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Destiny Redeemed

Page 3

by Gabrielle Bisset

  Amon’s flashed an annoyed look at him, letting his eyes change to almost black to signal to Gethen that he’d gone too far.

  “I’m sorry. I’m out of line,” he said quietly as he lowered his head.

  Amon breathed deeply and considered what his friend had said. While his words had stung, they hadn’t been untrue. Slowly, his eyes changed back to their original blue as he accepted Gethen’s point.

  “So what do you suggest, my friend?”

  “Perhaps it’s time to seek out your destined one?”

  “Sevine?” Amon answered in disbelief.

  “She is the woman you’re supposed to be with. Your destined one. Even as a Sidhe, I know that means something.”

  Amon thought back to the last time he saw his destined one—the day she formally refused to continue to act as the woman destiny had chosen for him. He remembered the cold look in her eyes as she told him the man he’d become was enough to make her turn her back on seventeen lifetimes. And he remembered her threat to use a witch’s spell to bind his powers.

  “My destined one wants nothing to do with me, Gethen.”

  “And why is that?”

  “What are you getting at, Gethen? Speak your mind.”

  Gathering his courage, the Sidhe answered, “You’re alone, unwanted by your destined one, because of your actions. Perhaps this new chapter after Nil offers you a chance to repair your past.”

  “To regain the love of Sevine?”


  “That’s lost to me forever. All I have is the future now.”

  Amon closed his eyes and tried to remember a time when he’d simply been happy with a woman. Even though he’d tried with Callia and had truly loved her, the knowledge that she was another man’s had haunted every day of their time together. He had to go back lifetimes before that—even before his destined one had forsaken him—back to the last lifetime his destined one and he had truly loved one another as Basir and Neylan .

  As he remembered his time as a humble Turkish trader, Amon thought back to the day he married his destined one in that lifetime so long ago.

  Dishes of food sat scattered along the tables as the wedding guests began to say their goodbyes and wish them well. He felt Neylan’s hand slip away from his as she walked around the tables to clear away the guests’ dishes. Walking up behind her, he took them from her hands as he nuzzled her neck.

  “Leave them for the servants. We have better things to do now.”

  Neylan turned in his arms to face him and smiled. “Basir, you’ve known me as a woman before. I’m afraid I’m the same woman I was yesterday.”

  “No, today you became my wife. Now you are different.”

  “And am I different from the destined one you’ve had for thirteen lifetimes?”

  He took her hands in his and squeezed them. “Neylan, you are forever Sevine who rescued me from loneliness and solitude all those lifetimes ago. No matter whatever occurs, you are the woman destined for me.”

  She wrapped her arms around his strong body and held him close to her, as he comforted her with the fact that once again she was safe with the one meant for her. As the last of the wedding guests left, the couple stood in the cool grass outside their new home together, more in love than either of them could ever remember feeling.

  Basir looked at the house they were to spend the rest of their life in—in truth, little more than a shack—and wished he could give Neylan more than the meager life of a trader. He’d had more to offer her in past lifetimes and feared her memories of those homes and belongings.

  “I may not have much now, but I promise to work hard to give you everything you deserve.”

  “Please don’t worry, Basir. I have everything I need in you. I don’t need anything else to be happy. Just you.”

  He dipped his head to kiss her and smelled the warm spiciness familiar to her. Her lips met his, and he tasted the remnants of wine on her tongue when she teased the inside of his mouth. He felt dizzy from the feelings she created in him.

  Unable to contain his desire for her after waiting hours for wedding guests to leave, he took her hand and led her to the bedroom inside the house they’d now share. In the moonlight that streamed in through the shutters, she looked like an angel sent just for him.

  Gently, he undressed her, removing the simple dress she’d worn to become his wife just hours earlier in front of friends and family. As she stood naked in front of him, he couldn’t help but stare as his eyes drank in the beauty of her.

  “I love you with all my heart, Neylan.”

  “And I love you, Basir,” she said sweetly as she helped him remove his leggings and tunic. Beneath them awaited a body she’d adored before their marriage, but the thought of her mouth and hands exploring him now excited him even more.

  He watched as her hands traveled thought the black hair on his chest that narrowed to a thin, dark trail down to even darker hair nestled around his erect cock. The feel of her fingers as she took him into her hand aroused him even more, and he moaned softly.

  Before he gave in to the feel of her hand surrounding him, he led her to the bed and laid her down. Feathering kisses over her breasts and softly rounded stomach, he let his desire lead him to the dark triangle between her legs. With his fingers, he gently opened her and traced a single finger down her seam to the waiting wetness below. The soft moans he heard above him told him she enjoyed his attention as much as he loved giving it.

  He fought back the urge to take her, instead touching her softly with his tongue and tasting just a sample of the sweetness that would soon be his. Slowly, he caressed her soft skin with his tongue, licking from her swollen nub to her wet entrance that begged him to taste her.

  Each flick of his tongue excited her more than the last until the moans he heard from above told him she was close. With one last gentle suck on her excited clitoris, he felt her go over the edge and eagerly inserted two fingers into her to prolong her pleasure.

  When the final spasms of her release trailed off, he slid up her body to kiss her and show her his appreciation for what she’d just given him. As she rolled him over onto his back, he waited for her to give him that same release.

  “Neylan,” he whispered and thought how true her name’s meaning—fulfilled wish—was. She was everything he could ask for in a destined one, a gift he treasured.

  He felt her mouth begin to tentatively suck on the swollen head of his cock, creating sensations that nearly took his breath away. Lifetimes together had made her touch perfect. She knew every spot that excited him.

  Over and over again, her lips slid down his shaft and then back to the tip as her tongue danced over each sensitive area. When he was unable to hold back any longer, he exploded into her mouth as she took all he offered.

  Amon shook his head to dispel the memories from his mind. But they remained, and thoughts of his destined one’s sweet surrender later that night haunted him instead of soothing him for those times, when he happily lived a modest life as a trader in western Turkey with a woman who loved him with her very being, were long gone. Lifetimes of actions Basir could never conceive of, much less commit, had sealed Amon’s solitary fate.

  And didn’t he deserve it? He’d acted selfishly when the choices of kindness and generosity were readily available. He’d hurt his fellow Aeveren without a second thought, often with no concern even when he’d seen the terrible effects of his actions.

  Could he ever regain the love of his destined one? Gethen’s suggestion had planted the seed in his mind, but Amon forced himself to admit that choice had been taken away from him and rightfully so.

  No, he’d spend the remainder of his lifetimes without the love of his destined one. But he didn’t seek to change the past as Gethen did. He’d made his choices, and he’d live with them.

  For now, he needed to focus on getting healthy enough to travel. When he could, the world and time would both be his oysters. There would be no place or period unavailable to him once he was wel
l and his powers were restored.

  His time in Nil had shown him the value of not only freedom but his powers. Now he’d use both to their full extent, with no regrets. Until fate showed him a reason to think of the past, it would stay right where it belonged.

  In the past.

  Amon turned toward Gethen and grinned. “Thank you for caring about me, friend, but I’ve thought about it and decided the future is where my focus should be.”

  “I understand,” Gethen said somberly, “but just as I must deal with my past, you too must face yours someday.”

  “Well, I’ll let you deal with that, but don’t let your need to repent get in the way of our future. The world is waiting, my friend. There are good times to be had.”

  Gethen cocked his head and quietly disagreed. “The past can’t be that easily dismissed, Amon, no matter how much we wish it could.”

  Chapter Three

  From the floor below a terrible pounding noise broke the silence, and Gethen jumped from his chair to find out the source of the racket. As he left the room, he shot Amon a reassuring look to tell him he would handle things.

  Approaching the front door, he saw Markku and another person struggling with one another. Gethen opened the door to see Markku forcing his hand over a young woman’s mouth and her flailing her arms in fear.

  “I got one, old man!” Markku exclaimed as he pushed past Gethen dragging the woman with him. “How’s the big guy?” he asked as he swiveled his head from side to side looking for Amon while he worked to keep control over his captive.

  Gethen opened his mouth to chastise Markku but was rendered dumbstruck when the magickian lost control of the female after she bit him and lunged away from him.

  “Get over here, you bitch! Fucking bite me?”

  The woman spun around to grab onto Gethen, and he quickly took control of her to calm her down.

  “Save me, please!”

  Gethen took her by the arm and guided her to the stairs to Amon’s room. Halfway up, he turned to Markku and sternly instructed him to make sure the spell that kept others from finding Amon was secure.

  “But I want to see him,” he whined. Then in a far more threatening voice aimed at the woman, he growled, “And I want to show her what happens when you cross me.”

  Gethen’s mood darkened as he remembered what Amon had said about who’d sent him to Nil. Anger rose quickly in him and he barked sharply, “Stay where you are until I tell you otherwise!”

  By the time he’d made it to the second floor, the female had stopped fighting him and was pleading to be released in a voice so frightened that it normally would have affected him. But Amon needed to be healed.

  “I won’t hurt you or let Markku hurt you, but I need you to heal someone. If you refuse, however, you can be assured I will harm you. Do you understand?”

  The woman nodded, her eyes wide with terror.

  Gethen guided her into Amon’s room and placed her next to the bed, positioning himself in the doorway to ensure she couldn’t escape.

  “Master,” Gethen began and then stopped himself. “Amon, this is the healer Markku found to help you.”

  Turning to the woman, he motioned toward Amon. “Help him.”


  Amon looked up at the terrified woman standing in front of him and pity for her washed over him. As she stood frozen, he spoke to her, hoping to calm her fears.

  “What’s your name?”

  The woman stood as silent as a statue, her gaze fixed on the floor.

  “Tell him your name,” Gethen said in a low, menacing voice.

  Amon grimaced at his friend’s threatening tone and repeated his question. When she didn’t answer again, he added, “Please don’t be frightened. Gethen won’t hurt you. He’s just worried about me. I promise you’re in no danger in my home.”

  Slowly, she lifted her eyes to his right leg. Without a word, she moved to the opposite side of the bed and focused intently on the injury.

  Amon watched in apprehension as she stared at the main source of his pain. She seemed to forget anyone but the two of them were in the room. When she moved to touch his leg, he flinched and groaned, “No,” but she seemed oblivious to his refusal.

  Gently, she touched just below his knee, and Amon waited for the searing pain to return with a vengeance. Eyes closed, holding his breath, he waited, but only relief came. His pain ebbed away, and when he was convinced it wouldn’t be back at least while she touched him, he allowed himself to exhale fully and slowly opened his eyes.

  The left eye was still swollen, but through his right eye he studied the creature that had just taken his pain away. For the first time since she’d entered the room, he noticed how placid her expression was. Long blond hair softly framed her face, falling in tendrils toward her waist, and pale blue eyes looked to his leg, as if she were willing him better.

  Amon’s study of her was broken only by Gethen’s shifting positions against the door frame as he nervously watched her do as he’d commanded. The noise interrupted her focus, and she looked up into Amon’s face. He winced expecting the pain to return, and she slowly moved to touch his face near his swollen eye.

  “Thea,” he heard her whisper as she gingerly placed her right hand over his left eye.

  Involuntarily, he relaxed and closed both eyes as a sense of calm flowed over him. He wasn’t sure how long he lay there with her soft touch on him, but he felt the loss instantly when she moved away.

  He opened his eyes in time to see her sway back toward the wall. He reached out to grab her, but in his weakened condition, he knew he’d only be able to support her for just seconds before she fell to the floor.


  The man raced around the bed to catch her as she slipped from Amon’s hold. As he held her limp body in his arms, he looked to Amon with a confused look for guidance as to what to do with yet another injured person.

  “Place her next to me here,” he said pointing to the unoccupied half of the king size bed he lay in.

  As Gethen did as he requested, he asked, “What happened?”

  “Aeveren healers can become overwhelmed if the person they’re healing is severely injured. Considering the amount of pain I had before she touched me and how little I have now in both my leg and my eye, it’s not surprising she found it to be too much.”

  Amon inched up into a sitting position and looked down at Thea as she lay motionless next to him. He regretted Markku having to take her against her will and having to hold her there, but the effect of just her brief healing touch was wonderful.

  Looking up at Gethen, he whispered, “I’m tired, friend. Dim the lights and let me rest for a while.”

  “Do you think that’s wise? She may wake up and hurt you.”

  “Gethen, she’s a healer.”

  “Amon, she bit Markku downstairs.”

  Smiling, Amon joked, “That’s Markku. She wouldn’t be the first person to want to harm him, and certainly not the first woman. And she had the right to fight back. She’s not here of her own free will.”

  Gethen continued, undeterred. “I’m just worried she may try to leave.”

  “Then you can remain outside the door, if you’d like. But I’m sure downstairs would be fine and far more comfortable. There’s only one door to the outside, and it’s on the first floor.”

  Gethen accepted Amon’s argument and dimmed the ceiling light until the room glowed a pale amber color. He closed the door with one last glance back at him, and Amon listened as he made his way down the stairs.

  Sleep began to come over him and he welcomed it like an old friend absent from his life for what seemed like years. For the first time in almost twelve months, he was in a bed and his body didn’t ache so much it would keep him up all night. And for the first time in all those months, he wasn’t alone. He inhaled deeply and let the air out of his lungs slowly, savoring the safety he felt.

  Turning to look at the woman next to him, he watched as she lay silently still except for
her breathing. Her hands seemed so small until his gaze traveled the length of her body and he saw all of Thea was small. She’d seemed so much larger as she stood over him, but the person he saw beside him now was petite. As he noticed this, sleep took over and his eyelids drooped closed.


  Thea’s eyes flew open, and she awoke confused and frightened. She couldn’t remember where she was, and she had no idea who the man next to her in bed was. She looked around the room for any clues to show her how she’d ended up there, but nothing appeared to her. All she knew was that the room she was in was expensively furnished but where she was remained a mystery.

  An even bigger mystery was who the man was. She carefully turned to look at him, moving as little as possible as to not wake him. He was light haired, as far as she could tell by the little hair he had with it cut so close to his head. Her eyes traveled over his face and body, noticing the painful cuts and bruises along with scars from past injuries. He seemed to sleep peacefully, however, and she concluded this was partly her doing, no doubt. But how had she gotten to where she was? Had the man next to her brought her here?

  Before she had the chance to recollect exactly what had happened, Amon began to stir. Thea watched as his tight stomach flexed and his large chest began to heave, as if he were experiencing a nightmare. His hands balled into tight fists at his sides, causing her to fearfully inch toward the edge of the bed away from him.

  Amon awoke with a start and grimaced in what looked like agony. His hand shot out to grip his leg, and he let out a low cry of pain. She watched as he held his breath, waiting for it to subside so he could finally breathe again. Thea's sympathy for him grew as she watched him suffer. It was in her nature to help those in pain, but she feared what he might do if she simply reached over to help. As his suffering increased and he writhed in pain, she swallowed her fear and gently leaned over his body. Carefully, she laid her hand over his on his leg and began to feel relief come over him. His pain was excruciating and as she took it from his body, she thought in sadness how much pain he must feel if it nearly made her cry to simply help him.


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