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It's Not My Island

Page 2

by Charlie Dillard

  Wow, she was put through the ringer. I wonder who she is and where she came from?

  I then get up and retrieve a small basin with warm water in it, a wash cloth and towel; as well as a first aid kit. Then I walk back over to the side of the bed and sit own in a chair next to the bed. First I carefully wash all of the sand and dirt from her face. Being careful when I cleaned around her eyes, and the cut above her eyebrow. I then dab off her neck and arms. I would like to take off her dress and give her a sponge bath, but I don’t want to freak her out. So I settle for getting her as clean as I could without doing that. After I could clean all I could, I put ointment on the cut above her eye and well as four of those butterfly stitches. When I moved down to and touched her knee, she groans. It has to hurt something wicked if she can feel that while she is sleeping. In the first aid kit I fished out a small knee splint and pain meds, the liquid kind. I measured the correct amount of medicine and carefully poured it into her mouth. It took a couple tries because she was sleep or knocked out, so she wasn’t exactly in control of herself. I then put the splint on her knee, making sure to not move her knee around any more than I had to. When I was finally finished I sit back and gaze down at her. She looked so sweet and innocent. I wonder who she is; what is she like? If she was as kind as she looks. As I’m gazing upon her sweet form, I notice that she is shivering. So I grab a plush velvety blanket from a drawer beside the bed and cover her up with it. Tucking it in carefully around her delicate body, greedily letting my hand brush down her arm; sending an amazing jolt throughout my body.

  I know shouldn’t be doing this. I shouldn’t be lusting over this obviously vulnerable woman. But I can’t seem to help myself, she was just so mouth-watering.


  After I first help this unknown beauty that washed up on the beach, and watched over her for awhile I begin cleaning up the shore as best as I could.

  I picked up all the debris and put it in a massive pile off to the far left of the island. There was tree pieces, all types of garbage, boat pieces, and many other things that don’t belong there. I can’t believe this amount of garbage would be washed up from a storm. I’ve been coming here every year for the summer for about 8 years. Some of the time with mom, dad, and my sister; but the passed few years I’ve come alone. So I could relax on my own and get away from the stresses of life. Its has been very relaxing until today. Not only is the beach damn near ruined, but I have to figure out what to do about this young lady that I found today. Will I be able to take care of her properly? What if she need more help than I can give her? Mom and Dad won’t be back around to the island to pick me up for almost four more weeks. If I can’t help her then she might be worse off then when I found her. I don’t know what I’d do if that sweet young lady was hurt in any way.

  A wave crashing up on the shore swiftly brought me out of my daydream. If I wasn’t stressing out about everything I would be in awe of the beauty of this place; but I can’t, I have to finish getting things cleaned up then get back to my mystery lady to be able to help her if need be. Also I don’t want her to wake up without me being there. I know once she does its going to be a shock all in its own. But to be alone in an unknown place would scare her even more.

  With that revelation I quickly finish picking up the rest of the debris on the shore. Then I go to the cabin and peek in the bedroom, and see this sweet beauty is still asleep on the bed. Looking as peaceful as ever. So I go across the way to my makeshift shower, leaving the door open so I would be able to see her while I shower; making sure that if she needs my help I will be able to see her, and get to her directly.

  I walk softly to the outside shower. Which was only a shower head that was pointing towards the ocean, hanging over the massive deck we have. It’s kind of nice actually. You can feel a nice breeze from the ocean as you clean yourself. I love it. All year I dream of being back here, just relaxing on the deck, bathing in the sunlight; or swimming in the salty ocean waters and then washing off in the warm shower in the open air.

  I turn on the shower and shed my clothes; and step under the warm spray of water.

  “That feels so good,” I say out loud.

  I stand under the water with my head down, letting it cascade down my neck, shoulders, and back. It was relaxing.

  “Help, help, I can’t see,” I hear a woman screaming.

  I quickly lift my head up and look into the room and see the young woman sitting up in the bed, and her hands are flailing around searching the air for something.

  Oh no. I didn’t think she’d be up yet, I think as I run into the room to see what is going on. I hope that she is ok.

  When I walk to the room I realize that she has one of those eye masks on. I put it on her earlier so she wouldn’t be disturbed by the light; but I did forget to take it off. I feel bad a little. But as I stand there waiting to see if she can feel me in the room with her, I can’t help but smile at how sweet she looked. As another loud shrill left those plump lips of hers, I knew that I couldn’t keep standing here oogling her. So I walk over to the bed, calling out to her.

  Chapter 3 (Marissa)

  I feel like every muscle in my body is on fire, and I am thirsty as all get out.

  Wait. I’m not dead. I have to be. I mean the last thing I remember is being pulled under water and slowly blacking out from swallowing that freezing cold salt water. But I’m alive, I think. I can feel that I’m laying on something pleasantly soft; a bed I think. I’m still so tired and dizzy. But it is amazingly dark in here, and I can’t see anything.

  I open my eyes blinking them rapidly, but I still can’t see anything. Now I’m starting to freak out.

  “Help, help, I can’t see,” I scream, hoping that someone hears me.

  Please let someone hear me. My arms are now frantically moving around in front of me as I search for something or someone to help me. As soon as I was about to yell again I hear someones soft steps coming towards me.

  “Hello, Miss my name is Carrick. I can help you,” A low sexy voice says in front of me somewhere.

  Who is that? Is he going to hurt me? I cringe up against myself away from the voice.

  “Who.. wh....whose there,” I barely eek out in a soft scratchy voice.

  “Carrick, Miss.”

  “Who are you,” I ask?

  “Well Miss I found you on the beach and brought you into the bed to rest up,” the man says.

  “Oh, well thank you.”

  What do I say now? I still can’t see; and I want to be able to see where I’m at, so I can see about getting home, and seeing about Daisy. Oh, Daisy what am I going to tell everyone? What am I going to do without her. I love her. She was my best friend. She always had my back when I needed her. I couldn’t help but cry. I felt the tears burning my eyes, and I start breathing heavy and freaking out again at not being able to see.

  “Please help me, Carey. I can’t see,” I say reaching out for him. My fingers brush against smooth skin, and I quickly yank my hands back into my lap.

  Oh wow, his skin was so soft. I swear I felt electricity jump from him to me when I touched him. I never felt anything like that before.

  I think I hear a moan and a chuckle.

  “Miss, you should know that the reason you can’t see is because you have an eye mask on,” the man says.

  “Really, I feel so stupid for not noticing,” I say when I feel him gently lifting the mask from my eyes.

  When it is completely off of my face, I can’t focus on him at first; so I blink a few times to try and focus on him. As I blink through the haze, there is a guy peering down at me; and oh Lord does he have the most beautiful blue eyes.

  “Why thank you,” he says.

  Oh shit, did I say that out loud. I can feel myself blushing under his intense stare.

  “Sorry, I didn’t know I said that out loud.”

  “Its ok.”

  I move myself up on the bed and look around the room. It felt like I was outside but not outside. The wind was a
nice warm temperature. In front of me I could see the ocean looking as clear and amazing as ever. Waves crashing in the distance. There was what looked like a shower of some sort through the door and on the porch. Weird, but whatever. I need a shower. I can feel the salt in my skin. I must look terrible to this man.

  “Do you want to get in the shower,” the man asks as he watches me, examine the water and myself.

  I nod and throw the covers back and see my body for the first time. What a sight. My dress was torn to pieces, my arms and legs where all cut up; plus I also had a makeshift splint of some kind of my knee. I can only imagine what my face looks like. My hand goes up to touch it and I instantly cry out.

  “Oh, that hurts. I guess I shouldn’t have done that,” I cry out.

  “Its not that bad,” the guy says to me, trying to help.

  But his words, while comforting, let me know that I must look horrible, and I begin crying like a baby. Not only because of what he said but because everything all came back to me at once. The storm, Daisy, and me fighting to stay alive and hold on to her. Oh how can I live with not being able to save her? And where am I? How will I get back home and explain what happened? Will everyone blame me for what happened? I mean it is my fault that Daisy had to take care of me; and that she was by herself on deck dealing with the boat. I feel so terrible right now.

  “Don’t cry,” the man says and wraps his arms around me and holds me to his chest, and I cry. I mean I sat there and cried into him, and he held me and didn’t say a word.

  After a few minutes of me feeling sorry for myself and crying into this mans chest, I realize how smooth it is and couldn’t help but sit back and stare at him. I feel stupid all teary eyed and stuff, sitting here staring at him like this; but I couldn’t help it. He was beautiful. He skin was nice and tanned. His hair was an amazing blond with brown highlights all throughout it. He body was built so that the only word that came to your mind to describe it was damn; muscles for days, but not too big. They were just the right size. I was scared to venture any lower than his chest because I was nervous that he didn’t have any clothes on; and while I so wanted to see all of him, I don’t want to seem all loose gazing upon his sexiness like I am. So I reluctantly draw my eyes back up to his face, and he was staring at me with a look on his face that I can’t quite place.

  “I’m sorry,” I say shyly and put my head down slightly.

  He puts his hand on my chin, tilting it up so I am eye to eye with him and says, “Honey don’t be.”

  Then he stands up and holds his hands out for me to take. I look up at his face and he is smiling down at me. I could just melt right here at his beaming eyes and smile. I have to be dreaming, because no man has ever smiled at me like that before; especially one this sexy.

  The corner of his mouth went up slightly like he could hear my thoughts. That caused me to shiver as I slowly took his outstretched hands. They were warm and strong. My hands felt so small in his.

  He slowly helped me ease myself up off the bed; gently placing my feet on the ground. I winced at the sudden pressure on my knee, and he swiftly slipped his arm around my waist; then placing my arms around his shoulder, holding it in place. He then waited for a few minutes to let me adjust to the difference in pressure.

  “Just let me know when you are ready,” he says.

  I could get used to being cared for like this by a man as sexy as him.

  After no more than a few seconds I start walking slowly towards the shower, careful to not put too much pressure on my one leg; and with his help I was able to make my way to the shower without falling or aggravating my knee even more.

  The shower was right in front of us when he said, “I’m going to leave you here for a second while I go and get you something to use for your shower.”

  Then he turned and left, going through the bedroom door; and I try with all that I had to balance myself and not fall flat on my face.

  “I’m sorry; I didn’t think about you having a hard time standing,” he says slipping his hands underneath my arms, steadying me.

  I redden from the soft caring touch of his. I want to scream please don’t let go.

  “I’m ok, just trying to get used to standing on my own. But thank you for holding me,” I say before I could stop myself. I was too scared to look up at him, so I just stood there waiting for what to do next.

  He didn’t say anything, he just reached over me and turned the shower on; putting his hand underneath the spray of water to make sure the temperature was ok for me.

  “Do you want me to help you,” he asked?

  I peek up at him and see him looking down at me with soft caring eyes. I should let him, but he might catch onto the fact that me being so close to him is causing me to go weak in the knees. I want him to take me back to that bed kiss me all over with those soft lips of his. And help me for thinking like this, because I don’t know how being with a man feels like. So I wouldn’t even know how to go about it. I mean all I was ever told by my Mother was to wait for a man that truly loves you before you give all of yourself to him. Wait for the man that will put you before himself. One that will love and cherish you no matter what. So really I shouldn’t be thinking all lustfully about this man right here. I mean he might have a woman, or even worse he might not find someone like me attractive at all.

  “Will you see me,” I ask?

  His left eyebrow arched at the question, and I see a twinkle in his eye. But he quickly shook it off and answered me.

  “What do you mean,” he says.

  I have a feeling that he is trying to get me to say exactly what I’m so nervous about saying. But I keep that to myself and answer him.

  “W..Well, what I meant was if you help me will you see my body,” I manage to eek out softly.

  He gazes down at me, his eyes roaming all over my body. Then he says, “I can see your body now,” with a wicked sexy smile on his face.

  I swallow deep, and smile; all while trying to keep the oncoming shiver I feel building up to a minimum so he won’t see how much he is getting to me.

  “Please don’t look, I’m saving...,” I say but quickly stop before I said the rest.

  Please don’t ask me what I was about to say, I’d just die if I had to tell him that I was saving my body for my husband.

  He nodded and said, “Ok well I will turn my back, but I’m staying right here so I can be here to help you if you need help.”

  He turns around and stands there with his back to me, and I wait for a couple seconds before I start taking off my clothes to wash up.

  Chapter 4 (Carrick)

  Don’t let her see how hard you are right now, I think to myself; as try to calm myself down and kept my hardness from busting thru this damn towel. This girl is so damn hot. She is so sweet and innocent; and damn sexy. I can’t believe that this woman is as sexy as she is, and no one has seen her sweet body. I wonder why?

  Warm water splashes on my back and I stiffen; and I almost turn around to look at her, but I don’t cause I don’t want to scare her.

  “I’m sorry about that, I’m just trying to wash all this salt out of my hair and its harder than I thought it would be,” she says.

  “I can help you with that, if you want,” I say with my back still to her.

  “Umm...well maybe it would be ok,” the young lady says.

  I was completely surprised that she agreed to it. I was just throwing that out there as a hail Mary, never thinking she would say yes.

  I still myself a little more, then I slowly turn around to see that she has her head under the water and her back is to me. Her hair is cascading all the way down her back, stopping right under her juicy bottom. Off to the side, on the ground was her torn dress and what looks like a small leopard print purple bikini. Damn what I wouldn’t give to see her in that thing.

  “You ready,” I ask not wanting to scare her by putting my hands on her without letting her know.

  “Um huh,” she nods.

  Then I slide my
hands into her hair and gently massage her hair. Paying close attention to everything; her scalp, all of that soft hair, from the tips to the roots. When I lift her hair from her body and into my hands, I can see her slim waist and her nicely shaped ass. I feel a little guilty about looking at her, but I can’t help myself. She is so fine.

  “Marissa,” I hear the girl say.

  “What was that,” I ask?

  “I was just thinking that I should thank you, but I didn’t know your name; and I just told you mine.”

  “Thank me for what,” I ask?

  “Well for doing such a great job helping me with my hair,” Marissa says.

  “Oh I see; its Carrick,” I respond. I told her it before, but she probably doesn’t remember. I really don’t want to say anything to embarrass her by reminding her of that, so I just keep massaging her hair.

  “Well Carrick, thank you for everything,” she says looking up at me; not really giving a second thought to the fact that she is standing in front of me naked under the shower head.

  Seemingly like she read my thoughts she quickly grabbed the towel I had hanging on a hook under the shower head and quickly wrapped it around her body. Then steps into me so she doesn’t continue to get wet. My body reacts to the closeness she is to me and I put my arms around her and hold her close. As I am holding her, her hands begin to caress my back. It feels like her hands are searching every inch of my back for something, and it feels great.

  As hard as I try to control myself, I know its not going to work cause my breathing speeds up; and I can feel my dick start to harden underneath the towel that I have around my waist. When she feels me on her stomach, her hands stop their wonderful mission, and she steps back looking into my face with wide eyes.

  Shit. She is mad, I think. But I am quickly corrected when I feel her hand on my chest. I have to bite my lip to keep from moaning. Her hands are so soft. I want to feel those small hands all over my body. Her hands go lower, touching the top of my towel causing it to fall to the floor.


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