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Her Wolf's Guarded Heart

Page 11

by Vella Day

  In order to cover her embarrassment, she allowed her anger to take over, but she needed to know what else he knew about her past.

  “When you investigated me, did you uncover any other skeletons?” Perhaps he’d learned something about her parents she hadn’t been aware of.

  “Just that your parents were history professors, but you already confirmed that. Were they searching for proof of dragon shifters like you?” Thankfully, his words weren’t laced with skepticism.

  Her anger dissipated. “I don’t think so. As I said, they were more into normal animal shifters. Maybe that was why my mom was kind of scared when she heard the beating of wings.”

  Connor said nothing more as he drove home. When they reached the guesthouse, he killed the engine and jumped out. She didn’t need him walking her to the door, but when he pulled open her car door, it would have been rude to tell him to go away. Despite his prying, and the emotions it stirred up for her, EmmaLee couldn’t deny her attraction to Connor. She liked him, a lot.

  Ugh, it was all so confusing right now. She just needed some time to process everything they’d talked about tonight. It was possible that he truly had been researching her for her own good. If only she had been sure of his motives, she might not have reacted so badly.

  EmmaLee rushed up to the door and tried to open it, but the key wouldn’t go in.

  A second later, his hands wrapped around her fingers. “Let me. The door can be temperamental.”

  EmmaLee moved out of the way and couldn’t deny how caring he’d become recently.

  “There you go,” he said, motioning her in.

  She spun around and blocked the entrance. “Thank you for dinner.”

  “I’m coming in, EmmaLee. I want to make sure no one is here.”

  Her heart pounded. “You said Slater was in New York.” He opened his mouth, and she held up a hand. “I know, I know. You’re just doing your job.” She stepped aside.

  “It’s more than a job, EmmaLee. I want you to be safe.” Connor flicked on the light by the door and then proceeded to do a thorough check of the whole house. He then returned to the entryway. “Everything looks good,” he said.

  “Thank you.” As he searched the house, she’d had some time to think. She had been rash in believing he had gone behind her back. He was only trying to help.

  “Can we talk for a minute?” he asked. “I know I hurt you somehow by investigating your past, but I believed it would help me find Slater.”

  “I realize that now. I’m the one who’s sorry for reacting so strongly. Would you like something to drink?”

  Connor raised eyebrow and the sexy grin on his face caught her body on fire. With a purposeful look, he stalked toward her. Her pulse soared.

  When he reached her, he cupped her face, and her heart zinged. “What I’d really like is to drink you in.”

  Chapter Twelve


  Connor knew this was a mistake, but he couldn’t help himself. All through dinner he’d been battling his urges. Being with EmmaLee in a casual setting made all the difference in the world. When she wasn’t looking over her shoulder, waiting for Coghill to arrive, EmmaLee was delightful, charming, and exciting.

  Once he learned where her desire to prove that dragon shifters existed came from, the more he was able to put aside his prejudice and see her for who she really was—someone resilient and focused. She had every trait he wanted in a woman and damn that attitude turned him on. The way she had looked when she tried to block him from entering her house had his wolf clawing at him and his cock practically breaking through his zipper.

  EmmaLee stepped backward until she bumped into the kitchen counter. As he neared, she gripped the edge. “Care to explain your comment?” she asked.

  “I think it’s obvious. I want you EmmaLee. Plain and simple.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Since when?”

  “I have from the moment I laid eyes on you.” And ever since your scent invaded my body.

  She laughed. “You are full of shit. You couldn’t stand me.”

  He slipped off his jacket and tossed it on the counter. “That was what I wanted you to believe.” He undid his cuffs and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt.

  “You did a good acting job then.” She turned her face away.

  Talking about his desires was uncomfortable for both of them, but he had to make her see that they were meant to be together. Connor touched her chin and turned her face toward him. “Would you like me to show you that what I’m saying is the truth?”

  When her cheeks turned a pretty shade of pink, his inner wolf gave a lusty growl.

  Be patient, he warned. Or we will end up shifting.

  Mate, his wolf chuffed out.

  His wolf was hanging on by a thread, and so was Connor. He inhaled deeply, trying to gain a semblance of calm for both of their sakes.

  “Show me how?” she asked.

  Connor smiled, and because his canines had already sharpened, her eyes widened in recognition of what was to come. “By doing this.”

  Connor wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into his body as he leaned his head toward hers. He might have stopped had EmmaLee not closed her eyes and tilted her head upward to meet his, giving him full permission to proceed. That act alone unleashed an intensely powerful urge to ravage her, but he had to be careful. He didn’t want to scare her or push her too fast. She was the one—his mate—and he would do anything to protect her and make her happy.

  Slowly, he pressed his lips to hers, keeping alert to any hesitancy on her part. When he found none, Connor deepened the kiss. She inhaled and gripped the front of his shirt as she pressed her breasts tighter against his chest.

  He delved deeper, and when she stroked her tongue against his more forcefully and let out a small moan, he couldn’t control his wolf any longer. Oh, shit, oh, shit.

  He broke the kiss and stepped back just as his bones cracked and his vision blurred. His shirt ripped as the hair sprouted on his body. A second later, he was on all fours.

  Damn it to hell! I told you to control yourself. Now look what you’ve done, Connor shouted at his wolf.

  His wolf whimpered and whined. I’m sorry. Please, we need our mate.

  Sorry my ass. She will probably run away now, he warned.

  A beautiful face dropped in front of him. “Hi,” EmmaLee said with a wide grin.

  Thank goodness she didn’t race down the hallway screaming. She might be fascinated with shifters, but she’d never seen anyone turn into an animal before.

  She stroked his head. He hoped she didn’t expect him to answer. To show her he understood her, he nudged his head against her hand.

  She giggled. “You are so cute!”

  He wasn’t cute! He was a ferocious animal capable of tearing a man apart. She dragged her hand down his snout, and Connor almost jerked away. The last time anyone had tried to pet him was when he was a young cub. And that had been his mother. As much as his first instinct was to move away, he didn’t. EmmaLee seemed too delighted with seeing him in his animal form. If he was honest, both Connor and his wolf were enjoying her soothing hands.

  “Can you understand me?” she asked.

  Connor let out a small howl and then licked her cheek to show he understood and that he wouldn’t hurt her. Big mistake. Her scent from the kiss had been enough to turn him into a wolf. Tasting her took his need to a whole new level.

  Changing back into his human form, however, had its pitfalls—namely he’d be naked. Connor might not be embarrassed about being undressed, but EmmaLee probably would. While he had a spare set of clothes in his car, she’d still see him in all his glory. At some point he’d have to chance it though.

  “Why did you change? Was it the kiss?” she asked with too much satisfaction in her tone. She must have figured out why he’d lost control.

  While he didn’t want to give her the upper hand, after realizing how he’d invaded her privacy without asking, it was only fair to grovel
a bit. Connor looked up into her eyes. As he lay down at her feet, he whined then placed his head on his front paws.

  EmmaLee played with his ears while she sat on the floor next to him. “So now what? How long do you have to stay in your wolf form?”

  So she didn’t know all of the lore behind shifters. He could change anytime he wanted. Connor returned to all fours and slowly backed away from her, all the while panting. His sister always told him that when his mouth was open, he had a natural smile in his wolf form. He hoped that was true.

  Connor then turned and trotted down the hallway toward the bathroom.

  “Where are you going?” she called after him.

  If he could have answered, he would have said to cover himself. After ducking into the bathroom, he nudged the door closed then quickly changed back into his human form. He immediately snatched a towel off the rack and wrapped it around his waist.

  A soft knock sounded on the slightly opened door. “Are you okay?”

  He chuckled. “I’m good.”

  Connor pulled open the door, and EmmaLee’s eyes widened. “Um, you’re almost naked.”

  “My clothes are ruined, but I have an extra set in the car.” He placed a hand on her shoulder. “Excuse me while I grab my jacket so I can get them.”

  “Connor, what just happened?” The cheer in her eyes disappeared. In its place was concern.

  “I’ll be happy to explain, but I think you’d feel more comfortable if I’m dressed.” He returned to the kitchen with EmmaLee right behind him.

  She moved in front as if to block his exit, and when she ran her gaze up and down his body, a trail of fire followed.

  “I don’t want you to get your clothes.”

  She wants us, his wolf said. Kiss her again. Make her ours.

  Connor had to agree with his wolf this time. That kiss they’d shared had altered something inside him. Her eyes were shining and there was a glow about her that implied she’d been hot and bothered by what just happened, but he didn’t want to assume anything. “What are you saying, EmmaLee?”

  “Isn’t it obvious? I want what you want.” She glanced down at the towel, and when he followed her gaze, sure enough his cock had lifted the fabric.

  Connor carefully moved closer, letting her decide just how far she was willing to take things. The moment she ran a finger down his chest, his body went haywire. “Take it easy on me. You saw what happened the last time.”

  Once more, her eyes widened, and she clamped a hand over her mouth. “My kiss really caused that?” She seemed delighted.

  “Yes. Why else do you think it happened?”

  “Uh, I’m not sure. At first, I thought you wanted to stop kissing me, and that was a rather subtle way of doing it.”

  Connor cracked up. “Seriously?” She nodded. “The truth is, if you tempt a shifter too much, he often can’t control his urges. I’ve wanted to kiss you from the moment I met you. When I finally did, it was too much for my wolf to handle.”

  She dragged her thumb across the tucked in part of the towel. “Is that so?”

  He swallowed. “That’s so.”

  “How about I kiss you again and see if I get the same reaction?”

  “I won’t let my wolf get the upper hand a second time.”

  You have to promise to behave, he chastised his wolf who no doubt was grinning.

  She looked up at his face and smiled, stealing the breath from his body. “I liked your wolf.”

  Connor wrapped his arms around EmmaLee. She lifted her hands to his face and drew him near until their lips met—lips that were soft and kissable. After a long taste, he let up on the pressure and drew her bottom lip between his teeth. Her groan made his cock even harder, and he wasn’t sure how long he could last. His wolf clawed at him, and Connor fought for control as he pushed him back. Finally, his wolf backed down and let him have control—for now.

  EmmaLee lowered her hands and latched onto his towel. Take it off, he silently pleaded. Someday, they’d be mated, and he could convey all of his thoughts to her using only his mind.

  As if she could read his already, she slipped one end of the towel from his waist and let it drop to the ground. He watched EmmaLee’s eyes widen, and he couldn’t help but smile. He wasn’t a small guy by any means.

  For weeks he’d imagined what he would do if she had been eager. Take her against the wall? Take her with her legs over his shoulders with him pounding into her? Or would he have EmmaLee sit on him, smiling and clawing at his chest while he held on for dear life?

  The position didn’t matter. All he wanted was to be inside her now. While the human part of him understood the art of seduction, he wasn’t sure he was capable of taking his time. Without a word, Connor reached out and lifted off her sweater. His breath caught. “Pink looks good on you,” he said.

  She smiled. “I wore it with you in mind.”

  A lump clogged his throat. Had she really expected to end up in bed with him? If so, he needed to work on reading her signals better. In all honesty, he’d expected her to tell him to leave after that gaffe he’d made, or say that she wasn’t ready to be with anyone, but fortunately, he’d been wrong.

  Right now, all Connor could think of was touching her and bringing her a bit of joy. Dragging a finger along the top of her perky breasts, her soft skin ignited his soul. “So beautiful.”

  EmmaLee reached out and stroked his cock, short-circuiting his brain.

  Standing in the kitchen wasn’t the place for their first encounter, but he wasn’t sure he could make it as far as the bedroom so he walked her backward into the living room until they were in front of the couch. As EmmaLee toed off her boots, he undid the button on her jeans. With one hard tug, he drew them and her panties down until blonde curls bounced out. Connor had to close his eyes to keep from tossing her on the sofa and making love with her without any prelude. His senses were exploding, and he wanted to kiss her, eat her, and fuck her all at the same time.

  Willing himself to go slow, Connor straightened and reached around her back to undo the bra clasp. When she sucked in her bottom lip, he smiled. He loved her sultry look, though he doubted she understood what it was doing to him.

  Once he lowered the straps and tossed the bra aside, Connor turned back toward those beautiful exposed breasts. While he’d dated some gorgeous women, none of them had been his mate. Now he understood that they had merely been a diversion until EmmaLee came along.

  “What are you waiting for?” she asked. This time she seemed less sure of herself, and that cut him to the core.

  “I want to absorb everything about you. You’re incredible.” His eyes partially closed as he stared at two perfectly round brown nipples that begged to be sucked. Only then did Connor realize he needed a condom. “Hold on a sec.”

  She grabbed his arm. “What’s wrong?”

  “I need some protection.”

  “I’m on the pill. I’d rather experience all of you.”

  He grinned. “Then all of me you will get. Go ahead and sit on the sofa arm.”

  EmmaLee sat down, and Connor dropped to his knees in front her. He then drew her closer in order to reach her breasts. Cupping one, he toyed with her nipple as he sucked the other into his mouth. The moment he tugged on the tip, EmmaLee drew in a breath and groaned. His wolf scratched and clawed.

  If you appear again, I’ll never forgive you, he warned his horny animal.

  Once was bad enough, but twice would ruin everything. EmmaLee dragged her hands through his hair, and the power of her touch set off every desire in his body. Connor lifted his gaze and peered into her eyes. He groaned as he released her nipple with a pop. “What you do to me, EmmaLee Donovan.”

  She stared back at him with a sexy smirk. “I could do a lot more, ya know.”

  Where had this sassy woman come from? He stood then flipped her over, bending her upper body over the arm while leaving that gorgeous ass exposed. Connor pressed up against her, and then reached around to cup her breasts, which
filled his palms perfectly. As he lightly pinched the tips, he aligned his cock at her entrance. Damn. He’d never taken the time to taste her. That pleasure would be delayed until the next time.

  Wanting to take it slow for EmmaLee’s sake, he eased in an inch and then waited, in part because she was so damned tight. When his nails grew, he had to make sure he didn’t scratch her. Connor lowered his head, and when he kissed the tender spot between her chin and neck, images of sinking his teeth into her surfaced.

  Bite her, his wolf urged.

  Not now. Someday, he’d claim her as his.

  He rocked his hips back and forth slowly, each forward motion allowing him a bit more access.

  When EmmaLee arched up on her hands and pressed her hips back, Connor’s wolf took over. He scraped his sharpened teeth lightly across the shell of her ear and fully entered her.

  “Oh my god! That feels so good,” she panted and then lowered her head, exposing her neck once more.

  Connor had no idea how much she knew about mating, but he wouldn’t bite her—not yet anyway. They had to talk about that first. As if his cock had a life of its own, he withdrew and then plowed right back in, finding the place where he belonged. His vision blurred as his fingers found a sensual rhythm kneading her breasts and toying with her nipples.

  Her groans increased with each foray, edging him closer to his climax. Determined to wait until she was satisfied, Connor dragged his forehead to the back of her head and inhaled deeply, memorizing her scent for all time. He slid his hand from her breast to her pussy, sliding his finger through her outer folds until he found her clit and began stroking and gently pulling at it.

  “Yes, Connor, yes!” Each word escalated as he drove into her deeper and harder.

  When he plunged into her again, she yelled his name as her climax claimed her. A second later he expelled his hot seed. Out of breath from the intensity, both of their bodies sagged and he wrapped his arms around her. When their ragged breaths finally slowed, he withdrew.


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