Irish brogue. Caelan was home! Scrambling from the bed, she reached for the Capri pants on the floor. She’d just bent over to pull them on, when a low wolf whistle filled her room. She froze. Damnit, she’d forgotten about Dominic’s return last night. Embarrassment warred with relief that he was back home. Had badly had she fucked up the
ir relationship by giving into Josh?

  Feeling a pair of hands at her hips, she knew he wasn’t going to let her hide. “Are we going to be okay, Master?”

  Pulling her upright, he turned her in his arms. “Look at me, slave.” She lifted her eyes to look into his dark ones.

  “Why would you think that?”

  “I….well, with what happened…” He placed a finger over her lips.

  “I told you that he would be joining us, Kalinda. Until you tell me you can’t handle it, he will part of our relationship.”

  She moistened her lips. “He will?”

  He nuzzled her cheek. “Yes, he will. Don’t lie to me. You nearly submitted to him last night, didn’t you?”

  She nodded while he pulled her down onto their bed and into his lap.

  “So why didn’t you?”

  She chewed on her lip. “I don’t want to upset you…”

  He gave her hip a tap. “Don’t give me that crap. I want the truth.”

  She rubbed her face against his chest, inhaling his scent. “I’m scared…what happens if I can’t submit to him anymore, and you both leave me?”

  “First of all, I’m not going to leave you - no matter what you do. I’ve been through Hell, woman, I’m not going to leave you now.” He lifted her chin up to look into her eyes. “And second, what makes you think you won’t be able to submit to him again?”

  “You weren’t there the last time I was with him - during our last scene together.” She took a deep breath. “I can’t talk about it but let’s just say more happened than I told you. The end result was that I ended up making a complete and utter fool out of myself. That’s what I was trying to drive out of my mind the night I went to the Gilded Lily.”

  “So because of what happened during that last scene with him, you don’t think you’re ever going to be able to submit to him again.”

  She nodded before burying her face in his shirt once more. Looking up over her head, he saw Josh’s tan look like it had been washed away. The other man was shaken up by what Kalinda had just revealed.

  He locked his eyes on Josh hoping to make the other man understand. “We’ll fix this, chérie, I won’t settle for less. Now, I want you to dry those tears for me. I don’t need your brother thinking I’m in here beating you. Aside from that, we’re going to go pick up Nisey from the hospital.” Standing he noticed that Josh had disappeared. After promising Kalinda that they’d stop for Jamaican Blue Mountain coffees on their way to the hospital, Dom left her to get showered and dressed.


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