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Her Wolf's Guarded Heart

Page 2

by Vella Day

  He crossed his arms and widened his feet. All he needed were dark sunglasses and an earpiece and he could pass for an FBI agent. “I’m not leaving you.”

  The force with which he delivered that statement surprised and delighted her, but EmmaLee didn’t dare hope it was because he liked her.

  He doesn’t—not really. In the few weeks he’d been babysitting her, he hadn’t as much as tried to steal a kiss or rub up against her accidentally on purpose. The opposite in fact had happened. He seemed to avoid her whenever possible, though he rarely succeeded. Her postage stamp size apartment was just too damn small. She didn’t want him to like her, as that would complicate things. If he told her he cared, she’d be a goner faster than he could shift.

  “EmmaLee? Are you okay?” His sympathetic tone snapped her out of her daydreaming.

  What had he just said? Oh, yes—he wasn’t leaving. “Why won’t you go?”

  “The reason doesn’t matter.” Connor looked conflicted as he stabbed a hand over his short dark hair.

  He had a hidden agenda, and she wanted to know what it was. “This is my life, and I think I have a right to know why you won’t let me live it!”

  Connor got right in her face and growled. “I won’t be responsible for another death!”

  Chapter Two


  “What are you talking about?” EmmaLee asked.

  Breathing heavily, Connor stepped back, putting some space between them. “A few years ago someone died under my watch, and it was my fault. I never want a repeat of that experience for as long as I live.”

  The pain in his voice nearly sliced her heart in two. “How was it your fault?”

  He scrubbed a hand down his jaw. “My first job in the security business was to protect a woman who had a restraining order against her abusive ex-husband.”

  The abusive part resembled her situation, making her inwardly wince. “I take it that piece of paper didn’t stop him?”


  “What did he do?”

  “He killed her.”

  Her heart snapped. “How? Weren’t you there?” She hadn’t meant to blurt that out.

  “No. I’d received a tip about his location, and because he’d already tried to speak with my client twice, I needed to find him and drag his ass to jail. I told Mrs. Andrews I’d be gone less than an hour. Mind you, I insisted that she lock her doors and not let anyone in, no matter who it was. When I didn’t locate him, I rushed back to her house, but Caroline was already dead.”

  EmmaLee sucked in a breath. “I’m so sorry.”

  “So am I. The lead detective claimed rumor had it that someone had purposefully lured me away. The saddest part was that there was no sign of forced entry.”

  “Which means that she let him in, right?” EmmaLee stepped over to the small living room sofa and sat down.

  “Yes.” He moved next to her, short-circuiting her thoughts once more.

  This Caroline woman probably couldn’t say no to her ex-husband any more than EmmaLee had been able to turn down Slater. “It wasn’t your fault.”

  She reached out and stroked Connor’s arm to comfort him, but he pulled away. That hurt. His touch affected her more than she thought possible.

  Connor huffed out a breath. “I should have asked for backup or not left her in the first place. Hopefully, you can see why I am not going to have another beating or death on my conscience.”

  So Connor was here out of guilt, and not because he’d grown fond of her. That was just as well. Regardless, she couldn’t ask him to put his life on hold for her. Damn. What was she to do?


  EmmaLee glanced away, probably trying to decide if she trusted him enough to truly protect her. A moment later, she returned her gaze to his face.

  “I’ve been selfish,” she said.

  That wasn’t what he thought she’d say. “What do you mean?”

  “I can see you’re determined to stay if I don’t leave town with you, so I’m going to ask my boss if he can handle losing another waitress. He’s been struggling to keep his staff, and I didn’t want to be the one to add more pressure to his life, but it can’t be helped.”

  He hadn’t expected that concession either, but he was pleased. “Thank you. I don’t understand your change of heart, but I’m glad for it. When do you think you could speak with him?”

  She chuckled. “I hadn’t realized you were in such a hurry.”

  “I’m not. It’s just that—”

  EmmaLee held up a hand. “I get it. You’re in charge of a lot of cases. I appreciate all the time you’ve spent with me already. I owe you.”

  He didn’t need her sympathy, though he enjoyed her gratitude. “Just so I’m clear, this means you’ll come back with me to Silver Lake, right?”

  “Yes,” EmmaLee said, lifting her chin.

  His animal howled, rejoicing in the fact they could be together for a while longer. “That’s great.”

  She pressed her lips together. “I doubt I’ll need to be there for long though since I’m sure Slater will be caught soon.”

  She acted as if it would be unpleasant to have him watch her longer than necessary. Here he’d thought her reluctance to move had been because of her research and not because she didn’t care for him. No one could blame him for thinking otherwise. She always seemed to watch him with hunger in her eyes.

  His wolf harrumphed. You actually believe that? You’ve been nothing but an ass to her.

  Connor did not respond to his horny animal. “I can’t promise we’ll catch Slater in a few days though. You might have to stay there for a while.” A long while.

  She lifted one shoulder. “I know, but I can hope, can’t I? In case the cops are successful, I won’t cancel my lease here right away.”

  “It might take months to bring him down.” Connor was pleased he succeeded in hiding his disappointment. He wanted to spend more time with her and get to know her better, especially when they’d be in a place where she didn’t have to look over her shoulder all the time, wondering if Slater would come back.

  “You think?” She pulled her ponytail over her shoulder and pressed the ends against her lips. It made him lose focus, wanting it to be his lips that touched hers.

  Then kiss her, his wolf begged. She’s our mate.

  Stop it, he warned his horny animal.

  I didn’t do anything. I just wanted to remind you how important she is to us.

  Like he could forget?

  “Tracking people who want to avoid being found takes time.”

  “So does finding a cheap apartment, especially one so close to the diner.”

  Her logic was sound. “You’re probably right. Besides, if Slater does return and peeks inside, he’ll believe you’re coming back. Maybe he’ll hang out in Billard and wait for you.”

  She wrapped her arms around her shoulders. “Thinking about him skulking around here gives me the creeps, but I have no reason to believe he will return.”

  “We can’t chance that.” As much as Connor yearned to give her comfort, he couldn’t. His wolf would go wild if he pressed her against his chest.

  “I know.”

  “I realize this is hard for you, but it’s for the best.” He cleared his throat. “Ready to see what your boss has to say?”


  EmmaLee and Connor drove over to the diner to discuss her imminent departure. Halfway there, she twisted in her seat to face him. “Now that I’m feeling healthy again, do you think I could work a few days before we leave, so I can earn some money? If I don’t have an income source, it’ll be expensive to pay for this apartment and be on the run.”

  “No can do.”

  “Why not?” There went that challenging tone again.

  “I can’t watch you every second when you’re at work. At some point you’ll have to step into the kitchen to pick up an order. Slater could lure you away.”

  “I won’t let him.”

  Of course she’d say that
. “What if you have to empty the trash in the back alley and he jumps out at you, injects you with some drug, and then kidnaps you?”

  She turned back around and stared out the window for the next two miles. “Fine. We can leave whenever you want.”

  “Thank you.”

  To his delight, her boss, Drew Nemlin, agreed with him that EmmaLee should leave town. Slater wasn’t a good man, he’d said. “Take as long as you need, but I can’t promise your job will be here when you return,” her boss said. “I still remember that Vinea thought she’d only be gone a short time, and she left for good.”

  “I know. That’s why I’m okay with you hiring someone else if you need to. I’ll understand.”

  Connor could almost feel the disappointment pouring off her, but to her credit, she held her head high.

  “Thank you,” Drew said.

  “I don’t want the girls to have to take extra shifts just because I have to hide out for a while, anymore than you do.”

  They chatted a bit, and Connor finally had to place a hand on her back. “EmmaLee, it’s time we get going.”

  She nodded. “Give me a sec, okay?” She rushed up to each of the waitresses and hugged them goodbye. Even he was moved when a few tears were exchanged. It was clear her kindness had affected so many people.

  For a moment, he wanted to give in and let her stay a little longer, but common sense reminded him that they should have left last week. He’d only remained because his damn wolf had insisted on it. His animal claimed that being in such close proximity with his mate would help them bond.

  That had been a big fail. All the delay had accomplished was make Connor grumpier. Her lilac scent and cheerful ways had caused him to want her even more. But damn it, he couldn’t act as if she meant a lot to him when he had a job to do.

  Bullshit, his wolf threw out.

  What are you talking about? His wolf was growing more discontent by the day, and Connor was tired of his constant interference.

  This isn’t really about the job and you know it. You just suck at dealing with your emotions, his wolf chided. You want to tell her she’s our mate, but you’re chicken.

  You’re wrong. Not only is she not ready for another relationship, it’s my job to protect her, not have sex with her. Once we take down Slater, I’ll show her what she means to us. Assuming she wants us.

  Be in denial, his wolf shot back.

  Whatever. Connor would explain to EmmaLee at some point why he kept his distance and why it had been pure torture being so near and not touching her. Knowing her history with men, he couldn’t just blurt it out. She’d run. Then he would be devastated.

  After giving him the cold shoulder while EmmaLee packed, they piled into his SUV, ready for their three and a half hour drive to Tennessee. While he was thankful she’d only taken two suitcases and not half the apartment, he was concerned she believed she’d be returning shortly. Now wasn’t the time to discuss their future however.

  “Buckle up,” he said.

  Without a word, she did as he asked. Seeing her miffed made leaving all the harder, but it couldn’t be helped.

  EmmaLee stared out the window as he pulled down her drive. “Just so you know, I don’t have enough money to pay for an apartment in Silver Lake,” she said with a curt tone.

  It wasn’t as if she could move in with him. He’d never get any work done if she did.

  “I’ve got it covered. My parents have a guesthouse you can stay in. It was where Vinea lived when she was there.”

  EmmaLee twisted toward him. “I thought she had rented a trailer.”

  “Only at first.” His brother Devon had seen to her change in accommodations once he admitted they were mates.

  “Then thank you. That would be wonderful.”

  At the sudden cheer in her voice, he glanced over at her, and EmmaLee’s smile lit up his insides.

  While she was usually a chatterbox, once they were on the road, she clammed up again. She seemed to be having second thoughts. He wanted to remind her again that if she had stayed behind, Slater might return and either beg her to take him back or make certain she wasn’t around any longer to prosecute him.

  Connor could only hope the man lacked the skills to find her. If Slater did locate her, Connor would make sure it was the last thing the man ever did.

  Chapter Three


  The long drive gave EmmaLee time to think about Slater, Connor, and her research. She had been harsh with Connor—or rather she’d been a bit too stubborn—regarding her desire to stay in Billard. The Internet was everywhere. Her research was important but not more important than her life.

  Be honest, Em.

  Okay, the real reason she’d been hesitant to spend more time with Connor was that there was something about her bodyguard that made her want to hug him, tell him everything would be okay, and then give him some love. Why he needed it, she wasn’t sure. From what Vinea said, the McKinnon parents were loving and wonderful. The problem was if he rebuffed her, she’d be devastated.

  Sure, Connor might have made a tactical error with that woman Caroline Andrews, but he seemed to be dealing with other issues too and had bottled them up. She was no psychologist, but all this turmoil couldn’t be good for his health. As much as she would have enjoyed peeling back his hard exterior, it would only make her want him more. In the end, she decided to steel her heart against his bad boy charm. She just wasn’t strong enough to resist him.

  So why had she agreed to go with Connor to Silver Lake? Her sympathy for him had won out. Hopefully that hadn’t been a critical error on her part.

  EmmaLee glanced over at him, his eyes straight ahead and focused on the road. All through Georgia, his hands had a firm grasp on the wheel, as if he feared relaxing them, even for one second, would result in something bad happening.

  Once they crossed the Tennessee border however, the deep etched lines around his eyes and mouth softened. It was as if he believed they’d finally be safe from Slater—at least for a while—and his improved attitude helped her anxiety levels too.

  Three and a half hours after leaving Billard, they arrived in Silver Lake, and she was quite impressed with the little town. Compared to Billard, the sidewalks were cleaner, the shops had newer looking awnings, and the business signs appeared to have been freshly painted. Maybe staying here would be a nice change. Yes, it would be tough to lose her income for a few weeks, but EmmaLee had paid April’s rent in advance, giving her some financial security.

  Her coworkers always accused EmmaLee of finding the proverbial silver lining in everything, but right now she was struggling. All she could come up with was that this move would allow her to see Connor in a different light—as a leader of men, a controller of fate—and possibly learn more about shifters in general. She wasn’t sure how she could make it happen, but she’d love to watch him interact with the men who worked for him to see if he was as distant with them as he often was with her.

  The downside to being here was not only the loss of income, it was not being in Billard when the archaeologist, Wilmer Crenely, came to town. He had discovered some ancient bones in Africa that were believed to be flying dinosaurs, claiming they might be the precursors to dragons. Dragons!! She could only hope that in the coming week or two she might be able to video chat with him.

  “EmmaLee?” Connor asked.

  She jerked her attention back to him. “Yes?”

  “This is Silver Lake’s Main Street.”

  She’d figured as much. “I like it. It’s very charming.”

  One side of his lips hitched upward. “I like it too.”

  They passed by some restaurants, a hardware store, and a rather brightly colored flower shop. Once through town, the area turned more rural. While the leaves had yet to sprout on the dormant trees, the many pines gave the roadside a welcome splash of green.

  She’d never asked how far out of town his parents lived, but when he pulled through a gated entrance about two miles past the center,
she couldn’t be more pleased. “This is really beautiful.”

  “Thanks.” Connor nodded toward a side street. “Down that road is my house.”

  Butterflies beat against her stomach. She’d be close to him, but she couldn’t be sure if that would be a good or a bad thing. Close meant he could check up on her if she decided to go for a walk, making her feel as if she lived in a fishbowl. The good part was that she might see him interact with his friends and maybe even his family.

  The road turned to hard packed dirt. One block later, a two-story brick home, surrounded by elegant landscaping appeared at the end of a paved drive. He turned in.

  “Your parents live here?”

  He chuckled. “Yes.”

  Wow! Without further explanation, he headed a hundred feet past the house where another home appeared. The one-story brick house matched the larger home in style, though not in size. “It’s really cute,” she said.

  Connor pulled to a stop. “I’m glad you like it.”

  He slipped out of the SUV, and she waited for him to open her door. When they were in Billard, he’d insisted she not jump out and become a target. Even though she doubted that applied here, she waited for him, appreciating that he still wanted to keep her safe.

  Slater never opened my door.

  Stop comparing them that little voice in her head said.

  Once inside the guesthouse, he led her through the living room to the bedroom. “It’s small,” he said, “but it should suit your needs.”

  “Small? You saw my place.”

  Connor had the decency to smile. “You have a point.”

  Deciding to unpack later, she followed him back through the living room into the kitchen. The rooms were open-concept, making them look large in the quaint home. Connor stepped over to the refrigerator and pulled it open. “I see my mom has been here.”


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